Mike Johnson: Problem Is the Human Heart, Not Guns

Every nation on earth has humans and those humans have hearts.

WE have a mass murder and in fact a gun violence problem.

What’s different? Half a billion guns

The humans in other nations that don’t have the second amendments have hearts. Some of their hearts have problems too. Yet they don’t have the weekly bloodbaths we do.

Me thinks it may be the 2nd amendment that is the problem.
hahaha…Liberia and Venezuela….all dark nations have “weekly bloodbaths”.
I know, lets fix our ‘gun problem’ by importing more dark people….that’ll do it.
hahaha…Liberia and Venezuela….all dark nations have “weekly bloodbaths”.
I know, lets fix our ‘gun problem’ by importing more dark people….that’ll do it.
Let’s limit the discussion to first world nations. Ya know… apples to apples
hahaha..but you’re not importing dark people from first world nations…are you?
There’s plenty of “dark people” in France and the UK.

I guess they have better hearts than we do huh?
They have as many “dark people” as we do you fucking racist prick
I just present the facts…if they’re “RACIST” it’s the fault of the perpetrators….you know, your pet humans.
Rather a misinterpretation of the 2A
Remember Sandy Hook? The right wing gun nuts blamed video games and movies. I guess this is progress... In about 500 years, we may get one or two of them to admit that the 2nd Amendment (something that no other nation has looked at and said, "We've got to get one of those") might have something to do with the fact that mentally disturbed people can buy as many guns as they (or their radicalized Islamic Mullahs) can afford. Its sad to say but that might be the ONLY thing that actually moves the needle a little; when Islam takes advantage of our 2nd Amendment and wipes out a lot of people in the name of Allah. But to be honest...I doubt they would move from their position even after that.
So what about the FACT that there are plenty of dark folks in France and the UK and they don’t have nearly the gun violence problem we have?

So much for your racist bullshit
Follow along Tard…I’ve already said dark people aren’t fit for the freedoms we have in America…Do the people of the UK and France have the same freedoms and liberties we have?
Should core Americans lose the freedom they were blessed with so we can safely fit dark people into our society?
Guadalupe…I mean candycorn , you’re welcome to give this scary shit a try as well.
Follow along Tard…I’ve already said dark people aren’t fit for the freedoms we have in America…Do the people of the UK and France have the same freedoms and liberties we have?
Should core Americans lose the freedom they were blessed with so we can safely fit dark people into our society?
Guadalupe…I mean candycorn , you’re welcome to give this scary shit a try as well.
There’s no point intalking to or with blatant racist Trumpers like this guy
For the most part the military discourages the use of automatic fire. That was the reason for the three round burst which has also been discarded
Bump stocks however can imitate auto fire but more importantly
I’m single fire mode there is virtually no difference between an AR and the military version
You can fire with very little recoil as fast as you can twitch a finger

Tell us all that you don't know shit about firearms, without saying that you don't know shit about firearms.
For the most part the military discourages the use of automatic fire. That was the reason for the three round burst which has also been discarded

Bump stocks however can imitate auto fire but more importantly

I’m single fire mode there is virtually no difference between an AR and the military version

You can fire with very little recoil as fast as you can twitch a finger
Burst firing is just a version of automatic fire.

In single fire mode there is no difference between a military rifle and any other civilian semiauto rifle it's a non issue.
Every nation on earth has humans and those humans have hearts.

WE have a mass murder and in fact a gun violence problem.

What’s different? Half a billion guns
We have a law enforcement problem because the "hearts" of the powers that be don't want to actually do anything to stop gun violence.
I’ve owned firearms since I was 10 fukhead and served in the Army as well

Seriously? You've owned firearms for that long, and still, you manage to maintain this level of ignorance about them?

For the most part the military discourages the use of automatic fire. That was the reason for the three round burst which has also been discarded
Bump stocks however can imitate auto fire but more importantly
I’m single fire mode there is virtually no difference between an AR and the military version
You can fire with very little recoil as fast as you can twitch a finger
We register cars. They are (for the most part) all searchable in a national database. We require licensing and training. We require insurance (for the most part). We do not hold guns (especially semi-automatics) to the same standards.

Yes, yes, yes...I get it Rationalization. Blame it on the blacks...dodge, dip, duck, deflect...dodge.

And yes, in big cities, there are criminals who will kill without regard. And it's the innocent that pay.
Check out CNN's gun violence death stories. It cuts across all social lines.

You don’t seem to concerned about the illegals that meander across our Southern border. They are insured. They aren’t llicensed. They can bring anything they want, including guns. We don’t even know who they are or that they are here at all. Hamas and other terrorist groups could simply have their folks infiltrate the US and then activate them. Yeah, yeah, Biden says he supports border security and the Neatherdals that vote for him believe it, despite loads of evidence to the contrary.

By all means, continue you foolish rant about gun safety. We could end up being like those in Israel that were killed by Hamas on 10/7 that didn’t have guns immediately accessible to protect themselves. The hypocrisy and pure idiocy of the left is beyond reproach.

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