Mike Johnson: Problem Is the Human Heart, Not Guns

We don't, Europe is catching up.....and when their hamas supporters decide to do another Oct. 7 in say, London, or Paris......their citizens will wish they had guns....

That you need to compare acts of terror to the every day acts of our citizens should tell you something
That you need to compare acts of terror to the every day acts of our citizens should tell you something

in 2021 there were 21000 murders committed with a gun. Now this spike was undoubtedly related to the COVID bullshit

but even at this elevated level that's .006% of the population that was killed by someone using a gun in 2021.

Does that really sound like our most pressing problem?
in 2021 there were 21000 murders committed with a gun. Now this spike was undoubtedly related to the COVID bullshit

but even at this elevated level that's .006% of the population that was killed by someone using a gun in 2021.

Does that really sound like our most pressing problem?

it is about more than just deaths. But hey, I am sure you are right ,we have no problem in this country with violence, we are the most peaceful, safest country that has ever exited in the history of the entire universe
it is about more than just deaths. But hey, I am sure you are right ,we have no problem in this country with violence, we are the most peaceful, safest country that has ever exited in the history of the entire universe

Look every state governor, city mayor and police dept knows where the most crime takes place, they know where the most murders occur and they do nothing about it.

They almost always drop gun charges in plea deals.

If we want to get serious about gun crime then we have to actually start enforcing our laws.

Every single incidence of illegal gun possession and use is actually a federal crime and needs to be treated as such.

Possession of a firearm by a prohibited person carries a 5 year minimum sentence in federal prison. What do you think would happen if this law was actually enforced?
That's what you want to to require before a person can exercise the right the Second Amendment guarantees.

And you said you were OK to apply that standard to all the other rights enumerated in the Bill of rights.

So take pay for and take a class then register then pay for a permit before you can exercise any rights.
I already said I'm good with it. Go get in line.
Other countries don't have mass killings like we do. Yes, they have some, but nowhere near what we have.
No other nation is as diverse and multicultural as we are.
The great experiment has failed miserably.
The freedom and liberty we have here isn’t something for all cultures.
The OP hit the nail. It is NOT a gun issue, nor even a mental health issue it is a SIN issue. Mankind is so evil and degenerate that violence is but one of the symptoms of the disease. In answer to your question BULLDOG, lies within the pages of Scripture and the Savior who was crucified.

The OP said it was a mental health issue.
“It” is a dark person issue…..”it” is an immorality issue….”it” is an anti-God issue….”it” is having no regard for the sanctity of life.
“IT” is what is manifested and fostered by leftist ideologies.
Possession of a firearm by a prohibited person carries a 5 year minimum sentence in federal prison. What do you think would happen if this law was actually enforced?
HELL NO…the left would never support such an affective imposition….they know too many of their pet human dark people would be arrested/incarcerated with such a law in place.
Golfing Gator and the rest of the left are never really interested in solving problems….For some bizarre reason they see value in being able to talk shit and pretend to care about shit without ever making a move toward resolution. Would they approve of a mandatory 5 year sentence for any illegal caught on American soil? Of course they wouldn’t because they know it would end illegal immigration and their right to pretend to care about the poor “OPPRESSED” brown parasites.
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No other nation is as diverse and multicultural as we are.
The great experiment has failed miserably.
The freedom and liberty we have here isn’t something for all cultures.
What an arrogant crock of shit
AR-15s Were Made to Explode Human Bodies.

I guess it takes a Dragonlady level of ignorance and gullibility to believe that level of blatant bullshit.

In many jurisdictions, it is not legal to use an AR-15 to hunt deer. Do you know why?

It's not deadly enough. There is too much risk of merely injuring the deer, without killing it, causing it to suffer needlessly. In hunting, there is an ethical mandate to kill the animal quickly, and cleanly, to inflicting needless suffering on it.

The round shown on the top, of the image below, is the round that an AR-15 takes.

The round shown below it is a typical deer-hunting round.

View attachment 849916
So you’re saying that an AR is a lousy hunting weapon.

No kidding.

So it’s just a very dangerous toy .

Got it

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