Mike Johnson: Problem Is the Human Heart, Not Guns

Yes, he's right. It's not the (semi-automatic) gun that's the instrument of death, it's mental health. The human heart...where oh where have I heard this before???.............
Probably Everytime one of you traitor bastards goes on a shooting spree.
You get more stupid by the day, don't you? America is greater than anyone else, because we have more mass killings?
And there is, the expected twisting of the facts by a traitor bastard. Now, it may pretend not to understand. All proven, scripted and planned.
The problem comes with enforcement.
Who decides which brains can and can’t get these certain weapons? What is the cutoff? How do we know such human dictations won’t be manipulated against portions of the population?
If there’s one thing to learn from history, it’s to not trust government to make these wide distinctions. Good intentions can produce horrible results. Wisdom is our friend, not to be ignored

Those who most loudly demand the authority to make those determinations are, for the most part the same who have already proven that they are the least to be trusted with any such authority.
Whitehouse spokesperson:

"We absolutely reject the offensive accusation that gun crime is uniquely high in the United States because of Americans' 'hearts.' Gun crime is uniquely high in the United States because congressional Republicans have spent decades choosing the gun industry lobbyists over the lives of innocent Americans."
It's not the size of the round that does the damage, it what it does when it hits the body. The gun was designed for war - so that when you shoott someone, they don't get up.

AR-15s Were Made to Explode Human Bodies.

I guess it takes a Dragonlady level of ignorance and gullibility to believe that level of blatant bullshit.

In many jurisdictions, it is not legal to use an AR-15 to hunt deer. Do you know why?

It's not deadly enough. There is too much risk of merely injuring the deer, without killing it, causing it to suffer needlessly. In hunting, there is an ethical mandate to kill the animal quickly, and cleanly, to inflicting needless suffering on it.

The round shown on the top, of the image below, is the round that an AR-15 takes.

The round shown below it is a typical deer-hunting round.

Whitehouse spokesperson:

"We absolutely reject the offensive accusation that gun crime is uniquely high in the United States because of Americans' 'hearts.' Gun crime is uniquely high in the United States because congressional Republicans have spent decades choosing the gun industry lobbyists over the lives of innocent Americans."

It's hilarious that you think that quoting a representative of one of the most corrupt Presidential administrations that this nation has ever seen, gives any credibility to whatever bullshit point you thought you were making.

It's hilarious that you think that quoting a representative of one of the most corrupt Presidential administrations that this nation has ever seen, gives any credibility to whatever bullshit point you thought you were making.
There's so much projection and outright denial of reality in that post I don't even know where to start.
If we got rid of every single gun in America right now all the guns would be gone, but all the people that use those guns to hurt other people would still be here.
I'd rather live in a society with no crazies, no dopeheads and no criminals than live in a society with no guns.

Of course, the very same filth that want to deny law-abiding human beings our right to keep and bear arms, are the same that openly, unabashedly take the side of those crazies, dopeheads and criminals, against the side of human beings.
There's so much projection and outright denial of reality in that post I don't even know where to start.

You quoted a spokesliar for the Biden Administration, as if there was any truth at all to be found from that source.

What standing do you delusionally image yourself to have, to speak of denying reality?

You quoted a spokesliar for the Biden Administration, as if there was any truth at all to be found from that source.

What standing do you delusionally image yourself to have, to speak of denying reality?

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tRumpling please. The days of Conway's "alternative facts" are over. Mrs potato head isn't at the podium anymore, she's stealing from donors in Arkansas and Spicy is permanently hiding in the bushes.

IOW just because tRump's people lied constantly doesn't mean all press secretaries do.
Of course, the very same filth that want to deny law-abiding human beings our right to keep and bear arms, are the same that openly, unabashedly take the side of those crazies, dopeheads and criminals, against the side of human beings.
Not to mention all Leftists oppose Israel and her right to not only exist. but thrive as a country. Yes, all Democrats support AlQuaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah, the PLO, and other terrorist scumbags.
I'm sure you would be happy to preach a long sermon on that, but the reality is we have mass killings, and thoughts and prayers just aren't helping. What form would your religious ideas take? What exactly do you think we should do today? Do you want to force everyone in the country to practise your religion?
You just don't get it, do you. Gun confiscation is never the answer. Yet you people (and I use that term generously) want to disarm the citizenry. Imagine how well that worked in Mao's China, Soviet Russia, and Nazi Germany.
In any event, it IS the human heart that is at issue. Sin brings with it disordered thinking. Only the life changing power of Jesus Christ is capable of rectifying this.
You just don't get it, do you. Gun confiscation is never the answer. Yet you people (and I use that term generously) want to disarm the citizenry. Imagine how well that worked in Mao's China, Soviet Russia, and Nazi Germany.
In any event, it IS the human heart that is at issue. Sin brings with it disordered thinking. Only the life changing power of Jesus Christ is capable of rectifying this.
Why do you gun nuts always whine about gun confiscation? I never advocated for gun confiscation. Your ramblings about the human heart is nothing more than a dodge.
Its my opinion that most countries treat people more humanely, with free health care, unions, stable career paths, reasonable housing, etc.
The US deliberately causes recessions in order to loot money from suckers who invest in the stock market.
We have the highest foreclosure and homeless rate in the world.
The US also spend as much as the whole rest of the world in the military, in order to constantly be conducting an illegal occupation of some innocent country, like Vietnam, Panama, Grenada, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, etc.
North Vietnam was far from innocent as it murdered civilians who were anti communist

You hate America but the test of the world wishes they were here
Why do you gun nuts always whine about gun confiscation? I never advocated for gun confiscation. Your ramblings about the human heart is nothing more than a dodge.
That makes you a gun-grabbing follower instead of a leader

When libs have the power they will grab like crazy and you’ll be right there with them
Almost all the gun problem is caused by the illegal War on Drugs.
Just like Prohibition, it entices with high profits, but can't use banks or police, so is a cash business that is easily robbed.
End the War on Drugs, and 90% of murders will go away.
Fentinol and heroin are nasty stuff

And just two bad choices druggies make

But dont blame guns for that
That makes you a gun-grabbing follower instead of a leader

When libs have the power they will grab like crazy and you’ll be right there with them
So now you know more about what I will do than I do. You're an idiot.
Why do you gun nuts always whine about gun confiscation? I never advocated for gun confiscation. Your ramblings about the human heart is nothing more than a dodge.
No it isn't. We are a dead creation. Only through Christ can we be made alive

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