Mike Johnson: Problem Is the Human Heart, Not Guns

Other countries don't have mass killings like we do. Yes, they have some, but nowhere near what we have.

BS. You don’t know and they don’t tell you about it. They dont tell you many things you dumb OX. Like the high suicide rate, jumping off 50 story APT buildings like lemmings. Asian countries hide dirty laundry unlike you Americans.
The point is that passing laws reducing the legal guns in the hands of honest people, is not going to reduce the illegal guns in the hand of criminals.
Sure it will.

Might take a while but then the overall prevalence of guns is a whole other problem isn't it.
I strongly disagree.
The genie out of the bottle is technology.
Guns are a minor part of it.
If someone has mental health issues, they are more dangerous with flammables, toxins, explosives, or even vehicles than they are with guns.
Guns make so much noise that they get caught right away.
These other things not only can kill many more at once, but you can keep doing it over and over.
Ted Kaczynski was sending mail bombs for decades before finally caught.

The solution MUST be free health care that picks up on mental health problems early.

Nor are those with mental health issue the main problem we face.
The worst threat of all is the slow decay of the republic into a dictatorship.
Which likely is already way past the time when we should have had another rebellion, and started over.
By 1890, the wealthy elite had taken over and all the politicians are lying to us all the time.
No decent person would even run for office any more.
What is causing such an increase in mental health problems? Fix the disease
The murderers are not going to be slowed down at all in their obtaining means of killing by some additional laws.
Of course they will.

Will some of them still manage? OF course they will. But not all of them.
Most of them were legally purchased. Especially when you narrow it down to mass shootings.

guess you did not see this thread?
Libs have the perfect opportunity to show how serious they are about gun crime.

And so far they are failing to show any serious desire to prohibit it.

guess you did not see this thread?
RWNJ nonsense.
RWNJ nonsense.
Yet no answer.

why does your Big Govt allow known lunatics to suddenly go pass a background check (even posting “I am going to shoot up….so & so”). Almost as-if they arm them, train them, medicate them, direct them to act? Whisper to them when where to go, how to get in. Authorities show up later. Little bit of resistance for show after.
Yet no answer.

why does your Big Govt allow known lunatics to suddenly go pass a background check (even posting “I am going to shoot up….so & so”). Almost as-if they arm them, train them, medicate them, direct them to act?
That was an answer. You just didn't like it.
They let the Vegas guy get tons of ammo and weapons up into a Hotel room. No charges to the Hotel after? No final report? Just silence. The hotel let him park and carried it all up to the rooms for him. Amazing. Not carried into a Gun show or other in a lower level ballroom but up 50 floors. Do they allow ammo crates too? The windows got cut out. No MSM interview bellhops? Consingere? No HS pics of the shooter? dead silent on all. GOVt setup perhaps? Something seems off besides the Stain in here.
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Other countries have a history of top down obedience to the state and civil privileges granted by the king

America is greater than that
You get more stupid by the day, don't you? America is greater than anyone else, because we have more mass killings?
Not really. Since you are not saved I don't expect you to understand what Scripture teaches about the human heart, that Jeremiah describes as "deceitful above all things and desperately wicked" Paul further expounds on it noting there is "no one righteous, not even one". Because of our fallen nature, we can never meet G-d's perfect standard. This is why Yeshua had to come.to the world. To BE the payment for us.
I'm sure you would be happy to preach a long sermon on that, but the reality is we have mass killings, and thoughts and prayers just aren't helping. What form would your religious ideas take? What exactly do you think we should do today? Do you want to force everyone in the country to practise your religion?

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