Mike Johnson: Problem Is the Human Heart, Not Guns

True enough, but the folks with the cultural issues will have a harder time shooting people with less available guns.
Well, that's the hard part. There are, what, 300 million guns already in circulation, many of them illegally owned and easily attained, with more being made as we speak?

This issue has several moving parts, and we don't have enough leaders with the balls to reach across the aisle.
The rest of the first world countries have mental illness, violent video games, racists and other violent assholes, and yet the rest of the first world doesn't have mass shooters. That's because the rest of the first world doesn't give free access to weapons of mass death to anyone with the money to buy one.

Stop pretending that easy accessibility to guns isn't your REAL problem.

Why doesn’t your $7T Big GOVT do its job properly?
It's a reasonable argument to say that this is, at least in part, a cultural issue. We need to look at every part of a problem, not just those that suit us.

True enough, but the folks with the cultural issues will have a harder time shooting people with less available guns.
Oh make no mistake, it’s definitely “cultural”…evidenced by the image below…ALL of America’s problems seem to be “cultural”….because “OUR DIVERSITY IS OUR STRENGTH”
Well, that's the hard part. There are, what, 300 million guns already in circulation, many of them illegally owned and easily attained, with more being made as we speak?

This issue has several moving parts, and we don't have enough leaders with the balls to reach across the aisle.

you dont know any of that BS you posted. You just ASSume from your MSLSD info pile you feed on. You really are a fence-riding sissy boy aren’t you lil’ home O?
So you think guns are a dangerous and addictive thing?

I finally agree with you.

Guns only flowing to criminals would be a worse (like drugs) situation. That is the situation Marxist loons always propose.. Regular decent people need protection. Guns are safe in the right hands.//
"Well, I've been in the job just 48 hours, and we'll see," he said. "It's not the weapon, it's the underlying problem. I believe we have to discuss the root problem of these things. And mental health, as in this case, in a big issue."

Many people can not afford the mental health help they need. I doubt Johnson will do anything to address that.
How could that be, in the age of medicare for those unwilling or unable to work and Obamacare for the working poor, and working class? Democrats won on those issues, big time, and yet mental health gets worse, not better.

The problem is identifying people with mental health issues and convincing them to get the help. Many of them would not accept treatment unless they were incarcerated and forced to accept it.

It would be better for them, and safer for the public, if they could be detained, placed in a secure facility, be treated for their addiction and the underlying mental health problem that led to it, and given long-term therapy until they were capable of being on their own.

But would you want your worst political opponents to be in charge of who is and is not capable of making their own mental health decisions? Because if we put it in the hands of government, that will happen now or later.

That's the catch-22, and I don't know what the solution would be.
The OP hit the nail. It is NOT a gun issue, nor even a mental health issue it is a SIN issue. Mankind is so evil and degenerate that violence is but one of the symptoms of the disease. In answer to your question BULLDOG, lies within the pages of Scripture and the Savior who was crucified.

What a stupid thing to say. Obviousy there are mental health issues, Something is wrong in the people who perform mass killings, Perhaps that is what you call sin. Either way, we are not going to solve all mental problems any time soon. The next best step would be to limit the access to weapons of war for people with mental problems. The weapon of choice for mass killings is always a weapon that was designed specifically to kill people. The blood of the next batch of victims is on the hands of religious nuts/gun nuts, and you should be ashamed.
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"Well, I've been in the job just 48 hours, and we'll see," he said. "It's not the weapon, it's the underlying problem. I believe we have to discuss the root problem of these things. And mental health, as in this case, in a big issue."

Many people can not afford the mental health help they need. I doubt Johnson will do anything to address that.
Mental health starts with the society as a whole

Hollywood glorifies gun violence

And drugs that leads to gun violence
Mental health starts with the society as a whole

Hollywood glorifies gun violence

And drugs that leads to gun violence

People had mental health issues long before Hollywood or even guns.

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