Mike Johnson: Problem Is the Human Heart, Not Guns

The problem comes with enforcement.

Who decides which brains can and can’t get these certain weapons?

Society, just like we do now.

What is the cutoff? How do we know such human dictations won’t be manipulated against portions of the population?

How would that work?

If there’s one thing to learn from history, it’s to not trust government to make these wide distinctions. Good intentions can produce horrible results. Wisdom is our friend, not to be ignored

If he was deemed a risk and addressed that would not have been a "wide distinction".
"Well, I've been in the job just 48 hours, and we'll see," he said. "It's not the weapon, it's the underlying problem. I believe we have to discuss the root problem of these things. And mental health, as in this case, in a big issue."

Many people can not afford the mental health help they need. I doubt Johnson will do anything to address that.
If the Dems used funds for mental health issues instead of funding foreign wars, pampering illegal invaders, and finding ways to disarm honest and law-abiding citizens, maybe there'd be enough money to treat the mentally ill. Of course, they'd have to commit themselves to institutions immediately.
If the Dems used funds for mental health issues instead of funding foreign wars, pampering illegal invaders, and finding ways to disarm honest and law-abiding citizens, maybe there'd be enough money to treat the mentally ill. Of course, they'd have to commit themselves to institutions immediately.

I've argued that for years.
Of course he's right. It's simple logic. The problem isn't guns. Any more than the problem with forest fires is matches or lighters.

I think he means a problem with the human brain, not the heart.

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What about the giant metal boulders that we make go 60+ MPH to transport us that cause 80-100 deaths per day?

Do the cars kill people? Or did the driver?

And.. if you’re so dramatically worried about human life as far as guns, why do you so accept so many predictable deaths via cars?
Let register and license the gun owners and the gun and test the drivers for competency and knowledge of the applicable laws.

Then you can compare the two properly.
I guess other advanced nations have more heart as they have a lower firearm homicide rate. Not really surprising, is it?
Americans are an unruly bunch and always have been. Why else do you think we fought a war to get out from under the thumb of a monarch?

We tend to not like the fucking government telling us what to do.
Until he can perfect his method to change the hearts of every person in the country, we need some legislation to keep all those defective hearts from killing so many people. Universal background checks would be a good but minimal start.
We already have that legislation it's just that no one is enforcing the gun laws we have on the books
We register cars. They are (for the most part) all searchable in a national database. We require licensing and training. We require insurance (for the most part). We do not hold guns (especially semi-automatics) to the same standards.

Yes, yes, yes...I get it Rationalization. Blame it on the blacks...dodge, dip, duck, deflect...dodge.

And yes, in big cities, there are criminals who will kill without regard. And it's the innocent that pay.
Check out CNN's gun violence death stories. It cuts across all social lines.
You do not have to register a car that you will not drive on public roads.

Driving on publicly owned roads is a privilege granted by the states and that privilege can be revoked at any time for almost any reason
It's a reasonable argument to say that this is, at least in part, a cultural issue. We need to look at every part of a problem, not just those that suit us.
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Let register and license the gun owners and the gun and test the drivers for competency and knowledge of the applicable laws.

Then you can compare the two properly.
If you want to do that for the 2nd Amendment then you have to do it for all Amendments.
A lot of money and effort goes into making cars as safe as possible. Fortunately, we see the harm that can come from the use of cars, and try to reduce it, unlike gun nuts who don't care about harm that is caused by the use of guns.


I am not responsible for the actions of other people who use guns, cars or anything else.
Shit..this argument..again??? :auiqs.jpg:

OK, I'll play. Registration...as in a national database that can be searched via a VIN number. Driver's Ed (training), Insurance...

When it comes to guns, why do you knuckleheads always revert to the cars argument??
yeah. Sure. All drivers have a license and registration. My wife was broadsided by a 15 year old unlicensed driver. She had no injuries, but the driver had no repercussions because she was .........well......unlicensed.
You are confused Moon Bat.

The AR was the weapon of choice for the Moon Bat Tranny that shot up a school in Nashville.

The AR was the weapon of choice for the goddamn Beaner shithead that shot up the school in Uvalde.

The AR was the weapon of choice for the Muslim that shot up the queer bar in Orlando.

The AR was the weapon of choice for the hateful TDS afflicted Democrat sonofabitch that shot up the Republican baseball practice in DC.

Since you are confused about things like this do you want me to list more?
Gee imagine that. the single most popular rifle in the country is used in crimes.

The single most popular car is also used in crimes
The rest of the first world countries have mental illness, violent video games, racists and other violent assholes, and yet the rest of the first world doesn't have mass shooters. That's because the rest of the first world doesn't give free access to weapons of mass death to anyone with the money to buy one.

Stop pretending that easy accessibility to guns isn't your REAL problem.
Mass shootings still only account for about 1% of all murders.

It's not as big of a problem as you all want to believe.
Gee imagine that. the single most popular rifle in the country is used in crimes.

The single most popular car is also used in crimes
You know I was responding to a Moon Bat post saying that the AR was the weapon of choice for Evil White people. Just pointing out that others used it also.

However, the weapons of choice for the great majority of gun crime in the US are cheap handguns used by Black and Brown druggies, gang bangers and street thugs. The ones living in Democrat controlled big city ghetto shitholes.

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