Mike Johnson: Problem Is the Human Heart, Not Guns

But why is there no wailing from the 80-100 car deaths per day from you?

Where is the blaming of cars?

Do cars kill people? Why aren't you advocating to hold Ford and Chevy responsible for these deaths??
A lot of money and effort goes into making cars as safe as possible. Fortunately, we see the harm that can come from the use of cars, and try to reduce it, unlike gun nuts who don't care about harm that is caused by the use of guns.
But you, Joe Biden, the MSM, and Democrats don't seem to care. You never talk about it.

Why don't you care about the innocent who die?
Care about what? Make some sense here. Democrats are the only ones talking about sensible gun control measures.
Republicans (like Mr Speaker) don't think now is the time to get into this discussion...it's not about guns, it's about the human heart. :)
Dude. You don't hear about the individual homicides..unless you are looking at every small town and city...and large city on a daily basis.

If 50 homicides happen in Chicago on a weekend (which has happened many times), why don't you, Joe Biden, the MSM, and leftists care? None of them were "mass shootings", but 50 people are dead... and there's no addressing it.

Yet, when one mass shooting happens when 5, 10, 20 people are killed, you're all over it.

Why do you care more about less people dead?
Care about what? Make some sense here. Democrats are the only ones talking about sensible gun control measures.
Define "sensible"... and make sure you say things that Republicans don't agree with, because it's common for leftists to say people in the GOP aren't for, or haven't acted against, loopholes.
Republicans (like Mr Speaker) don't think now is the time to get into this discussion...it's not about guns, it's about the human heart. :)
But you only have a human heart for specific instances, not overall .
He's already claimed that Earth is only 6000 yrs. old.

His brain is equal to 5.
Not that I agree with him, being a Catholic, but how will that affect his ability to be a politician? What American institution will be harmed by this belief, and how?
"Well, I've been in the job just 48 hours, and we'll see," he said. "It's not the weapon, it's the underlying problem. I believe we have to discuss the root problem of these things. And mental health, as in this case, in a big issue."

Many people can not afford the mental health help they need. I doubt Johnson will do anything to address that.
How about people taking personal responsibility to deal with problems rather than expecting the government to fix things for them?

The Liberals decided to do away with nut houses several decades ago and this is the consequence.
The human brain is to blame for everything - good and bad. The heart has nothing to do with it. The brain can be defective or poorly developed due to nature or nurture. Therefore, certain brains should not have access to certain weapons.

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How about people taking personal responsibility to deal with problems rather than expecting the government to fix things for them?

The Liberals decided to do away with nut houses several decades ago and this is the consequence.
You are confused Moon Bat.

The AR was the weapon of choice for the Moon Bat Tranny that shot up a school in Nashville.

The AR was the weapon of choice for the goddamn Beaner shithead that shot up the school in Uvalde.

The AR was the weapon of choice for the Muslim that shot up the queer bar in Orlando.

The AR was the weapon of choice for the hateful TDS afflicted Democrat sonofabitch that shot up the Republican baseball practice in DC.

Since you are confused about things like this do you want me to list more?
Of course he's right. It's simple logic. The problem isn't guns. Any more than the problem with forest fires is matches or lighters.

The rest of the first world countries have mental illness, violent video games, racists and other violent assholes, and yet the rest of the first world doesn't have mass shooters. That's because the rest of the first world doesn't give free access to weapons of mass death to anyone with the money to buy one.

Stop pretending that easy accessibility to guns isn't your REAL problem.
What about the giant metal boulders that we make go 60+ MPH to transport us that cause 80-100 deaths per day?
Do the cars kill people? Or did the driver?
And.. if you’re so dramatically worried about human life as far as guns, why do you so accept so many predictable deaths via cars?

Or even more, by a few orders of magnitude, via abortion?
The human brain is to blame for everything - good and bad. The heart has nothing to do with it. The brain can be defective or poorly developed due to nature or nurture. Therefore, certain brains should not have access to certain weapons.

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The problem comes with enforcement.

Who decides which brains can and can’t get these certain weapons? What is the cutoff? How do we know such human dictations won’t be manipulated against portions of the population?

If there’s one thing to learn from history, it’s to not trust government to make these wide distinctions. Good intentions can produce horrible results. Wisdom is our friend, not to be ignored

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