Mike Johnson: Problem Is the Human Heart, Not Guns

Guns only flowing to criminals would be a worse (like drugs) situation. That is the situation Marxist loons always propose.. Regular decent people need protection. Guns are safe in the right hands.//
Do you know where the guns most criminal have came from?
Do you know where the guns most criminal have came from?
Many are stolen from non-criminal citizens

Unfortunately libs do not want to send criminals away for long stretched unless they actually kill someone

Instead mere illegal procession should get 3-5 years mandatory
If we got rid of every single gun in America right now all the guns would be gone, but all the people that use those guns to hurt other people would still be here.

I'd rather live in a society with no crazies, no dopeheads and no criminals than live in a society with no guns.
What a stupid thing to say. Obviousy there are mental health issues, Something is wrong in the people who perform mass killings, Perhaps that is what you call sin. Either way, we are not going to solve all mental problems any time soon. The next best step would be to limit the access to weapons of war for people with mental problems. The weapon of choice for mass killings is always a weapon that was designed specifically to kill people. The blood of the next batch of victims is on the hands of religious nuts/gun nuts, and you should be ashamed.
Not really. Since you are not saved I don't expect you to understand what Scripture teaches about the human heart, that Jeremiah describes as "deceitful above all things and desperately wicked" Paul further expounds on it noting there is "no one righteous, not even one". Because of our fallen nature, we can never meet G-d's perfect standard. This is why Yeshua had to come.to the world. To BE the payment for us.
Other countries have a history of top down obedience to the state and civil privileges granted by the king

America is greater than that

Its my opinion that most countries treat people more humanely, with free health care, unions, stable career paths, reasonable housing, etc.
The US deliberately causes recessions in order to loot money from suckers who invest in the stock market.
We have the highest foreclosure and homeless rate in the world.
The US also spend as much as the whole rest of the world in the military, in order to constantly be conducting an illegal occupation of some innocent country, like Vietnam, Panama, Grenada, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, etc.
Many are stolen from non-criminal citizens

Unfortunately libs do not want to send criminals away for long stretched unless they actually kill someone

Instead mere illegal procession should get 3-5 years mandatory

Almost all the gun problem is caused by the illegal War on Drugs.
Just like Prohibition, it entices with high profits, but can't use banks or police, so is a cash business that is easily robbed.
End the War on Drugs, and 90% of murders will go away.
What about the giant metal boulders that we make go 60+ MPH to transport us that cause 80-100 deaths per day?

Do the cars kill people? Or did the driver?

And.. if you’re so dramatically worried about human life as far as guns, why do you so accept so many predictable deaths via cars?
Because the guns vs. cars argument is a stupid false equivalence argument. :rolleyes:
Anyone can buy an illegal gun from anyone who sells drugs, which is a lot of people.
That is true, but most legally bought guns are not then used in crimes.
So the idea of adding more gun control laws only harms the honest people and does nothing to stop the dishonest.
And there you go, supporting mass murder and justifying it.
What a stupid thing to say. Obviously there are mental health issues, Something is wrong in the people who perform mass killings, Perhaps that is what you call sin. Either way, we are not going to solve all mental problems any time soon. The next best step would be to limit the access to weapons of war for people with mental problems. The weapon of choice for mass killings is always a weapon that was designed specifically to kill people. The blood of the next batch of victims is on the hands of religious nuts/gun nuts, and you should be ashamed.

I strongly disagree.
The genie out of the bottle is technology.
Guns are a minor part of it.
If someone has mental health issues, they are more dangerous with flammables, toxins, explosives, or even vehicles than they are with guns.
Guns make so much noise that they get caught right away.
These other things not only can kill many more at once, but you can keep doing it over and over.
Ted Kaczynski was sending mail bombs for decades before finally caught.

The solution MUST be free health care that picks up on mental health problems early.

Nor are those with mental health issue the main problem we face.
The worst threat of all is the slow decay of the republic into a dictatorship.
Which likely is already way past the time when we should have had another rebellion, and started over.
By 1890, the wealthy elite had taken over and all the politicians are lying to us all the time.
No decent person would even run for office any more.
More guns in the right places carried by the right people

For instance every public school in America deserves the same protection as a judge and his courthouse gets


In my senior year in high school, 2 were killed in knife fights.
The PTA demanded there be armed teachers and staff after that.
No more knife fights or any deaths.

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