Mike Johnson: Problem Is the Human Heart, Not Guns

Your brain has a hard time understanding the massive difference in scale we are talking about here.

There are 3 trillion trees on earth. That’s a lot.

The same number of molecules exist inside a simple tiny bacteria.

Your brain is simply not equipped to understand the dimensions we are talking about and so your analogy about a cabin in the woods is wrong, and for more reasons than just that.

I am not getting into another evolution or Big Bang debate. Suffice to say that you can choose to believe that the seemingly infinite complexity of life and non-life and everything around us was created by pure chance and I will believe that God had a hand it it. I can at least acknowledge the beliefs of those that are agnostic or believe in a different god than I do, but atheists really aren’t being intellectually honest with themselves.
What about the giant metal boulders that we make go 60+ MPH to transport us that cause 80-100 deaths per day?

Do the cars kill people? Or did the driver?

And.. if you’re so dramatically worried about human life as far as guns, why do you so accept so many predictable deaths via cars?
Thanks for that...

Do we allow anyone to drive a car or do we have to pass a test?

Is you car checked for being road worthy?

Is there mandatory safety laws around operating your vehicle?

There is also usage, lets compare car usage to gun usage... which are used more a day in the US? How many times to you go shooting for over an hour...
I am not getting into another evolution or Big Bang debate. Suffice to say that you can choose to believe that the seemingly infinite complexity of life and non-life and everything around us was created by pure chance and I will believe that God had a hand it it. I can at least acknowledge the beliefs of those that are agnostic or believe in a different god than I do, but atheists really aren’t being intellectually honest with themselves.
Who isn’t acknowledging your beliefs? We all know there are a lot of people who believe in the “god did it” story.

What I won’t do is treat science and faith as equivalent. They aren’t. They don’t exist in the same space. It would be intellectually dishonest to say they could.
You have quite the imagination. Don’t hurt yourself when you make leaps like that

How is that my imagination? You don’t believe that those crossing the border illegally can bring guns? Seriously?
How is that my imagination? You don’t believe that those crossing the border illegally can bring guns? Seriously?
Why would they bother when it’s super easy to just get them here?
I know this because we had a Census in 2020, and they didn't count ONE FETUS as a resident of the US. If you were still a fetus on April 30th, even a ninth month fetus who was born on May 1st, you were not counted.

And yet a person can be charged with double murder for killing a pregnant woman.

Unborn Victims of Violence Act - The law defines "child in utero" as "a member of the species Homo sapiens, at any stage of development, who is carried in the womb."
And yet a person can be charged with double murder for killing a pregnant woman.

Unborn Victims of Violence Act - The law defines "child in utero" as "a member of the species Homo sapiens, at any stage of development, who is carried in the womb."
Right wing anti-abortion laws
Why would they bother when it’s super easy to just get them here?

Ok, lets try this again. If guns were made completely illegal in the US, would that prevent criminals from having them? No. Would that prevent illegals from walking across the border with them? No. Would it prevent law abiding citizens from possesssing guns? Yes. Now, put two and two together and figure it out.

I swear, something is wrong with leftist brain.
Ok, lets try this again. If guns were made completely illegal in the US, would that prevent criminals from having them? No. Would that prevent illegals from walking across the border with them? No. Would it prevent law abiding citizens from possesssing guns? Yes. Now, put two and two together and figure it out.

I swear, something is wrong with leftist brain.
You really can make some leaps huh?

If guns were completely illegal, it would be exceedingly rare for illegal immigrants to bring them in… actually it’s already exceedingly rare now.
Right wing anti-abortion laws

And a completely justified one. You don’t believe that a person should be charged with double murder if they killed a pregnant woman that was in labor on the way to the hospital to deliver? You don’t believe that unborn child is a person?
And a completely justified one. You don’t believe that a person should be charged with double murder if they killed a pregnant woman that was in labor on the way to the hospital to deliver? You don’t believe that unborn child is a person?
Says the right wing anti-abortion nut
You really can make some leaps huh?

If guns were completely illegal, it would be exceedingly rare for illegal immigrants to bring them in… actually it’s already exceedingly rare now.

You can’t possibly be this naive can you? If an illegal crosses our unsecured border with bad intent, of course they will bring a gun. I realize that all that cross don’t have bad intentions, but it is just plain ridiculous that you don’t think that are enemies would use this method to gain access into our country, particularly terrorists organizations. It is common sense really. I’m not really sure why this is even an argument.
Let me guess, you believe that life(organic) formed from inorganic material that, in and of itself, just poof, appeared, just like that, given billions of years of course. Yeah, ok, you go with that completely non-scientific explanation. If I see a cabin deep in the woods, I assume it was the result of intelligent design, not that a bunch of trees just happened to fall to create such a structure. My hunch is that no matter how long I waited, trees will never, ever, never fall to create such a thing, but hey, that is just me.
Anyone who believes that the Earth is only 6000 years old is an idiot, Johnson included.

Anyone who belives that shouldn't be allowed to operate kitchen appliances.
And a completely justified one. You don’t believe that a person should be charged with double murder if they killed a pregnant woman that was in labor on the way to the hospital to deliver? You don’t believe that unborn child is a person?

No, he only killed one person, so he should be charged with one murder.

We've seen how these laws have been abused, such as Scott Peterson, who was sent to prison on dubious evidence because people were outraged by a dead fetus.
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I guess other advanced nations have more heart as they have a lower firearm homicide rate. Not really surprising, is it?
They don't have Democrat run inner city shitholes. Take those out of Americas equation and we are right in line with everyone else.

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