Mike Johnson: Problem Is the Human Heart, Not Guns

You don’t seem to concerned about the illegals that meander across our Southern border. They are insured. They aren’t llicensed. They can bring anything they want, including guns. We don’t even know who they are or that they are here at all. Hamas and other terrorist groups could simply have their folks infiltrate the US and then activate them. Yeah, yeah, Biden says he supports border security and the Neatherdals that vote for him believe it, despite loads of evidence to the contrary.

By all means, continue you foolish rant about gun safety. We could end up being like those in Israel that were killed by Hamas on 10/7 that didn’t have guns immediately accessible to protect themselves. The hypocrisy and pure idiocy of the left is beyond reproach.
Those people...are here to work. Not to cause trouble.
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No, he only killed one person, so he should be charged with one murder.

We've seen how these laws have been abused, such as Scott Peterson, who was sent to prison on dubious evidence because people were outraged by a dead fetus.

Obviously you are one of those that believes a baby can be aborted at any time, including just before birth. You are just evil, plain and simple. You are also the reason that many are pro-life, because the radicals like yourself support abortions up to the moment of birth. There is no reasonable argument at that point that the baby is not a person.
Obviously you are one of those that believes a baby can be aborted at any time, including just before birth. You are just evil, plain and simple.

Nobody is having an abortion in the last trimester unless the fetus is severely deformed or it is a threat to the woman's life. Do you really think there's a woman out there who is going to go through nine months of morning sickness and body distortion and then say, "Fuck it, I'm having an abortion!"

You are also the reason that many are pro-life, because the radicals like yourself support abortions up to the moment of birth.

Bullshit. The only reason we have people who are anti-abortion is a combination of religious fanatism and misogyny. Please, please, please don't tell me any of you people give a fuck about children. If you did, you wouldn't constantly be trying to slash school lunches to give tax breaks to billionaires. What upsets you is that a woman can take control of her own life.

There is no reasonable argument at that point that the baby is not a person.
Except legally, it isn't seen as one.

It's not counted for tax purposes if it isn't born before Dec 31 of that year.
It isn't counted on a Census if it isn't born before May 1st on a Census year.

Mike Johnson: Problem Is the Human Heart, Not Guns​

That's why heartless countries make heartless weapon laws and do not have so many dead hearts of murdered heartfelt people.
There is no reasonable argument at that point that the baby is not a person.
Except legally, it isn't seen as one.

And here, we get to the real root of the entire problem.

It's not guns. It's a society that devalue human life, to the point of denying the very humanity of its most innocent and defenseless members, and establishing a “right” to murder them in cold blood. You simply cannot do this, without creating a society in which all human life is devalued, and in which many will regard it as more acceptable to murder anyone, at any age.
And here, we get to the real root of the entire problem.

It's not guns. It's a society that devalue human life, to the point of denying the very humanity of its most innocent and defenseless members, and establishing a “right” to murder them in cold blood. You simply cannot do this, without creating a society in which all human life is devalued, and in which many will regard it as more acceptable to murder anyone, at any age.

Except- Europe has more liberal abortion laws than America has. Shit, most European governments PAY for the abortions.

They don't have guns.

They have nowhere near our murder rates.
Except legally, it isn't seen as one.

It's not counted for tax purposes if it isn't born before Dec 31 of that year.
It isn't counted on a Census if it isn't born before May 1st on a Census year.

It makes sense that a baby wouldn’t be counted in the census nor on taxes because the baby is still one with the mother at that point. It is for the same reason a pregnant woman doesn’t have to buy two bus tickets. However, that doesn’t make the baby any less a person. And as I pointed out, a person can be charged with double-murder for killing a pregnant woman. You say that is a bad law, I disagree.
Except- Europe has more liberal abortion laws than America has. Shit, most European governments PAY for the abortions.

They don't have guns.

They have nowhere near our murder rates.

Move to Europe, but keep in mind they aren’t nearly as diverse, in general, and most countries require voter id to vote. There is also that they need the US to protect them because they spend the majority of their money on social programs.
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It makes sense that a baby wouldn’t be counted in the census nor on taxes because the baby is still one with the mother at that point. It is for the same reason a pregnant woman doesn’t have to buy two bus tickets.

Actually, they don't charge for a bus ticket for children below a certain age. But those children are counted when they are born.

However, that doesn’t make the baby any less a person. And as I pointed out, a person can be charged with double-murder for killing a pregnant woman. You say that is a bad law, I disagree.

It's a stupid law because it's been used to persecute women who have had miscarriages.

Move to Europe, but keep in mind they aren’t nearly as diverse, in general, and most countries require voter id to vote. There is also that they need the US to protect them because they spend the majority of their money on social programs.
Protect them from whom? Most of our wars haven't been anywhere near Europe.

They've mostly been in the Middle East fighting whoever the Zionists are afraid of this week.
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Especially when it illustrates the weakness of your position
It doesn't at all.

I, like the vast majority of gun owners, have never killed anyone, never committed a crime and never plan to do either.

I, unlike you, realize that gun owners who will never kill anyone or commit a crime are not responsible for those people that use guns to kill people and commit crimes.

All we have to do to to reduce the crime and murder rate is enforce the gun laws we have on the books and we refuse to do so.
It doesn't at all.

I, like the vast majority of gun owners, have never killed anyone, never committed a crime and never plan to do either.

I, unlike you, realize that gun owners who will never kill anyone or commit a crime are not responsible for those people that use guns to kill people and commit crimes.

All we have to do to to reduce the crime and murder rate is enforce the gun laws we have on the books and we refuse to do so.
Keeping guns away from people with mental issues doesn’t affect you at all, unless you think you have those kinds of mental issues
It doesn't at all.

I, like the vast majority of gun owners, have never killed anyone, never committed a crime and never plan to do either.

I, unlike you, realize that gun owners who will never kill anyone or commit a crime are not responsible for those people that use guns to kill people and commit crimes.

All we have to do to to reduce the crime and murder rate is enforce the gun laws we have on the books and we refuse to do so.

Except we don't have the prison space to lock up "any black person we catch with a gun" (and yes, that WILL be the only people these laws will be enforced on!)

The vast majority of gun murders are domestic arguments that turned into tragedy because someone had a gun available. Or someone like Robert Card who was an otherwise ordinary guy who one day lost his marbles.
Keeping guns away from people with mental issues doesn’t affect you at all, unless you think you have those kinds of mental issues

And we have laws that address that but we do not enforce them.
Except we don't have the prison space to lock up "any black person we catch with a gun" (and yes, that WILL be the only people these laws will be enforced on!)

The vast majority of gun murders are domestic arguments that turned into tragedy because someone had a gun available. Or someone like Robert Card who was an otherwise ordinary guy who one day lost his marbles.

Oh the racist idiot strikes again

IDGAF what color anyone's skin is unlike you.

And no the vast majority of domestic arguments do not become murders. If they did our murder rate would be a fuck of a lot higher.
Ah, and this is what worries the gun fetishists... someone actually wondering about their psychological makeup and tiny "endowments".

Still obsessing over the penises of other men I see.

I guess that's your fetish
And we have laws that address that but we do not enforce them.
Why do you suppose that is? Could it be opposition to those laws from people like you?

Maine had a “yellow flag” law that requires so many hurdles that they failed in the Card situation. Everything was there to stop him owning guns EXCEPT the actual act of getting an order to remove them. Why? Fear of backlash from folks like you

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