Mike Johnson: Problem Is the Human Heart, Not Guns

Tell ya what. I’m not going to back searching through your garbage posts.

More productively , going forward, let’s see what your posts are like..

If you remain civil you have my apologies.

If not.. well…

Like I need to prove anything to you.
It's only called a "crime" when someone is arrested.

When they get let off with a warning, amazingly, they have no criminal record.

Willful ignorance + cognitive dissonance is quite a strong combination.

Actually, until the attack, all I heard from the Ammosexuals is how they wished that we were more like Israel as they showed pictures of hot ladies carrying M16s. Until the Zionists got their sorry asses handed to them with homemade drones, and then it's "Oh, Boo-hoo, if only we had more weapons" after we've spent 50 years arming these cocksuckers to the teeth.

Most of the Israeli's that were attacked didn't have weapons readily available. There are many lefties in Israel that suffer from the same mind-numbing stupidity and gullibility as yourself. Savages like Hamas cannot be reasoned with or placated. Most Israeli's are now arming themselves, even the more liberal ones. I'm still not sure if the lightbulb is fully lit though. If they are anything like the liberals in this country, they are a little slow to catch on.

BTW, I would prefer you at least make an attempt to hide your anti-Semitism.

Yes, yes, yes, you guys have been singing this song for the last 20 years, and those imaginary Muslim Prayer Rugs they've littered the desert with, supposedly.

And you know what, everyone who has attacked us either came here on a valid Visa or was born here and radicalized through social media. When a homegrown nut like the Pulse nightclub shooter can walk into a store and buy an AR-15, why would they need to sneak someone across the border?

Yes, there are many that want to kill us(baking them cakes won't fix it) and yes, they can buy an AK if they would like. The point is that our border is less secure than ever because people like you live with your heads in the sand and act as if there is just no way that bad people would cross our borders. My point about guns was that if we did make AK's, for example, illegal, those crossing our border illegally and with bad intentions would simply bring some with them. Logically this would result in law abiding citizens being at a clear disadvantage. For some childish reason, you believe this is not possible, but in reality, it is a very rudimentary and easy for terrorists to gain access and do damage to the US. I don't expect you do understand it.
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Yes, there are many that want to kill us(baking them cakes won't fix it) and yes, they can buy an AK if they would like. The point is that our border is less secure than ever because people like you live with your heads in the sand and act as if there is just no way that bad people would cross our borders. My point about guns was that if we did make AK's, for example, illegal, those crossing our border illegally and with bad intentions would simply bring some with them. Logically this would result in law abiding citizens being at a clear disadvantage. For some childish reason, you believe this is not possible, but in reality, it is a very rudimentary and easy for terrorists to gain access and do damage to the US. I don't expect you do understand it.

He understands. That is what he wants. He is openly on the side of terrorists and criminals and perverts and other subhuman filth, and against the side of human beings. He wants human beings to be disarmed, so that the various forms of subhuman filth can more easily and safely prey on us.
Most of the Israeli's that were attacked didn't have weapons readily available. There are many lefties in Israel that suffer from the same mind-numbing stupidity and gullibility as yourself. Savages like Hamas cannot be reasoned with or placated. Most Israeli's are now arming themselves, even the more liberal ones. I'm still not sure if the lightbulb is fully lit though. If they are anything like the liberals in this country, they are a little slow to catch on.

And they'll still have the problem that hundreds of thousands of people want to murder them because they stole their lands and killed their loved ones.

BTW, I would prefer you at least make an attempt to hide your anti-Semitism.

I would prefer if you guys would stop trying to hide your slavish devotion to Zionism under "Anti-Semitism". The Palestinians are more a "Semitic" people than the Jews are, because they haven't been interbreeding with Europeans for 2000 years.

Yes, there are many that want to kill us(baking them cakes won't fix it) and yes, they can buy an AK if they would like. The point is that our border is less secure than ever because people like you live with your heads in the sand and act as if there is just no way that bad people would cross our borders.

Again, "Border Security" is a joke. If you guys really wanted to stop border crossing, reform immigration and enforce employment laws. The idea you can build a fence and keep people out is silly. If oceans and mountains can be overcome, anything built by man can be overcome.

My point about guns was that if we did make AK's, for example, illegal, those crossing our border illegally and with bad intentions would simply bring some with them.

Again, would be kind of a waste of effort, when it would be far easier to recruit some disaffected person on the internet, which is what they did with Maj. Hasan (the Ft. Hood Shooter), Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik, (the San Bernadino shooters) or Omar Matteen (the Pulse Nightclub shooter). Probably easier now that Elon has gotten rid of all moderation on Twitter.

Logically this would result in law abiding citizens being at a clear disadvantage. For some childish reason, you believe this is not possible, but in reality, it is a very rudimentary and easy for terrorists to gain access and do damage to the US. I don't expect you do understand it.
Again, probabilities. A gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy, much less a terrorist.
He understands. That is what he wants. He is openly on the side of terrorists and criminals and perverts and other subhuman filth, and against the side of human beings. He wants human beings to be disarmed, so that the various forms of subhuman filth can more easily and safely prey on us.
Naw, Bob, I just realize guns are the problem, not the solution.

Other countries that ban guns DON'T HAVE OUR CRIME AND MURDER RATES.

There's a reason for that.
And they'll still have the problem that hundreds of thousands of people want to murder them because they stole their lands and killed their loved ones.

Yes they will have that problem, but it isn't because they stole their land.

I would prefer if you guys would stop trying to hide your slavish devotion to Zionism under "Anti-Semitism". The Palestinians are more a "Semitic" people than the Jews are, because they haven't been interbreeding with Europeans for 2000 years.

So what? Israel is a country and they have a right to defend their sovereignty. Just because you don't like the fact that they are a country doesn't make it any less a fact. For a guy that votes for a bunch of globalists, you sure seem to care an awful a lot about Palestine's sovereignty...not so much ours though.

Again, "Border Security" is a joke. If you guys really wanted to stop border crossing, reform immigration and enforce employment laws. The idea you can build a fence and keep people out is silly. If oceans and mountains can be overcome, anything built by man can be overcome.

No dope, walls work in the sense they slow people down and give border security enough time to respond to incursions, which could be caught on camera. There is a reason that virtually every place in the world that wishes to secure a perimeter uses some type of physical barricade.

Again, probabilities. A gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy, much less a terrorist.

LOL...for a supposed ex-military guy, you are quite a little wimp. I bet you cower in the corner at the site of a Red Rider.
I doubt if anyone ever quoted Nancy Pelosi so why is Mike Johnson so popular?
Yes they will have that problem, but it isn't because they stole their land.

Not sure how else you could characterize it. They went in there with force of arms and took other people's land.

So what? Israel is a country and they have a right to defend their sovereignty. Just because you don't like the fact that they are a country doesn't make it any less a fact. For a guy that votes for a bunch of globalists, you sure seem to care an awful a lot about Palestine's sovereignty...not so much ours though.

Our Sovereignty isn't at issue. You want to keep illegals out, go after the rich people who keep giving them jobs because they don't want to pay an American a fair wage.

The Zionist Entity is an apartheid state, like South Africa. It has no sovereignty because it is premised on disenfranchising and suppressing the indigenous population.

If the Israelis gave the vote to every Palestinian on the West Bank and Gaza and let Fatah and Hamas seat members in the Knesset, Israel wouldn't exist in it's current form.

No dope, walls work in the sense they slow people down and give border security enough time to respond to incursions, which could be caught on camera. There is a reason that virtually every place in the world that wishes to secure a perimeter uses some type of physical barricade.

You realize that securing a building is different than securing open air, right?

LOL...for a supposed ex-military guy, you are quite a little wimp. I bet you cower in the corner at the site of a Red Rider.
Here's the thing, before the military gave me a gun, they gave me weeks of training, after I was carefully screened. (I even had to fill out extra paperwork because my dad wasn't born in this country, even though he had served in the US Army in WWII). I was part of a chain of command that was strictly controlled. They just didn't hand me a weapon and a bag of ammo and told me to go to town.
Not sure how else you could characterize it. They went in there with force of arms and took other people's land.

For starters, there is such a thing as the spoils of war. Secondly, it didn’t go down like that. The UN was involved.

Our Sovereignty isn't at issue. You want to keep illegals out, go after the rich people who keep giving them jobs because they don't want to pay an American a fair wage.

Yes, it is an issue. Maybe you don’t realize that there are people coming here to get on the US government dole and have babies that automatically become US citizens. There are also people coming here with ill intent. Everybody crossing our border is not coming to work, which is why we need a much higher level of security and our vetting process should be much more stringent, including at end to birthright citizenship, particularly for illegals. This is what most other civilized countries do.

The Zionist Entity is an apartheid state, like South Africa. It has no sovereignty because it is premised on disenfranchising and suppressing the indigenous population.

And again you have it exactly backwards. Hamas’ charter is not just to end the Israeli state, but to kill all the Jews. For some reason, I don’t think this really bothers you much.

If the Israelis gave the vote to every Palestinian on the West Bank and Gaza and let Fatah and Hamas seat members in the Knesset, Israel wouldn't exist in it's current form.

Why on earth would they do that? Maybe we should allow Mexico to vote in our elections to so they can put in someone sympathetic to their causes. Oh wait, that is kind of the ultimate Democratic plan with the open Southern border.

You realize that securing a building is different than securing open air, right?

No difference at all other than a larger area. The Berlin walked worked. Funny thing about it, was that it was Communist East Germany trying to keep their people from fleeing to what they referred to as the “fascist” West Germany side.

Here's the thing, before the military gave me a gun, they gave me weeks of training, after I was carefully screened. (I even had to fill out extra paperwork because my dad wasn't born in this country, even though he had served in the US Army in WWII). I was part of a chain of command that was strictly controlled. They just didn't hand me a weapon and a bag of ammo and told me to go to town.

Despite what you may think, shooting a gun is not rocket science. Point it at your target an pull the trigger in the very basic sense. A homeowner who is just trying to protect themselves doesn’t need to now how to disassemble and clean a gun, shoot from a foxhole, clear a jam, or become a marksman of any sort. The current training for a someone holding a gun permit requires plenty of basic instruction for simple home defense use.
For starters, there is such a thing as the spoils of war. Secondly, it didn’t go down like that. The UN was involved.

Actually, that's exactly the problem. The UN had no business giving away Palestinian land, and neither did the British.

If the UN ruled that your state should be returned to the Native Americans, I don't think you'd be praising the UN.

Yes, it is an issue. Maybe you don’t realize that there are people coming here to get on the US government dole and have babies that automatically become US citizens. There are also people coming here with ill intent. Everybody crossing our border is not coming to work, which is why we need a much higher level of security and our vetting process should be much more stringent, including at end to birthright citizenship, particularly for illegals. This is what most other civilized countries do.

You fear of "the other" really isn't my problem. My father was an immigrant, my wife is an immigrant. Immigrants make America great.

And, no, Birthright Citizenship is just fine. We don't need to mess with the Constitution because you are an inbred bigot.

And again you have it exactly backwards. Hamas’ charter is not just to end the Israeli state, but to kill all the Jews. For some reason, I don’t think this really bothers you much.
Actually, it says nothing of the sort, only to kill Jews in Palestine... which is wrong, but again, this is what you get when you radicalize a people.

Why on earth would they do that? Maybe we should allow Mexico to vote in our elections to so they can put in someone sympathetic to their causes. Oh wait, that is kind of the ultimate Democratic plan with the open Southern border.

If you guys put as much effort into appealing to minorities that you put into trying to suppress their vote, you might even legitimately win elections.

No difference at all other than a larger area. The Berlin walked worked. Funny thing about it, was that it was Communist East Germany trying to keep their people from fleeing to what they referred to as the “fascist” West Germany side.

The Berlin wall was a small area. YOu want to wall off a continent.

Despite what you may think, shooting a gun is not rocket science. Point it at your target an pull the trigger in the very basic sense. A homeowner who is just trying to protect themselves doesn’t need to now how to disassemble and clean a gun, shoot from a foxhole, clear a jam, or become a marksman of any sort. The current training for a someone holding a gun permit requires plenty of basic instruction for simple home defense use.
We have 70,000 gun injuries and 43,000 gun deaths a year, but only 200 "homeowners" who are ruled to have acted in "Self-defense" a year.

I would say a lot more training is needed.
I was self employed and had no family and how is that even relevant?
Sounds like two red flags right there.
Its always the sad loners who go on shooting rampages.
Yes being a self employed tradesman is a "red flag" You better not ever let a self employed carpenter, plumber r electrician into your home ever again.
Being orphaned at 14 is a red flag too right?

Or a résumé writer. Do I recall JoeB131 having spoken a few times, himself, of being orphaned at a rather young age?

Looks like he is seriously hitting on at least one or two of his own red flags. And his body of work on this very forum certainly paints a picture of a man in very poor mental health, with some severe hate/anger issues, and a serious deficit of basic ethical and moral values.
Or a résumé writer. Do I recall @JoeB131 having spoken a few times, himself, of being orphaned at a rather young age?

Looks like he is seriously hitting on at least one or two of his own red flags. And his body of work on this very forum certainly paints a picture of a man in very poor mental health, with some severe hate/anger issues, and a serious deficit of basic ethical and moral values.
Point is I still had and have family, as opposed to Blueboy, who seems to be a loner.
Like most mass shooters tend to be loners.

I have very good moral values... because I don't belong to a deranged cult or grovel to imaginary sky fairies.
Point is I still had and have family, as opposed to Blueboy, who seems to be a loner.
Like most mass shooters tend to be loners.

I have very good moral values... because I don't belong to a deranged cult or grovel to imaginary sky fairies.
I don't belong to any cults and how is it my fault that all the family I had was dead by the time I was 14?
How about people taking personal responsibility to deal with problems rather than expecting the government to fix things for them?

The Liberals decided to do away with nut houses several decades ago and this is the consequence.
You're FOS..........As usual.

The Mental Health Systems Act of 1980 (MHSA) was United States legislation signed by President Jimmy Carter which provided grants to community mental health centers.

In 1981 President Ronald Reagan, who had made major efforts during his Governorship to reduce funding and enlistment for California mental institutions, pushed a political effort through the Democratically controlled House of Representatives and a Republican controlled Senate to repeal most of MHSA.

The MHSA was considered landmark legislation in mental health care policy.
You are confused Moon Bat.

The AR was the weapon of choice for the Moon Bat Tranny that shot up a school in Nashville.

The AR was the weapon of choice for the goddamn Beaner shithead that shot up the school in Uvalde.

The AR was the weapon of choice for the Muslim that shot up the queer bar in Orlando.

The AR was the weapon of choice for the hateful TDS afflicted Democrat sonofabitch that shot up the Republican baseball practice in DC.

Since you are confused about things like this do you want me to list more?
No need. It's well known that the AR15 is the weapon of choice for most mass shooters regardless of their political afiliation. It was designed to kill as many people as possible in the least amount of time as possible. That's why mass shooters of every persuasion use it.

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