Mike Lindell Absolute Proof

Just finished watching it from start to finish. How many of you have watched the entire 2 hour movie?

Even OAN had a 90 second disclaimer that it does not stand behind the crazy claims made by crazy, former drug addict, Lindell
You think people are not allowed to cover their asses? Why should the network face intimidation and blackmail and lawsuits if they do not have to by using a disclaimer? Notice they do not say it is false information.
a 90 second disclaimer is unheard of. I have never seen a documentary have a more explicit disclaimer. Lindell and many more purveyors of blatant lies are facing many lawsuits. Our society is making Trumpists accountable for the their lying.
Let the litigation play out.

As I have posted above:

Complete Defenses
Truth is widely accepted as a complete defense to all defamation claims.

https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/def...facie defamation,the subject of the statement.
I agree, let the litigation play out. I predict large financial settlements and jail time for some. Many lost jobs, lost opportunities, lost friends and lost family for those who stick with Trumpism.
Jail time?

Please tell me what criminal actions you are referring to. We don't have debtor's prison.
Sedition and insurrection. I think they should put really stupid, dumbass people in jail for being stupid and dumbasses. That could clean out the Trump minions.
Just finished watching it from start to finish. How many of you have watched the entire 2 hour movie?

Even OAN had a 90 second disclaimer that it does not stand behind the crazy claims made by crazy, former drug addict, Lindell
You think people are not allowed to cover their asses? Why should the network face intimidation and blackmail and lawsuits if they do not have to by using a disclaimer? Notice they do not say it is false information.
a 90 second disclaimer is unheard of. I have never seen a documentary have a more explicit disclaimer. Lindell and many more purveyors of blatant lies are facing many lawsuits. Our society is making Trumpists accountable for the their lying.
Let the litigation play out.

As I have posted above:

Complete Defenses
Truth is widely accepted as a complete defense to all defamation claims.

https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/def...facie defamation,the subject of the statement.
I agree, let the litigation play out. I predict large financial settlements and jail time for some. Many lost jobs, lost opportunities, lost friends and lost family for those who stick with Trumpism.
Jail time?

Please tell me what criminal actions you are referring to. We don't have debtor's prison.
Sedition and insurrection. I think they should put really stupid, dumbass people in jail for being stupid and dumbasses. That could clean out the Trump minions.
The famous Insurrection of 2021 where people walked between the velvet ropes, took selfies, did not disarm the cops they overcame,, exchanged pleasantries with cops as they opened the door to let them in, and left the building whenn asked.
Oh, and the only killing was that of an unarmed Pro Democracy protester with the AMERICAN flag draped over her.
That insurrection?
Of course they are lies. Do you really think people are dumb enough to believe all those Dump appointed judges are part of some scheme encompassing hundreds if not thousands of people to defraud the person that appointed them? You guys are losing your fucking minds just like the idiot that made the movie.

You're correct. It's reason #1 I want the blob to hang around for a while. Every crazy thing his followers does splits the GOP a bit more. Like what was happening in Texas. Hopefully, the secessionist movement in Texas becomes stronger than it is. I'm afraid it's petering out... But if something like that could get more and more attention, you'd have the national republicans having to take a stand and call the blob supporters what they are..."fucking idiots". If I'm the Democrats, I'd be playing up every crazy thing a trump supporter does and every wild assed gambit by his followers. I think 1/6/2021 was the first shot in a war to my way of thinking; one that is doomed to fail. But as the old saying goes, never let a crisis go to waste. This one may happen to ensnare the GOP as a whole with their money being split between the establishment GOP and whatever tepid brownwater group the blob founds to keep his name in the public square.
Just finished watching it from start to finish. How many of you have watched the entire 2 hour movie?

Even OAN had a 90 second disclaimer that it does not stand behind the crazy claims made by crazy, former drug addict, Lindell
You think people are not allowed to cover their asses? Why should the network face intimidation and blackmail and lawsuits if they do not have to by using a disclaimer? Notice they do not say it is false information.
a 90 second disclaimer is unheard of. I have never seen a documentary have a more explicit disclaimer. Lindell and many more purveyors of blatant lies are facing many lawsuits. Our society is making Trumpists accountable for the their lying.
Let the litigation play out.

As I have posted above:

Complete Defenses
Truth is widely accepted as a complete defense to all defamation claims.

https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/def...facie defamation,the subject of the statement.
I agree, let the litigation play out. I predict large financial settlements and jail time for some. Many lost jobs, lost opportunities, lost friends and lost family for those who stick with Trumpism.
Jail time?

Please tell me what criminal actions you are referring to. We don't have debtor's prison.
Sedition and insurrection. I think they should put really stupid, dumbass people in jail for being stupid and dumbasses. That could clean out the Trump minions.
The famous Insurrection of 2021 where people walked between the velvet ropes, took selfies, did not disarm the cops they overcame,, exchanged pleasantries with cops as they opened the door to let them in, and left the building whenn asked.
Oh, and the only killing was that of an unarmed Pro Democracy protester with the AMERICAN flag draped over her.
That insurrection?
The one where you guys murdered a cop...that one.
I watched the whole video last night. I do hope that those making threats against those presenting evidence are arrested and anyone in the government who assisted or was complicit with these frauds upon the people. Our federal agencies need a good house cleaning.

I’m curious, if there is absolute proof then why didn’t AG Barr do anything? Why did he say he had not seen convincing evidence of systemic fraud?
Barr has been the coverup guy for many years. He chose to ignore it when it was presented before him. Why do you think he resigned? Listen to the video. There will be people going to jail, losing those cushy federal positions and more for their part in covering up and taking part in this massive cyber attack on our liberty and freedom.
Yeah right. What other predictions have you made lately?! Trump will win, Durham will lock up Comey and McCabe and the bunch?! How many of your predictions have come true?
Just finished watching it from start to finish. How many of you have watched the entire 2 hour movie?
And when will Lindell be taking this evidence to the authorities, or to court? He doesn't lack the resources. Why is he making videos with a fringe wingnut company, instead of prosecuting his case through proper channels?

Prettty easy answer.
So you didn't watch the video?
Just finished watching it from start to finish. How many of you have watched the entire 2 hour movie?

Even OAN had a 90 second disclaimer that it does not stand behind the crazy claims made by crazy, former drug addict, Lindell
You think people are not allowed to cover their asses? Why should the network face intimidation and blackmail and lawsuits if they do not have to by using a disclaimer? Notice they do not say it is false information.
a 90 second disclaimer is unheard of. I have never seen a documentary have a more explicit disclaimer. Lindell and many more purveyors of blatant lies are facing many lawsuits. Our society is making Trumpists accountable for the their lying.
Let the litigation play out.

As I have posted above:

Complete Defenses
Truth is widely accepted as a complete defense to all defamation claims.

https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/def...facie defamation,the subject of the statement.
I agree, let the litigation play out. I predict large financial settlements and jail time for some. Many lost jobs, lost opportunities, lost friends and lost family for those who stick with Trumpism.
Jail time?

Please tell me what criminal actions you are referring to. We don't have debtor's prison.
Sedition and insurrection. I think they should put really stupid, dumbass people in jail for being stupid and dumbasses. That could clean out the Trump minions.
The famous Insurrection of 2021 where people walked between the velvet ropes, took selfies, did not disarm the cops they overcame,, exchanged pleasantries with cops as they opened the door to let them in, and left the building whenn asked.
Oh, and the only killing was that of an unarmed Pro Democracy protester with the AMERICAN flag draped over her.
That insurrection?
The one where you guys murdered a cop...that one.
This one?
Just finished watching it from start to finish. How many of you have watched the entire 2 hour movie?
I only had to go as far as Georgia to see that Mike Lindell is full of shit. He displayed these claims of fraud...


Those were debunked by Georgia's Secretary of State's office...

Just finished watching it from start to finish. How many of you have watched the entire 2 hour movie?
I only had to go as far as Georgia to see that Mike Lindell is full of shit. He displayed these claims of fraud...

View attachment 454096

Those were debunked by Georgia's Secretary of State's office...

The same SOS that changed the election laws? The same SOS that told Trump his state's data was wrong? Put observers for the recount 40 ft away from the tables where votes were recounted? No one trusts him or his office. Massive fraud.
Just finished watching it from start to finish. How many of you have watched the entire 2 hour movie?
I only had to go as far as Georgia to see that Mike Lindell is full of shit. He displayed these claims of fraud...

View attachment 454096

Those were debunked by Georgia's Secretary of State's office...

The same SOS that changed the election laws? The same SOS that told Trump his state's data was wrong? Put observers for the recount 40 ft awaty from the tables where votes were recounted? No one trusts him or his office.
What law did he change?

As far as Raffensperger telling Trump their data was wrong, here's the transcript... quote him saying that...

There's no better source for their election data than the Secretary of State's office and they say say the numbers Lindell showed in that video are utter bulkshit.
Just finished watching it from start to finish. How many of you have watched the entire 2 hour movie?

Even OAN had a 90 second disclaimer that it does not stand behind the crazy claims made by crazy, former drug addict, Lindell
You think people are not allowed to cover their asses? Why should the network face intimidation and blackmail and lawsuits if they do not have to by using a disclaimer? Notice they do not say it is false information.
a 90 second disclaimer is unheard of. I have never seen a documentary have a more explicit disclaimer. Lindell and many more purveyors of blatant lies are facing many lawsuits. Our society is making Trumpists accountable for the their lying.
Let the litigation play out.

As I have posted above:

Complete Defenses
Truth is widely accepted as a complete defense to all defamation claims.

https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/def...facie defamation,the subject of the statement.
I agree, let the litigation play out. I predict large financial settlements and jail time for some. Many lost jobs, lost opportunities, lost friends and lost family for those who stick with Trumpism.
Jail time?

Please tell me what criminal actions you are referring to. We don't have debtor's prison.
Sedition and insurrection. I think they should put really stupid, dumbass people in jail for being stupid and dumbasses. That could clean out the Trump minions.
The famous Insurrection of 2021 where people walked between the velvet ropes, took selfies, did not disarm the cops they overcame,, exchanged pleasantries with cops as they opened the door to let them in, and left the building whenn asked.
Oh, and the only killing was that of an unarmed Pro Democracy protester with the AMERICAN flag draped over her.
That insurrection?
5 people dead-threats to kill Pence and Pelosi-extensive prperty damage. You do not get it dude but you soon will
Just finished watching it from start to finish. How many of you have watched the entire 2 hour movie?
Why have the the twice impeached, former president trump's new lawyers not hauled this truckload of evidence into court? What are they waiting for? Do they want "pillow guy" to pay for their time before they go to court? After all, his new lawyers know the twice impeached, former president trump stiffed Giuliani.

Just finished watching it from start to finish. How many of you have watched the entire 2 hour movie?
Why have the the twice impeached, former president trump's new lawyers not hauled this truckload of evidence into court? What are they waiting for? Do they want "pillow guy" to pay for their time before they go to court? After all, his new lawyers know the twice impeached, former president trump stiffed Giuliani.

Its amazing they dont get it. Tons of evidence yet they cant get it in front of even 1 judge without getting laughed out of court. Its mind boggling the level of cognitive dissonance needed to maintain this looney bird belief.
Just finished watching it from start to finish. How many of you have watched the entire 2 hour movie?
Why have the the twice impeached, former president trump's new lawyers not hauled this truckload of evidence into court? What are they waiting for? Do they want "pillow guy" to pay for their time before they go to court? After all, his new lawyers know the twice impeached, former president trump stiffed Giuliani.

Its amazing they dont get it. Tons of evidence yet they cant get it in front of even 1 judge without getting laughed out of court. Its mind boggling the level of cognitive dissonance needed to maintain this looney bird belief.
Cultists. Their brainwashed to the point of delusional madness.

I watched the whole video last night. I do hope that those making threats against those presenting evidence are arrested and anyone in the government who assisted or was complicit with these frauds upon the people. Our federal agencies need a good house cleaning.

I’m curious, if there is absolute proof then why didn’t AG Barr do anything? Why did he say he had not seen convincing evidence of systemic fraud?
Because he is part of the conspiracy to hide the fraud. All he has to do is lie. It is what they do in DC.
Haha. And why would Barr be part of that conspiracy given all had had to gain with Trump staying in power and after all the cover he gave trump through the years? Please explain that
Barr quietly worked behind the scene to get Trump removed from office by refusing to investigate anything concerning voter fraud. He was actually trying to protect the DOJ-FBI-CIA, who were criminally involved in the coup against Trump from the beginning.
Don't need to watch it. They practically did it out in the open. A lot of us watched it happening like a slow motion train wreck, amazed that nobody was doing anything to stop it. Now you have a Time magazine article bragging about the globalist cabal organized to influence the election. That's how brazen these clowns are now. There are not enough Americans who give a shit and too many idiots who are happy about it. I am very pessimistic about the whole situation.
I watched the whole video last night. I do hope that those making threats against those presenting evidence are arrested and anyone in the government who assisted or was complicit with these frauds upon the people. Our federal agencies need a good house cleaning.

I’m curious, if there is absolute proof then why didn’t AG Barr do anything? Why did he say he had not seen convincing evidence of systemic fraud?
Because he is part of the conspiracy to hide the fraud. All he has to do is lie. It is what they do in DC.
Haha. And why would Barr be part of that conspiracy given all had had to gain with Trump staying in power and after all the cover he gave trump through the years? Please explain that
Barr quietly worked behind the scene to get Trump removed from office by refusing to investigate anything concerning voter fraud. He was actually trying to protect the DOJ-FBI-CIA, who were criminally involved in the coup against Trump from the beginning.
That’s the dumbest theory I’ve heard today. Congrats!

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