Mike Lindell Absolute Proof

It is interesting that every lefty who comments on this thread is posting from a position of self imposed ignorance. I think self imposed ignorance must be part of lefty ideology.
I feel ya. I opened a discussion about a QAnon documentary and was looking to discuss the contents and many that are on your thread were also on mine ignorantly commenting on something they haven’t seen. I’ll check out the movie when I get a chance and engage if you’re still into it
I remember your Q thread, but I didn't know enough about Q to engage in it. I am impressed that you understand the need to be familiar with the content of an article or movie in order to make intelligent comments about it, you are in a higher class than the average garden variety lefty.
I’m happy to be your friendly neighborhood lefty. I prefer the substantive debate over the dishonest childish banter. I’ll get back to you after I see the movie and we can battle :)
Why waste your time? There will be no new material, there. Lindell gets his information from the same places as any other cackling Trumpanzee, including the ones here. He has no special access. He is a fraud who sells pillows on AM radio and late night cable. Does anyone he think he is going to suddenly put words in just the right order and turn zero evidence into evidence? Nope.

So you can discuss all the material now. Its the same horseshit we have been hearing for 3 months.
I will likely agree with your conclusion but if I’m going to rip into his movie and call it fake then I need to see it so I can site examples and make real arguments about the substance.
It is interesting that every lefty who comments on this thread is posting from a position of self imposed ignorance. I think self imposed ignorance must be part of lefty ideology.
I feel ya. I opened a discussion about a QAnon documentary and was looking to discuss the contents and many that are on your thread were also on mine ignorantly commenting on something they haven’t seen. I’ll check out the movie when I get a chance and engage if you’re still into it
I remember your Q thread, but I didn't know enough about Q to engage in it. I am impressed that you understand the need to be familiar with the content of an article or movie in order to make intelligent comments about it, you are in a higher class than the average garden variety lefty.
I’m happy to be your friendly neighborhood lefty. I prefer the substantive debate over the dishonest childish banter. I’ll get back to you after I see the movie and we can battle :)
Why waste your time? There will be no new material, there. Lindell gets his information from the same places as any other cackling Trumpanzee, including the ones here. He has no special access. He is a fraud who sells pillows on AM radio and late night cable. Does anyone he think he is going to suddenly put words in just the right order and turn zero evidence into evidence? Nope.

So you can discuss all the material now. Its the same horseshit we have been hearing for 3 months.
I will likely agree with your conclusion but if I’m going to rip into his movie and call it fake then I need to see it so I can site examples and make real arguments about the substance.
You can call all the material horseshit. Because there is nothing new, there. But hey, check for yourself. I get it. I, however, will not be wasting my time. If the informercial host had any new material, we would have seen it already. He has no special access. He is not an investigator. He is a blog reader. If i made 2 hour youtube video summarizing the horseshit of the last 3 months, would you feel compelled to watch it? Doubtful.
Just finished watching it from start to finish. How many of you have watched the entire 2 hour movie?

Even OAN had a 90 second disclaimer that it does not stand behind the crazy claims made by crazy, former drug addict, Lindell
You think people are not allowed to cover their asses? Why should the network face intimidation and blackmail and lawsuits if they do not have to by using a disclaimer? Notice they do not say it is false information.
a 90 second disclaimer is unheard of. I have never seen a documentary have a more explicit disclaimer. Lindell and many more purveyors of blatant lies are facing many lawsuits. Our society is making Trumpists accountable for the their lying.
Let the litigation play out.

As I have posted above:

Complete Defenses
Truth is widely accepted as a complete defense to all defamation claims.

https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/def...facie defamation,the subject of the statement.
I agree, let the litigation play out. I predict large financial settlements and jail time for some. Many lost jobs, lost opportunities, lost friends and lost family for those who stick with Trumpism.
Just finished watching it from start to finish. How many of you have watched the entire 2 hour movie?

Even OAN had a 90 second disclaimer that it does not stand behind the crazy claims made by crazy, former drug addict, Lindell
You think people are not allowed to cover their asses? Why should the network face intimidation and blackmail and lawsuits if they do not have to by using a disclaimer? Notice they do not say it is false information.
a 90 second disclaimer is unheard of. I have never seen a documentary have a more explicit disclaimer. Lindell and many more purveyors of blatant lies are facing many lawsuits. Our society is making Trumpists accountable for the their lying.
Let the litigation play out.

As I have posted above:

Complete Defenses
Truth is widely accepted as a complete defense to all defamation claims.

https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/def...facie defamation,the subject of the statement.
I agree, let the litigation play out. I predict large financial settlements and jail time for some. Many lost jobs, lost opportunities, lost friends and lost family for those who stick with Trumpism.
Jail time?

Please tell me what criminal actions you are referring to. We don't have debtor's prison.
I wonder why PROGS dismissed all this so easily? Cowards or carriers? As a former analyst and systems analyst I think cowards or carriers.
Because I'm sure that Mr. Lindell wants very much to be intellectually honest and complete, I'm sure he provides a comprehensive and accurate look at the arguments on both sides of each allegation so that the viewer can be sure they're getting the whole story, from which they can make up their own minds with all facts and possibilities at hand.

I haven't viewed the movie. Have I made a fair assumption?
Why dont you hold CNN and the MSM to the same standards?
Because I'm sure that Mr. Lindell wants very much to be intellectually honest and complete, I'm sure he provides a comprehensive and accurate look at the arguments on both sides of each allegation so that the viewer can be sure they're getting the whole story, from which they can make up their own minds with all facts and possibilities at hand.

I haven't viewed the movie. Have I made a fair assumption?
Why dont you hold CNN and the MSM to the same standards?
I do, of course.

You're just making assumptions based on ignorance.
The left is socially crucifying any person that does not share their opinions. All they have to do is announce that what others believe is a conspiracy. Once they declare you a conspirator, they will consider what punishment you deserve.
They have successfully eliminated free speech through intimidation, threats, doxing of families, removing their targets from social media, mob activity, and deceitful elections.
What is amazing is half of this country is for censorship.

So I wonder, once they start rounding up people with differing mind sets for "reeducation camps" what is the curriculum, and what becomes of the ones deemed unable to reeducate?
" Once they declare you a conspirator, they will consider what punishment you deserve."

Your punishment isnt that severe. People are just going to laugh at you. No one is going to take you nut cases seriously.

Let's put your theory to the test:
“Is anyone archiving these Trump sycophants for when they try to downplay or deny their complicity in the future?”
That was a tweet of AOC:
Are you listening? And she wants the list now instead of later:
“I foresee decent probability of many deleted Tweets, writings, photos in the future.”
She wants them all identified before they have a chance to erase the evidence she wants to use against them in reeducation court...

Are they laughing? No. Are they gathering? Yes. A Trump Accountability Project. Calls for a "Truth Commission, a Reality Czar <(good analogy) to combat, MISINFORMATION. < To be determined by anyone.
The "Woke" language police. Dec 28, 2020 — ... University want to outlaw words “Picnic” and Brown Bag” as racist ... offensive to people, including “picnic,” “brown bag” and “blacklist...

PETA decided you need re-educated so you don't hurt a chicken's feelings:
activists from PETA are asking people to stop using words like "pig" and "chicken" as insults because it's offensive to animals.

Pelosi unloaded on Pronouns the other day. Our country is a disaster, and she's busy attacking words!
Replacing certain gender-specific terms, in the text of the rules, with gender-neutral alternatives, including;
  • “Seafarers” for “seamen”
  • “Chair” for “Chairman”
  • “Parent, child, sibling, parent’s sibling, first cousin, sibling’s child, spouse, parent in-law, child-in-law, sibling-in-law, stepparent, stepchild, stepsibling, half-sibling, or grandchild’’ for “‘father, mother, son, daughter, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, first cousin, nephew, niece, husband, wife, father-in-law, mother-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, stepfather, stepmother, stepson, stepdaughter, stepbrother, stepsister, half brother, half sister, grandson, or granddaughter,” respectively
  • “Resign” for “submit his or her resignation”
  • “Such Member, Delegate, or Resident Commissioner serves” for “he or she serves”
  • “Such Member, Delegate, or Resident Commissioner holds” for “he or she holds”
  • “Themself” for “himself or herself”
For someone with common sense it's like waking up in The Twilight Zone...
I wonder why PROGS dismissed all this so easily? Cowards or carriers?
Because there is no new material and because there is zero evidence. Thanks for the softball question.

In other terms, coward. You didn't watch it.
No need. There is nothing new, there. The crackhead infomercial host reads the same blogs you do. But you go ahead and kill your brain cells watching it, and quickly report any new information afterward.
I wonder why PROGS dismissed all this so easily? Cowards or carriers?
Because there is no new material and because there is zero evidence. Thanks for the softball question.

In other terms, coward. You didn't watch it.
No need. There is nothing new, there. The crackhead infomercial host reads the same blogs you do. But you go ahead and kill your brain cells watching it, and quickly report any new information afterward.

I wonder why PROGS dismissed all this so easily? Cowards or carriers?
Because there is no new material and because there is zero evidence. Thanks for the softball question.

In other terms, coward. You didn't watch it.
No need. There is nothing new, there. The crackhead infomercial host reads the same blogs you do. But you go ahead and kill your brain cells watching it, and quickly report any new information afterward.

This is the white wing armpit of the web. If i were intimidated by stupidity of Trump cultists, i wouldn't be here.

Now run along and watch the video. Inform us of the new bombshells. Since not one single person who watched it has been able to do this, we are all REALLY counting on you. ;)
I wonder why PROGS dismissed all this so easily? Cowards or carriers?
Because there is no new material and because there is zero evidence. Thanks for the softball question.

In other terms, coward. You didn't watch it.
No need. There is nothing new, there. The crackhead infomercial host reads the same blogs you do. But you go ahead and kill your brain cells watching it, and quickly report any new information afterward.

This is the white wing armpit of the web. If i were intimidated by stupidity of Trump cultists, i wouldn't be here.

Now run along and watch the video. Inform us of the new bombshells. Since not one single person who watched it has been able to do this, we are all REALLY counting on you. ;)

Wrong again. Lindell has the same information our security agencies have, including the FBI. The data shows IPs of election machines receiving data. Those machines should give out data not take it in. A blind eye was turned to this making the people in power complicit and responsible for the massive fraud.
Because I'm sure that Mr. Lindell wants very much to be intellectually honest and complete, I'm sure he provides a comprehensive and accurate look at the arguments on both sides of each allegation so that the viewer can be sure they're getting the whole story, from which they can make up their own minds with all facts and possibilities at hand.

I haven't viewed the movie. Have I made a fair assumption?
Why dont you hold CNN and the MSM to the same standards?
I do, of course.

You're just making assumptions based on ignorance.
Says the guy who is commenting on a thread about a movie he didn't watch.
Because I'm sure that Mr. Lindell wants very much to be intellectually honest and complete, I'm sure he provides a comprehensive and accurate look at the arguments on both sides of each allegation so that the viewer can be sure they're getting the whole story, from which they can make up their own minds with all facts and possibilities at hand.

I haven't viewed the movie. Have I made a fair assumption?
Why dont you hold CNN and the MSM to the same standards?
I do, of course.

You're just making assumptions based on ignorance.
Says the guy who is commenting on a thread about a movie he didn't watch.
Did I make any assumptions based on ignorance?

Point it out, please.
I wonder why PROGS dismissed all this so easily? Cowards or carriers?
Because there is no new material and because there is zero evidence. Thanks for the softball question.

In other terms, coward. You didn't watch it.
No need. There is nothing new, there. The crackhead infomercial host reads the same blogs you do. But you go ahead and kill your brain cells watching it, and quickly report any new information afterward.

This is the white wing armpit of the web. If i were intimidated by stupidity of Trump cultists, i wouldn't be here.

Now run along and watch the video. Inform us of the new bombshells. Since not one single person who watched it has been able to do this, we are all REALLY counting on you. ;)

We have seen the truth.
Because I'm sure that Mr. Lindell wants very much to be intellectually honest and complete, I'm sure he provides a comprehensive and accurate look at the arguments on both sides of each allegation so that the viewer can be sure they're getting the whole story, from which they can make up their own minds with all facts and possibilities at hand.

I haven't viewed the movie. Have I made a fair assumption?
Why dont you hold CNN and the MSM to the same standards?
I do, of course.

You're just making assumptions based on ignorance.
Says the guy who is commenting on a thread about a movie he didn't watch.
Did I make any assumptions based on ignorance?

Point it out, please.
"I haven't viewed the movie. Have I made a fair assumption?"
Exclusive of hard data presented by Mike Lindell's show, I checked the claim that a Chinese Communist Banker is a board member of the equity firm above Dominion.

The first clue this is accurate was a PROG-check that throws the reader off, which is standard procedure. They left context and said Dominion is a US company, which is true, but UBS controls it, Dominion is simply registered in the USA............Fucking had again huh PROGS?

In other terms, their "fact-check" didn't address the accusation, that's just how POG-checks work, they're left/communist propaganda sites only. Then there's this. China Bought Dominion In October

The Private Equity firm UBS securities is in fact a Chinese investment bank and brokerage firm. They own Dominion. UBS Securities - Wikipedia

The PROG sites explained UBS is owned by the Swiss, but UBS securities is a subsidiary of Swiss investment bank UBS. What We Know: Dominion Voting Systems and UBS Securities - The Tokenist

Dominion Voting Systems and a $400 Million Investment
On December 1, Trump-hired attorney Lin Wood first revealed that China bought Dominion for $400 million. Despite providing the SEC form D for this claim, it was not quite correct. Namely, the link between Dominion and China was not as straightforward as Wood first claimed. However, the convoluted chain of links does connect Dominion to China in some way:

  • The payer of the $400 million was UBS Securities LLC, which is a subsidiary of Swiss investment bank UBS.
  • The receiver of the payment was Staple Street Capital, which previously bought Dominion Voting Systems in 2018.
  • The payment occurred on October 8, 2020.
  • Although there is a Chinese bank and investment firm named ‘UBS Securities’, it is UBS Securities Co. Ltd (based in Beijing), not UBS Securities LLC (based in New York).
  • However, with regard to UBS Securities LLC (based in New York), three out of four board directors were Chinese nationals. One of them, Ye Xiang, also served on board of the other subsidiary, UBS Securities Co. Ltd (based in Beijing). He also worked for China’s central bank.
  • UBS received a special, fully-licensed status in China, which is rarely given to foreign banks.
  • The deal broker was none other than Chinese vice premier Wang Qishan, who has a reputation as a finance specialist in the Chinese government.
In other terms, it's PROG issue they're cowards and/or cannot connect dots. Easiest out is crawl back under their rocks, their safe space is calling.
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