Mike Lindell Absolute Proof

Sue him. Sue him into oblivion.

There you have it. Punish Punish Punish anyone you don't agree with.

America was great when this was our opinion on differing viewpoints:
" I may not agree with what you say, but I will fight to the death for your right to say it."

We are not great any more. We are:
"Say what we agree with or we will punish you with censorship."
"We need to make lists of those who oppose us and require "reeducation."

We're China now...
No, no.

We want them to sue.

Open up discovery. Let Mike Lindell's lawyers prove the truth or be properly punished.

My guess is that none of these cases will get anywhere near a courtroom.
Just finished watching it from start to finish. How many of you have watched the entire 2 hour movie?
And when will Lindell be taking this evidence to the authorities, or to court? He doesn't lack the resources. Why is he making videos with a fringe wingnut company, instead of prosecuting his case through proper channels?

Pretty easy answer.
None of your comments on this thread have any merit, since you did not watch the movie that this thread is about. You are ignorant of the content of the movie.
Your opinion on the merits of criticism of the fraud Lindell and his lies (none of which are new...let him make 100 movies, there is no new material, there. He is an infomercial host, not an investigator) are worth exactly nothing. You believed them before he uttered them. Similarly, the opinions of David Koresh's followers of his critics are worth nothing. But thanks for bringing it up!
I watched the whole video last night. I do hope that those making threats against those presenting evidence are arrested and anyone in the government who assisted or was complicit with these frauds upon the people. Our federal agencies need a good house cleaning.

I’m curious, if there is absolute proof then why didn’t AG Barr do anything? Why did he say he had not seen convincing evidence of systemic fraud?
Because he is part of the conspiracy to hide the fraud. All he has to do is lie. It is what they do in DC.
Haha. And why would Barr be part of that conspiracy given all had had to gain with Trump staying in power and after all the cover he gave trump through the years? Please explain that
I watched the whole video last night. I do hope that those making threats against those presenting evidence are arrested and anyone in the government who assisted or was complicit with these frauds upon the people. Our federal agencies need a good house cleaning.

I’m curious, if there is absolute proof then why didn’t AG Barr do anything? Why did he say he had not seen convincing evidence of systemic fraud?
Because he is part of the conspiracy to hide the fraud. All he has to do is lie. It is what they do in DC.
Come on man. Why is it that every Dump supporting sycophant that hits his limit in his ability to support the craziness any longer suddenly becomes part of the conspiracy?
Because that is how the low IQs respond to scrutiny.
It is interesting that every lefty who comments on this thread is posting from a position of self imposed ignorance. I think self imposed ignorance must be part of lefty ideology.
I feel ya. I opened a discussion about a QAnon documentary and was looking to discuss the contents and many that are on your thread were also on mine ignorantly commenting on something they haven’t seen. I’ll check out the movie when I get a chance and engage if you’re still into it
I watched the whole video last night. I do hope that those making threats against those presenting evidence are arrested and anyone in the government who assisted or was complicit with these frauds upon the people. Our federal agencies need a good house cleaning.

I’m curious, if there is absolute proof then why didn’t AG Barr do anything? Why did he say he had not seen convincing evidence of systemic fraud?
Because he is part of the conspiracy to hide the fraud. All he has to do is lie. It is what they do in DC.
Come on man. Why is it that every Dump supporting sycophant that hits his limit in his ability to support the craziness any longer suddenly becomes part of the conspiracy?
Because that is how the low IQs respond to scrutiny.
As opposed to high IQ who kiss the ass of everyone in power no matter how dishonest and criminal their actions are?
God endorses them personally..
Yep! You know a product is top notch, when they advertise on AM radio and you can find it in the "as seen on tv" section at CVS. These products are so superior, their makers fear too much attention, so that they don't sell out. So they only advertise on AM radio and late night cable.
God endorses them personally..
Yep! You know a product is top notch, when they advertise on AM radio and you can find it in the "as seen on tv" section at CVS. These products are so superior, their makers fear too much attention, so they don't sell out. So they only advertise on AM radio and late night cable.
I saw his ads when he was first starting and he had the nerve to ask for a hundred bucks a pop and suckers bought them..
Just finished watching it from start to finish. How many of you have watched the entire 2 hour movie?
I watched it.

If that is true, we are definitely at war and the enemy is both within and out.

How many ear pluggers will be in here to yell "false" before even giving it a review
Lol, those "ear pluggers" are like clockwork. It's amazing how lefties do this, even after reading post two and your post. Shameless. Reminds me of the chickens on the farm I grew up on that could look me in the eye while shitting.
Why would you watch chickens shitting? You must have had an extremely boring childhood.
I watched the whole video last night. I do hope that those making threats against those presenting evidence are arrested and anyone in the government who assisted or was complicit with these frauds upon the people. Our federal agencies need a good house cleaning.

I’m curious, if there is absolute proof then why didn’t AG Barr do anything? Why did he say he had not seen convincing evidence of systemic fraud?
Because he is part of the conspiracy to hide the fraud. All he has to do is lie. It is what they do in DC.
Come on man. Why is it that every Dump supporting sycophant that hits his limit in his ability to support the craziness any longer suddenly becomes part of the conspiracy?
Because that is how the low IQs respond to scrutiny.
As opposed to high IQ who kiss the ass of everyone in power no matter how dishonest and criminal their actions are?
No high IQs would formulate and actual argument based on facts reason and logic.
God endorses them personally..
Yep! You know a product is top notch, when they advertise on AM radio and you can find it in the "as seen on tv" section at CVS. These products are so superior, their makers fear too much attention, so they don't sell out. So they only advertise on AM radio and late night cable.
I saw his ads when he was first starting and he had the nerve to ask for a hundred bucks a pop and suckers bought them..
Mostly old people, no doubt. That's how these frauds do. But it is precious to see these.goobers latching onto the former crackhead whose business received an "F" rating from the BBB in 2017. But i'm sure 20 years of smoking crack has NOTHING to do with his mental state now.
It is interesting that every lefty who comments on this thread is posting from a position of self imposed ignorance. I think self imposed ignorance must be part of lefty ideology.
I feel ya. I opened a discussion about a QAnon documentary and was looking to discuss the contents and many that are on your thread were also on mine ignorantly commenting on something they haven’t seen. I’ll check out the movie when I get a chance and engage if you’re still into it
I remember your Q thread, but I didn't know enough about Q to engage in it. I am impressed that you understand the need to be familiar with the content of an article or movie in order to make intelligent comments about it, you are in a higher class than the average garden variety lefty.
Just finished watching it from start to finish. How many of you have watched the entire 2 hour movie?
I watched it.

If that is true, we are definitely at war and the enemy is both within and out.

How many ear pluggers will be in here to yell "false" before even giving it a review
Lol, those "ear pluggers" are like clockwork. It's amazing how lefties do this, even after reading post two and your post. Shameless. Reminds me of the chickens on the farm I grew up on that could look me in the eye while shitting.
Why would you watch chickens shitting? You must have had an extremely boring childhood.
You've clearly never been to a farm with lots of animals.

You can't look anywhere without seeing one of them shitting.
Just finished watching it from start to finish. How many of you have watched the entire 2 hour movie?
I watched it.

If that is true, we are definitely at war and the enemy is both within and out.

How many ear pluggers will be in here to yell "false" before even giving it a review
Lol, those "ear pluggers" are like clockwork. It's amazing how lefties do this, even after reading post two and your post. Shameless. Reminds me of the chickens on the farm I grew up on that could look me in the eye while shitting.
Why would you watch chickens shitting? You must have had an extremely boring childhood.
You've clearly never been to a farm with lots of animals.

You can't look anywhere without seeing one of them shitting.
Are you describing a farm or his living room?
Just finished watching it from start to finish. How many of you have watched the entire 2 hour movie?
I watched it.

If that is true, we are definitely at war and the enemy is both within and out.

How many ear pluggers will be in here to yell "false" before even giving it a review
Lol, those "ear pluggers" are like clockwork. It's amazing how lefties do this, even after reading post two and your post. Shameless. Reminds me of the chickens on the farm I grew up on that could look me in the eye while shitting.
Why would you watch chickens shitting? You must have had an extremely boring childhood.
I wouldn't expect you to make sense of analogies any more than I would expect a dog to learn how to read.
It is interesting that every lefty who comments on this thread is posting from a position of self imposed ignorance. I think self imposed ignorance must be part of lefty ideology.
I feel ya. I opened a discussion about a QAnon documentary and was looking to discuss the contents and many that are on your thread were also on mine ignorantly commenting on something they haven’t seen. I’ll check out the movie when I get a chance and engage if you’re still into it
I remember your Q thread, but I didn't know enough about Q to engage in it. I am impressed that you understand the need to be familiar with the content of an article or movie in order to make intelligent comments about it, you are in a higher class than the average garden variety lefty.
I’m happy to be your friendly neighborhood lefty. I prefer the substantive debate over the dishonest childish banter. I’ll get back to you after I see the movie and we can battle :)
It is interesting that every lefty who comments on this thread is posting from a position of self imposed ignorance. I think self imposed ignorance must be part of lefty ideology.
I feel ya. I opened a discussion about a QAnon documentary and was looking to discuss the contents and many that are on your thread were also on mine ignorantly commenting on something they haven’t seen. I’ll check out the movie when I get a chance and engage if you’re still into it
I remember your Q thread, but I didn't know enough about Q to engage in it. I am impressed that you understand the need to be familiar with the content of an article or movie in order to make intelligent comments about it, you are in a higher class than the average garden variety lefty.
I’m happy to be your friendly neighborhood lefty. I prefer the substantive debate over the dishonest childish banter. I’ll get back to you after I see the movie and we can battle :)
I'll dig into your q series sometime over the weekend
It is interesting that every lefty who comments on this thread is posting from a position of self imposed ignorance. I think self imposed ignorance must be part of lefty ideology.
I feel ya. I opened a discussion about a QAnon documentary and was looking to discuss the contents and many that are on your thread were also on mine ignorantly commenting on something they haven’t seen. I’ll check out the movie when I get a chance and engage if you’re still into it
I remember your Q thread, but I didn't know enough about Q to engage in it. I am impressed that you understand the need to be familiar with the content of an article or movie in order to make intelligent comments about it, you are in a higher class than the average garden variety lefty.
I’m happy to be your friendly neighborhood lefty. I prefer the substantive debate over the dishonest childish banter. I’ll get back to you after I see the movie and we can battle :)
Why waste your time? There will be no new material, there. Lindell gets his information from the same places as any other cackling Trumpanzee, including the ones here. He has no special access. He is a fraud who sells pillows on AM radio and late night cable. Does anyone he think he is going to suddenly put words in just the right order and turn zero evidence into evidence? Nope.

So you can discuss all the material now. Its the same horseshit we have been hearing for 3 months.

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