Mike Lindell Absolute Proof

Just finished watching it from start to finish. How many of you have watched the entire 2 hour movie?

Even OAN had a 90 second disclaimer that it does not stand behind the crazy claims made by crazy, former drug addict, Lindell
You think people are not allowed to cover their asses? Why should the network face intimidation and blackmail and lawsuits if they do not have to by using a disclaimer? Notice they do not say it is false information.

Yeah they do.

Because I'm sure that Mr. Lindell wants very much to be intellectually honest and complete, I'm sure he provides a comprehensive and accurate look at the arguments on both sides of each allegation so that the viewer can be sure they're getting the whole story, from which they can make up their own minds with all facts and possibilities at hand.

I haven't viewed the movie. Have I made a fair assumption?
Watch the last 30 minutes and give us your almighty response.
Asymmetrical preaching bores me.
Do you want to know the arguments or not?

It's not My Pillow dude talking. He has an expert presenting the evidence.
Not really interested, unless and until there is an opportunity to see and hear both sides at the same time.

I'll go ahead and trust the Republican governors, the Republican election officials, the state judges (including those appointed by Trump), the USSC, the FBI, and the Attorney General, all of whom disagree with Trump and his Trumpsters.
When do you think that is going to happen when anything on fraud is censored by networks Twitter and Facebook. There is the disingenuous we talked about. You could care less about the truth. Why don't you have the guts to admit it?
I could care less about the truth.

It really should be "couldn't care less", but I know you're trying, and I'm trying to make you happy.
You people are not happy, you are stuck on misery and stupid. You are under the impression destroying this country actually accomplishes something. All it does is destroy the hope for the rest of the world that know that if freedom dies here it dies everywhere. You people are just assholes. Period.
It is interesting that every lefty who comments on this thread is posting from a position of self imposed ignorance. I think self imposed ignorance must be part of lefty ideology.
Sue him. Sue him into oblivion.

There you have a perfect example. Punish Punish Punish anyone you doesn't agree with you.

America was great when this was our opinion on differing viewpoints:
" I may not agree with what you say, but I will fight to the death for your right to say it."

We are not great any more. We are:
"Say what we agree with or we will punish you with censorship."
"We need to make lists of those who oppose us and require "reeducation."

We are China now.
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Because I'm sure that Mr. Lindell wants very much to be intellectually honest and complete, I'm sure he provides a comprehensive and accurate look at the arguments on both sides of each allegation so that the viewer can be sure they're getting the whole story, from which they can make up their own minds with all facts and possibilities at hand.

I haven't viewed the movie. Have I made a fair assumption?
Watch the last 30 minutes and give us your almighty response.
Asymmetrical preaching bores me.
Do you want to know the arguments or not?

It's not My Pillow dude talking. He has an expert presenting the evidence.

" It's not My Pillow dude talking. He has an expert presenting the evidence. "

Interesting. That might be his way out of getting sued.
If he is lying, he should be sued. I am sure he has been advised of it.
You cant sue someone for filming someone that is lying though.
If My Pillow is presenting this expert's opinion and basis of her opinion as fact (which he is), he can be sued for slander, yes.
All he has to do is preface the movie and he is absolved of any responsibility.
Go back to law school and take a tort law class. It will help you understand slander better.

https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/def...facie defamation,the subject of the statement.
To prove prima facie defamation, a plaintiff must show four things:
1) a false statement purporting to be fact;
2) publication or communication of that statement to a third person;
3) fault amounting to at least negligence; and
4) damages, or some harm caused to the person or entity who is the subject of the statement.

Mike Lindell is publishing or communicating the statement to a wide body of people. He is asking questions of the expert, but he is ultimately presenting all of it as proof. If he knows or should know that the statements are false, or if he at least negligently ignores or dismisses controverting information and presents the entire video as the truth, I think we can be certain that there will be damages in the billions.

The only element left to prove by tortfeasors is element 1.

Complete Defenses
Truth is widely accepted as a complete defense to all defamation claims.

Mike has already been sued. I suppose he is confident that his information is true, but who knows. We have not heard ANYTHING from the opposing point of view.

They will continue to ignore it because they know it's true.
I watched the whole video last night. I do hope that those making threats against those presenting evidence are arrested and anyone in the government who assisted or was complicit with these frauds upon the people. Our federal agencies need a good house cleaning.

I’m curious, if there is absolute proof then why didn’t AG Barr do anything? Why did he say he had not seen convincing evidence of systemic fraud?
Because he is part of the conspiracy to hide the fraud. All he has to do is lie. It is what they do in DC.
Come on man. Why is it that every Dump supporting sycophant that hits his limit in his ability to support the craziness any longer suddenly becomes part of the conspiracy?
It is part of a conspiracy. It is out in the open for anyone with a brain to see. I understand that leaves you out of coming to that conclusion.
Because I'm sure that Mr. Lindell wants very much to be intellectually honest and complete, I'm sure he provides a comprehensive and accurate look at the arguments on both sides of each allegation so that the viewer can be sure they're getting the whole story, from which they can make up their own minds with all facts and possibilities at hand.

I haven't viewed the movie. Have I made a fair assumption?
Watch the last 30 minutes and give us your almighty response.
Asymmetrical preaching bores me.
Do you want to know the arguments or not?

It's not My Pillow dude talking. He has an expert presenting the evidence.
Not really interested, unless and until there is an opportunity to see and hear both sides at the same time.

I'll go ahead and trust the Republican governors, the Republican election officials, the state judges (including those appointed by Trump), the USSC, the FBI, and the Attorney General, all of whom disagree with Trump and his Trumpsters.
When do you think that is going to happen when anything on fraud is censored by networks Twitter and Facebook. There is the disingenuous we talked about. You could care less about the truth. Why don't you have the guts to admit it?
I could care less about the truth.

It really should be "couldn't care less", but I know you're trying, and I'm trying to make you happy.
You people are not happy, you are stuck on misery and stupid. You are under the impression destroying this country actually accomplishes something. All it does is destroy the hope for the rest of the world that know that if freedom dies here it dies everywhere. You people are just assholes. Period.
Because I'm sure that Mr. Lindell wants very much to be intellectually honest and complete, I'm sure he provides a comprehensive and accurate look at the arguments on both sides of each allegation so that the viewer can be sure they're getting the whole story, from which they can make up their own minds with all facts and possibilities at hand.

I haven't viewed the movie. Have I made a fair assumption?
Watch the last 30 minutes and give us your almighty response.
Asymmetrical preaching bores me.
Do you want to know the arguments or not?

It's not My Pillow dude talking. He has an expert presenting the evidence.
Not really interested, unless and until there is an opportunity to see and hear both sides at the same time.

I'll go ahead and trust the Republican governors, the Republican election officials, the state judges (including those appointed by Trump), the USSC, the FBI, and the Attorney General, all of whom disagree with Trump and his Trumpsters.
When do you think that is going to happen when anything on fraud is censored by networks Twitter and Facebook. There is the disingenuous we talked about. You could care less about the truth. Why don't you have the guts to admit it?
I could care less about the truth.

It really should be "couldn't care less", but I know you're trying, and I'm trying to make you happy.
You people are not happy, you are stuck on misery and stupid. You are under the impression destroying this country actually accomplishes something. All it does is destroy the hope for the rest of the world that know that if freedom dies here it dies everywhere. You people are just assholes. Period.
Replies like that only reassure me I am correct. Thanks liar.
Just finished watching it from start to finish. How many of you have watched the entire 2 hour movie?
And when will Lindell be taking this evidence to the authorities, or to court? He doesn't lack the resources. Why is he making videos with a fringe wingnut company, instead of prosecuting his case through proper channels?

Pretty easy answer.
Because I'm sure that Mr. Lindell wants very much to be intellectually honest and complete, I'm sure he provides a comprehensive and accurate look at the arguments on both sides of each allegation so that the viewer can be sure they're getting the whole story, from which they can make up their own minds with all facts and possibilities at hand.

I haven't viewed the movie. Have I made a fair assumption?
Watch the last 30 minutes and give us your almighty response.
Asymmetrical preaching bores me.
Do you want to know the arguments or not?

It's not My Pillow dude talking. He has an expert presenting the evidence.
Not really interested, unless and until there is an opportunity to see and hear both sides at the same time.

I'll go ahead and trust the Republican governors, the Republican election officials, the state judges (including those appointed by Trump), the USSC, the FBI, and the Attorney General, all of whom disagree with Trump and his Trumpsters.
In the current political landscape, you cannot see both sides at the same time. If you really do want to see both sides in their purest forms, go directly to the sources. Listen to Lindell, Trump, or whoever your political opponent may be either directly, or from a source where the bias favors him, then find a source that is biased against your opponent. If you do not do this, you will default into self imposed ignorance.
Because I'm sure that Mr. Lindell wants very much to be intellectually honest and complete, I'm sure he provides a comprehensive and accurate look at the arguments on both sides of each allegation so that the viewer can be sure they're getting the whole story, from which they can make up their own minds with all facts and possibilities at hand.

I haven't viewed the movie. Have I made a fair assumption?
Watch the last 30 minutes and give us your almighty response.
Asymmetrical preaching bores me.
Do you want to know the arguments or not?

It's not My Pillow dude talking. He has an expert presenting the evidence.
Not really interested, unless and until there is an opportunity to see and hear both sides at the same time.

I'll go ahead and trust the Republican governors, the Republican election officials, the state judges (including those appointed by Trump), the USSC, the FBI, and the Attorney General, all of whom disagree with Trump and his Trumpsters.
When do you think that is going to happen when anything on fraud is censored by networks Twitter and Facebook. There is the disingenuous we talked about. You could care less about the truth. Why don't you have the guts to admit it?
I could care less about the truth.

It really should be "couldn't care less", but I know you're trying, and I'm trying to make you happy.
You people are not happy, you are stuck on misery and stupid. You are under the impression destroying this country actually accomplishes something. All it does is destroy the hope for the rest of the world that know that if freedom dies here it dies everywhere. You people are just assholes. Period.
Replies like that only reassure me I am correct. Thanks liar.
You're very welcome!
Because I'm sure that Mr. Lindell wants very much to be intellectually honest and complete, I'm sure he provides a comprehensive and accurate look at the arguments on both sides of each allegation so that the viewer can be sure they're getting the whole story, from which they can make up their own minds with all facts and possibilities at hand.

I haven't viewed the movie. Have I made a fair assumption?
Watch the last 30 minutes and give us your almighty response.
Asymmetrical preaching bores me.
Do you want to know the arguments or not?

It's not My Pillow dude talking. He has an expert presenting the evidence.
Not really interested, unless and until there is an opportunity to see and hear both sides at the same time.

I'll go ahead and trust the Republican governors, the Republican election officials, the state judges (including those appointed by Trump), the USSC, the FBI, and the Attorney General, all of whom disagree with Trump and his Trumpsters.
In the current political landscape, you cannot see both sides at the same time. If you really do want to see both sides in their purest forms, go directly to the sources. Listen to Lindell, Trump, or whoever your political opponent may be either directly, or from a source where the bias favors him, then find a source that is biased against your opponent. If you do not do this, you will default into self imposed ignorance.
Meh. Too much work for Mac.

He just lets CNN do his thinking for him, while accusing us of letting Rush Limbaugh et al do ours.
Just finished watching it from start to finish. How many of you have watched the entire 2 hour movie?

Even OAN had a 90 second disclaimer that it does not stand behind the crazy claims made by crazy, former drug addict, Lindell
You think people are not allowed to cover their asses? Why should the network face intimidation and blackmail and lawsuits if they do not have to by using a disclaimer? Notice they do not say it is false information.
a 90 second disclaimer is unheard of. I have never seen a documentary have a more explicit disclaimer. Lindell and many more purveyors of blatant lies are facing many lawsuits. Our society is making Trumpists accountable for the their lying.
The funniest part, for me, is watching frauds like Lindell laud the value of the affidavits, then spend the rest of their time arguing fraud that has nothing to do with the claims in the affidavits. They know full well that anyone who isn't already laughing at them is too far down the cult rabbit hole to see the clear, intellectual fraud in this.
Just finished watching it from start to finish. How many of you have watched the entire 2 hour movie?
And when will Lindell be taking this evidence to the authorities, or to court? He doesn't lack the resources. Why is he making videos with a fringe wingnut company, instead of prosecuting his case through proper channels?

Pretty easy answer.
None of your comments on this thread have any merit, since you did not watch the movie that this thread is about. You are ignorant of the content of the movie.
Just finished watching it from start to finish. How many of you have watched the entire 2 hour movie?

Even OAN had a 90 second disclaimer that it does not stand behind the crazy claims made by crazy, former drug addict, Lindell
You think people are not allowed to cover their asses? Why should the network face intimidation and blackmail and lawsuits if they do not have to by using a disclaimer? Notice they do not say it is false information.
a 90 second disclaimer is unheard of. I have never seen a documentary have a more explicit disclaimer. Lindell and many more purveyors of blatant lies are facing many lawsuits. Our society is making Trumpists accountable for the their lying.
Let the litigation play out.

As I have posted above:

Complete Defenses
Truth is widely accepted as a complete defense to all defamation claims.

https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/def...facie defamation,the subject of the statement.
The CEO of Parler wanted to suppress the nutcases. I guess you need to find another victim.

You're right, that was my misunderstanding

Some people are not afraid to stand up for what is right. Board of Directors for Parler didn't back down from what's right in the face of being canceled by big tech, good for them.
Just finished watching it from start to finish. How many of you have watched the entire 2 hour movie?

Even OAN had a 90 second disclaimer that it does not stand behind the crazy claims made by crazy, former drug addict, Lindell
You think people are not allowed to cover their asses? Why should the network face intimidation and blackmail and lawsuits if they do not have to by using a disclaimer? Notice they do not say it is false information.
a 90 second disclaimer is unheard of. I have never seen a documentary have a more explicit disclaimer. Lindell and many more purveyors of blatant lies are facing many lawsuits. Our society is making Trumpists accountable for the their lying.
Our society is becoming a fascist one with useful idiots like you enabling persecution and witch hunts. Anything else traitor?
The funniest part, for me, is watching frauds like Lindell laud the value of the affidavits, then spend the rest of their time arguing fraud that has nothing to do with the claims in the affidavits. They know full well that anyone who isn't already laughing at them is too far down the cult rabbit hole to see the clear, intellectual fraud in this.
There was massive fraud.

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