Mike Lindell Absolute Proof

Because I'm sure that Mr. Lindell wants very much to be intellectually honest and complete, I'm sure he provides a comprehensive and accurate look at the arguments on both sides of each allegation so that the viewer can be sure they're getting the whole story, from which they can make up their own minds with all facts and possibilities at hand.

I haven't viewed the movie. Have I made a fair assumption?
Why dont you hold CNN and the MSM to the same standards?
I do, of course.

You're just making assumptions based on ignorance.
Says the guy who is commenting on a thread about a movie he didn't watch.
Did I make any assumptions based on ignorance?

Point it out, please.
"I haven't viewed the movie. Have I made a fair assumption?"
I asked a reasonable question. Then I asked if it was fair. I attacked no one based on ignorance.

You didn't like the question, so you got pissy. Typical Trumpster.
Because I'm sure that Mr. Lindell wants very much to be intellectually honest and complete, I'm sure he provides a comprehensive and accurate look at the arguments on both sides of each allegation so that the viewer can be sure they're getting the whole story, from which they can make up their own minds with all facts and possibilities at hand.

I haven't viewed the movie. Have I made a fair assumption?
Why dont you hold CNN and the MSM to the same standards?
I do, of course.

You're just making assumptions based on ignorance.
Hhahahahaha...sure you do.
Because I'm sure that Mr. Lindell wants very much to be intellectually honest and complete, I'm sure he provides a comprehensive and accurate look at the arguments on both sides of each allegation so that the viewer can be sure they're getting the whole story, from which they can make up their own minds with all facts and possibilities at hand.

I haven't viewed the movie. Have I made a fair assumption?
Why dont you hold CNN and the MSM to the same standards?
I do, of course.

You're just making assumptions based on ignorance.
Says the guy who is commenting on a thread about a movie he didn't watch.
Did I make any assumptions based on ignorance?

Point it out, please.
"I haven't viewed the movie. Have I made a fair assumption?"
I asked a reasonable question. Then I asked if it was fair. I attacked no one based on ignorance.

You didn't like the question, so you got pissy. Typical Trumpster.
Why are you on this thread?
Because I'm sure that Mr. Lindell wants very much to be intellectually honest and complete, I'm sure he provides a comprehensive and accurate look at the arguments on both sides of each allegation so that the viewer can be sure they're getting the whole story, from which they can make up their own minds with all facts and possibilities at hand.

I haven't viewed the movie. Have I made a fair assumption?
Why dont you hold CNN and the MSM to the same standards?
I do, of course.

You're just making assumptions based on ignorance.
Says the guy who is commenting on a thread about a movie he didn't watch.
Did I make any assumptions based on ignorance?

Point it out, please.
"I haven't viewed the movie. Have I made a fair assumption?"
I asked a reasonable question. Then I asked if it was fair. I attacked no one based on ignorance.

You didn't like the question, so you got pissy. Typical Trumpster.
Why are you on this thread?
I asked a question. It was answered. I was done. And now you're just complaining.
Because I'm sure that Mr. Lindell wants very much to be intellectually honest and complete, I'm sure he provides a comprehensive and accurate look at the arguments on both sides of each allegation so that the viewer can be sure they're getting the whole story, from which they can make up their own minds with all facts and possibilities at hand.

I haven't viewed the movie. Have I made a fair assumption?
Why dont you hold CNN and the MSM to the same standards?
I do, of course.

You're just making assumptions based on ignorance.
Says the guy who is commenting on a thread about a movie he didn't watch.
Did I make any assumptions based on ignorance?

Point it out, please.
"I haven't viewed the movie. Have I made a fair assumption?"
I asked a reasonable question. Then I asked if it was fair. I attacked no one based on ignorance.

You didn't like the question, so you got pissy. Typical Trumpster.
Why are you on this thread?
Its like reading the comic section of the newspaper. Makes me laugh.
Lindell has the same information our security agencies have, including the FBI.
Right, fantastical claims backed by zero evidence for which people are now being sued. No, it doesnt matter how may cultists believe it or how enthusiastic they are.
I think the play here is if Dominion doesn't sue every single person that has lied about them then they must be lying about something.
Lindell has the same information our security agencies have, including the FBI.
Right, fantastical claims backed by zero evidence for which people are now being sued. No, it doesnt matter how may cultists believe it or how enthusiastic they are.
You do not think the FBI is capable of that having that kind information, and doing nothing? Back under your rock, please.
How many of you have something bad to say about it without having watched it?
You idiots are so gullible !!!

They just made this crap up. There is no proof at all. The dept of homeland security and AG Barr both said no fraud, no hacking, totally secure.

Because I'm sure that Mr. Lindell wants very much to be intellectually honest and complete, I'm sure he provides a comprehensive and accurate look at the arguments on both sides of each allegation so that the viewer can be sure they're getting the whole story, from which they can make up their own minds with all facts and possibilities at hand.

I haven't viewed the movie. Have I made a fair assumption?

You should
Lindell has the same information our security agencies have, including the FBI.
Right, fantastical claims backed by zero evidence for which people are now being sued. No, it doesnt matter how may cultists believe it or how enthusiastic they are.

First thing I checked out that wasn't hard numbers is true. Matter of fact PROG-facts changed the story so they could say it wasn't true. That's who you guys are.
The data guy says the reason the public didn't get wind of this, outside mainstream news is it's hard to understand. He's talking about PROGS of course. Being a former analyst myself it's easy:abgg2q.jpg:
I watched the whole video last night. I do hope that those making threats against those presenting evidence are arrested and anyone in the government who assisted or was complicit with these frauds upon the people. Our federal agencies need a good house cleaning.

I’m curious, if there is absolute proof then why didn’t AG Barr do anything? Why did he say he had not seen convincing evidence of systemic fraud?
Barr has been the coverup guy for many years. He chose to ignore it when it was presented before him. Why do you think he resigned? Listen to the video. There will be people going to jail, losing those cushy federal positions and more for their part in covering up and taking part in this massive cyber attack on our liberty and freedom.
I have a question and maybe some of you can let me know. When you are crazy do you have moments of lucidity where you realize you are batshit insane?
I have to laugh at the people who believe Russian collusion, pee pee tapes, need safe spaces, coloring books and crayons, therapy animals, days off work and school, scream at the sky nights, believe the good people on both sides thingy.....I could go on and on....are the people calling other people insane.
Of course they are lies. Do you really think people are dumb enough to believe all those Dump appointed judges are part of some scheme encompassing hundreds if not thousands of people to defraud the person that appointed them? You guys are losing your fucking minds just like the idiot that made the movie.

Lots of people have no spine OR are too scared to lose what they have. Are you not seeing what the establishment is doing to anyone who supported Trump?

Risking everything you have to support what's right takes courage, integrity, and guts. Many people would rather "go with the flow" than rock the boat. Sad but true.
There are plenty of people that still support Dump and nothing is happening to them as long as they dont commit a crime.
A lot of things will happen to them. Their taxes will go up, there will be less jobs for them, and their children will be indoctrinated to turn them in if they deviate from the DNC worldview. Plus everything they do and say on social media will be censored.

So yea, lots will happen to them so long as they lay down and take it.
You cant selectively raise a persons taxes you nitwit. Good thing there will be less jobs. No one enjoys working with a conspiracy supporter. Stop whining about social media. Start your own platform.
Right, the IRS targets them like we saw with Obama you nitwit.
Of course they are lies. Do you really think people are dumb enough to believe all those Dump appointed judges are part of some scheme encompassing hundreds if not thousands of people to defraud the person that appointed them? You guys are losing your fucking minds just like the idiot that made the movie.

Lots of people have no spine OR are too scared to lose what they have. Are you not seeing what the establishment is doing to anyone who supported Trump?

Risking everything you have to support what's right takes courage, integrity, and guts. Many people would rather "go with the flow" than rock the boat. Sad but true.
There are plenty of people that still support Dump and nothing is happening to them as long as they dont commit a crime.
A lot of things will happen to them. Their taxes will go up, there will be less jobs for them, and their children will be indoctrinated to turn them in if they deviate from the DNC worldview. Plus everything they do and say on social media will be censored.

So yea, lots will happen to them so long as they lay down and take it.
You cant selectively raise a persons taxes you nitwit. Good thing there will be less jobs. No one enjoys working with a conspiracy supporter. Stop whining about social media. Start your own platform.
Right, the IRS targets them like we saw with Obama you nitwit.
As they should. Target all these looney birds. However, that doesnt mean they can raise their taxes like you claimed.
Lindell has the same information our security agencies have, including the FBI.
Right, fantastical claims backed by zero evidence for which people are now being sued. No, it doesnt matter how may cultists believe it or how enthusiastic they are.
Hundreds of affidavits and whistle-blowers.
Not a single one has been charged with perjury despite swearing under oath.

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