Mike Lindell says “300 Million” are Going to Jail for Election Fraud

Nonsense is your reply. Nancy is retiring because insider trading is catching up to her, she will no longer be speaker after 2022, and she will be held accountable for refusing offers for more security by The Capital Police and offers to send The National Guard on Jan 6. If she is no longer in Congress, it will be harder to get her to testify. That is why the corrupt old hag is retiring.

Lock her up is how she should be retired, but we know The Corrupt DOJ and FBI protect their own.
I'll bet that's all just a conspiracy theory and you are just wishing this is all true.

Sounds more like when Dennis Hastert had to stop being the speaker. Remember that Republican?

On May 28, 2015, Hastert was indicted on federal charges of structuring bank withdrawals to evade bank reporting requirements and making false statements to federal investigators. Federal prosecutors said that the funds withdrawn by Hastert were used as hush money to conceal his past sexual misconduct.[2][3] In October 2015, Hastert entered into a plea agreement with prosecutors. Under the agreement, Hastert pleaded guilty to the structuring charge (a felony); the charge of making false statements was dropped.[4] In court submissions filed in April 2016, federal prosecutors alleged that Hastert had molested at least four boys as young as 14 years of age during his time as a high school wrestling coach.[5] At a sentencing hearing, Hastert admitted that he had sexually abused boys whom he had coached.[6] Referring to Hastert as a "serial child molester", a federal judge imposed a sentence of 15 months in prison, two years' supervised release, and a $250,000 fine.[3][7] Hastert was imprisoned in 2016 and was released 13 months later.[8] He became the highest-ranking elected official in U.S. history to serve a prison sentence.[3]
And he kept repeating the garbage about election fraud and how SCOTUS was going to overturn the 2020 election.

What’s wrong with the Right these days that this loon gets an audience with the President?

His family really need to have an intervention with him. I honestly believe he is mentally ill.
He definitely misspoke.

Was it a LIE?

Who knows?

Was it a LIE when Sotomayor claimed 100,000 children have been hospitalized because of COVID and many are on ventilators?

Was she LYING or did she MISSPEAK?

Seems to me, the LYING/MISSPEAK line falls on where ones tribalism falls.
Are you lying or just misspeaking?

8.5 million Covid positive children.
1% hospitalizations is 85,000. That number only represents 24 states that reported hospitalizations among children.
democrats are the losers demanding we expand the powers of their beloved big brother and their freedom crushing cancel culture

I wasn't aware that Democrats were expanding state powers to force women who have been raped to bear their rapists' babies. No abortions no exceptions for rape or incest.

Ron DeSantis has given the "freedom" to motorists to drive right over protestors who get in their way, which goes along with their "stand your ground" gun laws. Cities, towns and businesses aren't allowed to decide whether they want mask mandates. And all teachers must report their partisan beliefs to the government. DeSantis calls it "freedom" as he limits freedom of speech, security over your own body, and voters' rights.

Freedom for whom?
Yet you're obsessed with him.

Notice that NONE of the Americans started threads on this, only the fascists. This is what, thread #3...

Once again you're claiming that only people who think like you are "Americans". That's the very definition of "fascism". Creating and vilifying the "other" as not being fit for consideration. Once you call people dehumanizing names, it becomes easier to commit violence against them - like January 6th.

Like the assaults on election workers, and school boards. This is the attempt of the Republican Party to establish a fascist dictatorship, with subordinated minorities with no voting rights.
We support the Constitution - you seek a totalitarian collectivist dictatorship.

We are Americans, you are Nazis.

And yes, you most certainly are confused.
What a bunch of unmitigated horseshit

It was you people who attempted to dismatle the democratic process and subvert the will of the people

It was your president who idolized and kissed up to dictators around the world

It was your president who did not know anything about or care about the constitution and continually proved it

If you want to be taken seriously, you might want to drop the moronic, over the top rhetoric
I wasn't aware that Democrats were expanding state powers to force women who have been raped to bear their rapists' babies.

Ohh look, a straw man - how clever.

No abortions no exceptions for rape or incest.

That's a fucking lie - but hey - lying is the Nazi way.
Ron DeSantis has given the "freedom" to motorists to drive right over protestors who get in their way, which goes along with their "stand your ground" gun laws.

More lies.

Cities, towns and businesses aren't allowed to decide whether they want mask mandates.

No more than they are in New York, California, or a dozen other states.

But that's different because Uber Alles Democrat

And all teachers must report their partisan beliefs to the government.

That's a fucking lie.

DeSantis calls it "freedom" as he limits freedom of speech

Another fucking lie.

, security over your own body, and voters' rights.

Freedom for whom?

Does it even sink in for you that since you have to lie about virtually everything in order to promote fascism, that you probably aren't the good guys you imagine yourself to be?

You really are evil, you know?


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What a bunch of unmitigated horseshit

Just the facts, Comrade Nazi

It was you people who attempted to dismatle the democratic process and subvert the will of the people


Ah yes, the Reichstag Fire.

So much worse than Pearl Harbor or 9-11. I mean, people interfered with the peaceful transfer of power by questioning the election.


It was your president who idolized and kissed up to dictators around the world

Ah, lying - how clever. Trump had China back on their heels. They didn't like that - so they worked with their democrat lackies and unleashed a biological weapon.

That let them install their stooge. Quid Pro does what he's told. He knows who owns him.

It was your president who did not know anything about or care about the constitution and continually proved it

How fucking stupid.

But since you have no facts, stupidity is your refuge.

If you want to be taken seriously, you might want to drop the moronic, over the top rhetoric

Taken seriously by drooling morons like you?


You are a degenerate Marxist. I have zero respect for you. I'm here to expose you and your fellow vermin, not make friends with you.

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