Mike Lindell says “300 Million” are Going to Jail for Election Fraud

That's a really fucking weak attempt at bullshit and deflection Tree. Time to remind you about Trump's secret Chinese bank accounts, and his slavering devotion to Vladimir Putin who he allowed to hack the entire US government without even telling the American people it happened.

Trump planned, organized, and lead an attempt to overthrow the election of Joe Biden, right down to forged slated of electors submitting the fraudulent electoral college votes from 7 different states which Biden won. In many cases, these forgeries carried the real signature of the President of that state's Republican Party.

The type of cheating that Republicans do will never be found with voter ID. Gerrymandering and voter suppression, closing polling stations in low income neighbourhood, striking voter names from the rolls without verification or notice.

None of the election security laws being passed by Republicans will actually prevent cheating on the elections. In fact, they'll will enable the kind of cheating and voter suppression that the Voter Rights Act ended.
man you democrats sure know a ton about cheating
And he kept repeating the garbage about election fraud and how SCOTUS was going to overturn the 2020 election.

What’s wrong with the Right these days that this loon gets an audience with the President?

Do you have a credible source?
That's a really fucking weak attempt at bullshit and deflection Tree. Time to remind you about Trump's secret Chinese bank accounts, and his slavering devotion to Vladimir Putin who he allowed to hack the entire US government without even telling the American people it happened.

Trump planned, organized, and lead an attempt to overthrow the election of Joe Biden, right down to forged slated of electors submitting the fraudulent electoral college votes from 7 different states which Biden won. In many cases, these forgeries carried the real signature of the President of that state's Republican Party.

The type of cheating that Republicans do will never be found with voter ID. Gerrymandering and voter suppression, closing polling stations in low income neighbourhood, striking voter names from the rolls without verification or notice.

None of the election security laws being passed by Republicans will actually prevent cheating onthe elections. In fact, they'll will enable the kind of cheating and voter suppression that the Voter Rights Act ended.
Take your Chinese Bank Accounts and shove them up your Red DeagonLady Chinese Ass you Chi-Com whore and take Joe and Hunter Biden’s Chinese Bank Accounts with you.

That’s a cool $1.5 Billion for you to STFU
You mean China Joe Biden, Obama, and their allies, Russia, The Taliban, and Iran. Throw in Nancy Pelosi and the other DemNazi Chi-Com stooges as the real enemies of Democracy and Freedom as well.

The only insurrection we have actual facts on is when Obama removed the ban on gain of function research, sent Fauci to Wuhan and had The Defense Department fund creation of the COVID 19 Bio Weapon through EcoHealth and a couple other NGOs to conceal their crimes, then they attacked America with that Bioweapon to alter the results of the 2020 election illegitimately installing Chi-Com Joe in to the White House like a shameful Banana Republic.

The only other COUP and Insurrection we know about was Obama, Clinton, and Biden's "Operation Russian Collusion" which went on for three straight years between 2016 and all the way until the end of 2019 right when the DemNazis launched The COVID19 Bioweapons attack against America.
Yet you're obsessed with him.

Notice that NONE of the Americans started threads on this, only the fascists. This is what, thread #3...
Every few days they must let Lindell out of the nut ward just to rile up you Trump asslickers with his bullshit.

And they succeed every time.
Every few days they must let Lindell out of the nut ward just to rile up you Trump asslickers with his bullshit.

And they succeed every time.
Take Trump out of it and realize an election was stolen. Just that fact, no matter who was cheated, would have a real American very upset. If you won't stand on principle you will stand for nothing. You are a nothing.

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