Mike Lindell says “300 Million” are Going to Jail for Election Fraud

No more elections. Instill whomever you want as king as worship him accordingly. But I will not conform to your ideals and you will be forced to deal with those of us who won't buy into a single thing either party represents. And you will have to respect that. We will leave you alone and you will leave us alone.
Has anyone tried one of Lindell's pillows? The reviews I've seen say it is like trying to sleep on a sack of potatoes.
I have a couple and they are the best I've slept with yet.
Soft and fluffy ~(would have to be rotten potatoes in that sack to come close.).
No more elections. Instill whomever you want as king as worship him accordingly. But I will not conform to your ideals and you will be forced to deal with those of us who won't buy into a single thing either party represents. And you will have to respect that. We will leave you alone and you will leave us alone.
You will follow all the same laws we follow and pay all the same taxes we pay. Welcome to society. I suppose you could go buy your own Island and live there alone.
Quid pro quo ~groper/molester Joe is doing his part to show the Left is equal if not worse at math then some on the right.

But then, this has been clear for decades now given the "buy in" to 400ppm CO2 being the only and main cause of global warming~climate change.
Dude. The video of Lindell saying it is in the OP.

He said it.
You know these trumpanzees...will deny what they see with their own eyes and hear with their own ears if it goes against the cult dogma.
Both parties unrelenting love and support of your candidates is quite frankly... Abnormal
Has anyone tried one of Lindell's pillows? The reviews I've seen say it is like trying to sleep on a sack of potatoes.
There's bad chemical residue in the stuffing......imagine inhaling that stuff at night? Not good for man or beast.

It might explain why we are so puzzled about the mental con-dition of all those trump cultists. They've been huffing while sleeping.
Quid pro quo ~groper/molester Joe is doing his part to show the Left is equal if not worse at math then some on the right.

But then, this has been clear for decades now given the "buy in" to 400ppm CO2 being the only and main cause of global warming~climate change.
Oh look, a climate science denying goober.

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