Mike Lindell says “300 Million” are Going to Jail for Election Fraud

I'm normally against tax increases, but for this I'll pay my fair share of taxes to get new prisons built for these election criminals.
I would pay to have mental hospitals built for all of the delusional conspiracy nuts out there . Prisons too for all of you traitors who are trying to destroy democracy and turn America into a dictatoship
Americans are justifiably concerned about enemies of America’s democracy, such as Trump and Lindell.

The fascists support Trump and Lindell’s contempt for America’s democracy.
You mean China Joe Biden, Obama, and their allies, Russia, The Taliban, and Iran. Throw in Nancy Pelosi and the other DemNazi Chi-Com stooges as the real enemies of Democracy and Freedom as well.

The only insurrection we have actual facts on is when Obama removed the ban on gain of function research, sent Fauci to Wuhan and had The Defense Department fund creation of the COVID 19 Bio Weapon through EcoHealth and a couple other NGOs to conceal their crimes, then they attacked America with that Bioweapon to alter the results of the 2020 election illegitimately installing Chi-Com Joe in to the White House like a shameful Banana Republic.

The only other COUP and Insurrection we know about was Obama, Clinton, and Biden's "Operation Russian Collusion" which went on for three straight years between 2016 and all the way until the end of 2019 right when the DemNazis launched The COVID19 Bioweapons attack against America.
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That you and others on the authoritarian right

What do you mean the "democrat right?"

You've been into the isopropyl again, haven't you?

are embarrassed by the likes of Trump and Lindell doesn’t justify opposing threads with either as the topic.

Again, Lindell is the obsession of your Nazis.

Decent Americans don't pay much attention to him - but you democrat vermin are obsessed.
I'm normally against tax increases, but for this I'll pay my fair share of taxes to get new prisons built for these election criminals.
He properly represents all Republican voters.
Hmmm. There are only 330 million of us.

It is not my intention when I come into this chatroom to snark on Mike Lindell, or for that matter, the avataree Lenny Partiv.
But, shuxamighty!!! They make it too easy.
They are the fabled ..."Hangin' curve on the corner of the plate"; or the guy on the little seat over the dunk-tank.

So, as the poster Otis M., perceptively noted.......Mike and Lenny intend to stick a goshdarn bunch of behind bars.
Which begs the question who will pay the taxes for all those prisons Lenny desires?
I mean, so many breadwinners and taxpayers will be locked up.

And can we presume that Mike & Lenny will have the remaining 30 million guard the 300 million locked up?
If so, there may be some, ummm, practical implementation issues. Staffing challenges.
After all, of America's 330 million, 40 million of 'em are the under the age of 9!
And another 6 million are over 85 years of age!

So the 300 million criminal prisoners will be guarded by a skeleton crew of children. And maybe throw in an assortment of 85 to 95 year olds (as supervisors and wardens?)
Maybe Mike & Lenny could give a dispensation to those over 95?........(which would reduce their guard-staff by another 500,000).

So you see, if you think staffing today is getting tough at the local JimmyJohns, or Burger King.......well, that ain't nuthin' when compared to Mike & Lenny's challenges with their work force of kids and, 'super-seniors'.

I love this bar.
It's like the student's fav watering hole next to Trump University.
He never said that. Some A-hole from Raw Story said he did. What is it with the left anyway? Do they need to vent their anger at a guy who makes pillows because Trump ain't around? Why do democrats insist on behaving like losers when they have the majority in politics? It beats talking about inflation, covid, the border crisis, Americans left in Afghanistan and empty shelves in stores.
He never said that. Some A-hole from Raw Story said he did. What is it with the left anyway? Do they need to vent their anger at a guy who makes pillows because Trump ain't around? Why do democrats insist on behaving like losers when they have the majority in politics? It beats talking about inflation, covid, the border crisis, Americans left in Afghanistan and empty shelves in stores.
Aren't you expecting the Republicans to take back control of the House and Senate this year? Is it not a midterm election year? Stop playing stupid.

This guy is wacky. He's being sued by Dominion for slandering them. He wishes he could sue us but everything we say about him is true. Including the fact he was friends with Jeffrey Epstein too.
Aren't you expecting the Republicans to take back control of the House and Senate this year? Is it not a midterm election year? Stop playing stupid.

This guy is wacky. He's being sued by Dominion for slandering them. He wishes he could sue us but everything we say about him is true. Including the fact he was friends with Jeffrey Epstein too.


And he kept repeating the garbage about election fraud and how SCOTUS was going to overturn the 2020 election.

What’s wrong with the Right these days that this loon gets an audience with the President?

Surely it's time for his family to call an intervention.

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