Mike Lindell says “300 Million” are Going to Jail for Election Fraud

That fucking pillow peddler needs professional help and probably some time on the ward...
Surely it's time for his family to call an intervention.
Guys, I'm gonna offer pushback on that.
In short, I cannot agree.

Mike may not be the star of this current show but he's pretty doggone good role-player.
So America needs Mike Lindell.
The MAGAHatters and the Stop-the-Stealers, well, they probably don't. Anymore.
But in the meantime, the rest of us real Americans are gonna enjoy the circus that's in town now.

Besides would a circus be as much fun if they didn't have the painted-face guys doing pratfalls and shooting each other's foot?


"Lastamender knows the election was stolen."

Yupper, as we have read on this venue many many times. Yet......

Yet poor poster Lastamender has not quite lived up to his own billing....when came the time and opportunity to impart all this knowledge he claims he holds.

How many times has he been requested to show? To prove it? To offer up credible evidence?

Well, I haven't counted the times.....but it is a lot.
But he never comes to the table. With any aces.

I don't mean to cast doubt, but.......but I'm leaning towards the suggestion that good poster Lastamender's claims are simply so much......ummm, Pillow Talk? ;)
Guys, I'm gonna offer pushback on that.
In short, I cannot agree.

Mike may not be the star of this current show but he's pretty doggone good role-player.
So America needs Mike Lindell.
The MAGAHatters and the Stop-the-Stealers, well, they probably don't. Anymore.
But in the meantime, the rest of us real Americans are gonna enjoy the circus that's in town now.

Besides would a circus be as much fun if they didn't have the painted-face guys doing pratfalls and shooting each other's foot?


Yupper, as we have read on this venue many many times. Yet......

Yet poor poster Lastamender has not quite lived up to his own billing....when came the time and opportunity to impart all this knowledge he claims he holds.

How many times has he been requested to show? To prove it? To offer up credible evidence?

Well, I haven't counted the times.....but it is a lot.
But he never comes to the table. With any aces.

I don't mean to cast doubt, but.......but I'm leaning towards the suggestion that good poster Lastamender's claims are simply so much......ummm, Pillow Talk? ;)
No one cares troll.
He never said that. Some A-hole from Raw Story said he did. What is it with the left anyway? Do they need to vent their anger at a guy who makes pillows because Trump ain't around? Why do democrats insist on behaving like losers when they have the majority in politics? It beats talking about inflation, covid, the border crisis, Americans left in Afghanistan and empty shelves in stores.
Dude. The video of Lindell saying it is in the OP.

He said it.
He definitely misspoke.

Was it a LIE?

Who knows?

Was it a LIE when Sotomayor claimed 100,000 children have been hospitalized because of COVID and many are on ventilators?

Was she LYING or did she MISSPEAK?

Seems to me, the LYING/MISSPEAK line falls on where ones tribalism falls.
This post will be completely ignored by leftist idiots. Because when THEY do it, its an honest mistake but when someone on the right does it......its LUNACY!!!!!!!! Liberals are the most dishonest, lying, corrupt pieces of shit on planet earth.
Keyword: Potential.

And it does not say any were found to have actually voted.

Also from your link:

“Generally speaking, nothing was found on such a large scale that could have altered any election,” said Sam Taylor, assistant secretary of state for communications, in an interview with The Epoch Times.
Most of the election fraud by far is carried out by Republicans.
They would have lost by more if the right-wing cheats were weeded out.
Most of the election fraud by far is carried out by Republicans.
They would have lost by more if the right-wing cheats were weeded out.
Then you support voter ID and tough voting laws!!! Good to know.
In the same way this guy represents ALL democrat voters.

View attachment 587096

You are a democrat, so you worship him as your god.

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