Mike Lindell says “300 Million” are Going to Jail for Election Fraud

see - vomit the same shit.
Yes, i.e., reality.

Else, take your dumb ass down to the DHS and show them the evidence

Or go sit your lying ass in the corner with the spoon benders and the alien abductees, where you embarrassing dildos belong.

Those are the rules. The have been around for quite a while.

Btw, thanks for so quickly proving my point.

Obedient, mindless assistants are hard to find these days.
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Ohh look, a straw man - how clever.

That's a fucking lie - but hey - lying is the Nazi way.

More lies.

No more than they are in New York, California, or a dozen other states.

But that's different because Uber Alles Democrat

That's a fucking lie.

Another fucking lie.

Does it even sink in for you that since you have to lie about virtually everything in order to promote fascism, that you probably aren't the good guys you imagine yourself to be?

You really are evil, you know?
You sound just like Jeffery Epstein saying that molesters of underaged girls are bad and should be arrested.
" force women who have been raped to bear their rapists' babies."

You Nazis are such sleazy fucking liars.

Two abortion laws. One is at 6 weeks, the other at 15. Both have provisions for rape and incest.

As I said to your fellow fascist, that you have to constantly lie to further your Reich makes clear that you serve an evil cause.
You sound just like Al Capone giving an on-line lecture on how bad organized crime and bootlegging is. :heehee:
Well he is an addict after all and addicts do tend to over indulge in things to the point it's hazardous to their physical and or mental health.

I just wish he would tone it down. He makes conservatives look bad.
Well he is an addict after all and addicts do tend to over indulge in things to the point it's hazardous to their physical and or mental health.

I just wish he would tone it down. He makes conservatives look bad.
Yeah! He should totally tell all of those idiotic lies that you believe in a lower tone of voice.

It is not my intention when I come into this chatroom to snark on Mike Lindell, or for that matter, the avataree Lenny Partiv.
But, shuxamighty!!! They make it too easy.
They are the fabled ..."Hangin' curve on the corner of the plate"; or the guy on the little seat over the dunk-tank.

So, as the poster Otis M., perceptively noted.......Mike and Lenny intend to stick a goshdarn bunch of behind bars.
Which begs the question who will pay the taxes for all those prisons Lenny desires?

I mean, so many breadwinners and taxpayers will be locked up.

And can we presume that Mike & Lenny will have the remaining 30 million guard the 300 million locked up?
If so, there may be some, ummm, practical implementation issues. Staffing challenges.
After all, of America's 330 million, 40 million of 'em are the under the age of 9!
And another 6 million are over 85 years of age!

So the 300 million criminal prisoners will be guarded by a skeleton crew of children. And maybe throw in an assortment of 85 to 95 year olds (as supervisors and wardens?)
Maybe Mike & Lenny could give a dispensation to those over 95?........(which would reduce their guard-staff by another 500,000).

So you see, if you think staffing today is getting tough at the local JimmyJohns, or Burger King.......well, that ain't nuthin' when compared to Mike & Lenny's challenges with their work force of kids and, 'super-seniors'.

I love this bar.
It's like the student's fav watering hole next to Trump University.
It's definitely a meeting place where dumb and crazy hang together. :113:
" force women who have been raped to bear their rapists' babies."

You Nazis are such sleazy fucking liars.

Two abortion laws. One is at 6 weeks, the other at 15. Both have provisions for rape and incest.

As I said to your fellow fascist, that you have to constantly lie to further your Reich makes clear that you serve an evil cause.
YOU are totally FULL OF SHIT!


Do you even remember how not to lie?

You literally just pulled that out of your lying ass.

Don't be a fucking retard. Oops. Well don't be more a fucking retard than you have to be...

Rape victims know they've been raped - at least ones who actually are raped. The 40 years later it was rape type when the man runs for public office not so much. But actual rape, the woman knows it and can get help in the 6 week time frame with no problem.
Rape victims know they've been raped - at least ones who actually are raped. The 40 years later it was rape type when the man runs for public office not so much. But actual rape, the woman knows it and can get help in the 6 week time frame with no problem.
Knowing you have been raped is not the same as knowing you are pregnant. And Texas has made damn sure that anyone who finds out at 4 or 5 weeks that they are pregnant (i.e., virtually everyone pregnant woman in Texas) doesn't have time to get an abortion before 6 weeks. You know this. You are fine with this. You support it.

Why be so dishonest? Just admit you don't care if some or even most rape victims have to have their babies, as long as most people can't get abortions. That's the trade off, and you are fine with it. Do you think anyone here, after reading your other posts is going to be *shocked* at what you really think?

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