Mike Lindell says “300 Million” are Going to Jail for Election Fraud

Knowing you have been raped is not the same as knowing you are pregnant.


The Morning after pill is for "in case."

Rape is one of those "in case" situations.

And Texas has made damn sure that someone who finds out at 4 or 5 weeks (i.e., virtually everyone pregnant woman in Texas) doesn't have time to get an abortion before 6 weeks. You know this. You are fine with this. You support it.

How did they do that?

Abortion is a production line, takes 10 minutes.

Why be so dishonest? Just admit you don't care if some or even most rape victims have to have their babies, as long as most people can't get abortions. That's the trade off, and you are fine with it. Do you think anyone here, after reading your other posts is going to be *shocked* at what you really think?

What am I dishonest about? The claim that Texas forces women to carry a rapists baby to term is a flat out lie.

We all know it - you - that degenerate fucking Marxist TheProgressivePatriot , ChiCom Lady - every last one of us know you're lying because you fear that abortions could decline. So you make up claims that you think will make you look like less of a ghoul.
The Morning after pill is for "in case."
Oh I see. So every woman should take one immediately after being raped.... if not, tough shit?

Why the tapdancing? Who do you think you are fooling? You don't give a shit if she has a way out or not. Just admit it.
The claim that Texas forces women to carry a rapists baby to term is a flat out lie.
That is absolutely one consequence of the law, 100%. It absolutely does attempt to do so, by force of monetary penalty and public shaming, willingly or otherwise, after 6 weeks of pregnancy. Only 6 weeks. Yes indeed. And you are fine with that.

So, why recoil? Why not proudly admit you like it? That you support it? I feel like I am watching cognitive dissonance in real time.
You are the one lying. Now prove this information false.

I said the source, not the information, and I do not care if it is false or not. It makes no difference. It is just an excuse to demonize Trump and his supporters
Biden was victorious in the 2020 election.

It would be a hell of a stretch to call it free or fair.


Oh lying, how clever.

PoliticalChic , you want to mop the floor with this moron Nazi, or should I?

There are the Dozen Dumb, that one a charter member, whose only purpose in life is to serve as an example of the dishonesty of the Wehrmacht....er, Democrats.

When he posts, it is good for our side.
Oh I see. So every woman should take one immediately after being raped.... if not, tough shit?

Uh yes. And everyone who steps on a rusty nail should take a tetanus shot.

How fucking stupid are you?

Why the tapdancing? Who do you think you are fooling? You don't give a shit if she has a way out or not. Just admit it.

More appeal to emotion, since you lack facts.

That is absolutely one consequence of the law, 100%. It absolutely does attempt to do so, by force of monetary penalty and public shaming, willingly or otherwise, after 6 weeks of pregnancy. Only 6 weeks. Yes indeed. And you are fine with that.

It's a fucking lie. You ghouls seek to manipulate through fear.

So, why recoil? Why not proudly admit you like it? That you support it? I feel like I am watching cognitive dissonance in real time.

Admit that you're blatantly lying? Okay - you're blatantly lying.
Yes. It is a violation of Roe v Wade.


So the morning after pill, plan B, and abortion prior 6 weeks is a violation of Roe v Wade? The law created by the SCOTUS?

I see you had your usual breakfast of paint chips in vodka...

But if you want to debate abortion, do it on a abortion thread This is about election fraud. Get on topic or get out

Hey retard, You Nazis brought it up. I just point out the fact that Dragonlady is a fucking liar. You other fascists rallied, because - hive mind.

So the morning after pill, plan B, and abortion prior 6 weeks is a violation of Roe v Wade? The law created by the SCOTUS?

I see you had your usual breakfast of paint chips in vodka...

Hey retard, You Nazis brought it up. I just point out the fact that Dragonlady is a fucking liar. You other fascists rallied, because - hive mind.
You should make up your mind whether we are Nazis or Commies. There are differences
Uh yes. And everyone who steps on a rusty nail should take a tetanus shot.
What a fucking idiotic comparison.

Why such a dishonest dick? Just admit you don't give a shit. That you are fine with it, as long as it is nearly impossible for women to get abortions.

Why such a sissy?
What a fucking idiotic comparison.

In what way?

Why such a dishonest dick? Just admit you don't give a shit. That you are fine with it, as long as it is nearly impossible for women to get abortions.

Why such a sissy?

You have a weak brain.

When confronted with logic you recoil.

I will give credit to the degenerate Marxist that this isn't a thread on abortion. You fascists put up a straw man because your were getting the shit kicked out of you on the Lindell topic.

In 2022 America there is no need nor excuse for abortion.

No one gets pregnant other than by choice.

Between reliable, cheap, and easy to get contraceptives, along with the morning after pill and plan B, there is zero need for abortion.

It's a cash cow that enriches unscrupulous and sleazy characters.

All of you are Kermit Gosnell.
In what way?
Spare me your babbling and crybabying. Just admit you don't give a shit if raped women end up having to carry babies to term, as long as women are generally banned from getting abortions.

Otherwise, go pester someone else. I am not interested in your theater and your little acts you idiots put on for each other in public.
Spare me your babbling and crybabying. Just admit you don't give a shit if raped women end up having to carry babies to term, as long as women are generally banned from getting abortions.

Otherwise, go pester someone else. I am not interested in your theater and your little acts you idiots put on for each other in public.

Throw your tantrum.

It won't change the facts.

Women in Texas have 6 weeks to terminate. They know if they've been raped.

Dragonlady put up a straw man to try and distract from the disaster of a thread for you fascists, and only dug you fools in deeper.

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