Mike Lindell says “300 Million” are Going to Jail for Election Fraud

I would choose ByeDon over your Fat Orange Idiot God/King to the tune of 81,000,000 votes. Speechless ewe are tRumptard!!!!!

I can't stop rubbing it in:

Biden closes out Year 1 on an epic losing streak - Axios

Biden's epic failures​

  • Rising anger among Black activists: Members of some civil-rights group refused to appear with Biden for his voting speech in Atlanta. New York Times columnist Charles Blow piled on: "Biden has been dillydallying on getting rid of the filibuster to protect voting rights for essentially his whole administration, until this week."
  • Sen. Dick Durbin of Illinois, the Senate's No. 2 Democrat, distanced himself from some of Biden's rhetoric in Atlanta, where he invoked the Confederacy and Bull Connor. "Perhaps the President went a little too far," Durbin told CNN.
  • Most polls put Biden around 42-43% approval, with over 50% disapproval. In a Quinnipiac poll this week, Biden had a 33% approval. The White House calls that an "outlier."
  • The Supreme Court yesterday blocked Biden's vaccine-or-test mandate for large employers.
  • The Afghanistan pullout played out about as poorly as it could have.
  • Russia is messing with him: Biden's warnings haven't deterred Vladimir Putin from continuing to build toward a Ukraine invasion.
  • Inflation is soaring: It's the worst in 39 years.
  • Empty grocery shelves get network-news coverage. It's partly the weather, partly COVID, partly the supply chain — but makes a handy visual shorthand for national pessimism.
The bottom line: Build Back Better was supposed to be Biden's FDR moment. Voting rights could have been his LBJ moment. Instead, he's likely to end Year 1 with neither."

Biden closes out Year 1 on an epic losing streak

He has never been less popular nationally.

Axios is way Left.

Let's remember this when we read the posts of the Dozen Dumbest who are still supporting the Democrats.
I can't stop rubbing it in:

Biden closes out Year 1 on an epic losing streak - Axios

Biden's epic failures​

  • Rising anger among Black activists: Members of some civil-rights group refused to appear with Biden for his voting speech in Atlanta. New York Times columnist Charles Blow piled on: "Biden has been dillydallying on getting rid of the filibuster to protect voting rights for essentially his whole administration, until this week."
  • Sen. Dick Durbin of Illinois, the Senate's No. 2 Democrat, distanced himself from some of Biden's rhetoric in Atlanta, where he invoked the Confederacy and Bull Connor. "Perhaps the President went a little too far," Durbin told CNN.
  • Most polls put Biden around 42-43% approval, with over 50% disapproval. In a Quinnipiac poll this week, Biden had a 33% approval. The White House calls that an "outlier."
  • The Supreme Court yesterday blocked Biden's vaccine-or-test mandate for large employers.
  • The Afghanistan pullout played out about as poorly as it could have.
  • Russia is messing with him: Biden's warnings haven't deterred Vladimir Putin from continuing to build toward a Ukraine invasion.
  • Inflation is soaring: It's the worst in 39 years.
  • Empty grocery shelves get network-news coverage. It's partly the weather, partly COVID, partly the supply chain — but makes a handy visual shorthand for national pessimism.
The bottom line: Build Back Better was supposed to be Biden's FDR moment. Voting rights could have been his LBJ moment. Instead, he's likely to end Year 1 with neither."

Biden closes out Year 1 on an epic losing streak

He has never been less popular nationally.

Axios is way Left.

Let's remember this when we read the posts of the Dozen Dumbest who are still supporting the Democrats.
Well, I guess that's what happens when your goals align with Marxists and racists. LOL Poor clueless old fart.
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Well, I guess that's what happens when your goals align with Marxists and racists. LOL

History seems to show it progressing to the point where millions are slaughtered.

Let's hope we can avoid that stage.
So I should make up my mind on whether my Greyhound is a canine or a dog?

Let me think on that, Comrade Nazi.

who is View attachment 587946
Thank you for confirming that you are a willfully ignorant fuck who is determind to stay that way

I will try to educate you but I do not have much hope

It would appear that you and most Republicans are Nazis
Last edited:
Yes I do. And I know what it is not. A zygot is not a human being. An embrio is not a human being.

Time and again we find you proving yourself an imbecile.

Watch me add science to that conclusion:

"An individual human life begins at conception when a sperm cell from the father fuses with an egg cell from the mother, to form a new cell, the zygote, the first embryonic stage. The zygote grows and divides into two daughter cells, each of which grows and divides into two grand-daughter cells, and this cell growth/division process continues on, over and over again. The zygote is the start of a biological continuum that automatically grows and develops, passing gradually and sequentially through the stages we call foetus, baby, child, adult, old person and ending eventually in death. The full genetic instructions to guide the development of the continuum, in interaction with its environment, are present in the zygote. Every stage along the continuum is biologically human and each point along the continuum has the full human properties appropriate to that point." - Dr. William Reville, University College Cork, Ireland

" For many years, fingerprints were the gold standard for linking suspects to a crime scene. Today, the gold standard is DNAevidence because DNA can be collected from virtually anywhere. Even a criminal wearing gloves may unwittingly leave behind trace amounts of biological material. It could be a hair, saliva,blood, semen, skin, sweat, mucus or earwax. All it takes is a few cells to obtain enough DNA information to identify a suspect with near certainty." Collecting DNA Evidence

DNA identifies a person.

When does it become a person?

" A child inherits half their DNA from each parent, while each parent passes half their DNA to each child. This is achieved through sexual fertilization, requiring the meeting of the sperm with the egg, and the combining of the DNA from both (since the sperm and egg contain only half the genetic information in the parent). " DNA is passed on from parent to child

QED, at conception we are discussing a human being with unique and identifying DNA

So.....calling the abortion the ending of a "potential" human is like say that a dollar bill is a "potential" asset.

No...it's a sure thing.

Now.....why don't you explain why you have the "right" to kill another human being????
Thank you for confirming that you are a willfully ignorant fuck who is determind to stay that way

I will try to educate you but I do not have much hope

Because collectivist totalitarians think that all life belongs to the state (the crown) to be disposed of as our rulers see fit.
Yup, I got you pegged
The election was stolen. Over half the country knows it. Your lie has failed.
you mean was attempted

Of course he never received anything close to that number.
Bill O'Reilly has a short radio message each day....and today's was one that I had forgotten, but significant vis-a-vis the presidential election.
Something to consider by those who swallowed the dozens of lies and hoaxe the Democrats have advanced these years....including the bogus 81 million vote total for Quid Quo Joe.

Guess who won the 2020 Gallup "Most Respected" poll.
And guess who he beat by a multiple of three times.

Now watch me use you to prove it:

Trump got 74.2 million votes.

Biden couldn't possibly have gotten close to that number.

I can name dozens of Biden policies I voted against.....and Trump policies I voted for.

Let's see you name the Biden policies you voted for, or the Trump policies you voted against.

If.....when.....you can't, well.....then the only explanation is a stolen election.

ROTFLMFAO, ewe had better get this irrefutable evidence to Rudy, the Kraken Lady, Mike Pillow and the rightwing nutters nuz. They are in immediate need of it!!!!
Let's put on the record that you claimed to choose the latter rather than the former, proving yourself a charter member of the Dozen Dumbest Posters.



.....Or this.....


People are most con
And yet far better than the Fat Orange Abomination!!!!
I can't stop rubbing it in:

Biden closes out Year 1 on an epic losing streak - Axios

Biden's epic failures​

  • Rising anger among Black activists: Members of some civil-rights group refused to appear with Biden for his voting speech in Atlanta. New York Times columnist Charles Blow piled on: "Biden has been dillydallying on getting rid of the filibuster to protect voting rights for essentially his whole administration, until this week."
  • Sen. Dick Durbin of Illinois, the Senate's No. 2 Democrat, distanced himself from some of Biden's rhetoric in Atlanta, where he invoked the Confederacy and Bull Connor. "Perhaps the President went a little too far," Durbin told CNN.
  • Most polls put Biden around 42-43% approval, with over 50% disapproval. In a Quinnipiac poll this week, Biden had a 33% approval. The White House calls that an "outlier."
  • The Supreme Court yesterday blocked Biden's vaccine-or-test mandate for large employers.
  • The Afghanistan pullout played out about as poorly as it could have.
  • Russia is messing with him: Biden's warnings haven't deterred Vladimir Putin from continuing to build toward a Ukraine invasion.
  • Inflation is soaring: It's the worst in 39 years.
  • Empty grocery shelves get network-news coverage. It's partly the weather, partly COVID, partly the supply chain — but makes a handy visual shorthand for national pessimism.
The bottom line: Build Back Better was supposed to be Biden's FDR moment. Voting rights could have been his LBJ moment. Instead, he's likely to end Year 1 with neither."

Biden closes out Year 1 on an epic losing streak

He has never been less popular nationally.

Axios is way Left.

Let's remember this when we read the posts of the Dozen Dumbest who are still supporting the Democrats.

I can't stop rubbing it in 81,000,000 >74,000,000!!!!!!
you mean was attempted

They need to investigate the data deleted by the SOS too.
ROTFLMFAO, ewe had better get this irrefutable evidence to Rudy, the Kraken Lady, Mike Pillow and the rightwing nutters nuz. They are in immediate need of it!!!!
Let the record note that you were unable to name either the policies of Trump's you voted agains, nor the Biden policies you voted for.

You being mentally deficient, perhaps I should help you.

These were Biden's immediate actions after stealing the election:

This is what you voted for-

  • 1. Reversed Trump move of disengaging with the World Health Org, based on their covering up China’s culpability in spreading the Wuhan Red Death, the numerous mistaken orders about the virus, the fact that their leadership is by a Communist who is paid by Red China

2. Rejoin Paris climate agreement- even as the United State is far more efficient in reducing
Greenhouse gases than the nations who are major pollutants, and the accord is nothing more
than a re-distribution of our wealth plan.
"ClimateDepot Fndr: Paris Accord Is About Wealth Redistribution, Not Climate"

ClimateDepot Fndr: Paris Accord Is About Wealth Redistribution, Not Climate
The Paris Climate accord's premise is wealth distribution and it would not even have much of an impact on Earth's climate, ClimateDepot.com founder Marc Morano said.During an interview with Newsmax TV's Steve Malzberg, Morano discussed the climate change agreement that...
  • 3. Revoke permit for Keystone XL pipeline, pause energy leasing in ANWR, obviating Trump’s success in making America energy independent, effectively rewarding our enemies, Russian and Iran.


4.Biden EO: Launch an initiative to advance racial equity, end "1776 Commission" The 1776 Commission was an advisory committee established in September 2020 by then–U.S. President Donald Trump to support what he called "patriotic education". Wikipedia

  • 5.Preserve/fortify DACA, which helps "Dreamers" Part of the plan to get millions of illegal alien votes for the Democrat Party

  • “Leaked Memo Confirms What We Already Knew About Democrats And Illegal Immigration

    … a leaked document from the Center For American Progress (CAP) Action Fund shows what most of us have always known, but what Democrats like to pretend isn’t their reality.

    Namely, the memo, in great detail, maps out how Democrats are relying on illegal immigration to prop up their political future.

    “The fight to protect Dreamers is not only a moral imperative, it is also a critical component of the Democratic Party’s future electoral success,” reads Palmieri’s memo,…” Leaked Memo Confirms What We Already Knew About Democrats and Illegal Immigration

  • 6. Reverse travel ban targeting primarily Muslim countries
  • What a swell idea!!!
  • It must be aimed at keeping Americans safe!

  • When President George W. Bush left office, the U.S. had faced 28 Islamist plots after 9/11, only one of which was successful. During the Obama regime there have been 93 Islamist plots since 9/11, and 14 successful attacks.
Wanna see where Muslim Americans stand?

And these:

.Biden EO: Stop construction of border wall that was designed to support American sovereignty.

The Declaration of Independence refers to sovereignty in its first sentence: “…necessary for one people to dissolve the political bonds which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station…” thus assuming that nations, like individuals, have rights. Having an inviolate border, and determining who may cross it, is the reason for said wall.

8.Combat discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity………make sure fake girls completely destroy women’s sports.

"Whether to allow biological men into women's sports may be the silliest debate of our time. Fairness falls so completely to one side; outcomes are obvious and predetermined.
Allyson Felix, a contender for the title of fastest female sprinter in the world, who holds more Olympic medals than even Usain Bolt. Her lifetime best for the 400-meter is 49.26 seconds. Based on 2018 data, nearly 300 high school boys in the U.S. alone could beat it. "

The transgender threat to women's sports | Opinion

The only other option comes with too steep a price. To force young women to compete with male-bodied athletes will bring about the collapse of women's sports.


9.Revoke certain executive orders concerning federal regulation

This is the target, Trump’s removing of regulatory ‘red tape.’ "Trump kills 16 regulations for every new one, crushing 2-for-1 goal"
Trump kills 16 regulations for every new one, crushing 2-for-1 goal

Most regulations are, in terms of what they are alleged to do, are actually there to be bribed away by the industries that they inhibit.
The pols write them, the corporations pay lobbyists to bribe the pols to insert loopholes....
....hence poor men come to Washington to do good, and leave as millionaires, having made good.
Trump is a threat to the sort of bribery that make Biden rich.

It is the major reason Trump’s economy was so successful but restricted the opportunity for politicians to demand bribes for writing ‘helpful’ regulations. So Biden, the textbook example for bribery, must eliminate the Trump policy.

And these:

. Another Biden Executive Order: Repeal ban on transgender people serving openly in U.S. military

This makes America responsible for life-long treatment of these individuals….and all they have to do is sign up for the armed forces.
Do you know you don’t have to be an American citizen to sign up?

11. Reopen Obamacare marketplaces, lower recent barriers to joining Medicaid

Wanna defend this failure?

"The Federal Government's $146 Billion Obamacare Boo-Boo"
The Federal Government's $146 Billion Obamacare Boo-Boo -- The Motley Fool

"...the exchanges are on the brink of collapse. Major insurers are quitting, premiums are skyrocketing, enrollment is below expectations, and the administration is taking increasingly desperate measures to paper over the problems. By this time next year, the exchanges could be out of business."
Read more at: More Duct Tape Won’t Save Obamacare’s Collapsing Exchanges

"Health-care exchange sign-ups fall far short of forecasts"
Enrollment in the insurance exchanges for President Obama’s signature health-care law is at less than half the initial forecast, pushing several major insurance companies to stop offering health plans in certain markets because of significant financial losses."
Health-care exchange sign-ups fall far short of forecasts

12. Lift certain restrictions on abortion funding

“Biden will be fulfilling a campaign promise in the memorandum, rescinding the so-called Mexico City Policy, a ban on US government funding for foreign nonprofits that perform or promote abortions.” Biden to sign memorandum reversing Trump abortion access restrictions | NewsChannel 3-12

“…Biden’s payback to abortion providers for campaign donations. “It is also a slap in the face to the majority of Americans who do not want their tax dollars sent to abortion businesses, and especially not to abortion promoters overseas,” she added.” Biden to Lift Some Curbs on Abortion Funding, Reopen ACA Enrollment

....you're simply too dumb to know it.
Let the record note that you were unable to name either the policies of Trump's you voted agains, nor the Biden policies you voted for.

You being mentally deficient, perhaps I should help you.

These were Biden's immediate actions after stealing the election:

This is what you voted for-

  • 1. Reversed Trump move of disengaging with the World Health Org, based on their covering up China’s culpability in spreading the Wuhan Red Death, the numerous mistaken orders about the virus, the fact that their leadership is by a Communist who is paid by Red China

2. Rejoin Paris climate agreement- even as the United State is far more efficient in reducing
Greenhouse gases than the nations who are major pollutants, and the accord is nothing more
than a re-distribution of our wealth plan.
"ClimateDepot Fndr: Paris Accord Is About Wealth Redistribution, Not Climate"

ClimateDepot Fndr: Paris Accord Is About Wealth Redistribution, Not Climate
The Paris Climate accord's premise is wealth distribution and it would not even have much of an impact on Earth's climate, ClimateDepot.com founder Marc Morano said.During an interview with Newsmax TV's Steve Malzberg, Morano discussed the climate change agreement that...
  • 3. Revoke permit for Keystone XL pipeline, pause energy leasing in ANWR, obviating Trump’s success in making America energy independent, effectively rewarding our enemies, Russian and Iran.


4.Biden EO: Launch an initiative to advance racial equity, end "1776 Commission" The 1776 Commission was an advisory committee established in September 2020 by then–U.S. President Donald Trump to support what he called "patriotic education". Wikipedia

  • 5.Preserve/fortify DACA, which helps "Dreamers" Part of the plan to get millions of illegal alien votes for the Democrat Party

  • “Leaked Memo Confirms What We Already Knew About Democrats And Illegal Immigration

    … a leaked document from the Center For American Progress (CAP) Action Fund shows what most of us have always known, but what Democrats like to pretend isn’t their reality.

    Namely, the memo, in great detail, maps out how Democrats are relying on illegal immigration to prop up their political future.

    “The fight to protect Dreamers is not only a moral imperative, it is also a critical component of the Democratic Party’s future electoral success,” reads Palmieri’s memo,…” Leaked Memo Confirms What We Already Knew About Democrats and Illegal Immigration

  • 6. Reverse travel ban targeting primarily Muslim countries
  • What a swell idea!!!
  • It must be aimed at keeping Americans safe!

  • When President George W. Bush left office, the U.S. had faced 28 Islamist plots after 9/11, only one of which was successful. During the Obama regime there have been 93 Islamist plots since 9/11, and 14 successful attacks.
Wanna see where Muslim Americans stand?

And these:

.Biden EO: Stop construction of border wall that was designed to support American sovereignty.

The Declaration of Independence refers to sovereignty in its first sentence: “…necessary for one people to dissolve the political bonds which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station…” thus assuming that nations, like individuals, have rights. Having an inviolate border, and determining who may cross it, is the reason for said wall.

8.Combat discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity………make sure fake girls completely destroy women’s sports.

"Whether to allow biological men into women's sports may be the silliest debate of our time. Fairness falls so completely to one side; outcomes are obvious and predetermined.
Allyson Felix, a contender for the title of fastest female sprinter in the world, who holds more Olympic medals than even Usain Bolt. Her lifetime best for the 400-meter is 49.26 seconds. Based on 2018 data, nearly 300 high school boys in the U.S. alone could beat it. "

The transgender threat to women's sports | Opinion

The only other option comes with too steep a price. To force young women to compete with male-bodied athletes will bring about the collapse of women's sports.


9.Revoke certain executive orders concerning federal regulation

This is the target, Trump’s removing of regulatory ‘red tape.’ "Trump kills 16 regulations for every new one, crushing 2-for-1 goal"
Trump kills 16 regulations for every new one, crushing 2-for-1 goal

Most regulations are, in terms of what they are alleged to do, are actually there to be bribed away by the industries that they inhibit.
The pols write them, the corporations pay lobbyists to bribe the pols to insert loopholes....
....hence poor men come to Washington to do good, and leave as millionaires, having made good.
Trump is a threat to the sort of bribery that make Biden rich.

It is the major reason Trump’s economy was so successful but restricted the opportunity for politicians to demand bribes for writing ‘helpful’ regulations. So Biden, the textbook example for bribery, must eliminate the Trump policy.

And these:

. Another Biden Executive Order: Repeal ban on transgender people serving openly in U.S. military

This makes America responsible for life-long treatment of these individuals….and all they have to do is sign up for the armed forces.
Do you know you don’t have to be an American citizen to sign up?

11. Reopen Obamacare marketplaces, lower recent barriers to joining Medicaid

Wanna defend this failure?

"The Federal Government's $146 Billion Obamacare Boo-Boo"
The Federal Government's $146 Billion Obamacare Boo-Boo -- The Motley Fool

"...the exchanges are on the brink of collapse. Major insurers are quitting, premiums are skyrocketing, enrollment is below expectations, and the administration is taking increasingly desperate measures to paper over the problems. By this time next year, the exchanges could be out of business."
Read more at: More Duct Tape Won’t Save Obamacare’s Collapsing Exchanges

"Health-care exchange sign-ups fall far short of forecasts"
Enrollment in the insurance exchanges for President Obama’s signature health-care law is at less than half the initial forecast, pushing several major insurance companies to stop offering health plans in certain markets because of significant financial losses."
Health-care exchange sign-ups fall far short of forecasts

12. Lift certain restrictions on abortion funding

“Biden will be fulfilling a campaign promise in the memorandum, rescinding the so-called Mexico City Policy, a ban on US government funding for foreign nonprofits that perform or promote abortions.” Biden to sign memorandum reversing Trump abortion access restrictions | NewsChannel 3-12

“…Biden’s payback to abortion providers for campaign donations. “It is also a slap in the face to the majority of Americans who do not want their tax dollars sent to abortion businesses, and especially not to abortion promoters overseas,” she added.” Biden to Lift Some Curbs on Abortion Funding, Reopen ACA Enrollment

....you're simply too dumb to know it.

Noted that ewe have not been able for well over a year to prove "stolen election" it is obvious that ewe are beyond being even mentally challenged but a full blown tRumptard!!!!!
Time and again we find you proving yourself an imbecile.

Watch me add science to that conclusion:

"An individual human life begins at conception when a sperm cell from the father fuses with an egg cell from the mother, to form a new cell, the zygote, the first embryonic stage. The zygote grows and divides into two daughter cells, each of which grows and divides into two grand-daughter cells, and this cell growth/division process continues on, over and over again. The zygote is the start of a biological continuum that automatically grows and develops, passing gradually and sequentially through the stages we call foetus, baby, child, adult, old person and ending eventually in death. The full genetic instructions to guide the development of the continuum, in interaction with its environment, are present in the zygote. Every stage along the continuum is biologically human and each point along the continuum has the full human properties appropriate to that point." - Dr. William Reville, University College Cork, Ireland

" For many years, fingerprints were the gold standard for linking suspects to a crime scene. Today, the gold standard is DNAevidence because DNA can be collected from virtually anywhere. Even a criminal wearing gloves may unwittingly leave behind trace amounts of biological material. It could be a hair, saliva,blood, semen, skin, sweat, mucus or earwax. All it takes is a few cells to obtain enough DNA information to identify a suspect with near certainty." Collecting DNA Evidence

DNA identifies a person.

When does it become a person?

" A child inherits half their DNA from each parent, while each parent passes half their DNA to each child. This is achieved through sexual fertilization, requiring the meeting of the sperm with the egg, and the combining of the DNA from both (since the sperm and egg contain only half the genetic information in the parent). " DNA is passed on from parent to child

QED, at conception we are discussing a human being with unique and identifying DNA

So.....calling the abortion the ending of a "potential" human is like say that a dollar bill is a "potential" asset.

No...it's a sure thing.

Now.....why don't you explain why you have the "right" to kill another human being????
Holy fucking shit! Take your arrogant unhinged rant somewhere else, liike a thread about abortion. But thank you for admitting that we are talking about "potential human life" whick kind of deflates you baby killer rhetoric. I will add-and this will end the off topic pissing match- that you people are so fucking stupid that you think that by making abortion illegal, there will be no abortions. There will be abortions but they will be unregulated and in the shadows. There may well be more of them including late term abortions which most of us oppose. And those back ally abortions will put women at risk, and disproportionatly effect low income families. So smarten up and get off your self rightious high horse , "Chick " You are not nearly as smart or impressive as you tthink that you are
It won't change the facts.
Put on your little dog and pony show.

It wont change the fact that you just don't care if raped women have to carry their babies to term.

Because you are doing what you think you have to do to punch your ticket to living forever. Because you are a religious nutball. And no anonymous subhuman is going to get in your way.

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