Mike Lindell Urges SCOTUS to 'Immediately' Reinstate Trump and 'Get Rid of Communists'

Yes the country is beginning to push back on Dem traitors.

NO Mike Lindell is crazy, there has to be something substantial for SCOTUS to even consider it, yet Lindell doesn't have anything to show for it, just a lot of stupid babble.

Yup, he and trump have been huffing and puffing for months now and no one has come up with an substantial bit of evidence of "massive voter fraud." His former enabler, former AG called his claims BS. Yet, trump and his criminal cronies continue their tour of lies.

I really try to understand why and how an entire political party has tied itself to the fate of a man that has proven himself a loser and potentially a man who could be party of a sweeping indictment of his business and associates.

trump as trouble....BIG TROUBLES....he needs to get off the pity tour and get back into defending himself and his company.

Actually a lot of the Republican party doesn't like what he is doing, but they are not able to corral him yet.
Define "a lot"

Because it seems to me that a lot MORE of the Republican party loves what they are doing and feel they should be doing more....

This fantasy that there is some sizeable yet silent contingency within the Republican party who will save the day is just that...fantasy....

People predicted the GOP will end up at this point over 20 yrs ago

Never said anything about a "silent majority" you are trying to deflect here.

Trump is no longer relevant since he is out of office, doesn't stop screaming about vote fraud claims, this after has many lawsuits failures and the SCOTUS doesn't take him or the big states lawsuit seriously.

He has NOTHING left to make a case for voting fraud, he pissing a lot of people off for his continued bellicose narrative that is fueling the Media and republicans against him.
Lol @ Trump is no longer relevant...

You typed this on a post about a LARGE PORTION OF THE US VOTING POPULACE believing Trump is very relevant......

His relevancy is further reinforced by the fact that current Republican orthodoxy isn't predicated on moving away from Trump rhetoric -- but doing more of it...and going even further to the right.....

Why?? Because the Republican party has a bunch of republicans in it.....as it always has....Trump is just the natural outcome of 40 years of conservatism
Why are lefties so afraid of a guy who manufactures pillows and has a spot in a minor media outlet? Don't they have enough on their plate with whispering Joe's gaffes and a foreign policy that is upside down not to mention a freaking war zone in Chicago and illegal aliens massing at the border?
It's all part of their fear of a Trump comeback.
Trump doesn't need a majority of the voting public. He only needs a few million devoted followers who are willing to act out violently with their guns.

Can it be guaranteed that the US military would act to uphold America's democracy?
Would the rank and file in the military refuse to act against Trump's interests?
Why are lefties so afraid of a guy who manufactures pillows and has a spot in a minor media outlet? Don't they have enough on their plate with whispering Joe's gaffes and a foreign policy that is upside down not to mention a freaking war zone in Chicago and illegal aliens massing at the border?
Because what Lindell is suggesting is dangerous to every citizen

Trump keeps fanning the flames of hate and continues to divide the Nation more and more.

Do you really want a Civil War?
If so, it’s Not going to go the way you think. Meaning……..nobody wins.
Yes the country is beginning to push back on Dem traitors.

NO Mike Lindell is crazy, there has to be something substantial for SCOTUS to even consider it, yet Lindell doesn't have anything to show for it, just a lot of stupid babble.

Yup, he and trump have been huffing and puffing for months now and no one has come up with an substantial bit of evidence of "massive voter fraud." His former enabler, former AG called his claims BS. Yet, trump and his criminal cronies continue their tour of lies.

I really try to understand why and how an entire political party has tied itself to the fate of a man that has proven himself a loser and potentially a man who could be party of a sweeping indictment of his business and associates.

trump as trouble....BIG TROUBLES....he needs to get off the pity tour and get back into defending himself and his company.

Actually a lot of the Republican party doesn't like what he is doing, but they are not able to corral him yet.
Define "a lot"

Because it seems to me that a lot MORE of the Republican party loves what they are doing and feel they should be doing more....

This fantasy that there is some sizeable yet silent contingency within the Republican party who will save the day is just that...fantasy....

People predicted the GOP will end up at this point over 20 yrs ago

Never said anything about a "silent majority" you are trying to deflect here.

Trump is no longer relevant since he is out of office, doesn't stop screaming about vote fraud claims, this after has many lawsuits failures and the SCOTUS doesn't take him or the big states lawsuit seriously.

He has NOTHING left to make a case for voting fraud, he pissing a lot of people off for his continued bellicose narrative that is fueling the Media and republicans against him.
Lol @ Trump is no longer relevant...

You typed this on a post about a LARGE PORTION OF THE US VOTING POPULACE believing Trump is very relevant......

His relevancy is further reinforced by the fact that current Republican orthodoxy isn't predicated on moving away from Trump rhetoric -- but doing more of it...and going even further to the right.....

Why?? Because the Republican party has a bunch of republicans in it.....as it always has....Trump is just the natural outcome of 40 years of conservatism

Yawn, he is losing relevance when he maintains his stupid voting fraud claims that have been addressed over 50 times in court and SCOTUS doesn't take it seriously either. The asshole doesn't know when to stop talking about it, he isn't going anywhere with it, that is WHY he is losing relevance here.

He lost my vote and few others from people I know in my town who are tired of the jackass!
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Why are lefties so afraid of a guy who manufactures pillows and has a spot in a minor media outlet? Don't they have enough on their plate with whispering Joe's gaffes and a foreign policy that is upside down not to mention a freaking war zone in Chicago and illegal aliens massing at the border?
Because what Lindell is suggesting is dangerous to every citizen

Trump keeps fanning the flames of hate and continues to divide the Nation more and more.

Do you really want a Civil War?
If so, it’s Not going to go the way you think. Meaning……..nobody wins.
Would America's military uphold democracy or would they side with Trump?
Nobody can be really sure.

It's most likely that Biden and the DOJ are playing it safely and cautiously right now out of fear of an uprising on behalf of Trump that would need no more than a few million violent supporters.

Seeing justice done to the Jan.6 criminals might not be worth what could come out of it on Trump's behalf.

So....I guess the August "reinstatement" is not looking so good right now?

Mikey....He Lost....Bigly....as bigly as Hillary lost in 2016. Get over it and stick to making your crappy pillows!

Lindell is another stupid republican who doesn't know the meaning of the word communist.

If Biden and our government was communist they would be declaring all private property, business and real estate is now owned by the government.

Then the government would confiscate all private property, business and real estate to take ownership.

There are no communists in our government or in Biden's administration.

trump won't be reinstated in August. Nothing those people say is true.
Yes the country is beginning to push back on Dem traitors.

NO Mike Lindell is crazy, there has to be something substantial for SCOTUS to even consider it, yet Lindell doesn't have anything to show for it, just a lot of stupid babble.

Yup, he and trump have been huffing and puffing for months now and no one has come up with an substantial bit of evidence of "massive voter fraud." His former enabler, former AG called his claims BS. Yet, trump and his criminal cronies continue their tour of lies.

I really try to understand why and how an entire political party has tied itself to the fate of a man that has proven himself a loser and potentially a man who could be party of a sweeping indictment of his business and associates.

trump as trouble....BIG TROUBLES....he needs to get off the pity tour and get back into defending himself and his company.

Actually a lot of the Republican party doesn't like what he is doing, but they are not able to corral him yet.
Define "a lot"

Because it seems to me that a lot MORE of the Republican party loves what they are doing and feel they should be doing more....

This fantasy that there is some sizeable yet silent contingency within the Republican party who will save the day is just that...fantasy....

People predicted the GOP will end up at this point over 20 yrs ago

Never said anything about a "silent majority" you are trying to deflect here.

Trump is no longer relevant since he is out of office, doesn't stop screaming about vote fraud claims, this after has many lawsuits failures and the SCOTUS doesn't take him or the big states lawsuit seriously.

He has NOTHING left to make a case for voting fraud, he pissing a lot of people off for his continued bellicose narrative that is fueling the Media and republicans against him.

trump is relevant to his followers. There are many on this board.

He is now trying to purge the Republican Party of everyone who doesn't follow his every word.

That is the problem. That is why he is still relevant.

Do you want a Republican Party purged of all sane and intelligent people?

Do you want a Republican Party in our government that will implement the destructive and hateful policies of trump?

I know I don't.

Yawn, he is losing relevance when he maintains his stupid voting fraud claims that have been addressed over 50 times in court and SCOTUS doesn't take it seriously either.
Dems cheated that's why Dems are so upset that Trump refuses to concede the rigged election. Forensic audits are underway. Those can't be completed in only a matter of weeks before Biden was illegitimately sworn in and Dems know this. That's why Dems were so anxious for Trump to concede, to avoid exposing their fraud and cheating. Just swoop Biden into the White House asap.

Those cheating rat bastard Dems better get their shit together in 2022 because we'll be on guard for more Dem cheating.

Yawn, he is losing relevance when he maintains his stupid voting fraud claims that have been addressed over 50 times in court and SCOTUS doesn't take it seriously either.
Dems cheated that's why Dems are so upset that Trump refuses to concede the rigged election. Forensic audits are underway. Those can't be completed in only a matter of weeks before Biden was illegitimately sworn in and Dems know this. That's why Dems were so anxious for Trump to concede, to avoid exposing their fraud and cheating. Just swoop Biden into the White House asap.

Those cheating rat bastard Dems better get their shit together in 2022 because we'll be on guard for more Dem cheating.
It is hard to believe that there are still people liked you walking among us. Or maybe you aren't walking among us.....Comrade?
The Scotus should move immediately to taking Mike's advice, knowing very well that it's what jesus wants.
Jesus trumps the rule of law in America, out of the necessity of stopping Biden's commie takeover.

Both Bernie and AOC are currently in Russia getting briefed on their orders!
Do you really want to bring Russia into the debate, seeing that your King was anointed by Putin in 2016?
Shame on any American who still supports Trump, after the harm he's done to your country.

Obviously Americans of all political stripes are hurting because of bad government, but Trump never proposed any real way of fixing it.

And now it's pretty apparent that Biden is about to fail too.

Sooner or later working class Americans are going to have to come together to break the hold of the very wealthy ruling class.

Look to other democracies for examples.
And learn to understand that they're not commies and socialists!
Biden isn't that bad... His problem is he has hold outs in his party.

Biden doesn't see much wrong with Europe and the programs they run...

Universal Healthcare in one jump would be too big for US to make... They could be best served with a public option which progressively linked to your pay... line item on your taxes which you can voluntary pay or get private insurance...
This is very close to the German model.

UK National Insurance is 13% after and before threshold (e.g. 214 for someone making 5000 a month) but it covers
  • state pension
  • statutory sick pay
  • maternity leave
  • entitlement to additional unemployment benefits.
  • Healthcare
The US is the last developed country in the world who does not offer universal health care. The US is plagued by the repub party, the Taliban of North America. Until these Neanderthals are history, the US will keep falling behind the world in many categories.

If trump had his way, smoke stacks would be belching from coal power, police would be killing blacks without repercussions, and white supremacists would be proudly walking the streets shouting racist hate speech (Charlottesville).
I might consider buying a pillow from him when the price drops to $5 each.
Don’t waste your money, I got one of those pillows as a Christmas Present a few years back, it was so bad I gave it to my dog and even he won’t sleep on it.
Same thing happened to me....it had a funny smell to it like some chemicals.
He has the courage to speak out. Not easy in today's atmosphere.
Lunatics like Lindell have the “courage to speak out” because they don’t realize that what they’re saying is absolutely insane.
Like Trump was a Russian spy. Do you know how fucking stupid you had to be to buy that bull shit...lol
Source: Newsweek via MSN.COM
Link to original Story: Mike Lindell Urges SCOTUS to 'Immediately' Reinstate Trump and 'Get Rid of Communists'

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell has urged the U.S. Supreme Court to "immediately" vote to reinstate former President Donald Trump in the interest of eliminating "communists" from America.

During a segment on Lindell TV that was shared to Twitter on Monday by PatriotTakes, Lindell insisted that Trump "won" the 2020 presidential election in such an obvious manner that the justices will not even need to consider any evidence before putting Trump back in office. In reality, Trump lost the election to President Joe Biden by 74 Electoral College votes and more than seven million popular votes nationally.

They don't even have to deliberate and say, 'what do you think of the evidence?'" Lindell said. "They're already going to say 'hello, it's a coffee cup!' I'm mean it's our, or it's a...like I've used the example, you know, is this a coffee cup?

Wow, this guy has gone completely off his rocker and into a realm of fantasy that’s beyond even the most lubricious claims made by the gaggle of “lawyers” trying to overturn the 2020 election. Not to mention the fact the he appears to be destroying what’s left of his own business in the process.

By comparison this guy makes Sydney Powell look almost rational. :omg:

There is no Constitutional Mechanism in place for such an event to happen. The election has been decided. The Traitor lost and lindull blowhard money sucking con man.

Yawn, he is losing relevance when he maintains his stupid voting fraud claims that have been addressed over 50 times in court and SCOTUS doesn't take it seriously either.
Dems cheated that's why Dems are so upset that Trump refuses to concede the rigged election. Forensic audits are underway. Those can't be completed in only a matter of weeks before Biden was illegitimately sworn in and Dems know this. That's why Dems were so anxious for Trump to concede, to avoid exposing their fraud and cheating. Just swoop Biden into the White House asap.

Those cheating rat bastard Dems better get their shit together in 2022 because we'll be on guard for more Dem cheating.

Do you have any actual, verifiable, provable evidence to support what is at best conjecture, contention, innuendo and supposition....thought not.

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