Mike Lindell Urges SCOTUS to 'Immediately' Reinstate Trump and 'Get Rid of Communists'

Source: Newsweek via MSN.COM
Link to original Story: Mike Lindell Urges SCOTUS to 'Immediately' Reinstate Trump and 'Get Rid of Communists'

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell has urged the U.S. Supreme Court to "immediately" vote to reinstate former President Donald Trump in the interest of eliminating "communists" from America.

During a segment on Lindell TV that was shared to Twitter on Monday by PatriotTakes, Lindell insisted that Trump "won" the 2020 presidential election in such an obvious manner that the justices will not even need to consider any evidence before putting Trump back in office. In reality, Trump lost the election to President Joe Biden by 74 Electoral College votes and more than seven million popular votes nationally.

They don't even have to deliberate and say, 'what do you think of the evidence?'" Lindell said. "They're already going to say 'hello, it's a coffee cup!' I'm mean it's our, or it's a...like I've used the example, you know, is this a coffee cup?

Wow, this guy has gone completely off his rocker and into a realm of fantasy that’s beyond even the most lubricious claims made by the gaggle of “lawyers” trying to overturn the 2020 election. Not to mention the fact the he appears to be destroying what’s left of his own business in the process.

By comparison this guy makes Sydney Powell look almost rational. :omg:
I agree on the "get rid of commies" part.
You and McCarthy would been buddies....
And he was fucking RIGHT about you and your ilk.

I can't wait to execute all commies.

View attachment 507061
I can't unsee that.
i guess SCOTUS will get right on that.
They should but won't.
The country is based on the rule of law. Accusations need to be proven by facts. trump made an accusation almost immediately after he was declared the loser of the 2020 election. He and his minions had months and over 60 court cases to present convincing evidence to courts from the state level to the USSC. His case was dismissed over and over. Again....this country is based on the RULE OF LAW...not on the word of one man...whose reputation is that of a serial lair.

Donald can continue his false statements and conspiracy theories, but that won't change the fact that there is no evidence of massive voter fraud that could have changed the outcome of the race. All he is doing is dividing America and adding to the anger of his cult. There will be more violence and more people will be hurt. That appears to be his plan.

As for the few on this site who are advocating a civil disturbance, you will be facing the force of the entire federal government. Your secret militias and organizations like the proud boys will be over powered and
deiminated. You really need to reconsider advocating violence. I guarantee you there are some feds making note.
He is already there. But thanks for playing. Now move along...
The AZ audit is the first step in exposing the fraud from the 2020 election.
Yup, they will come up with some Bullshit Nothing Burger and say something with the word FRAUD in it, then you trumpsters will scream....."See, there's the evidence, but nobody will do anything about it."


Yawn, he is losing relevance when he maintains his stupid voting fraud claims that have been addressed over 50 times in court and SCOTUS doesn't take it seriously either.
Dems cheated that's why Dems are so upset that Trump refuses to concede the rigged election. Forensic audits are underway. Those can't be completed in only a matter of weeks before Biden was illegitimately sworn in and Dems know this. That's why Dems were so anxious for Trump to concede, to avoid exposing their fraud and cheating. Just swoop Biden into the White House asap.

Those cheating rat bastard Dems better get their shit together in 2022 because we'll be on guard for more Dem cheating.In

Do you have any actual, verifiable, provable evidence to support what is at best conjecture, contention, innuendo and supposition....thought not.
Dem denial is proof.

In other words, you ain't got shit. You know you ain't got shit.
Dems are cheaters, no other words are required.
Source: Newsweek via MSN.COM
Link to original Story: Mike Lindell Urges SCOTUS to 'Immediately' Reinstate Trump and 'Get Rid of Communists'

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell has urged the U.S. Supreme Court to "immediately" vote to reinstate former President Donald Trump in the interest of eliminating "communists" from America.

During a segment on Lindell TV that was shared to Twitter on Monday by PatriotTakes, Lindell insisted that Trump "won" the 2020 presidential election in such an obvious manner that the justices will not even need to consider any evidence before putting Trump back in office. In reality, Trump lost the election to President Joe Biden by 74 Electoral College votes and more than seven million popular votes nationally.

They don't even have to deliberate and say, 'what do you think of the evidence?'" Lindell said. "They're already going to say 'hello, it's a coffee cup!' I'm mean it's our, or it's a...like I've used the example, you know, is this a coffee cup?

Wow, this guy has gone completely off his rocker and into a realm of fantasy that’s beyond even the most lubricious claims made by the gaggle of “lawyers” trying to overturn the 2020 election. Not to mention the fact the he appears to be destroying what’s left of his own business in the process.

By comparison this guy makes Sydney Powell look almost rational. :omg:
Lindell is a recovering crack addict
He’s fallen off the wagon.
I wonder if the MAGA nuts have been drunk since the election loss by trump? Dag! That would be a torture for sure!:auiqs.jpg:
No we are too busy laughing at Biden. Anytime he attempts to speak it's hilarious :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
I might consider buying a pillow from him when the price drops to $5 each.
Don’t waste your money, I got one of those pillows as a Christmas Present a few years back, it was so bad I gave it to my dog and even he won’t sleep on it.
Same thing happened to me....it had a funny smell to it like some chemicals.
He has the courage to speak out. Not easy in today's atmosphere.
He has the courage to speak idiot, which is not making him the brightest light in the room.
Wouldn't it be great if more people understood how the SCOTUS worked?

How many people have made fools of themselves by wanted the SCOTUS to just rule on shit without a case being selected for being heard by the SCOTUS.

Do they still teach civic in high school?
Ok this is a legit question.

Does this guy have something to do with politics? I thought he was just a pillow guy, but I keep seeing him pop up with political commentary and such.

Aside from his commercials I don't know anything about him.
Ok this is a legit question.

Does this guy have something to do with politics? I thought he was just a pillow guy, but I keep seeing him pop up with political commentary and such.

Aside from his commercials I don't know anything about him.

No, he is in for the grift.
He is already there. But thanks for playing. Now move along...
The AZ audit is the first step in exposing the fraud from the 2020 election.
Yup, they will come up with some Bullshit Nothing Burger and say something with the word FRAUD in it, then you trumpsters will scream....."See, there's the evidence, but nobody will do anything about it."


After over 60+LOST lawsuits, one has to wonder what evidence?

To support a Charge of Election Fraud/Voter Fraud you have evidence of such Election Fraud/Voter Fraud and to date no such evidence has been presented.

Minus of course evidence of Voter Fraud from the Traitor himself in Georgia where attempted brow beat both the Governor and the Secretary of State in finding non-existent votes.
Because what Lindell is suggesting is dangerous to every citizen
Putting the real election winner in the White House is dangerous??

Lindell is a fool... just like this oathkeeper.

Because what Lindell is suggesting is dangerous to every citizen
Putting the real election winner in the White House is dangerous??
The real election winner IS in the White House. Get the fuck over it!

The Election is OVER!!!

The Inauguration is OVER!!!!

The Traitor lost the Popular Vote for the SECOND TIME.

The Traitor lost the Electoral Vote

Get over it. The Fucking Traitor Fucking Lost The Fucking Election.
Source: Newsweek via MSN.COM
Link to original Story: Mike Lindell Urges SCOTUS to 'Immediately' Reinstate Trump and 'Get Rid of Communists'

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell has urged the U.S. Supreme Court to "immediately" vote to reinstate former President Donald Trump in the interest of eliminating "communists" from America.

During a segment on Lindell TV that was shared to Twitter on Monday by PatriotTakes, Lindell insisted that Trump "won" the 2020 presidential election in such an obvious manner that the justices will not even need to consider any evidence before putting Trump back in office. In reality, Trump lost the election to President Joe Biden by 74 Electoral College votes and more than seven million popular votes nationally.

They don't even have to deliberate and say, 'what do you think of the evidence?'" Lindell said. "They're already going to say 'hello, it's a coffee cup!' I'm mean it's our, or it's a...like I've used the example, you know, is this a coffee cup?

Wow, this guy has gone completely off his rocker and into a realm of fantasy that’s beyond even the most lubricious claims made by the gaggle of “lawyers” trying to overturn the 2020 election. Not to mention the fact the he appears to be destroying what’s left of his own business in the process.

By comparison this guy makes Sydney Powell look almost rational. :omg:
And just like that 4 years of the left coming completely unhinged is forgotten.

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