Mike Pence is a Dangerous Bigot and Theocrat

While Trump is no champion of LGBT causes, Pence is a dangerous ideologue and theocrat who fervently opposes LGBT people. While Trump is driven by personal gain and what ever seems to be politically expediate at any given moment, Pence believes that he is pursuing a divine cause at the direction of God.

White House Streams Church Service Claiming ‘Demonic Spirit’ Causes Homosexuality

Vice President Mike Pence called for people to remember the words of Martin Luther King Jr. “in these divided times” while attending a church where a bishop described how “the devil” is to blame for gay people.

Pence spoke at the Holy City Church of God in Christ in Memphis, Tennessee, on Sunday ahead of Martin Luther King Jr. Day in order to pay tribute to the civil rights icon.

My God! The hypocrisy! Promoting hate while paying tribute to King!! Now, we do not know what position King would take today on the various aspects af LGBT issues , but there is good reason to believe that he would not be engaging in the sort of vicious bigotry and fear mongering that we see here.

Here is an example of how King conducted himself as opposed to what we see today on the part of Pence and these ass hat preachers

What would Martin Luther King Jr think of the LGBT rights movement?

“I am a boy, but I feel about boys the way I ought to feel about girls. I don’t want my parents to know about me. What can I do? Is there any place where I can go for help?”

Though Dr King’s response may seem ill-informed by modern standards, his advice to the boy is remarkably calm and polite, given the fears and active scaremongering about gay people at the time.

Dr King responded: “Your problem is not at all an uncommon one. However, it does require careful attention. The type of feeling that you have toward boys is probably not an innate tendency, but something that has been culturally acquired.”

He continued: “In order to do this I would suggest that you see a good psychiatrist who can assist you in bringing to the forefront of conscience all of those experiences
You realize if you impeach Trump, Pence becomes President, right?
Oh shit! I thought it would be Hillary Clinton!

Look Bubba. Of course I know that and I'm not happy about the prospect. But if we let Trump get away with his shit, we might a well tear up the Constitution
Your problem is that you don't know that there is a good deal of biological science related to the transgender matter. To say that it is crackpottery is nothing more than an appeal to ignorance logical fallacy.
Your problem is that you can't admit that many of the transgender advocates want to deny and pervert simple and inarguable biological science. Transgender Ideology Is Riddled With Contradictions. Here Are the Big Ones.

You don't do your cause any good by standing with the anti science left.
I am not going get into the whole trans thing here and derail my own thread with it.

I will just say this: I never said that it was not complicated or that we have all of the answers. It's an evolving science. It is you people who call it "simple" who are denying science. It's the people who insist that trans people are just crazy and that there is no biological basis for it are the science deniers.
While Trump is no champion of LGBT causes, Pence is a dangerous ideologue and theocrat who fervently opposes LGBT people. While Trump is driven by personal gain and what ever seems to be politically expediate at any given moment, Pence believes that he is pursuing a divine cause at the direction of God.

White House Streams Church Service Claiming ‘Demonic Spirit’ Causes Homosexuality

Vice President Mike Pence called for people to remember the words of Martin Luther King Jr. “in these divided times” while attending a church where a bishop described how “the devil” is to blame for gay people.

Pence spoke at the Holy City Church of God in Christ in Memphis, Tennessee, on Sunday ahead of Martin Luther King Jr. Day in order to pay tribute to the civil rights icon.

My God! The hypocrisy! Promoting hate while paying tribute to King!! Now, we do not know what position King would take today on the various aspects af LGBT issues , but there is good reason to believe that he would not be engaging in the sort of vicious bigotry and fear mongering that we see here.

Here is an example of how King conducted himself as opposed to what we see today on the part of Pence and these ass hat preachers

What would Martin Luther King Jr think of the LGBT rights movement?

“I am a boy, but I feel about boys the way I ought to feel about girls. I don’t want my parents to know about me. What can I do? Is there any place where I can go for help?”

Though Dr King’s response may seem ill-informed by modern standards, his advice to the boy is remarkably calm and polite, given the fears and active scaremongering about gay people at the time.

Dr King responded: “Your problem is not at all an uncommon one. However, it does require careful attention. The type of feeling that you have toward boys is probably not an innate tendency, but something that has been culturally acquired.”

He continued: “In order to do this I would suggest that you see a good psychiatrist who can assist you in bringing to the forefront of conscience all of those experiences
You realize if you impeach Trump, Pence becomes President, right?
Oh shit! I thought it would be Hillary Clinton!

Look Bubba. Of course I know that and I'm not happy about the prospect. But if we let Trump get away with his shit, we might a well tear up the Constitution
You sound kind of moronic wanting to impeach Trump when Pence is much worse
While Trump is no champion of LGBT causes, Pence is a dangerous ideologue and theocrat who fervently opposes LGBT people. While Trump is driven by personal gain and what ever seems to be politically expediate at any given moment, Pence believes that he is pursuing a divine cause at the direction of God.

White House Streams Church Service Claiming ‘Demonic Spirit’ Causes Homosexuality

My God! The hypocrisy! Promoting hate while paying tribute to King!! Now, we do not know what position King would take today on the various aspects af LGBT issues , but there is good reason to believe that he would not be engaging in the sort of vicious bigotry and fear mongering that we see here.

Here is an example of how King conducted himself as opposed to what we see today on the part of Pence and these ass hat preachers

What would Martin Luther King Jr think of the LGBT rights movement?

What? You don't think Pene is entitled to his own opinion?
He is a public figure .He holds high office in a secular Constitutional Republic. His extreme religious crackpottery alienates may Americans while he is supposed to represent all Americans

There is NO requirement to set aside personal beliefs. You are free to tune him out not shut him up.
I did not say that there was a requirement. What I am saying is that it is irresponsible and that he does not represent all Americans

No one represents ALL Americans completely. Did you really think Joe Biden as VP represented ALL Americans?

Answer: he did not.
Of course no one can represent the interests of all Americans. That is not what I'm taking about. There is a difference between not being able to give everyone everything that they want all of the time, and deliberately alienating large segments of the population with ridiculous gibberish
Your problem is that you don't know that there is a good deal of biological science related to the transgender matter. To say that it is crackpottery is nothing more than an appeal to ignorance logical fallacy.
Your problem is that you can't admit that many of the transgender advocates want to deny and pervert simple and inarguable biological science. Transgender Ideology Is Riddled With Contradictions. Here Are the Big Ones.

You don't do your cause any good by standing with the anti science left.
I am not going get into the whole trans thing here and derail my own thread with it.

I will just say this: I never said that it was not complicated or that we have all of the answers. It's an evolving science. It is you people who call it "simple" who are denying science. It's the people who insist that trans people are just crazy and that there is no biological basis for it are the science deniers.
And here he goes AGAIN. Pathetic.
While Trump is no champion of LGBT causes, Pence is a dangerous ideologue and theocrat who fervently opposes LGBT people. While Trump is driven by personal gain and what ever seems to be politically expediate at any given moment, Pence believes that he is pursuing a divine cause at the direction of God.

White House Streams Church Service Claiming ‘Demonic Spirit’ Causes Homosexuality

Vice President Mike Pence called for people to remember the words of Martin Luther King Jr. “in these divided times” while attending a church where a bishop described how “the devil” is to blame for gay people.

Pence spoke at the Holy City Church of God in Christ in Memphis, Tennessee, on Sunday ahead of Martin Luther King Jr. Day in order to pay tribute to the civil rights icon.

My God! The hypocrisy! Promoting hate while paying tribute to King!! Now, we do not know what position King would take today on the various aspects af LGBT issues , but there is good reason to believe that he would not be engaging in the sort of vicious bigotry and fear mongering that we see here.

Here is an example of how King conducted himself as opposed to what we see today on the part of Pence and these ass hat preachers

What would Martin Luther King Jr think of the LGBT rights movement?

“I am a boy, but I feel about boys the way I ought to feel about girls. I don’t want my parents to know about me. What can I do? Is there any place where I can go for help?”

Though Dr King’s response may seem ill-informed by modern standards, his advice to the boy is remarkably calm and polite, given the fears and active scaremongering about gay people at the time.

Dr King responded: “Your problem is not at all an uncommon one. However, it does require careful attention. The type of feeling that you have toward boys is probably not an innate tendency, but something that has been culturally acquired.”

He continued: “In order to do this I would suggest that you see a good psychiatrist who can assist you in bringing to the forefront of conscience all of those experiences
You realize if you impeach Trump, Pence becomes President, right?
Oh shit! I thought it would be Hillary Clinton!

Look Bubba. Of course I know that and I'm not happy about the prospect. But if we let Trump get away with his shit, we might a well tear up the Constitution
You sound kind of moronic wanting to impeach Trump when Pence is much worse
Oh give it a fucking rest. I stated my reasons.
Pigpence, his "wife," and his minions want respect, but they don't give it. These morons have never figured out that you get what you give.They have conspired to deny thousands their rights, so no respect will be forthcoming to any of them. They are responsible for the choices they have made of their own free will. None of the rest of us has any responsibility for how they live or the life choices they make.
While Trump is no champion of LGBT causes, Pence is a dangerous ideologue and theocrat who fervently opposes LGBT people. While Trump is driven by personal gain and what ever seems to be politically expediate at any given moment, Pence believes that he is pursuing a divine cause at the direction of God.

White House Streams Church Service Claiming ‘Demonic Spirit’ Causes Homosexuality

Vice President Mike Pence called for people to remember the words of Martin Luther King Jr. “in these divided times” while attending a church where a bishop described how “the devil” is to blame for gay people.

Pence spoke at the Holy City Church of God in Christ in Memphis, Tennessee, on Sunday ahead of Martin Luther King Jr. Day in order to pay tribute to the civil rights icon.

My God! The hypocrisy! Promoting hate while paying tribute to King!! Now, we do not know what position King would take today on the various aspects af LGBT issues , but there is good reason to believe that he would not be engaging in the sort of vicious bigotry and fear mongering that we see here.

Here is an example of how King conducted himself as opposed to what we see today on the part of Pence and these ass hat preachers

What would Martin Luther King Jr think of the LGBT rights movement?

“I am a boy, but I feel about boys the way I ought to feel about girls. I don’t want my parents to know about me. What can I do? Is there any place where I can go for help?”

Though Dr King’s response may seem ill-informed by modern standards, his advice to the boy is remarkably calm and polite, given the fears and active scaremongering about gay people at the time.

Dr King responded: “Your problem is not at all an uncommon one. However, it does require careful attention. The type of feeling that you have toward boys is probably not an innate tendency, but something that has been culturally acquired.”

He continued: “In order to do this I would suggest that you see a good psychiatrist who can assist you in bringing to the forefront of conscience all of those experiences

What? You don't think Pence is entitled to his own opinion?

He might be entitled to his own opinion, but he is NOT entitled to abuse our legal system to hurt other people just because he doesn't like them. The rest of us have the right to stand up for our fellows against this sort of aggression.
While Trump is no champion of LGBT causes, Pence is a dangerous ideologue and theocrat who fervently opposes LGBT people. While Trump is driven by personal gain and what ever seems to be politically expediate at any given moment, Pence believes that he is pursuing a divine cause at the direction of God.

White House Streams Church Service Claiming ‘Demonic Spirit’ Causes Homosexuality

Vice President Mike Pence called for people to remember the words of Martin Luther King Jr. “in these divided times” while attending a church where a bishop described how “the devil” is to blame for gay people.

Pence spoke at the Holy City Church of God in Christ in Memphis, Tennessee, on Sunday ahead of Martin Luther King Jr. Day in order to pay tribute to the civil rights icon.

My God! The hypocrisy! Promoting hate while paying tribute to King!! Now, we do not know what position King would take today on the various aspects af LGBT issues , but there is good reason to believe that he would not be engaging in the sort of vicious bigotry and fear mongering that we see here.

Here is an example of how King conducted himself as opposed to what we see today on the part of Pence and these ass hat preachers

What would Martin Luther King Jr think of the LGBT rights movement?

“I am a boy, but I feel about boys the way I ought to feel about girls. I don’t want my parents to know about me. What can I do? Is there any place where I can go for help?”

Though Dr King’s response may seem ill-informed by modern standards, his advice to the boy is remarkably calm and polite, given the fears and active scaremongering about gay people at the time.

Dr King responded: “Your problem is not at all an uncommon one. However, it does require careful attention. The type of feeling that you have toward boys is probably not an innate tendency, but something that has been culturally acquired.”

He continued: “In order to do this I would suggest that you see a good psychiatrist who can assist you in bringing to the forefront of conscience all of those experiences

What? You don't think Pence is entitled to his own opinion?

He might be entitled to his own opinion, but he is NOT entitled to abuse our legal system to hurt other people just because he doesn't like them. The rest of us have the right to stand up for our fellows against this sort of aggression.

He has not accosted a soul. Stop whining because someone says something you don't like.
yeah i heard Pence and his family have been confronting and shouting at people in restaurants calling them bigots and white supremacist !:doubt:
While Trump is no champion of LGBT causes, Pence is a dangerous ideologue and theocrat who fervently opposes LGBT people. While Trump is driven by personal gain and what ever seems to be politically expediate at any given moment, Pence believes that he is pursuing a divine cause at the direction of God.

White House Streams Church Service Claiming ‘Demonic Spirit’ Causes Homosexuality

Vice President Mike Pence called for people to remember the words of Martin Luther King Jr. “in these divided times” while attending a church where a bishop described how “the devil” is to blame for gay people.

Pence spoke at the Holy City Church of God in Christ in Memphis, Tennessee, on Sunday ahead of Martin Luther King Jr. Day in order to pay tribute to the civil rights icon.

My God! The hypocrisy! Promoting hate while paying tribute to King!! Now, we do not know what position King would take today on the various aspects af LGBT issues , but there is good reason to believe that he would not be engaging in the sort of vicious bigotry and fear mongering that we see here.

Here is an example of how King conducted himself as opposed to what we see today on the part of Pence and these ass hat preachers

What would Martin Luther King Jr think of the LGBT rights movement?

“I am a boy, but I feel about boys the way I ought to feel about girls. I don’t want my parents to know about me. What can I do? Is there any place where I can go for help?”

Though Dr King’s response may seem ill-informed by modern standards, his advice to the boy is remarkably calm and polite, given the fears and active scaremongering about gay people at the time.

Dr King responded: “Your problem is not at all an uncommon one. However, it does require careful attention. The type of feeling that you have toward boys is probably not an innate tendency, but something that has been culturally acquired.”

He continued: “In order to do this I would suggest that you see a good psychiatrist who can assist you in bringing to the forefront of conscience all of those experiences

What? You don't think Pence is entitled to his own opinion?

He might be entitled to his own opinion, but he is NOT entitled to abuse our legal system to hurt other people just because he doesn't like them. The rest of us have the right to stand up for our fellows against this sort of aggression.

He has not accosted a soul. Stop whining because someone says something you don't like.
He has "accosted" the free press among other entities and in doing so has accosted every American who values a free press and understands that it is essential to a democracy. Do you claim that this is "just saying something that you down like"? Yes or no?

Pence must have appreciated Trump’s call to “open up the libel laws” against journalists, as the Indiana governor has already taken the conservative movement’s contempt against the media to a whole new level by attempting to create a state-run news agency.

He sought to create a taxpayer-funded state news outlet called “Just IN” that would have its own editorial and news teams, in hopes of creating a news service “overseen by political staff” that “could write stories that would be picked up by smaller newspapers that don’t have big newsrooms.”

Pence eventually abandoned the plan after it was widely mocked as an attempt to create a Pravda-style propaganda outlet.

A Dozen Reasons Why Mike Pence Is Just As Bad As Donald Trump | Right Wing Watch
While Trump is no champion of LGBT causes, Pence is a dangerous ideologue and theocrat who fervently opposes LGBT people. While Trump is driven by personal gain and what ever seems to be politically expediate at any given moment, Pence believes that he is pursuing a divine cause at the direction of God.

White House Streams Church Service Claiming ‘Demonic Spirit’ Causes Homosexuality

Vice President Mike Pence called for people to remember the words of Martin Luther King Jr. “in these divided times” while attending a church where a bishop described how “the devil” is to blame for gay people.

Pence spoke at the Holy City Church of God in Christ in Memphis, Tennessee, on Sunday ahead of Martin Luther King Jr. Day in order to pay tribute to the civil rights icon.

My God! The hypocrisy! Promoting hate while paying tribute to King!! Now, we do not know what position King would take today on the various aspects af LGBT issues , but there is good reason to believe that he would not be engaging in the sort of vicious bigotry and fear mongering that we see here.

Here is an example of how King conducted himself as opposed to what we see today on the part of Pence and these ass hat preachers

What would Martin Luther King Jr think of the LGBT rights movement?

“I am a boy, but I feel about boys the way I ought to feel about girls. I don’t want my parents to know about me. What can I do? Is there any place where I can go for help?”

Though Dr King’s response may seem ill-informed by modern standards, his advice to the boy is remarkably calm and polite, given the fears and active scaremongering about gay people at the time.

Dr King responded: “Your problem is not at all an uncommon one. However, it does require careful attention. The type of feeling that you have toward boys is probably not an innate tendency, but something that has been culturally acquired.”

He continued: “In order to do this I would suggest that you see a good psychiatrist who can assist you in bringing to the forefront of conscience all of those experiences

What? You don't think Pence is entitled to his own opinion?

He might be entitled to his own opinion, but he is NOT entitled to abuse our legal system to hurt other people just because he doesn't like them. The rest of us have the right to stand up for our fellows against this sort of aggression.

He has not accosted a soul. Stop whining because someone says something you don't like.

He has sought to abuse the legal system to assault the rights of thousands of other people. It's not what this piece of shit says, it is what he does and has done. And his so-called "wife" is no better. They have shown that they do not have any respect for their fellow Americans. Why should we respect or honor them? Are they going to apologize to women and LGBTs any time soon?
While Trump is no champion of LGBT causes, Pence is a dangerous ideologue and theocrat who fervently opposes LGBT people. While Trump is driven by personal gain and what ever seems to be politically expediate at any given moment, Pence believes that he is pursuing a divine cause at the direction of God.

White House Streams Church Service Claiming ‘Demonic Spirit’ Causes Homosexuality

Vice President Mike Pence called for people to remember the words of Martin Luther King Jr. “in these divided times” while attending a church where a bishop described how “the devil” is to blame for gay people.

Pence spoke at the Holy City Church of God in Christ in Memphis, Tennessee, on Sunday ahead of Martin Luther King Jr. Day in order to pay tribute to the civil rights icon.

My God! The hypocrisy! Promoting hate while paying tribute to King!! Now, we do not know what position King would take today on the various aspects af LGBT issues , but there is good reason to believe that he would not be engaging in the sort of vicious bigotry and fear mongering that we see here.

Here is an example of how King conducted himself as opposed to what we see today on the part of Pence and these ass hat preachers

What would Martin Luther King Jr think of the LGBT rights movement?

“I am a boy, but I feel about boys the way I ought to feel about girls. I don’t want my parents to know about me. What can I do? Is there any place where I can go for help?”

Though Dr King’s response may seem ill-informed by modern standards, his advice to the boy is remarkably calm and polite, given the fears and active scaremongering about gay people at the time.

Dr King responded: “Your problem is not at all an uncommon one. However, it does require careful attention. The type of feeling that you have toward boys is probably not an innate tendency, but something that has been culturally acquired.”

He continued: “In order to do this I would suggest that you see a good psychiatrist who can assist you in bringing to the forefront of conscience all of those experiences

What? You don't think Pence is entitled to his own opinion?

He might be entitled to his own opinion, but he is NOT entitled to abuse our legal system to hurt other people just because he doesn't like them. The rest of us have the right to stand up for our fellows against this sort of aggression.

He has not accosted a soul. Stop whining because someone says something you don't like.

He has sought to abuse the legal system to assault the rights of thousands of other people. It's not what this piece of shit says, it is what he does and has done. And his so-called "wife" is no better. They have shown that they do not have any respect for their fellow Americans. Why should we respect or honor them? Are they going to apologize to women and LGBTs any time soon?
Odd that you want to remove Trump to make Pence President
I love that... he's dangerous.... yeah, how? Oh that's right, because he has conservative values. Which makes him no more dangerous than Warren, Sanders, Clinton, or Biden.

All your guys, are all "dangerous" to me. So that just means Pence is the perfect next president in my view.
Proud of your own insanity ? At least you're honest.

"So Pence thinks the earth is 6000 years old and would start World War 3 at the drop of a yarmulke or a cowboy hat because he believes Armageddon is inevitable anyway."

What's the big deal about that ?
I bet Trump can't even make eye contact with that soulless creep.

Absolutely. I don't need to have your approval of my beliefs, or my position, or who I vote for.

You were never that relevant in life to begin with. So feel free to make your comments, and whine about Pence all you want. By all means, claim I'm insane.

And if I have ever given you cause to think I cared about your opinion of me, or my views... than I humbly apologize for misleading you.
While Trump is no champion of LGBT causes, Pence is a dangerous ideologue and theocrat who fervently opposes LGBT people. While Trump is driven by personal gain and what ever seems to be politically expediate at any given moment, Pence believes that he is pursuing a divine cause at the direction of God.

White House Streams Church Service Claiming ‘Demonic Spirit’ Causes Homosexuality

Vice President Mike Pence called for people to remember the words of Martin Luther King Jr. “in these divided times” while attending a church where a bishop described how “the devil” is to blame for gay people.

Pence spoke at the Holy City Church of God in Christ in Memphis, Tennessee, on Sunday ahead of Martin Luther King Jr. Day in order to pay tribute to the civil rights icon.

My God! The hypocrisy! Promoting hate while paying tribute to King!! Now, we do not know what position King would take today on the various aspects af LGBT issues , but there is good reason to believe that he would not be engaging in the sort of vicious bigotry and fear mongering that we see here.

Here is an example of how King conducted himself as opposed to what we see today on the part of Pence and these ass hat preachers

What would Martin Luther King Jr think of the LGBT rights movement?

“I am a boy, but I feel about boys the way I ought to feel about girls. I don’t want my parents to know about me. What can I do? Is there any place where I can go for help?”

Though Dr King’s response may seem ill-informed by modern standards, his advice to the boy is remarkably calm and polite, given the fears and active scaremongering about gay people at the time.

Dr King responded: “Your problem is not at all an uncommon one. However, it does require careful attention. The type of feeling that you have toward boys is probably not an innate tendency, but something that has been culturally acquired.”

He continued: “In order to do this I would suggest that you see a good psychiatrist who can assist you in bringing to the forefront of conscience all of those experiences

What? You don't think Pence is entitled to his own opinion?

He might be entitled to his own opinion, but he is NOT entitled to abuse our legal system to hurt other people just because he doesn't like them. The rest of us have the right to stand up for our fellows against this sort of aggression.

He has not accosted a soul. Stop whining because someone says something you don't like.

He has sought to abuse the legal system to assault the rights of thousands of other people. It's not what this piece of shit says, it is what he does and has done. And his so-called "wife" is no better. They have shown that they do not have any respect for their fellow Americans. Why should we respect or honor them? Are they going to apologize to women and LGBTs any time soon?

No apology is needed. They have their views, you have yours. It really is just that simple.
I am not going get into the whole trans thing here and derail my own thread with it.

I will just say this: I never said that it was not complicated or that we have all of the answers. It's an evolving science. It is you people who call it "simple" who are denying science. It's the people who insist that trans people are just crazy and that there is no biological basis for it are the science deniers.
There are a very small number of people that suffer from true gender dysphoria and this is something I have never denied. In fact I knew a man with such a condition in my old town.

It isn't them I have the problem with. It's the people who have made this an anti scientific fascist crusade who have adopted the guise of a gender fluid person to gain attention, power, notoriety, etc. that I have a problem with.

Worse yet are the parents who have pushed their children into a life of misery and confusion to satisfy their own selfish sick whims.
While Trump is no champion of LGBT causes, Pence is a dangerous ideologue and theocrat who fervently opposes LGBT people. While Trump is driven by personal gain and what ever seems to be politically expediate at any given moment, Pence believes that he is pursuing a divine cause at the direction of God.

White House Streams Church Service Claiming ‘Demonic Spirit’ Causes Homosexuality

Vice President Mike Pence called for people to remember the words of Martin Luther King Jr. “in these divided times” while attending a church where a bishop described how “the devil” is to blame for gay people.

Pence spoke at the Holy City Church of God in Christ in Memphis, Tennessee, on Sunday ahead of Martin Luther King Jr. Day in order to pay tribute to the civil rights icon.

My God! The hypocrisy! Promoting hate while paying tribute to King!! Now, we do not know what position King would take today on the various aspects af LGBT issues , but there is good reason to believe that he would not be engaging in the sort of vicious bigotry and fear mongering that we see here.

Here is an example of how King conducted himself as opposed to what we see today on the part of Pence and these ass hat preachers

What would Martin Luther King Jr think of the LGBT rights movement?

“I am a boy, but I feel about boys the way I ought to feel about girls. I don’t want my parents to know about me. What can I do? Is there any place where I can go for help?”

Though Dr King’s response may seem ill-informed by modern standards, his advice to the boy is remarkably calm and polite, given the fears and active scaremongering about gay people at the time.

Dr King responded: “Your problem is not at all an uncommon one. However, it does require careful attention. The type of feeling that you have toward boys is probably not an innate tendency, but something that has been culturally acquired.”

He continued: “In order to do this I would suggest that you see a good psychiatrist who can assist you in bringing to the forefront of conscience all of those experiences

What? You don't think Pence is entitled to his own opinion?

He might be entitled to his own opinion, but he is NOT entitled to abuse our legal system to hurt other people just because he doesn't like them. The rest of us have the right to stand up for our fellows against this sort of aggression.

He has not accosted a soul. Stop whining because someone says something you don't like.
He has "accosted" the free press among other entities and in doing so has accosted every American who values a free press and understands that it is essential to a democracy. Do you claim that this is "just saying something that you down like"? Yes or no?

Pence must have appreciated Trump’s call to “open up the libel laws” against journalists, as the Indiana governor has already taken the conservative movement’s contempt against the media to a whole new level by attempting to create a state-run news agency.

He sought to create a taxpayer-funded state news outlet called “Just IN” that would have its own editorial and news teams, in hopes of creating a news service “overseen by political staff” that “could write stories that would be picked up by smaller newspapers that don’t have big newsrooms.”

Pence eventually abandoned the plan after it was widely mocked as an attempt to create a Pravda-style propaganda outlet.

A Dozen Reasons Why Mike Pence Is Just As Bad As Donald Trump | Right Wing Watch
Most of the TV programs are Prog shill gab fests. Most of those men and women will be running to the deplorables to survive if things ever get bad. And they do not deserve to.
Pigpence is a vicious sicko. He hates LGBTQs. He hates women. But he has this karen thing that he can have his way with any time he wants to do with what he likes, and he still makes a point of attacking others to make their lives miserable. He spends all of his time worried about other people's sex lives. What he needs is a good psychiatrist.

You off your meds? You sound delusional.
Theory: She's obsessed with Pence. Wants him more than air.

But since he's faithful to his wife, she knows she can never have him.

Someone alert the Secret Service not to let Lys into Pence's kitchen with a pot and a rabbit.

They are constantly complaining about Trump's personal life and the fact that he is a philanderer. Now they are complaining about Pence and his personal life and the fact that he is absolutely 100% faithful to his marriage mate to the point where he even refuses to meet alone with a member of the opposite sex to avoid the appearance of impropriety.

Both cases are showing a glaring disrespect for women.

That is the dumbest of all claims yet.

"I won't meet alone with a woman who is not family, out of respect for my wife"

Left-tardian stupidity "That's disrespect!".

Typical left-wing idiocy. But is this not just what we in Christianity have always said? Left-wingers are like the pharisees of of Jesus day....

For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, 'He has a demon.' The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, 'Here is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners.' -Matt 11:18-19​

The Democrats of the Jesus day said that John who didn't eat or drink, had a demon. Then they turned right around and complained that Jesus who both ate and drink, was a glutton and drunk.

The Pharisees like the Democrats, will complain and whine, no matter what others do. Trump messes around, and they say he disrespects women. Pence avoids all appearance of messing around, and they say he disrespects women.

Yet I see little to suggest the people on the left respect women at all.
Absolutely. I don't need to have your approval of my beliefs, or my position, or who I vote for.

You were never that relevant in life to begin with. So feel free to make your comments, and whine about Pence all you want. By all means, claim I'm insane.

And if I have ever given you cause to think I cared about your opinion of me, or my views... than I humbly apologize for misleading you.
Ten self-references in 3 short sentences .
You don't need to apologize for being egotistical...it's a pretty common character flaw.

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