Mike Pence not a bomb truther

By the way, if you want more evidence of my claims to you....
A few months ago, I had forgotten that we even had a mid-term election coming up.

After the way I saw the left-wing attempt to destroy a man with zero... ZERO REAL EVIDENCE.....

I applied for my absentee ballot here in ohio, and I already voted. Put it in the mail on Saturday.

Promise you, not a single Democrap got my vote. Did vote for a few Libertarians though.

The more the left-wing acts like trash, the more the good people will stand up and vote for anyone they can, who hits back.
The Maxine Waters bully pulpit is minuscule compared to the president. Most people outside of California don't even know who she is.

When the president speaks, the world listens. He is the face of America to the world. Words have power and the words of a president have tremendous power. His supporters react not just to his words but his implications. Unfortunately that reaction can be violent as we have seen recently.

When Trump says he supposes there are some good ones, referring to Mexicans and describes migrants freeing violence in Honduras as gang members and criminals, his message is quite clear. And when he puts thousands of armed troops on the border to defend the nation, it's a call to arms to white nationalist groups and militias across the country as well as every nut with a hatred for minorities. I suspect that there will be much more violence but not to worry Trump's hands will be completely clean just as Hitlers were when his venomous speeches encouraged the slaughter of Jews and communists.

But you still don't get it. Trump is a reaction to the left. There is only one reason Trump is in office..... the left-wing. The people on the left-wing are more responsible for Trump getting elected, than anyone on the right-wing.

You don't believe that, I'm sure... but it is the absolute truth.

Mitt Romney was the nicest guy you could ever possibly have. The left-wing treated him like he was Satanic. Like he was Stalin reincarnated. You had Joe Biden out there saying "He's going to put ya'll back in chains!"

The left-wing treated him HORRIFICALLY.... and what they taught everyone else was, being nice gets you beaten.

So what happened? The right-wing find a guy what would stand up to the disgusting left-wing, and not only stand against it, but hit back twice as hard.

Romney was a nice, caring, civil, decent, upstanding person, and the left-wing was hideousness and cruel to him. So they got someone that was twice as devastating back. And every time he knocked someone down, the left-wing screamed and cried about it, and the right-wing responded by loving it.

The left-wing created the desire for Trump, created the need for a response like Trump, and they got what they deserved.

You all got what you asked for by your actions. You brought Trump on yourself. By attacking everyone who questioned Obama as being racists, then every time Trump said something... no one cared. You cried wolf (or racists), too many times, and now you have the very racists you claimed everyone else was.

Racism dramatically increased under Obama, and now when you scream it constantly, the right-wing just supports Trump more. Too bad. You brought it on yourself. Maybe you should have been a better human being yourself, and you wouldn't have caused this backlash on you.
Well that's a new, the democrats are responsible for Trump.

That is not new. Granted I didn't expect you to know this, but tons of people have been saying this. In fact to some extent, I predicted this in 2012.

I specifically remember thinking, if everyone is going to accuse me of being racists every time I question anything, like maybe the Iran deal isn't good, then I don't care what people say anymore, and I'll just agree with them "Ok I'm racist. Sucks to be you. What are you going to do about it?"

And remember when I started thinking that, I heard from someone else, the exact same thing.

When I realized everyone else was feeling the same way about it that I was, I thought years before I ever knew Trump would even run.... this is all going to come back and bite these left-wingers in the butt.

I didn't predict Trump specifically, but I just knew this would all come right back around and smash the Democraps and their left-wing supporters.

I was dead on right. So, no... this is not "new" by any stretch. New to you, maybe.
I think your half right. Both parties were responsible for Trump's success. His supporters were discussed with the republican establishment as well as the democrats. They wanted to drain the swamp and clear Washington of the establishment.

I have heard that, but I don't find that a convincing argument.

Yeah, there was some talk of outsider candidate, and draining the swamp. Yes.

That might account for 20% of his support.

The vast majority was people who were tired of being called 'deplorable' by the left-wing (and I only use that illustration because it represents how tons of us felt for at least the second half of Obama terms, if not all of it).

A lot of us, which includes me, were just flat out sick and tired of being hit with bricks, and we wanted someone, anyone who would take a baseball bat to the left-wing, and make them scream.

We got that.

The reason I don't buy the 'outsider' theory, is because there were other, less toxic options for people to vote for, who were far more conservative and right-wing, and less toxic and more civil.

In any other cultural situation, Trump wouldn't have last 5 minutes. He said almost 3 things every week during his campaign that would have sunk absolutely anyone else.

Yet the more he got up on stage, and called the left-wing out for being the trash that they were.... and they were.... the more popular he got.

I personally couldn't stand Trump. His treatment of women... terrible. His inability to establish a consistent view of how government should work. He goofy protectionism that has never worked. His support of government funded health care which is a disaster world wide.

Didn't vote for him. But I absolutely cheered every time he stood up and called out the left-wing for the trash they are. After all, they treated me like crap for 6 years.

So I understand where his support comes from. You treat people badly long enough, they'll find someone to throw it all back in your face.

That is EXACTLY what happened. Outsider stuff? Nah. It played a roll... yes, but that wasn't the main thing. Not at all.
The most important thing democrats contributed to Trump's victory was not showing up at the polls. 4 million Obama voters in 2012 stayed home in 2016. A combination of overconfidence that Trump would lose and Hillary's uninspired performance made the election a ho hum event. I doubt that will be the case in 2020 after 4 years of Trump craziness.
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