Mike Pompeo Says President Trump WILL Have A 2nd Term.

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
Don't tell the snowflakes yet. I for one hope he's right.
Elections should be fair and transparent, which this one
apparently has not been.

@ 10:00

His chances are slim for that.

It will be an interesting few weeks. At the very least, he is going to expose a great deal. 95% voter participation in Wisconsin? One of many odd peculiar facts.
His chances are slim for that.

It will be an interesting few weeks. At the very least, he is going to expose a great deal. 95% voter participation in Wisconsin? One of many odd peculiar facts.
If the software forensics and water-marked ballots have been collected...some people WILL be going to prison....if not already
His chances are slim for that.

It will be an interesting few weeks. At the very least, he is going to expose a great deal. 95% voter participation in Wisconsin? One of many odd peculiar facts.
If the software forensics and water-marked ballots have been collected...some people WILL be going to prison....if not already

Well, if some people are going to prison, it has to be because Trump gets the election victory. It would have to be that extreme. Some don't care what they take down or how much harm they do to their institutions, it's all about power for them.

Ironically, if fraud were found and Trump was given the final count it would be a benefit to America, evidence that "when things go wrong the system works". Short of that, there is going to be a lot of doubt and distrust. The stopping of the vote counting was too much for anyone to overlook.
Thank God for some common sense! Pompeo's got guns!
Biden's team has "... Thousands of pages of legal analysis, according to an authoritative campaign source, have been boiled down into “template pleadings” for at least 49 predrafted emergency motions in state or federal court. The campaign will be ready on an hour’s notice to file for a temporary restraining order in any case it has thus far been able to anticipate." How Trump Could Attempt a Coup
A second term? One term in Leavenworth and one in Sing Sing. I can see that.:laughing0301:
They'll have Michelle come on Tv and give the somber comedy face that shows how she suffered in life. She had 24 assistants to Melania's 4 assistants. And she had her mother take care of her kids. This woman is high maintenance. And of course she spared no expense towards the taxpayer. Sometime there are people who may fool you who lived more spartan lives and get more with less. The current first lady has done just that. She deserved better. And because of Prog political agendas that was the country's loss. All those magazine covers that could have been.

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