Miley Cyrus vows to leave country of Trump is elected President

Miley has soo many STD's that her boyfriend has to wear a Hazmat suit when he takes her out on a date. ....... :cool:

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Have any of the celebrities that vow to leave if [INSERT POLITICIAN'S NAME HERE] was elected actually left?

The only one I know of is Johnny Depp. He moved to France when Bush was elected. Since then, France raised taxes so high, he moved back.
Anyone that claims they are leaving the nation if X candidate wins is a whiny little bitch. Grow up.

This headline was pretty funny even though The New York Daily News is fish wrap:


If Kanye and the Kardashian hoard would also vow to vacate America if Trump is elected president.

Trump would win in a landslide....... :thup:
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Again --- who gives a flying fuck? How does it affect you or me?
Apparently you do, you Intelligentsia/Academia, Cultural Marxist, anti-U.S.A. bot.

Yeah uh, obviously.

I seriously wouldn't know Miley Cyrus if I tripped over her. What she does or what she is is none of my fucking business. Instructive that some people are so devoid of a life that they have to vicariously latch onto some disembodied entity they don't even know to find one. That must royally suck.
No doubt her parents are proud of their little girl. ....... :cool:


How the fuck anyone,in any shape or form,could see this as entertainment is beyond me.
Makes me want to break out the tranquilizer gun and sell her to a freak show.
Miley Cyrus might be the most articulate democrat spokesperson since ....well since....I can't think of a recent high profile democrat activist who wasn't a rich elitist nut case.
I'd vote for Trump just so that nasty slut would move her skank ass out of the USA for good. ....... :cool:
Not to be a nit picker of course, but with her being on the planet still, she would still not be out of the faces of those who hate her.

God bless you always!!!


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