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Military Occupation of Ferguson.

There has been looting and rioting in the midst of these protests. The police don't know if or when a protest may devolve into another riot, so they are erring on the side of caution. Stopping a riot before someone gets hurt or killed is the top priority of the police right now. If that means being in full riot gear at a protest, then that's what they'll do.

The rioters and looters doomed these protests.

There was looting and rioting on Sunday night/Monday morning. Since then, the police have misbehaved far more than the protestors.
I know this must be horribly confusing for you Wingnuts.

Do you side with the Government you don't control, or the uppity negros protesting racism?

Why would be choose to side with someone based on race? We side with people based on their commitment to resisting the modern Police State that you adore. We side with those who exercise and defend their Constitutional Rights.

We stand on principle, not on race, which is the total opposite of how the modern left operates.'

As you typed that question, what answers were occurring to you? Was there any self-realization that you were trying to suppress as you wrote the question?

Naw, guy, I don't get horribly upset about it.

I think this cop should be charged and convicted. I also think we wouldn't have these riots now had we convicted Zimmerman like we were supposed to last year.

But for you wingnuts, this must be a tough one. If you had a Republican President, you'd be for gunning them down, I'm sure.

They were unable to prove that Zimmerman did anything beyond protecting himself.
As far as I know, we don't convict people of a crime in order to prevent future other crimes.
Everyone go home...let justice prevail. The lawyers and the civil suit will make sure of that.

I have read reports( no links because I failed to copy and paste them) that Ferguson residents are claiming most of the rioting and looting is being perpetrated by outsiders.
One account stated the New Black Panthers are present and leading the riots.
This is getting ready to be a shit storm
There have been calls for the governor to cal in the National Guard to restore order. I think this is a BAD idea. The rioters will undoubtedly become agitated at the mere sight of soldiers in fatigues armed to the teeth. I believe the presence of NG troops would make things worse.
IMO What's done is done. This will unfortunately have to run its course.
As long as the LEO's on site can keep the damage contained and out of the residential areas, innocent homeowners and other residents can be kept from being attacked or their property vandalized/destroyed.
I was just a kid in the 60's but watching the news accounts of the Watts riots, Detroit riots, Newark and Los Angeles. Throw in the Viet Nam war protests and each time the authorities were sent in to allegedly restore order, the violence escalated.
No one has dies as a result of the rioting and looting. Let's keep it that way.
again, if they were just "protesting", no one would care.

The threat of riots and looting, that's getting people's attention.

We're watching LIVE footage of snipers pointing the rifles at truly peaceful protesters.

I know this must be horribly confusing for you Wingnuts.

Do you side with the Government you don't control, or the uppity negros protesting racism?

I stand with law and order, justice, and the American way. All citizens have the right to peacefully assemble, protest, and shout out their frustrations.

However, in any such protest, you can be sure that the anarchists will be attempting to turn a peaceful protest into a riot.
Police tried to initiate a riot last night.
Ferguson police chief does not set a curfew then acts like he did and unleashes the jackboots as darkness falls on peaceful protestors/reporters/homeowners.
The police chief is a F'in cartoon. No leadership from local officials and law enforcement acts like they got shit for brains.
Welcome to the third world, Missouri.
Everyone go home...let justice prevail. The lawyers and the civil suit will make sure of that.

You don't go home when Tyrants point guns at you. They must stand their ground. There is no Justice in the Jungle.

Gotta disagree. There comes a point where discretion is the better part of valor.
The kind of defiance you suggest is the root cause of what is going on now.
The irrational resistance and resentment of authority is counter to a civilized society.
The only instances where civil authorities must become involved is when allegedly civilized people refuse to police themselves
Everyone go home...let justice prevail. The lawyers and the civil suit will make sure of that.

You don't go home when Tyrants point guns at you. They must stand their ground. There is no Justice in the Jungle.

I saw some disturbing photographs, the police meeting peaceful protests with force.

Please do not rely on still photographs to make conclusions.
You do not know what these alleged protesters are saying or what kind of message they are projecting.
At this point, only those looking for trouble.
The most easily identifiable peaceful protesters and spokespeople who have pleaded for calm have gotten their message across. They have asked if not begged for the violence to stop.
Yet those allegedly peaceful people have had some in their ranks turn to violent acts.
Everyone concerned needs to calm down.
The rioting is disgraceful. But the protests are legitimate. They have every right to protest what has happened. And there is no telling what the police will do.

I stand with the protestors. I think the looters should be prosecuted, but the protestors should be allowed to have their say.

again, if they were just "protesting", no one would care.

The threat of riots and looting, that's getting people's attention.

There are no threats, you moron. Businesses, autos and other property were looted, burned or vandalized.
If you are going to attempt to justify these criminal acts, just cut the shit right now.
Or else.
YOU are the problem. While most of us civilized people call for calm, YOU call for more rioting and crime.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Suppose it was your business or property? Or is your psyche so filled with hate that you believe the owners of these businesses "deserve it"?
again, if they were just "protesting", no one would care.

The threat of riots and looting, that's getting people's attention.

We're watching LIVE footage of snipers pointing the rifles at truly peaceful protesters.

I know this must be horribly confusing for you Wingnuts.

Do you side with the Government you don't control, or the uppity negros protesting racism?

It is not that simple. But to a person such as yourself, well.....
Just out of curiousity. Why did they have to close the air space over this area?

I can't find the link, but heard it on the radio......

When did rioters get air support?

The police were thinking that the news helicopters were clogging up the air space making their operations more difficult and that the news helicopters were actually inciting more violence. 15 minutes of fame?
The rioting is disgraceful. But the protests are legitimate. They have every right to protest what has happened. And there is no telling what the police will do.

I stand with the protestors. I think the looters should be prosecuted, but the protestors should be allowed to have their say.

I don't stand with the protesters. What are they protesting? They want justice, that's a fine thing to want but first there has to be an investigation and all of the facts have to be gathered. They are currently hindering that process with all of this crap. They are the reason the cops can't put more resources toward figuring out the case because they have to patrol these idiots.

You want justice? STFU and go home and let the investigation go through it's process.

That's easy to say when things are calm - but not after an unarmed black teenager, who was about to leave for college, is murdered by a cop for apparently no logical reason. These protesters have every right to be enraged. They don't want the same happening to their children. Plus, the mayor of Ferguson said the looting and burning was done by out-of -towners. The FBI will sort it out.
Yes, but where does the rage get them? Nowhere. They start out angry and after all the rioting and vandalism guess what? They are still angry. It solves nothing.
Will Ferguson, Missouri become ground zero in helping to reverse the trend of overly militarized police forces? I hope so.

There is no hope, and there is no try. We overcome, or we don't. This can be a monumental moment in American history. Blacks and Whites united against a common foe --- the Government.

I just want to unite over overly militarized police forces across the nation. This isn't Obama's fault.

"This isn't Obama's fault."
Who said it was?
Come on now. Up this point in the thread your posts were for the better part, spot on.
What kind of professional police force puts a pig on top of an armored vehicle exposed? Unprofessional pigs who want to play Rambo.
The Missouri Governor went to Ferguson today, kicked out the police & replaced them with the state highway patrol.

I had business in the area today & drove up West Florissant Ave an hour ago. The media reports do not match what I saw. I did not see a single police officer or vehicle. Protestors were on both sides of the street near the Canfield intersection. They were not impeding traffic, people or business in any way. They looked to be in a cheerful mood holding their hands in the air. No rioting or looting currently going on.

I counted 20 business damaged by looters on that road. There are more on other streets that I did not go down. Looks to be twice as many business damaged as the media reported. Nearly all St Louis county & municipalities governments websites were down today from cyber attacks from outside the state of MO.
Hey Liberals - You Wanted More Government, You Got What You Wished For.


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