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Military Occupation of Ferguson.

Naw, guy, I don't get horribly upset about it.

I think this cop should be charged and convicted. I also think we wouldn't have these riots now had we convicted Zimmerman like we were supposed to last year.

But for you wingnuts, this must be a tough one. If you had a Republican President, you'd be for gunning them down, I'm sure.

The Zimmerman jury gave a unanimous not guilty verdict. :cuckoo: You are so fucking racist that you want to convict him because Al Sharpton & Obama got the black community ready to riot. :eek:

So Oblama used the Bro Code to let his people know when to riot??

JoeBlow is claiming this riot was caused because Zimmerman was not hung as Al Sharpton & Obama's political agenda suggested.

Every few months I work the polls in a 95% black black area next to Ferguson. Most of the voters there were worked up over the Trayvon killing. Now why in the hell is a Missouri citizen so agitated about a Florida death that was genuine self defense? It was because of Al Sharpton & Obama's political agenda, they got it wrong & it blew up in their face.

Idiots keep painting every black killing by a light skined person as a Zimmerman killing a Trayvon. The witness to this Ferguson killing even said it in an interview. The political lie is still fomenting some racism in the black community. However protesting broke out from this killing without the political race-baiters fanning it's flames on TV. Then police agitated the protestors to the point of rioting & looting.
I ultimately stand with the black community on this issue. I've been watching LIVE video coverage of the event over the last several days. Ferguson is under martial law.

As I type this, a sniper on LIVE video is pointing his weapon at peaceful protesters. Although the initial showing of law enforcement as necessary to restore order, their current actions are unlawful.

Watch the LIVE footage here from Infowars.

» Live Showdown: Black Activists Go Head-to-head Against Ferguson Riot Police Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

RealAlexJones, RealAlexJones alexjonesshow on USTREAM. Political News

Should the protesters be armed in Ferguson?
The rioting is disgraceful. But the protests are legitimate. They have every right to protest what has happened. And there is no telling what the police will do.

I stand with the protestors. I think the looters should be prosecuted, but the protestors should be allowed to have their say.

The protesters should be heard.

The looters should be SHOT.

Yeah.......but no. Stealing isn't a crime punishable by death in this nation. Try again.
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Will Ferguson, Missouri become ground zero in helping to reverse the trend of overly militarized police forces? I hope so.

There is no hope, and there is no try. We overcome, or we don't. This can be a monumental moment in American history. Blacks and Whites united against a common foe --- the Government.

Where you at? In your living room?

JoeBlow is claiming this riot was caused because Zimmerman was not hung as Al Sharpton & Obama's political agenda suggested.

Every few months I work the polls in a 95% black black area next to Ferguson. Most of the voters there were worked up over the Trayvon killing. Now why in the hell is a Missouri citizen so agitated about a Florida death that was genuine self defense? It was because of Al Sharpton & Obama's political agenda, they got it wrong & it blew up in their face.

Idiots keep painting every black killing by a light skined person as a Zimmerman killing a Trayvon. The witness to this Ferguson killing even said it in an interview. The political lie is still fomenting some racism in the black community. However protesting broke out from this killing without the political race-baiters fanning it's flames on TV. Then police agitated the protestors to the point of rioting & looting.

I think there's some problems with your thinking here.

The first one is that you think that the black community is led by people and wouldn't know what to think about something until Sharpton and Jackson told them what to think.

Um. No. A wannabe thug shooting an unarmed child in the middle of the street and being given a pass by the police and an all-white jury is an atrocity. Reverse the races, and it would have never happened and you know it.

If a black cop shot an unarmed white teenager in the middle of the street, they would not be putting him on desk duty and they would not be withholding his name from the public and they would not have left that man's body in the middle of the street for hours.

Of course, what we haven't seen is anyone trying to "thuggify" this kid the way they did Trayvon.

JoeBlow is claiming this riot was caused because Zimmerman was not hung as Al Sharpton & Obama's political agenda suggested.

Every few months I work the polls in a 95% black black area next to Ferguson. Most of the voters there were worked up over the Trayvon killing. Now why in the hell is a Missouri citizen so agitated about a Florida death that was genuine self defense? It was because of Al Sharpton & Obama's political agenda, they got it wrong & it blew up in their face.

Idiots keep painting every black killing by a light skined person as a Zimmerman killing a Trayvon. The witness to this Ferguson killing even said it in an interview. The political lie is still fomenting some racism in the black community. However protesting broke out from this killing without the political race-baiters fanning it's flames on TV. Then police agitated the protestors to the point of rioting & looting.

I think there's some problems with your thinking here.

The first one is that you think that the black community is led by people and wouldn't know what to think about something until Sharpton and Jackson told them what to think.

Um. No. A wannabe thug shooting an unarmed child in the middle of the street and being given a pass by the police and an all-white jury is an atrocity. Reverse the races, and it would have never happened and you know it.

If a black cop shot an unarmed white teenager in the middle of the street, they would not be putting him on desk duty and they would not be withholding his name from the public and they would not have left that man's body in the middle of the street for hours.

Of course, what we haven't seen is anyone trying to "thuggify" this kid the way they did Trayvon.

Your racism is still controlling you. You still can't be honest. Zimmerman did not have an all white jury & the not guilty verdict was unanimous. Trayvon was pounding Zimmerman's head when shot.

As far as Ferguson PD withholding the officers name. It is the correct procedure until all witness statements have been taken & they can pick him out of a line-up without being influenced by media pictures. Do you want this shooting to end in a mistrial? :cuckoo:

We are respectable negroes: A Grotesque Portrait of Power in Ferguson, Missouri: A Heavily Armed S.W.A.T. Team is "Threatened" by an Unarmed Black Man Walking Down the Street

Scary stuff.

Looks like a preemptive strike. Perhaps they had intel that he was in possession of a WMD?
I'm usually with you on things but just can't do it here. The 2A is there to defend yourself against and attacker. It's not there to insure looters can roam free. Maybe if some of this mob were armed and started shooting looters we could be on the same page.

This thread isn't about looters or a boy being shot, it's about police pointing rifles at peaceful protestors. That cannot be tolerated.

If the police open fire open them, they have not only a right, but a duty to fire back.

The protestors do not have to wait for the police open fire open them. The act of pointing a gun at someone is justification for them to kill in self defense. Yes the protestors have not only a right, but a duty to fire back. I guarantee those police will kill anyone who points a weapon at them.

Damn, where is that Bundy saving Militia when you need them?
None of this would have happened if there were enough social justice programs, welfare dollars, food stamps, job programs, education financing, housing subsidies, affirmative action, govt healthcare and other reparations....

Adopt an African American today !!!
Every 'Maker' in the country already has.
This is what happens when one race has generally speaking 10-15% lower IQs than other races.
The lower IQ race simply is not intellectually capable of functioning on the same societal level as other races therefore the more intellectually advanced races must continue to hold their collective hands out with help.
It will be this way for as long as humans inhabit the earth.
Might as well get used to it.
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The rioting is disgraceful. But the protests are legitimate. They have every right to protest what has happened. And there is no telling what the police will do.

I stand with the protestors. I think the looters should be prosecuted, but the protestors should be allowed to have their say.

The protesters should be heard.

The looters should be SHOT.

Yeah.......but no. Stealing isn't a crime punishable by death in this nation. Try again.

Of course it is. It's just not punishable by death by the state. It's like rape. Rape is not a crime that the state has said results in the death penalty but a woman who kills her rapist is not charged with a crime.
None of this would have happened if there were enough social justice programs, welfare dollars, food stamps, job programs, education financing, housing subsidies, affirmative action, govt healthcare and other reparations....

Adopt an African American today !!!
Every 'Maker' in the country already has.
This is what happens when one race has generally speaking 10-15% lower IQs than other races.
The lower IQ race simply is not intellectually capable of functioning on the same societal level as other races therefore the more intellectually advanced races must continue to hold their collective hands out with help.
It will be this way fore as long as humans inhabit the earth.
Might as well get used to it.

See the problem with that is when you help a lower IQ race..sometimes it comes back to bite you in the ass.

The Africans traded with the European..and what happens? The Europeans enslave them.
The Chinese gave Europeans noodles and gunpowder and what happens? The Europeans colonize them.
The Indians in America saved European asses and what happens? The Europeans wipe them out.

You have to be careful with that shit.

This thread isn't about looters or a boy being shot, it's about police pointing rifles at peaceful protestors. That cannot be tolerated.

If the police open fire open them, they have not only a right, but a duty to fire back.

The protestors do not have to wait for the police open fire open them. The act of pointing a gun at someone is justification for them to kill in self defense. Yes the protestors have not only a right, but a duty to fire back. I guarantee those police will kill anyone who points a weapon at them.

Damn, where is that Bundy saving Militia when you need them?

Snorting Meth, drinking a pabst, smoking a newport and banging their best friend's daughter.
None of this would have happened if there were enough social justice programs, welfare dollars, food stamps, job programs, education financing, housing subsidies, affirmative action, govt healthcare and other reparations....

Adopt an African American today !!!
Every 'Maker' in the country already has.
This is what happens when one race has generally speaking 10-15% lower IQs than other races.
The lower IQ race simply is not intellectually capable of functioning on the same societal level as other races therefore the more intellectually advanced races must continue to hold their collective hands out with help.
It will be this way fore as long as humans inhabit the earth.
Might as well get used to it.

See the problem with that is when you help a lower IQ race..sometimes it comes back to bite you in the ass.

The Africans traded with the European..and what happens? The Europeans enslave them.
The Chinese gave Europeans noodles and gunpowder and what happens? The Europeans colonize them.
The Indians in America saved European asses and what happens? The Europeans wipe them out.

You have to be careful with that shit.

You can't buy something that's not for sale pal.
It is historic fact based on Captain's logs from Dutch and Portuguese ships
that the owners of 'trading ships' forbade the Captains from putting ashore on the coast of W. Africa under any circumstance in the first century of trading with Africans. The ship's owners knew the local tribes would kill/enslave any ships crew who landed. The Captains were instructed to anchor-out and the tribal chiefs would send out boats with any trade goods on offer. These boats contained Black slaves. They were the number one commodity for sale.
In turn the ship's owners would buy up barrels of broken mirror fragments from the mirror factories in Europe and use the broken mirror fragments to purchase the slaves.
So if anyone wants to lay blame for who/why the slave trade started go back to the tribal chiefs who offered the slaves for sale in the first place.
The funny part is today the main human slave markets in the world are found in Africa being run by Blacks.
Ironically today in the US the Black race is still being enslaved by those who refuse to speak the truth about the Black race. Every excuse in the book is made for the cause of Black on Black violence including blaming 'Whitey' for all the problems.
As long as the Black community looks to race whores like 'Rev. Al' to make endless excuses for their failing culture the failing culture will continue to fail.
Not even 'The First Black President' has been able to do fuck all about his failing Black brothers and sisters.
Of course, what we haven't seen is anyone trying to "thuggify" this kid the way they did Trayvon.

New flash they thugified themselves,nice try
This thread isn't about looters or a boy being shot, it's about police pointing rifles at peaceful protestors. That cannot be tolerated.

If the police open fire open them, they have not only a right, but a duty to fire back.

The protestors do not have to wait for the police open fire open them. The act of pointing a gun at someone is justification for them to kill in self defense. Yes the protestors have not only a right, but a duty to fire back. I guarantee those police will kill anyone who points a weapon at them.

Damn, where is that Bundy saving Militia when you need them?

What common bond do you imagine the Bundy militia has with the black residents of Ferguson. Different values, different beliefs, different lifestyles, etc. The only feature that they share is the they were born in the same nation. The militia likely feels as much need tor risk themselves in Ferguson as they do in Somalia.
None of this would have happened if there were enough social justice programs, welfare dollars, food stamps, job programs, education financing, housing subsidies, affirmative action, govt healthcare and other reparations....

Adopt an African American today !!!
Every 'Maker' in the country already has.
This is what happens when one race has generally speaking 10-15% lower IQs than other races.
The lower IQ race simply is not intellectually capable of functioning on the same societal level as other races therefore the more intellectually advanced races must continue to hold their collective hands out with help.
It will be this way for as long as humans inhabit the earth.
Might as well get used to it.

Now that's what I call racism. But Hells-Bells my Grandpa (RIP) would surely agree with you.

Lower IQ's are the results of poverty/poor nutrition, not of a particular race.
The protestors do not have to wait for the police open fire open them. The act of pointing a gun at someone is justification for them to kill in self defense. Yes the protestors have not only a right, but a duty to fire back. I guarantee those police will kill anyone who points a weapon at them.

Damn, where is that Bundy saving Militia when you need them?

What common bond do you imagine the Bundy militia has with the black residents of Ferguson. Different values, different beliefs, different lifestyles, etc. The only feature that they share is the they were born in the same nation. The militia likely feels as much need tor risk themselves in Ferguson as they do in Somalia.

Okay. Maybe Louis Farrakhan could round up some Armed Brothers, pack up in some SUVs, and head to St Louis to protect the citizens of Ferguson.

BTW I saw plenty of White Folks marching in Ferguson too.
None of this would have happened if there were enough social justice programs, welfare dollars, food stamps, job programs, education financing, housing subsidies, affirmative action, govt healthcare and other reparations....

Adopt an African American today !!!
Every 'Maker' in the country already has.
This is what happens when one race has generally speaking 10-15% lower IQs than other races.
The lower IQ race simply is not intellectually capable of functioning on the same societal level as other races therefore the more intellectually advanced races must continue to hold their collective hands out with help.
It will be this way for as long as humans inhabit the earth.
Might as well get used to it.

Now that's what I call racism. But Hells-Bells my Grandpa (RIP) would surely agree with you.

Lower IQ's are the results of poverty/poor nutrition, not of a particular race.

You'd think that rich black physicians would have enough money to feed their kids nutritious meals.

Damn, where is that Bundy saving Militia when you need them?

What common bond do you imagine the Bundy militia has with the black residents of Ferguson. Different values, different beliefs, different lifestyles, etc. The only feature that they share is the they were born in the same nation. The militia likely feels as much need tor risk themselves in Ferguson as they do in Somalia.

Okay. Maybe Louis Farrakhan could round up some Armed Brothers, pack up in some SUVs, and head to St Louis to protect the citizens of Ferguson.

BTW I saw plenty of White Folks marching in Ferguson too.

White folks marching is a low investment activity. Those militia members are playing for higher stakes. They're armed and when it comes to a stand-off with armed police that escalates the risk to each militia member. A white protester runs little risk of getting shot or arrested. A militia member has more skin in the game.

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