Military & Political victory for Iraq and Obama - Daesh terrorist scum fleeing Tikrit


Gold Member
Jul 9, 2014
Iraqi and Shiite Forces Seize Large Parts of Tikrit From Islamic State. By ANNE BARNARD. MARCH 10, 2015

BAGHDAD — Iraqi security forces and allied Shiite militias seized large parts of Tikrit on Tuesday, amid reports that most of the Islamic State militants battling to hold the city had begun retreating, security officials said.

The Republican need for Bagdad to fall to harm Obama is now a distant dream.

Like it or not Obama's strategy is working without leaving American bodies in the battlefield.

Not a word if congrats from right wing haters to the Iraqis and all our coalition partners for helping to set this huge victory up.
Iraqi and Shiite Forces Seize Large Parts of Tikrit From Islamic State. By ANNE BARNARD. MARCH 10, 2015

BAGHDAD — Iraqi security forces and allied Shiite militias seized large parts of Tikrit on Tuesday, amid reports that most of the Islamic State militants battling to hold the city had begun retreating, security officials said.

The Republican need for Bagdad to fall to harm Obama is now a distant dream.

Like it or not Obama's strategy is working without leaving American bodies in the battlefield.

Not a word if congrats from right wing haters to the Iraqis and all our coalition partners for helping to set this huge victory up.
Congratulations to Herr General Feldmarshall Obama, PBUH, for his sweeping victory at Tikrit with his Iranian Republican Guards. May Allah reward him.
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As I recall they were driven out of Iraq once before only then they were known as Al-Qaeda in Iraq. But then something happened after all U.S. forces were pulled out of Iraq this group reformed took the name ISIS went back in and took control of large areas of the country and the U.S. and the rest of the world sat back and said eh whatever. So then into fill that void comes the wondeful country of Iran sending in their military and shia militias who by many accounts are no better than ISIS so now as Iran helps the Iraqi shia push out ISIS subjugate the sunnis they will have proxy states in Iraq, with the shia Syria with Assad, Yemen with the Houthi and Lebanon with Hamas and Hezbollah quickly making Iran one of if not the most powerful nations in the region job well done.
Methinks Foo is prematurely's not quite the fall of Stalingrad.
Not sure if there is much to celebrate here. Again, this is a war with no side you can really cheer for.

The Iraqi government will be beholden to Iran if they prevail, and that can't be a good thing, but people predicted that since 2005, so I guess we can't be that upset about it.
But then something happened after all U.S. forces were pulled out of Iraq this group reformed took the name ISIS went back in and took control of large areas of the country and the U.S. and the rest of the world sat back and said eh whatever.

Your solution was? Americans dying on the ground in Iraq?

Iran moved into Iraq in the exhaust fumes of US armored units during the 2003 US blitzkrieg to Baghdad from Kuwait. The Badr Brigades came in then and never left. They came from Tehran armed and trained by the Quds forces.

Bush set the date for all US forces to be gone anyway.

There was no al Qaeda in Iraq when secular minded Sunnis ran things until Bush mucked the whole region up for five years. And then surrendered to Maliki who was quite Iran friendly at the time of Bush's surrender.
You do realize that this was an Iranian backed assault? And fuck off with the Bush surrender bullshit.

Makes you look like a total fucking idiot. Oh wait. Never mind.


No US involvement. Iraq doesn't trust you any more because the asshole in the White House left them high and dry. We've danced this dance before.

Thank Iran.No one trusts Obama anymore. He handed Iraq to Iran. Just like he handed Egypt to Russia. They're still monumentally pissed off that Obama forced the MB on them.

"The U.S. military has no direct role in the ongoing military offensive to take back the Iraqi city of Tikrit from Islamic State militants, but U.S. commanders have seen it coming for days, according to the top U.S. general overseeing operations in the Middle East.

The assault, said to involve about 25,000 Iraqi troops, was launched Monday to take back the birthplace of Saddam Hussein. Numerous photos have surfaced of Gen. Qasem Soleimani, commander of the Iranian Quds Force, in the region assisting Shiite militias that are taking part in the offensive.

The operation, launched without direct U.S. involvement, has been called an eye-opener to the United States by some analysts.

But Gen. Lloyd J. Austin III, chief of U.S. Central Command, told the House Armed Services Committee on Tuesday that it was “no surprise,” even if the United States and Iran don’t see eye-to-eye on other issues and do not coordinate operations against the Islamic State."

U.S. general Iranian-backed assault on Tikrit was no surprise - The Washington Post
Is not Iran Obama's chosen successor to inherit Iraq?

Honestly I don't think he meant for this to happen. He thought he could wave his magic wand and by just replacing Maliki all would be good and those poor disenfranchised Sunnis called ISIS would just become nice guys.

Lunatics running the White House foreign policy is bad enough but these are idiotic lunatics running the White House which makes one start dreaming of bomb shelters just in case.

They're nuts. Stupid crazies.
Is not Iran Obama's chosen successor to inherit Iraq?

Honestly I don't think he meant for this to happen. He thought he could wave his magic wand and by just replacing Maliki all would be good and those poor disenfranchised Sunnis called ISIS would just become nice guys.

Lunatics running the White House foreign policy is bad enough but these are idiotic lunatics running the White House which makes one start dreaming of bomb shelters just in case.

They're nuts. Stupid crazies.
What was your preferred strategy?
But then something happened after all U.S. forces were pulled out of Iraq this group reformed took the name ISIS went back in and took control of large areas of the country and the U.S. and the rest of the world sat back and said eh whatever.

Your solution was? Americans dying on the ground in Iraq?

Iran moved into Iraq in the exhaust fumes of US armored units during the 2003 US blitzkrieg to Baghdad from Kuwait. The Badr Brigades came in then and never left. They came from Tehran armed and trained by the Quds forces.

Bush set the date for all US forces to be gone anyway.

There was no al Qaeda in Iraq when secular minded Sunnis ran things until Bush mucked the whole region up for five years. And then surrendered to Maliki who was quite Iran friendly at the time of Bush's surrender.
Ah the typical liberal response but Bush of course given your SN no surpirise there. Never mind the fact Al-Qaeda in Iraq now known as ISIS had been defeated and run out of Iraq by the time Bush left office never mind the fact it was Obama who failed to reach a SOFA extension with Malki and the Iraqi government never mind all the foreign policy failures Obama has racked up in the Middle East his failures will always be any and everyones fault but his. Seriously is there any Obama failure that is actually his fault?
But then something happened after all U.S. forces were pulled out of Iraq this group reformed took the name ISIS went back in and took control of large areas of the country and the U.S. and the rest of the world sat back and said eh whatever.

Your solution was? Americans dying on the ground in Iraq?

Iran moved into Iraq in the exhaust fumes of US armored units during the 2003 US blitzkrieg to Baghdad from Kuwait. The Badr Brigades came in then and never left. They came from Tehran armed and trained by the Quds forces.

Bush set the date for all US forces to be gone anyway.

There was no al Qaeda in Iraq when secular minded Sunnis ran things until Bush mucked the whole region up for five years. And then surrendered to Maliki who was quite Iran friendly at the time of Bush's surrender.
Ah the typical liberal response but Bush of course given your SN no surpirise there. Never mind the fact Al-Qaeda in Iraq now known as ISIS had been defeated and run out of Iraq by the time Bush left office never mind the fact it was Obama who failed to reach a SOFA extension with Malki and the Iraqi government never mind all the foreign policy failures Obama has racked up in the Middle East his failures will always be any and everyones fault but his. Seriously is there any Obama failure that is actually his fault?
The agreement that required all our forces to withdraw - which administration negotiated and signed that sofa?
But then something happened after all U.S. forces were pulled out of Iraq this group reformed took the name ISIS went back in and took control of large areas of the country and the U.S. and the rest of the world sat back and said eh whatever.

Your solution was? Americans dying on the ground in Iraq?

Iran moved into Iraq in the exhaust fumes of US armored units during the 2003 US blitzkrieg to Baghdad from Kuwait. The Badr Brigades came in then and never left. They came from Tehran armed and trained by the Quds forces.

Bush set the date for all US forces to be gone anyway.

There was no al Qaeda in Iraq when secular minded Sunnis ran things until Bush mucked the whole region up for five years. And then surrendered to Maliki who was quite Iran friendly at the time of Bush's surrender.
Ah the typical liberal response but Bush of course given your SN no surpirise there. Never mind the fact Al-Qaeda in Iraq now known as ISIS had been defeated and run out of Iraq by the time Bush left office never mind the fact it was Obama who failed to reach a SOFA extension with Malki and the Iraqi government never mind all the foreign policy failures Obama has racked up in the Middle East his failures will always be any and everyones fault but his. Seriously is there any Obama failure that is actually his fault?
The agreement that required all our forces to withdraw - which administration negotiated and signed that sofa?
That was the Bush administration now which administration failed to get an extension of that agreement?
But then something happened after all U.S. forces were pulled out of Iraq this group reformed took the name ISIS went back in and took control of large areas of the country and the U.S. and the rest of the world sat back and said eh whatever.

Your solution was? Americans dying on the ground in Iraq?

Iran moved into Iraq in the exhaust fumes of US armored units during the 2003 US blitzkrieg to Baghdad from Kuwait. The Badr Brigades came in then and never left. They came from Tehran armed and trained by the Quds forces.

Bush set the date for all US forces to be gone anyway.

There was no al Qaeda in Iraq when secular minded Sunnis ran things until Bush mucked the whole region up for five years. And then surrendered to Maliki who was quite Iran friendly at the time of Bush's surrender.
Ah the typical liberal response but Bush of course given your SN no surpirise there. Never mind the fact Al-Qaeda in Iraq now known as ISIS had been defeated and run out of Iraq by the time Bush left office never mind the fact it was Obama who failed to reach a SOFA extension with Malki and the Iraqi government never mind all the foreign policy failures Obama has racked up in the Middle East his failures will always be any and everyones fault but his. Seriously is there any Obama failure that is actually his fault?
TheSOFA is Statut Of Forces Agreement agreement that required all our forces to withdraw - which administration negotiated and signed that sofa?
The SOFA is Status Of Forces Agreement and dictates how host countries and American forces agree to the administration of the forces by the host country.
Status of forces agreement - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

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