Military & Political victory for Iraq and Obama - Daesh terrorist scum fleeing Tikrit

IRAN is leading the offensive you stupid fuck.

Damn you libs really are ignorant of current events. Try Fox News & look less stupid

Maybe if Bush had stayed out of Iraq in the first place...
Maybe if you deflect with more off topic bullshit no one else will laugh at the op


Are you suggesting that Bush had nothing to do with the current situation in Iraq? Because if that is what you are suggesting, damn.
IRAN is leading the offensive you stupid fuck.

Damn you libs really are ignorant of current events. Try Fox News & look less stupid

Maybe if Bush had stayed out of Iraq in the first place...
Maybe if you deflect with more off topic bullshit no one else will laugh at the op


Are you suggesting that Bush had nothing to do with the current situation in Iraq? Because if that is what you are suggesting, damn.
Not Bush but the team of Bill O'Reilly and Sarah Palin.
IRAN is leading the offensive you stupid fuck.

Damn you libs really are ignorant of current events. Try Fox News & look less stupid
What offensive? Iran isnt invading or attacking other nations.
Say what? The Iranian Army is in Takrit.
Plus, Jordan is bombing in Syria and Egypt in Libya. What are you watching? Dancing With The Stars or The Price Is Right.
Im sorry, i read grampa's post as saying iran was on an offensive - which as i said to me means aggression for their own gain.

I see now that he said "leading" the offensive.

Also those shows are on at wildly different times, i could watch both even without a dvr... ;)
Bush & the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq​

Hossfly says:

Congratulations to Herr General Feldmarshall Obama, PBUH, for his sweeping victory at Tikrit with his Iranian Republican Guards. May Allah reward him.

Do you actually think there is a way to bring the Shiite government of Iraq to join the US military in driving Iranians out of Iraq?

Home > News & Policies > December 2006

President Bush Meets with His Eminence Abdul-Aziz Al-Hakim, Leader of the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq

President George W. Bush welcomes Sayyed Abdul-Aziz Al-Hakim, Leader of the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq, to the White House Monday, Dec. 4, 2006. Said the President, "I appreciate so very much His Eminence's commitment to a unity government. I assured him the United States supports his work and the work of the Prime Minister to unify the country." White House photo by Eric Draper

President Bush Meets with His Eminence Abdul-Aziz Al-Hakim Leader of the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq

That' is who brought Iran trained Badr a Militia into Iraq.

The SOFA is Status Of Forces Agreement and dictates how host countries and American forces agree to the administration of the forces by the host country.
Status of forces agreement - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Only to show the SOFA so people can determine what was followed and what wasnt.

Bush signed one in 2008 and agreed in it to take all troops out of Iraq by the end of 2011. There was no way Obama could turn Iraqis around on extending that deadline.

Say what? The Iranian Army is in Takrit.

Not a big deal being Iran and Iraq became strong allies after the 2003 US invasion.

Plus, Jordan is bombing in Syria and Egypt in Libya. What are you watching? Dancing With The Stars or The Price Is Right.

Good for them. That's the idea.

Not Bush but the team of Bill O'Reilly and Sarah Palin

Who cares?
Tipsy 10937074
obumble wasn't even told. Is his strategy to hide? This is Iran all the way and they won't give the obastard the time of day.

Obama isn't holding hands with an Islamist leader sent from Tehran to Iraq under the banner of Islamic Revolution with the BADR militia at his disposal. Yeah Bush got the time of day from this one didn't he?

"During the operation, which ended Saturday, ISIS lost access to primary travel routes it has previously used to move personnel and materials into Iraq."

TD 10937718
Honestly I don't think he meant for this to happen.

That is the goofiest line on this thread so far and there are a lot of goofs vying for top spot:

By Staff writer | Al Arabiya News
Wednesday, 11 March 2015
Forces fighting the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) have cut critical communication and supply lines used by the extremists between Syria and Iraq after a two-week operation, AFP quoted the U.S.-led coalition as saying late Tuesday.

Backed by air strikes, the forces “overcame ISIL [ISIS] resistance” in northeastern Syria near the strategic town of Tal Hamis – once an ISIS stronghold – and “denied the terrorist group its freedom of maneuver in the area,” the Combined Joint Task Force said in a statement.

During the operation, which ended Saturday, ISIS lost access to primary travel routes it has previously used to move personnel and materials into Iraq.

“Anti-ISIL forces were able to seize critical portions of route 47 in Syria, a key ISIL communications and supply line leading into Iraq,” it added, noting that 94 villages were freed from the clutches of the extremists.

The coalition said “multiple” ISIS weapons systems, vehicles and fighting positions were also destroyed.

Must drive so many of you nuts. Obama getting other things done while Iraqis and their chosen allies liberate Tikrit.
Iran is not helping obama by fighting isis. They are helping themselves. Iran doesn't want peace and freedom for the Iraqi people. They want Iraq every bit as much as isis does and for the same reasons.
Tipsy 10938910
Iran doesn't want peace and freedom for the Iraqi people.

Do you think Daesh want peace and freedom for their Sunni captives in Iraq and the Shiite population in Iraq and Iran and the Kurds in Iraq? And the region. What about all the non-Islamic sects.

I realize analysis by Fox and Friends is very slanted. But come on - you need to think outside the FOX:

'Inside ISIS' Author: 'Iran Wants to Take Back Iraq

Mar 10, 2015 // 2:42pm
As seen on Fox and Friends

As Iraqi and Iranian forces fight side by side to retake the city of Tikrit from ISIS fighters, the author of Inside ISIS sat down with Brian Kilmeade to discuss what's going on. "

Iran is responding to a threat to their existence and at the invite of Iraq.

It ultimately means that US forces will not be required in a combat role in stopping Daesh from killing everybody they don't like in the world.

Killing Daesh without US casualties is the best policy Americans should support.

We can't expect you and FOX to support it because you must want ground troops forced back into Iraq even when Iraq doesn't want them.
As Wallid Ferris just said on Fox...."ever square foot of Iraq ISIS gives up, is a square foot that Iran controls."

So much for strategic patience...
Idiot op still think this is an Obama planned out & victorious military offensive?

You are the only idiot putting out a false allegation about me. I know very well that US Military Forces were not involved in planning or executing this operation in Tikrit. That's why it's a victory for Iraq and our coalition overall. Sour pusses like you have to want Daesh to win since all you do is bitch about our side gaining the upper hand on a number of fronts.
As Wallid Ferris just said on Fox...."ever square foot of Iraq ISIS gives up, is a square foot that Iran controls."

So much for strategic patience...

So Wallid Ferris wants Daesh to take more - and you are both idiots if you think Iran wants or will take control of Sunni dominated land.

You are a fool if you think that. A damned fool. 4484 Americans died in Iraq and you know nothing about the place. You listen to know nothings and you are proud that you know nothing.
Wallid is simply pointing out the fatal mistake your president made, is making, and will continue to make.
Idiot op still think this is an Obama planned out & victorious military offensive?

You are the only idiot putting out a false allegation about me. I know very well that US Military Forces were not involved in planning or executing this operation in Tikrit. That's why it's a victory for Iraq and our coalition overall. Sour pusses like you have to want Daesh to win since all you do is bitch about our side gaining the upper hand on a number of fronts.
Your op says VICTORY FOR OBAMA ya lying dumbass piece of shit. Obama didn't even know about it before the news reports broke yet you can't wait to credit him for IRANS victory.

You are a moron plain & simple

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