Military will build border wall if Pelosi, Schumer don't agree to pay for it: Trump

"Trump Forces Chuck and Nancy to Debate Him in Front of America, They Didn't Like It"

"For the first time since the 2018-midterm elections, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and incoming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi met with President Trump at the White House Tuesday.

Their meeting was originally supposed to be closed press, but that all changed when the White House press pool was invited into the Oval Office to broadcast their remarks.

"After some back and forth with the Democrat leaders, Pelosi started to panic and said they should not continue in front of the press. "I don't think we should have a debate in front of the press on this," Pelosi said."


Trump Forces Chuck and Nancy to Debate Him in Front of America, They Didn't Like It


You mean like payments to hookers?

You mean like colluding with Russians in Trump Tower?

Show us the tax returns!

Cockroach Donald HATES when light is shed on his affairs.
If the Democrats are not willing to protect Americans then they are not fit to hold office.
Dems are proposing a 1.3 billion dollar appropriation for border security. So there ya go

We spend $155 Billion on Illegal immigration, and throwing Grandma over the cliff to give her Social Security check to a bunch of Bad Hombres who don't belong there.

So "There You Go Again"

Why doesn't Trump get Mexico to pay for his damn wall, even the Republicans do not want it.

Shut the gov down, it will be on TRUMP.
It’s not Republican that don’t want the wall it’s the swamp that doesn’t want the wall. Slowly but surely Trump and the voters are getting rid of those.
After the meeting between The President and the two clowns from the Democrats, and after Schumer and Pelosi got bitch-slapped, they went out to whine to their lapdog media and it looks as if another Schumer Shut-Down is on the horizon.
Trump got his ass kicked in his own office in his own house by an old lady.

You mean like payments to hookers?

You mean like colluding with Russians in Trump Tower?

Show us the tax returns!

Cockroach Donald HATES when light is shed on his affairs.


View attachment 234131
I don't see a tax return in that copy and paste job, rube.

It's none of your fucking business, moron. It WOULD matter if he wanted to steal other's federal reserve notes via higher taxation while doing everything he could to avoid them know, like leftard politicians do?

Taxation on your labor is theft.
Yeah, the coward who won't sit for a face to face deposition with Mueller claims to be transparent.

The coward who won't release his tax returns claims to be transparent.

The crook who suborned his personal lawyer to violate the law to cover up his adultery so as to win an election claims to be transparent.

The guy who hoaxes the rube herd every single day. That guy. He screams like a vampire when dragged into the light.

"Trump Forces Chuck and Nancy to Debate Him in Front of America, They Didn't Like It"

"For the first time since the 2018-midterm elections, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and incoming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi met with President Trump at the White House Tuesday.

Their meeting was originally supposed to be closed press, but that all changed when the White House press pool was invited into the Oval Office to broadcast their remarks.

"After some back and forth with the Democrat leaders, Pelosi started to panic and said they should not continue in front of the press. "I don't think we should have a debate in front of the press on this," Pelosi said."


Trump Forces Chuck and Nancy to Debate Him in Front of America, They Didn't Like It

They kicked his ass. By the way, who was that sitting to trump's right, was it a mannequin? LOL.
Democrats do not want border security, besides, of course not wanting a wall.
Most Democrats want ICE dissolved and cheered on the recent caravans.
How any Democrat can claim that they want border security with a straight face is beyond me!

You mean like payments to hookers?

You mean like colluding with Russians in Trump Tower?

Show us the tax returns!

Cockroach Donald HATES when light is shed on his affairs.


View attachment 234131
I don't see a tax return in that copy and paste job, rube.

It's a pity you have the intellectual bandwidth of a bumper sticker.
What’s the big deal with tax returns? Trump is rich we all know that. Did I get to see Nancy’s,diane’s, chucks or any of the other crybabies tax returns. It would be interesting to see how much those 3 benefited from the governments till. All became millionares on their government salary. Not likely.
Hoax 1: I am going to build a big, beautiful sexy wall. And Mexico will pay for it.

Fallback Hoax 2: Okay, so Mexico isn't going to pay for the wall. I was just kidding. But I will shut down the government if Congress won't fund the wall.

Fallback Hoax 3: Okay, so I'm not shutting down the government. I was just kidding. I'll use the military to build the wall. Yeah, that's it...

You STILL haven't caught on. :lol:


Would you believe prison convicts will build the wall?

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