Millenial women are buying and carrying guns...they must be tired of left wing men assaulting them..


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
52,459 of the biggest growth areas in gun ownership is women.....and that is a very good thing....

Why Are Millennial Women Buying Guns? A Surge In “Female Carry” Products Is Making People Wonder

We often think of millennials as being more liberal than older generations, usually based on their voting patterns. But when it comes to individual issues, millennials can't all be painted with a uniformly left-wing brush. One such issue is gun control. In October 2015, a Gallup poll found that, while 57 percent of 30-49 year olds and 56 percent of 50-64 year olds support stricter gun laws, gun control was only supported by 50 percent of people aged 18-29. (Millennials, in case you forgot, are technically people 35 and younger.) It's a mistake to think that all pro-gun or anti-regulation millennials are men; millennial women are buying and using guns, too. Bustle talked to a few of them to figure out why.

The amount of women with guns in general is substantive enough for there to be a big industry in "concealed-carry" female accessories. Pew Research data from 2017 reveals that 22 percent of American women own guns, but that they tend to buy them later in life; the average age of first gun ownership for women is age 27, compared to an average age of 19 for men. While that's a distinctly different life stage, it's still well within the millennial age range. So why do some of the women in a young, relatively liberal generation feel invested in the idea of gun ownership?

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