Million man march for 2nd Amendment

“I committed at least four felonies this morning and got it on video”

Paul Joseph Watson
July 4, 2013

Former Iraq veteran Adam Kokesh staged an open carry protest in Washington DC today by loading a 12 gauge shotgun near the White House – committing at least four felonies in the process.

“I committed at least four felonies this morning and got it on video,” Kokesh texted.

In June 2008, the Supreme Court affirmed the Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit in Heller v. District of Columbia, ruling that the Second Amendment protects an individual’s right to keep and bear arms and that the Firearms Control Regulations Act of 1975 is unconstitutional. However, authorities in DC have largely ignored the ruling and still impose draconian measures on anyone who wants to own a firearm.

Kokesh’s protest stems out of his call for a “new American revolution” that would have involved a march on all 50 state capitols. The former Iraq vet had previously planned to lead an armed march on Washington DC on Independence Day.

Kokesh later revised the plan after he was arrested in May for little more than exercising his First Amendment. “When it comes to this event being executed properly,” Kokesh told the Alex Jones Show, “when the government has already escalated the violent tactics against me personally as an organizer, I can’t in good conscience go forward with a plan that is so centrally dependent and not open source.”

Kokesh is to be saluted for his courage in taking such a bold stance to defend Second Amendment rights.

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What we really need is not some march on Washington. We need demonstrations the size and purpose of what just happened in Egypt.
What we really need is not some march on Washington. We need demonstrations the size and purpose of what just happened in Egypt.

A futile endeavor. The security infastructure here is much more robust than in Egypt and by the Pentagons own definition protest is terrorism.

During the OWS movement, the military openly admitted using drones to gather cellphone data for counter intelligence purposes by the people who orchestrated that movement in a direct violation of Posse Commitatus. Moreover, redacted documents from at least 1 OWS event showed that security apparatus had snipers in place to take out the leaders.

We're past protest and now at civil disobedience. If you haven't got the balls for civil disobedience then you have no use talking about revolution even though you didn't mention it. There are millions of cops, federal goons, and stupid soldiers who would jump at the chance to mow us down when given the order.

You may remember the elitist banker filth perched on their ivory towers looking down at the hordes, drinking champagne in amusement , while the protestors held up signs that said "JUMP".

Protest is a fool's errand. We're past it and only weakened the cause since it allowed the security apparatus test it's toys and learn from the experience.
What we really need is not some march on Washington. We need demonstrations the size and purpose of what just happened in Egypt.

A futile endeavor. The security infastructure here is much more robust than in Egypt and by the Pentagons own definition protest is terrorism.

During the OWS movement, the military openly admitted using drones to gather cellphone data for counter intelligence purposes by the people who orchestrated that movement in a direct violation of Posse Commitatus. Moreover, redacted documents from at least 1 OWS event showed that security apparatus had snipers in place to take out the leaders.

We're past protest and now at civil disobedience. If you haven't got the balls for civil disobedience then you have no use talking about revolution even though you didn't mention it. There are millions of cops, federal goons, and stupid soldiers who would jump at the chance to mow us down when given the order.

You may remember the elitist banker filth perched on their ivory towers looking down at the hordes, drinking champagne in amusement , while the protestors held up signs that said "JUMP".

Protest is a fool's errand. We're past it and only weakened the cause since it allowed the security apparatus test it's toys and learn from the experience.

Protest will only help those who are against the protesters more clearly see who they are. Anything done in the future IMHO* would have to be done Old school and with stealth to be sucessful.

*I am in no way advocating an over throw of the government or organizing a protest so all you government spys don't come knocking at my door. This is just a personal opinion.

Because no one is interested in having a rally for the state's right to form a militia.

Because there is no threat to that right.

Even the nutters recognize that fact.

What we really need is not some march on Washington. We need demonstrations the size and purpose of what just happened in Egypt.

You would have to find enough people who actually give a shit

Good luck

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