Milo's Book #1

All those con-servatives wanting to read about forbidden pedo sex?
Well doesn't that just piss off the Left who suddenly found "morality"
Milo Yiannopoulos' just-announced book hits No. 1 on Amazon — here's our Q&A with him
Why would anyone in their right mind, not expect a book about grown men f***kkin little boys, not be a hit with conservatives....I mean, it fits perfectly in a library of conservative whites along with the Dr. Seuss collection, Hitler's Mein Kampf and of course used books from Trump congrats!!
All those con-servatives wanting to read about forbidden pedo sex?
Child, conservatives are some of the nastiest trashiest people in the country.....that's why the cling so tight to their bibles, cause the devil is always at their heels. If they ain't in public bathrooms hittin on each other, they're protesting about it....hypocrites
One thing you have to hand to Milo, he is willing to take the whole faggot ship down with him. In his Breitbart resignation speech he basically said all sodomites are pedophiles and they all know it.

If it ain't the AIDS that kills them, it'll be their narcissism.

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