Minimum Wage $14.88

The economy and relative cost of things in NY and LA are not the same as Cleveland.

IF there is a minimum wage to be set? It needs to be set by the states.


Do so at the federal level? Is an economic war by coastal elites upon the middle lands.

Gee golly, I wonder if population has any affect on the cost to buy or rent a house, or even buy a carton of milk.

But oh boy, open the gates to everyone right PROGS? Tax the fuck out of everyone too, at least the legal citizens and those who strive to do the right things, including work ethics and to better themselves can pay for it right, while those free of income tax complain I suppose.

Fuck all everyone who thinks the govt. should get involved in setting wages, because it's the govt. who fucked us up in the first place and they'll surely fuck it up worse. And guess what else, nobody owes you a place to live either, make your own bed, stop with the madness too, "open the gates, tear down the wall"..........blah blah blah.

Govt. should ONLY exist to protect us from harm and establish infrastructure, they have no place telling private citizens how much to pay private citizens, and in my mind they'd be small as fuck leaving private to carry most of it out. No? I suppose it's reasonable to some the govt. pays some employees 80K plus benefits & pension too, but they're really worth no more than 40K. To me they're still worth 40K a year, with a shot at 401K and social security, and an honest raise & promotion. That and private will make that person effective, while govt. will turn them into a vegetable, especially those run by PROGS, which are most of them.

BTW, thought it was neat Chinese called to buy my ex-wife's former house the other day (HINT HINT).

"Hello is this the Betty resident"


"Is this the Betty resident"
"Yeah this is the Betty resident" :abgg2q.jpg:

"Want to buy you house at 129"


"Want to buy you house at 129"
"Yeah I'm actually selling it, and I'm asking 450K":abgg2q.jpg:

"That too much! we do analysis price check".

"That's my final offer".

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Since $15 per hour seems unreasonable for the (R) party,
I wonder if they would accept a minimum wage of $14.88 per hour.

Seems to fit the RWI agenda.

Sure, $14.88 sounds good. As long as you don't mind a $16.00 happy meal and $7.50/gallon gas.
All you can think of is fast food? Also time to get anelectric or a hybrid.
Well... The numbers won't be exact... But ... Prices will increase. You do agree with that right?
No. They've lied to us for decades. The pie is big enough for a decent minimum wage.

It's corporate greed why it's not way higher.

They pay politicians to spew those talking points and you're repeating them. Doing their dirty work.
Between 40 and 50 percent of the economy is small business.

That percentage is even greater in predominantly black communities.

Do you even have a clue what affect a minimum wage has on small business and on job growth opportunity in those communities?

Have you ever even taken an economics class? :dunno:

Do you even care about black communities and employment opportunities. . . or do you just want them sucking on the government tit and turning to gangs and crime. . . is that it?

Shit is going to hit the fan. . .

. . . all you dumb ass leftists that WANT government intervention, because you just don't know shit about economics, and you don't remember history. Not in the USSR, and not here.


Remembering Nixon's wage and price controls​

The party that doesn’t know SHIT about economics is the Republican Party which has now crashed the economy 3 times in the last 40 years - 7 years after the Republican President, who refused to raise the minimum wage citing small business unemployment as their excuse.

Both Clinton and Obama raised the minimum wage and both times JOBS WERE CREATED, not lost.

Countries with a $15 minimum wage have better and more stable economies. Their middle classes are growing, not shrinking.

Everything Teoublicans claim about economics has been a lie and has destroyed the American working class.

Shut your stupid mouth and go sit in the corner. Your party has blown it. Socially, economically, and politically.

Get a real economic plan that includes ALL Americans or get out of the way.
Entry level unskilled labor jobs all pay well over the minimum wage you stupid fucking idiot.
Since $15 per hour seems unreasonable for the (R) party,
I wonder if they would accept a minimum wage of $14.88 per hour.

Seems to fit the RWI agenda.
Spoken like a true non-business owner gubmint check recipient.
I've been a "Business Owner" on 3 different occasions.
Granted, all 2nd jobs, because I work my ASS off.

1) Just got older (50+) and didn't feel like doing all the physical labor this particular job required, alongside my full-time job, which I started at 22.

2) Did RE, alongside this same original full-time job. Did fine, I just felt I couldn't be a full time employee in this part time business.

3) Still doing this 3rd 'business owner' job as we speak.

So, in conclusion, I've had a full time job for 36 years, and part-time business owner jobs over this same 36 year period.
So why don't you pay your employees more, instead of waiting for the government to demand it????

I'm sure there aren't any laws preventing that!!!!
Since $15 per hour seems unreasonable for the (R) party,
I wonder if they would accept a minimum wage of $14.88 per hour.

Seems to fit the RWI agenda.
While the income trend lines strongly indicate that higher wages have been increasingly been replaced by consumer debt and there is a need to compensate for the ever debilitating effects of inflation, I'm not sure that minimum wage laws are the answer to stabilizing the income of the lower rungs of the economic ladder and decreasing income inequality. There are just too many negative incentives that end up hurting the very people you're trying to help (i.e. lower employment, jobs being replaced by automation, small business that just cannot sustain higher labor costs), we need something that can raise incomes while at the same time not eroding the lower end of the labor market.

The solution MUST take into consideration all the negative incentives as well as the effects of globalization (i.e. our workers still have to be able to compete on the basis of price with foreign workers), direct compensation schemes like UBI have been floated but there are negative incentive problems there as well (e.g. dis-incentivizing work, higher deficits, increased inflation), so I think that's a sloppy solution at best. As a first step we must address equalizing labor cost across borders (perhaps global minimum corporate tax rates coupled with uniform tariffs?) and then perhaps looking at some sort of COLA offset plan based on income.

IMHO Minimum wage laws are a poorly thought out solution to the issues involved that politicians like to tout because it sounds good to those that will directly benefit while at the same time making everyone feel like they're not on the hook to pay for it, when in fact lower income workers end up getting hurt while everyone else ends up paying higher prices (and small businesses end up getting put out of business), corporations and politicians get off without having to sacrifice anything, in other words it's a GREAT voting buying exercise (that doesn't hurt the big campaign contributors).
Sure, $14.88 sounds good. As long as you don't mind a $16.00 happy meal and $7.50/gallon gas.
Which one of your elite corporate masters told you this was the case?

No kidding, so you're stupid enough to think corporations would just absorb the added cost....good one.
I absolutely LOVE it when the stupid people call out others.
Your cue to call me stupid, but it's the only way you have a chance to understand.

The Waltons are Multi Billionaires, and there are Many Walton Heirs, making their Net Worth well into the TRILLIONS. So, I believe the 'stupid people' that work at WalMart deserve a bit more of that TRILLION dollars by the Waltons paying them a living wage.

Walton Family showing that Trickle Down Economics is NOT part of the Walton Capitalist Adventure.

The Waltons are Multi Billionaires, and there are Many Walton Heirs, making their Net Worth well into the TRILLIONS.

Show your math.

Not sure Democrats understand the difference between a billion and a trillion. Biden certainly doesn't.
Since $15 per hour seems unreasonable for the (R) party,
I wonder if they would accept a minimum wage of $14.88 per hour.

Seems to fit the RWI agenda.

What are you talking about? It was Biden that stated he would not sign a $15.00 national minimum wage. It's Biden that said he would tax the wealthy and job producers of this country. It's Biden that said he would phase out fracking, and Whorris who said if elected President, she would stop all fracking on her first day in office with an executive order.

Why even bring up Republicans? Your people are in total control. Let's get the show on the road. Raise that minimum wage to $15.00 an our. Tax the hell out of our corporations. Bus those high-crime low-income people into what are nice and safe suburbs. What are you waiting for????

I mean come on now. This is bipartisan support we're talking about here. Let's get these Democrat agendas going and I mean yesterday. Because it's been over four months and nothing!
The party that doesn’t know SHIT about economics is the Republican Party which has now crashed the economy 3 times in the last 40 years - 7 years after the Republican President, who refused to raise the minimum wage citing small business unemployment as their excuse.

Both Clinton and Obama raised the minimum wage and both times JOBS WERE CREATED, not lost.

Countries with a $15 minimum wage have better and more stable economies. Their middle classes are growing, not shrinking.

Everything Teoublicans claim about economics has been a lie and has destroyed the American working class.

Shut your stupid mouth and go sit in the corner. Your party has blown it. Socially, economically, and politically.

Get a real economic plan that includes ALL Americans or get out of the way.

So what's your national minimum wage in Canada? Oh, that's right, you don't have one. You have different minimum wages for different areas in your country just like our states do here in the US. You have Alberta that has a $15.00 minimum wage but that does not apply to anybody under the age of 18. Under 18 it's $13.00 an hour. Nunavut has a $16.00 an hour minimum wage. Everyplace else in your country is under 15.00 an hour.
I walked into a Burger King and placed an order as i was the only one there. 15 minutes later i approached the counter and the person who took my order, just ignored me. Finally the manager came up and asked if i needed anything, which i said, i would like my order that i placed and paid for 15 minutes ago. The original order taker looked at me and thought someone else had taken care of me. And i am supposed to pay these worthless fucks 15 dollars an hour. No fucking way....They might be worth 15 cents...

Whatever you have over there, it's better than over here when it comes to fast food. Trust me.
I always laugh at these poor ass liberal "business" owners on here

It's like every liberal you talk to here, they own their own business, independently wealthy or early retired because they made so much money, or work from home making tons of cash.

Me? I'm the only truck driver in the place.
Since $15 per hour seems unreasonable for the (R) party,
I wonder if they would accept a minimum wage of $14.88 per hour.

Seems to fit the RWI agenda.
Meaningless all those jobs will be gone and replaced with technology. So now they will be $00.00 dollars an hour. Dip shit Democrats skipped math class.
Lots of unskilled labor pays 15 an hour.

Here Cedar Point amusement park cannot find workers so they put out a statewide ad.

Yeah, they are trying hard to recruit but too many lazy ass progs want the free stuff without dealing with other people..
Since $15 per hour seems unreasonable for the (R) party,
I wonder if they would accept a minimum wage of $14.88 per hour.

Seems to fit the RWI agenda.
Meaningless all those jobs will be gone and replaced with technology. So now they will be $00.00 dollars an hour. Dip shit Democrats skipped math class.
One of the older walmarts near me, has replaced 17 of the checkout registers with self serve. Talk about lowering their overhead with that one..
If labor is 5% for example, then doubling the cost of labor only increases the overhead by another 5%.
So if the prices went up 5% to cover the higher wages, it would be no big deal and everyone would be happy to pay it.

Is labor 5% of GDP? Link?
I always laugh at these poor ass liberal "business" owners on here

It's like every liberal you talk to here, they own their own business, independently wealthy or early retired because they made so much money, or work from home making tons of cash.

Me? I'm the only truck driver in the place.
That's what you get out of reading peoples posts? "Every liberal" ?????
You don't seem to recall any conservatives doing that?
I always laugh at these poor ass liberal "business" owners on here

It's like every liberal you talk to here, they own their own business, independently wealthy or early retired because they made so much money, or work from home making tons of cash.

Me? I'm the only truck driver in the place.

That is one of the problems as to why a minimum wage became necessary.
It is too hard for people to unionize and gain job protection by collective bargaining.
And when one is forced to deal individually with a big company, they will always lose.
I prefer state wide minimum wage because costs vary so much, state to state.
But a good argument can be made that state legislature are too easily controlled by some large companies that can be more powerful than an individual state even.

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