Minimum Wage Increases Passed in All Five States Where It Was on the Ballot

I don't get it. If the people want the minimum wage to go up so badly, why don't they make it happen without relying on government?

I was thinking more along the lines of don't settle for a low wage at work. There is also the time honored tradition of taking your business elsewhere if you feel that people are getting paid inadequately.
You don't know much about the history of American labor, do you?
Oh boy, another cryptic comment devoid of any substance from Truman123.
only $15 an hour?

I though San Fran would do $100/hour, I wonder why they didn't...hmmmm
only $15 an hour?

I though San Fran would do $100/hour, I wonder why they didn't...hmmmm

Unlike you, the backers weren't stupid.

Here's my plan.

-Raise minimum wage to $23.50/hr. Based on where minimum wage should be using 1970-2013 rise in food, shelter, and transportation.

-Eliminate all business subsidies (deductions/write-off’s/write-downs) except for employee expenses which are deducted dollar-for-dollar on all city, state, and Federal taxes and fees with the Feds refunding city, State, and fees.

-Companies with 300 employees or less, employee expenses above the deduction are subsidized at 100% with funds usually give back to the States.

-Adjust Social Security and private/public retirement and pension payments using 1970-2013 price structure. Remove the FICA limit.

-Back down ALL costs, prices, fees, to January 1, 2009 levels and hold them for 10 years which will eliminate inflation.

-Recall ALL off-shore investments tax free, and disallow any further off-shore investments.

-Make inversion illegal.
This is hilarious. A few minor issues like minimum wage and pot smoking passed in a few blue states, and you shills are here saying this means the whole country is really progressive at heart.

The progressive ***** just can't accept the fact that they got their asses handed to them over the vast majority of the country. Even several deep blue states went red.
Do us all a a favor and move to Washington, you all deserve each other.

The minimum wage measures passed in four Republican states plus Illinois. In Illinois, they elected a Republican Governor who opposed a hike in the minimum wage but supported the minimum wage increase by a margin of 63% to 37%. The results of this election are interesting to say the least, but I do not think Dems need to be worried. People believed all the lies about Obama and he did not defend himself. Also, Dems chose to distance themselves form him rather than embrace the fact that he has led the way to a steady economic recovery. It will be interesting to see where the Republicans go from here, because there is a very good possibility that they assume they now have a mandate that will carry over to 2016. Dems are hoping that is the case, because the fact is that 2016 will bring a very different electorate to the table.
This is hilarious. A few minor issues like minimum wage and pot smoking passed in a few blue states, and you shills are here saying this means the whole country is really progressive at heart.

The progressive ***** just can't accept the fact that they got their asses handed to them over the vast majority of the country. Even several deep blue states went red.
Do us all a a favor and move to Washington, you all deserve each other.

The minimum wage measures passed in four Republican states plus Illinois. In Illinois, they elected a Republican Governor who opposed a hike in the minimum wage but supported the minimum wage increase by a margin of 63% to 37%. The results of this election are interesting to say the least, but I do not think Dems need to be worried. People believed all the lies about Obama and he did not defend himself. Also, Dems chose to distance themselves form him rather than embrace the fact that he has led the way to a steady economic recovery. It will be interesting to see where the Republicans go from here, because there is a very good possibility that they assume they now have a mandate that will carry over to 2016. Dems are hoping that is the case, because the fact is that 2016 will bring a very different electorate to the table.
Good post.
The minimum wage and pot are both moderate issues that make sense.

If the democrats would of focused on them...Instead of calling men evil and sparking race riots. Well, they'd still be in the majority!
This is hilarious. A few minor issues like minimum wage and pot smoking passed in a few blue states, and you shills are here saying this means the whole country is really progressive at heart.

The progressive ***** just can't accept the fact that they got their asses handed to them over the vast majority of the country. Even several deep blue states went red.
Do us all a a favor and move to Washington, you all deserve each other.

The minimum wage measures passed in four Republican states plus Illinois. In Illinois, they elected a Republican Governor who opposed a hike in the minimum wage but supported the minimum wage increase by a margin of 63% to 37%. The results of this election are interesting to say the least, but I do not think Dems need to be worried. People believed all the lies about Obama and he did not defend himself. Also, Dems chose to distance themselves form him rather than embrace the fact that he has led the way to a steady economic recovery. It will be interesting to see where the Republicans go from here, because there is a very good possibility that they assume they now have a mandate that will carry over to 2016. Dems are hoping that is the case, because the fact is that 2016 will bring a very different electorate to the table.

Race and sex fucked the democrats. Stay away from that and focus on minimum wage and pot!
This just goes to show minimum wage isn't a progressive issue. If the GOP were smart and ran as right wing populist conservatives and less as corporatist shills, they could have made even bigger in roads with disaffected white working class voters and gained a more sizable majority. If they want to win in 2016 they will have to make such in roads or they don't have a chance. The electorate in 2016 will be far less white and far younger, if they want to win and are smart about it, they will at least thrown a bone like minimum wage or immigration reduction to the white working class part of the base that didn't turn out in 2012 for Romney and cost him the election.

This would be such an easy issue for the GOP to pick apart Democrats on. The left claims to support workers yet they have no problem with driving down wages and taking jobs from working class Americans through mass immigration(legal and illegal) and free trade deals. Expose their hypocrisy and take the initiative by going out in front in favor of both a minimum wage tied to inflation, protecting American workers by reducing immigration, and standing up to China on trade. They would do this if they had brains but the GOP are inept corporate shills with no vision, courage, or traditional conservative values.

This election was a repudiation of Obama, not an endorse of typical GOP neo-conservatism. If the GOP doesn't recognize this, and continues with more of the same they won't hold this majority for long.
That should tell you a lot.

It tells you when the bills proposed raising the amounts to reasonable levels people will vote for them.

Ballot Initiatives. Worthless. Measures. Binding in fact.

Umm no. In Illinios what passed affects nothing without the state legislature taking up a minimum-wage bill. As Hazlnut failed to mention in any of his 30 threads.


Then why did all the Repubs in Congress block it when the Democrats pushed for $10.10 an hour?
See above.

And because it is a state issue.
This is hilarious. A few minor issues like minimum wage and pot smoking passed in a few blue states, and you shills are here saying this means the whole country is really progressive at heart.

The progressive ***** just can't accept the fact that they got their asses handed to them over the vast majority of the country. Even several deep blue states went red.
Do us all a a favor and move to Washington, you all deserve each other.

The minimum wage measures passed in four Republican states plus Illinois. In Illinois, they elected a Republican Governor who opposed a hike in the minimum wage but supported the minimum wage increase by a margin of 63% to 37%. The results of this election are interesting to say the least, but I do not think Dems need to be worried. People believed all the lies about Obama and he did not defend himself. Also, Dems chose to distance themselves form him rather than embrace the fact that he has led the way to a steady economic recovery. It will be interesting to see where the Republicans go from here, because there is a very good possibility that they assume they now have a mandate that will carry over to 2016. Dems are hoping that is the case, because the fact is that 2016 will bring a very different electorate to the table.
Keep beating that 'recovery' drum even though it is essentially the worst economic recovery we have ever experienced.

You do realize that the economy is cyclical and WILL recover, right? The truth is that the middle class is not recovering, no matter how many times the idiot talking heads want to post the DOW (and then complain about the wealth gap).
Minimum wage isn't high on the priority list for conservatives. I think it's an overblown issue that Dems use to try and paint all Republicans as those who endorse exploiting low wage workers. Conservatives have no problems with people getting paid more, it's just the whole government mandate part of it usually leads to more people just being laid off.


Then why did all the Repubs in Congress block it when the Democrats pushed for $10.10 an hour?

Because it is rediculous to mandate a minimum wage at the Federal level. The states are perfectly capable of handling this issue, as they just proved.

Not all states are.

Do you know that Alabama has no state minimum wage. Georgia's is $5.15 an hour, Louisiana has no state minimum, Minnesota's is $6.50 an hour if you have <$500K a year in sales, Mississippi has no state minimum wage, Montana $4.00 a freaking hour for businesses that have less than $110K a year in sales. Oklahoma the minimum wage is $2 a fucking hour if you have <10 employees and <$100K a year in sales. South Carolina, NO state minimum wage, same with Tenn. Wyoming, $5.15 an hour.

That's what those states would allow employers to pay if the federal minimum wage didn't over rule all of them.

Please tell me your trolling when you say that there is no need for a federal minimum.

Oh and besides the states listed above 19 states pay EXACTLY the
federal minimum by state law.

Are you telling us that none of those states you just listed has the ability to pass laws regarding minimum wage in their own state legislature or to put it on the ballot for popular vote?

I'm saying they haven't. Which is why the federal standard is required.

A backwards fuck state like Mississippi shouldn't be allowed to remain even more backwards than it already is simply because of "state's rights"

too fucking bad

Don't move to mississippi, then yankee...Worry about your own corrupt, mismanaged state.

Then why did all the Repubs in Congress block it when the Democrats pushed for $10.10 an hour?

Because it is rediculous to mandate a minimum wage at the Federal level. The states are perfectly capable of handling this issue, as they just proved.

Not all states are.

Do you know that Alabama has no state minimum wage. Georgia's is $5.15 an hour, Louisiana has no state minimum, Minnesota's is $6.50 an hour if you have <$500K a year in sales, Mississippi has no state minimum wage, Montana $4.00 a freaking hour for businesses that have less than $110K a year in sales. Oklahoma the minimum wage is $2 a fucking hour if you have <10 employees and <$100K a year in sales. South Carolina, NO state minimum wage, same with Tenn. Wyoming, $5.15 an hour.

That's what those states would allow employers to pay if the federal minimum wage didn't over rule all of them.

Please tell me your trolling when you say that there is no need for a federal minimum.

Oh and besides the states listed above 19 states pay EXACTLY the
federal minimum by state law.

Are you telling us that none of those states you just listed has the ability to pass laws regarding minimum wage in their own state legislature or to put it on the ballot for popular vote?

I'm saying they haven't. Which is why the federal standard is required.

A backwards fuck state like Mississippi shouldn't be allowed to remain even more backwards than it already is simply because of "state's rights"

too fucking bad

You just gave us a run down of all those states and what laws they already have, so apparently they have taken on the issue, you just don't agree with it.
So your solution is to force them to do what you want on a federal level, because you don't like their local laws and you know what's best.

He's a typical big government statist.

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