Minimum Wage Laws Kill Jobs

Basically that's bullshit. are free to go live in the wilderness if you like.

But who wants to do that?
Every Citizen is their own Sovereign. That's what the Founders built upon. You're just an ignorant boob that is afraid of his liberty and the responsibility that comes with it. Therefore, YOU must have Government telling YOU how to run your life.


No..they absolutely did not.

You have trouble reading the Constitution.

And understanding it.

Citizens are not "sovereign" apart from the government in this country.

The Constitution does not bestow that sort of "power" to each and every citizen.

It would be impossible to have a nation if that was done.

This is a crazy and patently stupid argument.

Excuse me but, isn't it We The People who established a new form of government to replace that which they opposed?

Can you or CATO find any evidence in the USA's economic history where increasing minium wages DECREASED employment?

No you cannot.

That is why they used this specious logic to make their point.

Because there is no historical evidence to support their claim.

Well, obviously the CATO Institute study/piece doesn't meet your standards, so read this @ Minimum wage increase would kill jobs, hurt small business - and this one from 2007 How Minimum Wage Kills Jobs showing the claim is not new but has been around awhile. :eusa_whistle:
What is the Conservative solution to this problem? Cut minimum wage laws and pay everyone the same as Chinese wage-slaves so those manufacturing jobs can come back to America?
This has been an excuse for a long time now. It's time for these cheap employers to pony up with the American workers. $10.10 isn't even enough for minimum wage, just stfu and start being fair to your workers.

Republicans can't stand Unions because they've forced them to be fair this far.

Do you understand basic economics?

To keep prices low, a manufacturer has to keep overhead low!

And overhead includes personnel costs. You increase overhead and you must increase prices.

Why do multibillion-dollar corporations have to raise prices? They already profit billions every year. Isn't the entire point of "trickle down" theory that when these "job creators" have more money, then they can increase wages, pay real benefits, and raise the standard of living for their employees?

When do those billions begin to trickle down?
Can you or CATO find any evidence in the USA's economic history where increasing minium wages DECREASED employment?

No you cannot.

That is why they used this specious logic to make their point.

Because there is no historical evidence to support their claim.

Well, obviously the CATO Institute study/piece doesn't meet your standards, so read this @ Minimum wage increase would kill jobs, hurt small business - and this one from 2007 How Minimum Wage Kills Jobs showing the claim is not new but has been around awhile. :eusa_whistle:

Dude, you are linking to OPINION pieces to prove your claim.

Here is what you need. You need to link to a verifiable report that shows that after a minimum age increase has taken place, that unemployment went up.

Should be a piece of cake. Unless the data isn't there. Or is it that you just want people to believe in your opinion. And that ain't happening.
What is the Conservative solution to this problem? Cut minimum wage laws and pay everyone the same as Chinese wage-slaves so those manufacturing jobs can come back to America?

No, it's called letting Free Market Forces setting the standards. Getting rid of onerous government rules and regulations that do nothing but increase overhead.

Someone wants to build/sell something so the invest in the things it takes to produce it.
They have to find a market for it.
Then they need to create the workplace with the things it takes to meet market demands. And a way to get the product/service to those who want it.

If the product does not have a market or does not meet customer expectations - it goes out of business!

Still too difficult to understand? :eusa_whistle:
Why do multibillion-dollar corporations have to raise prices? They already profit billions every year. Isn't the entire point of "trickle down" theory that when these "job creators" have more money, then they can increase wages, pay real benefits, and raise the standard of living for their employees?

When do those billions begin to trickle down?

[Another concept difficult to understand] :eusa_whistle:

The billions trickle down to the stockholders!

Every Citizen is their own Sovereign. That's what the Founders built upon. You're just an ignorant boob that is afraid of his liberty and the responsibility that comes with it. Therefore, YOU must have Government telling YOU how to run your life.


No..they absolutely did not.

You have trouble reading the Constitution.

And understanding it.

Citizens are not "sovereign" apart from the government in this country.

The Constitution does not bestow that sort of "power" to each and every citizen.

It would be impossible to have a nation if that was done.

This is a crazy and patently stupid argument.

Excuse me but, isn't it We The People who established a new form of government to replace that which they opposed?


Conservatives LOVE the Declaration of Independence but don't you DARE mention The Preamble to The US Constitution.
Why do multibillion-dollar corporations have to raise prices? They already profit billions every year. Isn't the entire point of "trickle down" theory that when these "job creators" have more money, then they can increase wages, pay real benefits, and raise the standard of living for their employees?

When do those billions begin to trickle down?

But but but those executives won't be able to afford their mutl million dollar bonus. And people like you and I are supposed to care that these over paid executives won't get their multi million dollar bonus.

Are you feeling the pain for these executives yet?

I am feeling it I tell you.
Why do multibillion-dollar corporations have to raise prices? They already profit billions every year. Isn't the entire point of "trickle down" theory that when these "job creators" have more money, then they can increase wages, pay real benefits, and raise the standard of living for their employees?

When do those billions begin to trickle down?

[Another concept difficult to understand] :eusa_whistle:

The billions trickle down to the stockholders!


Ooooooh, okay. I was under the impression that trickle down theory benefits everyone. So you're saying that all of the broke, unemployed Americans on food stamps just need to invest a couple of hundred-thousand dollars into a multibillion-dollar corporation and live off of their capital gains?

That makes perfect sense to a Teabagger.
Why do multibillion-dollar corporations have to raise prices? They already profit billions every year. Isn't the entire point of "trickle down" theory that when these "job creators" have more money, then they can increase wages, pay real benefits, and raise the standard of living for their employees?

When do those billions begin to trickle down?

[Another concept difficult to understand] :eusa_whistle:

The billions trickle down to the stockholders!


So why does Sean Hannity keep preaching that HARD WORK if all one has to do is start investing their milk money from Pre-1K and sit on their asses all day when they grew up?
What is the Conservative solution to this problem? Cut minimum wage laws and pay everyone the same as Chinese wage-slaves so those manufacturing jobs can come back to America?

No, it's called letting Free Market Forces setting the standards. Getting rid of onerous government rules and regulations that do nothing but increase overhead.

Someone wants to build/sell something so the invest in the things it takes to produce it.
They have to find a market for it.
Then they need to create the workplace with the things it takes to meet market demands. And a way to get the product/service to those who want it.

If the product does not have a market or does not meet customer expectations - it goes out of business!

Still too difficult to understand? :eusa_whistle:

What does what you wrote have to do with the wage that effects 1% of a companies work force?

Or are you saying that a company that pays more than 1% of its workforce (like a fast food operation) minimum age, that this company can't invent a new hamburger? And can't do that because of a minimum age worker? You think Walmart can't buy more shit from China because they employ people that make more than minimum wage?

Evidently your knowledge of the work force is not what you think it is. I say that because if you think it is the minimum wage worker developing new products for a company to make and sell, well that be crazy shit. If that's what you think.
Is this really the best that Repubs have for fighting against raising the minimum wage? Opinion pieces.
And "feelings".

Pitiful effort longknife.

Did you find credible sources for what you claim yet?
One of the down falls of communism was simply people wouldn't do anything for nothing. A radical thought is robots will. ;) I am not saying communism as I believe in a strong free market BUT food? Should anyone be without food?

I believe in a fairly free market outside of this one little area.

One of the weaknesses of humans is they're stuck in the past. Always arguing what is 50 or 100 years before and not looking ahead.

And, when robots handle all our work, there'll be nothing for humans to do and we'll all live in Utopia. :cuckoo:

Humans and machines will go to war, the machines will win. The machines will breed humans and those humans will live in a computer program.
Let's approach this debate from this perspective:

1. Yes, the minimum wage kills jobs. It kills jobs that pay pennies a day, jobs that pay 20cents an hour, or 30, or 50, or a buck, or 2 bucks, etc. Those jobs at those rates of pay don't exist in an economy with a mandated minimum wage higher than the rates cited.

2. That's a good thing, not a bad thing. When the 50 cents an hour job comes back to America,

this won't be an America to be proud of.
Basically that's bullshit. are free to go live in the wilderness if you like.

But who wants to do that?
Every Citizen is their own Sovereign. That's what the Founders built upon. You're just an ignorant boob that is afraid of his liberty and the responsibility that comes with it. Therefore, YOU must have Government telling YOU how to run your life.


No..they absolutely did not.

You have trouble reading the Constitution.

And understanding it.

Citizens are not "sovereign" apart from the government in this country.

The Constitution does not bestow that sort of "power" to each and every citizen.

It would be impossible to have a nation if that was done.

This is a crazy and patently stupid argument.

Hey dumbo, PEOPLE were before the Constitution! Sovereign People wrote the Constitution.

"Endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights". Those "unalienable rights" are what makes me "sovereign", gives me sovereinty over my person and my property.

The Constitution does not give us Rights, it protects our "unalienable rights".
"Among them", signifies that these are only part of our "unalienable rights".

You don't understand the Declaration Of Independence very well or you'd know that Governments are instituted among men to protect their rights, not to give them rights!

Central to the GOP's jobs strategy.

Prosperity though lower wages.

Central to the Democrats job's strategy.

Jobs through education and investment.

Which one does the GOP block and which one do they support?
This has been an excuse for a long time now. It's time for these cheap employers to pony up with the American workers. $10.10 isn't even enough for minimum wage, just stfu and start being fair to your workers.

Republicans can't stand Unions because they've forced them to be fair this far.

Do you understand basic economics?

To keep prices low, a manufacturer has to keep overhead low!

And overhead includes personnel costs. You increase overhead and you must increase prices.


Do you understand the greed factor? :cuckoo:
Raise the minimum wage and jobs will disappear the same way they do every time the minimum wage is raised. Those minimum wage jobs that remain will be closed to entry level workers.

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