Minimum Wage Laws Kill Jobs

Considering he did it for contracts the amount of work being done doesn't change so the idea that it kills jobs is unsubstantiated.

The thing about something like a min wage law change is that no one really knows if people will get fired or how many will lose work time. They do know that the vast majority will keep their job and be paid more though. They also know that this extra income will help them in their lives.

oh like buying stuff.... creating a demand for stuff ... causing them to hire stuff to make the stuff ... so they have stuff to sell ...who would have thunk it ??? not republicans, thinking and under standing stuff, not so much...

Republicans think the rich will buy the stuff :eusa_eh: HOnestly you're right as middle class people turn into lower class people there will be less demand.

This is the problem with republican theory...

Republicans just don't get it ... they can't grasp the Idea that if you give people more income, that they will get more income ... all republicans see is they are forced to pay them more money and that will cause them to cut workers ... when in reality not once in the entire history of min wage law, when their wage has increased did they ever cut jobs ... history has shown us that jobs increased ... time and time again ... I challenge any republican here on these pages show us once when the min wage was increased that companies cut jobs ... just once is all I ask...
You should be paid what your worth. If you arn't worth shit, you shouldn't be paid shit - that should be between you, and your employer.

The illegal alien infiltrators have negatively influenced wages big time. If you dumbocrats really cared about wages, you would be against that infestation - your so full of shit :eusa_whistle:

Making it mandatory for a emloyer to pay a wage to someone regardless of whether or not they are worth it is extortion. The government needs to stop extorting small business; the backbone of America, and let business do what it is good at - productivity!

stupidity at there best ... you have said the most stupidest thing here that I've seen in a long time ... how you maintain and existence is beyond me ...
the Idea the a min wage law is extortion says you're dirt stupid ... if a person performs poorly in their min wage job fire them ... they don't belong their... but to imply that making a law that makes a company pay for what they get is extortion, I guess slavery is fine in your deranged mind ....
Perhaps if Obama and the Dems had a clue on how to create a recovery then this discussion wouldn't be necessary.............but now it's INCOME INEQUALITY..................But it should be WE SUCK at CREATING JOBS, so we need to take action to correct our mistakes at being miserable failures............

5 years in and no real recovery..........poverty rates flat lined for the last 3 years......more people now live in poverty and an unrealistic unemployment rate............Job participation rate that has been in steady decline since 2000..........

Raising the minimum has consequences..............It will raise prices to compensate for the increased labor costs..........businesses will be more reluctant to hire more people due to their increased overhead for simply doing business.........kinda like Obamacare...........They get hammered for working people past 30 hours...........So how do they compensate...................Hire part time to run the dang business.............

The Dems are a poster child for unemployment and poverty in this country.......They damage the economy with their policies, and demand more gov't intervention to solve the dang problems they created.
Raising the minimum wage doesn't stimulate the economy any more than robbing a bank and spending the money. Small business owners will get the shaft so that democrats can pander for votes and franchise establishments will lay off workers.

these republicans get even more stupid as they post here day in and day out... the reason democrats get more votes is because what we do.... the reason you republicans don't get more votes is because what you do ... please show us anywhere on the internet where ever has jobs been cut when the min wage went up ... I challenge you ... if you want to say stupid shit I can't stop ya ...cause its a free country ... but don't start saying shit that you know nothing about ... the raising of the min wage you know nothing about ...
Raising the minimum wage doesn't stimulate the economy any more than robbing a bank and spending the money. Small business owners will get the shaft so that democrats can pander for votes and franchise establishments will lay off workers.

these republicans get even more stupid as they post here day in and day out... the reason democrats get more votes is because what we do.... the reason you republicans don't get more votes is because what you do ... please show us anywhere on the internet where ever has jobs been cut when the min wage went up ... I challenge you ... if you want to say stupid shit I can't stop ya ...cause its a free country ... but don't start saying shit that you know nothing about ... the raising of the min wage you know nothing about ...

aka You guys don't know jack squat, and we are always right by being leftist.............

LOL........Billy Bob.............We have something on you that you have no understanding of.............It's called COMMON SENSE...........You post your emotions and create policy based on emotion............Not facts and figures............

Anyone with a brain larger than a pea should understand that business will raise prices to compensate for overhead costs such as labor........Anyone with any common sense would understand that this will lead to making decisions on hiring more people because of the increased costs of doing so.......

Anyone with any common sense wouldn't say, I'm going to tax the S.......out of you you you 1%'s and then say create jobs for my state or city..........Which part of the brain damage are you afflicted with Billy Bob.....................
Raising the minimum wage doesn't stimulate the economy any more than robbing a bank and spending the money. Small business owners will get the shaft so that democrats can pander for votes and franchise establishments will lay off workers.

So your saying that historically this min wage has always destroyed jobs, like in 2008? When the rich bastards went bankrupt and needed taxpayers to bail them out so they could stay in business to bitch about paying min wage?
When I ran my company I always paid more than min. wage, even new hires with no experience. You see I wasn't just working to support myself but other families and I knew my help would leave if I were a penny pinching asshole that treated people like wage slaves.

thats so true treat people with respect and they will work their ass off for you ... give them a decent wages and you have them for life ... i always used the sand witch method of correction.with a employee and it did wonders for me ... screaming and hollering only gets you a high turn over ...
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Maybe the demand for Big Macs would be lessened with a cost increase, but not the demand for a federal contract.

Most who accept Federal contracts don't have many minimum wage jobs as the demands are too specialized for beginning workers to fulfil.

That's why I said Obama's action is nothing more than symbolic. The people working on federal contracts already get paid more than minimum wage. The president's executive order does nothing.

yeah it does it pissed off republicans in the congress ... mission accomplish...
You got to go moron. You'd allow that parent and her children to live on the streets.

Soulless fuck.

LMAO! Got caught exposing your misogynist hate and all you have to defend yourself is profanity and lies. Confirms you're a troll and deserve to live out your life on my ignore list.


Fuck off and thank god I am going on your ignore list.

Misogynist hate? Really? Single parents are in fact the ones that would be effected by your slave labor that you wish for.

You don't bat a eye at the single mother or father choosing between a slice of breed or the electric bill. Heck, you make excuses.

I hope you never end up in this position. I doubt it as you're well off in shit or just dumb.

I would say by his post alone he sides on the side of dumb
You might be right about 2008.

"The Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2007 is a US Act of Congress that amended the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 to gradually raise the federal minimum wage from $5.15 per hour to $7.25 per hour."

Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2007 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

nah, obviously it's a coincidence.


nah, job and min wage historically have not lost jobs, during the 1940-60's a 90% tax rate didn't kill jobs either. If your a multi billion dollar industry paying low wages and only working people part time to keep from giving benefits then that company should be ashamed.

And again, you change the subject...that you created in YOUR post about 2008. Thanks, but if you're not going to be serious, there's no point in pursing this.

good !!! then leave ... go some where ,where your words of wisdom could be
appreciated ...
Perhaps if Obama and the Dems had a clue on how to create a recovery then this discussion wouldn't be necessary.............but now it's INCOME INEQUALITY..................But it should be WE SUCK at CREATING JOBS, so we need to take action to correct our mistakes at being miserable failures............

5 years in and no real recovery..........poverty rates flat lined for the last 3 years......more people now live in poverty and an unrealistic unemployment rate............Job participation rate that has been in steady decline since 2000..........

Raising the minimum has consequences..............It will raise prices to compensate for the increased labor costs..........businesses will be more reluctant to hire more people due to their increased overhead for simply doing business.........kinda like Obamacare...........They get hammered for working people past 30 hours...........So how do they compensate...................Hire part time to run the dang business.............

The Dems are a poster child for unemployment and poverty in this country.......They damage the economy with their policies, and demand more gov't intervention to solve the dang problems they created.

still saying stupid shit I see ...
Perhaps if Obama and the Dems had a clue on how to create a recovery then this discussion wouldn't be necessary.............but now it's INCOME INEQUALITY..................But it should be WE SUCK at CREATING JOBS, so we need to take action to correct our mistakes at being miserable failures............

5 years in and no real recovery..........poverty rates flat lined for the last 3 years......more people now live in poverty and an unrealistic unemployment rate............Job participation rate that has been in steady decline since 2000..........

Raising the minimum has consequences..............It will raise prices to compensate for the increased labor costs..........businesses will be more reluctant to hire more people due to their increased overhead for simply doing business.........kinda like Obamacare...........They get hammered for working people past 30 hours...........So how do they compensate...................Hire part time to run the dang business.............

The Dems are a poster child for unemployment and poverty in this country.......They damage the economy with their policies, and demand more gov't intervention to solve the dang problems they created.

still saying stupid shit I see ...

It's only stupid to brain dead liberals like yourself..............You couldn't see the forest for the trees...............

Still in denial about how that 30 hour clause of Obamacare is pure horse hockey............are you in denial of why businesses leave Cali for places that don't attack businesses instead............In your little Liberal mind, it's progress............Kind of like the progress of Detroit..........Wonderful job the Dems did there isn't it..............
You know.................saying that if employers are forced to pay a minimum wage of 10.10 per hour instead of the current 7.25, they are going to reduce the number of full time workers and put the rest into part time is a farce.

Why? Simple..................if the minimum wage is set at 10.10 instead of 7.25, no matter who the employer is, nor how many hours their employee works per week, they're still going to get paid the same amount of money.

Me personally? I think that the minimum wage should be tied to inflation. I mean, the military enjoys a pay raise every year (even if it is only at 1.5 to 3.0 percent each year, depending on the generosity of Congress and the President), so the civilian sector should be given an increase on their wages each year as well.

40 years ago, it wasn't as expensive to live as it is today, and the minimum wage hasn't increased as much as the price hikes have.

Besides...................if corporations like Wal-Mart paid their employees a decent wage that they could live on, then maybe those employees wouldn't qualify for things like SNAP and food stamps. taxpayers are funding subsidies for corporations like Wal-Mart, because they don't pay their employees a living wage, so we have to take up the slack by funding those programs with our tax dollars.

Got news for you.....................if you can make more working than what you can on welfare, more people would join the workforce, thereby reducing the number of "takers".

Pay people a livable wage, and they don't need foodstamps. Hell, they might even make enough money to have a disposable income, resulting in them buying more things, going out to dinner or maybe the movies.

The 99 percent have more purchasing power than the 1 percent, and giving them more money would only help out the economy.
Raising the minimum wage doesn't stimulate the economy any more than robbing a bank and spending the money. Small business owners will get the shaft so that democrats can pander for votes and franchise establishments will lay off workers.

these republicans get even more stupid as they post here day in and day out... the reason democrats get more votes is because what we do.... the reason you republicans don't get more votes is because what you do ... please show us anywhere on the internet where ever has jobs been cut when the min wage went up ... I challenge you ... if you want to say stupid shit I can't stop ya ...cause its a free country ... but don't start saying shit that you know nothing about ... the raising of the min wage you know nothing about ...

aka You guys don't know jack squat, and we are always right by being leftist.............

LOL........Billy Bob.............We have something on you that you have no understanding of.............It's called COMMON SENSE...........You post your emotions and create policy based on emotion............Not facts and figures............

Anyone with a brain larger than a pea should understand that business will raise prices to compensate for overhead costs such as labor........Anyone with any common sense would understand that this will lead to making decisions on hiring more people because of the increased costs of doing so.......

Anyone with any common sense wouldn't say, I'm going to tax the S.......out of you you you 1%'s and then say create jobs for my state or city..........Which part of the brain damage are you afflicted with Billy Bob.....................

Hey eagle, you are free to tell your employer that you will work for ever how much he wants to pay you. If that is 5 bucks an hour, oh well.

Matter of fact, why don't ALL you republicans that hate the idea of raising the minimum wage, go to your employer (if you have one) and tell him/her this; say Boss, I know that an increase in minimum wage is gonna hurt you boss, so I and my fellow repubs on the job at your company, we all want to work for 5 dollars an hour.

Will you do that eagle? And if not, why? I know, you would be overpaid at 5 bucks. Right?
That's why I only have one employee, me. And I'm a tyrant to work for, and I pay what I'm worth. :)

You are Sovereign as we all are or at least should be.

Basically that's bullshit. are free to go live in the wilderness if you like.

But who wants to do that?
Every Citizen is their own Sovereign. That's what the Founders built upon. You're just an ignorant boob that is afraid of his liberty and the responsibility that comes with it. Therefore, YOU must have Government telling YOU how to run your life.

You are Sovereign as we all are or at least should be.

Basically that's bullshit. are free to go live in the wilderness if you like.

But who wants to do that?
Every Citizen is their own Sovereign. That's what the Founders built upon. You're just an ignorant boob that is afraid of his liberty and the responsibility that comes with it. Therefore, YOU must have Government telling YOU how to run your life.


No..they absolutely did not.

You have trouble reading the Constitution.

And understanding it.

Citizens are not "sovereign" apart from the government in this country.

The Constitution does not bestow that sort of "power" to each and every citizen.

It would be impossible to have a nation if that was done.

This is a crazy and patently stupid argument.
Can you or CATO find any evidence in the USA's economic history where increasing minium wages DECREASED employment?

No you cannot.

That is why they used this specious logic to make their point.

Because there is no historical evidence to support their claim.
This has been an excuse for a long time now. It's time for these cheap employers to pony up with the American workers. $10.10 isn't even enough for minimum wage, just stfu and start being fair to your workers.

Republicans can't stand Unions because they've forced them to be fair this far.
Can you or CATO find any evidence in the USA's economic history where increasing minium wages DECREASED employment?

No you cannot.

That is why they used this specious logic to make their point.

Because there is no historical evidence to support their claim.

In all fairness the entire Austrian school rejects math.

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