Minimum Wage Laws Kill Jobs

If minimum wage kills jobs, wouldn't the opposite would have to create jobs?
This has been an excuse for a long time now. It's time for these cheap employers to pony up with the American workers. $10.10 isn't even enough for minimum wage, just stfu and start being fair to your workers.

Republicans can't stand Unions because they've forced them to be fair this far.

Do you understand basic economics?

To keep prices low, a manufacturer has to keep overhead low!

And overhead includes personnel costs. You increase overhead and you must increase prices.


Do you understand the greed factor? :cuckoo:

The greed factor?

Greed is a sacrament to these people.
Raise the minimum wage and jobs will disappear the same way they do every time the minimum wage is raised. Those minimum wage jobs that remain will be closed to entry level workers.

As I said, that excuse has worn thin after years and years of hearing it. Let all the jobs disappear and nobody will be buying anything. I really wish you Repubs would think before typing.
Let's approach this debate from this perspective:

1. Yes, the minimum wage kills jobs. It kills jobs that pay pennies a day, jobs that pay 20cents an hour, or 30, or 50, or a buck, or 2 bucks, etc. Those jobs at those rates of pay don't exist in an economy with a mandated minimum wage higher than the rates cited.

2. That's a good thing, not a bad thing. When the 50 cents an hour job comes back to America,

this won't be an America to be proud of.

If the prices come back with the 50 cents an hour, that's be just fine.
All minimum wage increases do is raise prices and that negates the wage increase. My 70 years of living experience taught me that. Sure, there's a temporary increase in buying power for the minimum wage earner, but it's very short lived.
My Dad told me about working for 50 cents a day, but he also told me that he could buy two big bags of groceries for that fifty cents, and those were big bags, not these puny little shit bags they have today.
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Why do multibillion-dollar corporations have to raise prices? They already profit billions every year. Isn't the entire point of "trickle down" theory that when these "job creators" have more money, then they can increase wages, pay real benefits, and raise the standard of living for their employees?

When do those billions begin to trickle down?

[Another concept difficult to understand] :eusa_whistle:

The billions trickle down to the stockholders!


Ooooooh, okay. I was under the impression that trickle down theory benefits everyone. So you're saying that all of the broke, unemployed Americans on food stamps just need to invest a couple of hundred-thousand dollars into a multibillion-dollar corporation and live off of their capital gains?

That makes perfect sense to a Teabagger.

If you know the meaning of 'teabaggefr' you'll know that calling me a teabagger justifies me calling you a shit eater.
If minimum wage kills jobs, wouldn't the opposite would have to create jobs?

The minimum wage has been falling for 45 years. That is the single most important fact in any of these discussions,

and it's also the most obstinately ignored fact by people like the author of this thread.
Let's approach this debate from this perspective:

1. Yes, the minimum wage kills jobs. It kills jobs that pay pennies a day, jobs that pay 20cents an hour, or 30, or 50, or a buck, or 2 bucks, etc. Those jobs at those rates of pay don't exist in an economy with a mandated minimum wage higher than the rates cited.

2. That's a good thing, not a bad thing. When the 50 cents an hour job comes back to America,

this won't be an America to be proud of.

If the prices come back with the 50 cents an hour, that's be just fine.
All minimum wage increases do is raise prices and that negates the wage increase. My 70 years of living experience taught me that. Sure, there's a temporary increase in buying power for the minimum wage earner, but it's very short lived.
My Dad told me about working for 50 cents a day, but he also told me that he could buy two big bags of groceries for that fifty cents, and those were big bags, not these puny little shit bags they have today.

The minimum wage has been falling for 45 years shit for brains.
the biggest joke in this thread is the lame attempt to compare European minimum wage laws with unemployment rates,

as if that proves something.

Let's look at the truth behind the OP link's claims:

The following countries are cited as having no minimum wage:

1. Austria - now here's the truth:

None; instead, nationwide collective bargaining agreements set minimum wages by job classification for each industry and provide for a minimum wage of €1,000 per month—Wages where no such collective agreements exist, such as for domestic workers, janitorial staff, and au pairs, are regulated in pertinent law and are generally lower than those covered by collective bargaining.[4]

2. Denmark - None; instead, negotiated between unions and employer associations; the average minimum wage for all private and public sector collective bargaining agreements was 109 kroner ($19) per hour.[4][69]

3. Finland - None; however, the law requires all employers, including non-unionized ones, to pay minimum wages agreed to in collective bargaining agreements; almost all workers are covered under such arrangements.[4]

4. Germany - None; except for construction workers, electrical workers, janitors, roofers, painters, and letter carriers. Minimum wage is often set by collective bargaining agreements in other sectors of the economy and enforceable by law.[4]
The law states that paying a worker an "immoral wage" is illegal. There is no general consensus what constitutes "immoral" payment. One judge at a court in Krefeld, Germany, ruled that a cashier at a supermarket has to earn the equivalent of approximately 7USD per hour. The federal courts in Germany ruled that any wage lower than 75% of the average wage or salary for a specific occupation constitutes illegal payment. However, since there is no well defined legal minimum wage as of February 2013, courts are usually the ones who have the final say and will only rule for individual cases.[80]


It pays to really read the claims of some of these nuts.


List of minimum wages by country - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Let's approach this debate from this perspective:

1. Yes, the minimum wage kills jobs. It kills jobs that pay pennies a day, jobs that pay 20cents an hour, or 30, or 50, or a buck, or 2 bucks, etc. Those jobs at those rates of pay don't exist in an economy with a mandated minimum wage higher than the rates cited.

2. That's a good thing, not a bad thing. When the 50 cents an hour job comes back to America,

this won't be an America to be proud of.

If the prices come back with the 50 cents an hour, that's be just fine.
All minimum wage increases do is raise prices and that negates the wage increase. My 70 years of living experience taught me that. Sure, there's a temporary increase in buying power for the minimum wage earner, but it's very short lived.
My Dad told me about working for 50 cents a day, but he also told me that he could buy two big bags of groceries for that fifty cents, and those were big bags, not these puny little shit bags they have today.

The minimum wage has been falling for 45 years shit for brains.

No it hasn't, shit for brains!!

And don't throw inflation at me for proof. Wage increases are part of what causes inflation.
Government spending more money than it has also causes inflation.

When the Government doubles the number of dollars in circulation, after the dust settles a dollar's value is cut in half!
There are trillions of dollars in cash sitting in offshore tax shelters of the super-rich. Trillions of dollars not in circulation, not "trickling down". Does all of that money being taken out of circulation cause the value of the dollar to rise? If so, then why are 49 million Americans unable to buy food every day each month?

And why are there trillions upon trillions of dollars in cash sitting in untouchable bank accounts while millions of full-time workers can't afford food for their families? When do those trillions of dollars start to "trickle down"?
If the prices come back with the 50 cents an hour, that's be just fine.
All minimum wage increases do is raise prices and that negates the wage increase. My 70 years of living experience taught me that. Sure, there's a temporary increase in buying power for the minimum wage earner, but it's very short lived.
My Dad told me about working for 50 cents a day, but he also told me that he could buy two big bags of groceries for that fifty cents, and those were big bags, not these puny little shit bags they have today.

The minimum wage has been falling for 45 years shit for brains.

No it hasn't, shit for brains!!

And don't throw inflation at me for proof. Wage increases are part of what causes inflation.
Government spending more money than it has also causes inflation.

When the Government doubles the number of dollars in circulation, after the dust settles a dollar's value is cut in half!

So you can still get 2 gallons of gas for a dollar where you live? You could in 1968. Where do you live that you're paying that for gas,

because there's no such thing as inflation?
Threads like these add to the evidence that above all, we must never let conservatives get enough power at the national level to actually implement what they truly believe.
By Steve H. Hanke
President Obama set the chattering classes abuzz after his unilateral announcement to raise the minimum wage for newly hired Federal contract workers. During his State of the Union address, he sang the praises for his action, saying that “It’s good for the economy; it’s good for America.”[1] Yet this conclusion doesn’t pass the economic smell test; just look at the data from Europe.

Okay, so don't confront the messenger – read the piece and then jump in. Read more @ Minimum Wage Laws Kill Jobs | Cato @ Liberty


Only in the sense that if the min wage law says $8/hour and you repeal that law, you could in theory create 8 times as many jobs at $1/hour. Other than the mathematical fact, there's zero evidence not coming from conservative think tanks that the statement is accurate. Even Wall Street disputes such claims.
No..they absolutely did not.

You have trouble reading the Constitution.

And understanding it.

Citizens are not "sovereign" apart from the government in this country.

The Constitution does not bestow that sort of "power" to each and every citizen.

It would be impossible to have a nation if that was done.

This is a crazy and patently stupid argument.

Excuse me but, isn't it We The People who established a new form of government to replace that which they opposed?


Conservatives LOVE the Declaration of Independence but don't you DARE mention The Preamble to The US Constitution.

Okay, here the text of the Preamble:
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

So, what is different from what I quoted? :eusa_whistle:
Why do multibillion-dollar corporations have to raise prices? They already profit billions every year. Isn't the entire point of "trickle down" theory that when these "job creators" have more money, then they can increase wages, pay real benefits, and raise the standard of living for their employees?

When do those billions begin to trickle down?

[Another concept difficult to understand] :eusa_whistle:

The billions trickle down to the stockholders!


Ooooooh, okay. I was under the impression that trickle down theory benefits everyone. So you're saying that all of the broke, unemployed Americans on food stamps just need to invest a couple of hundred-thousand dollars into a multibillion-dollar corporation and live off of their capital gains?

That makes perfect sense to a Teabagger.

Who provides jobs?
Who backs retirement funds?
these republicans get even more stupid as they post here day in and day out... the reason democrats get more votes is because what we do.... the reason you republicans don't get more votes is because what you do ... please show us anywhere on the internet where ever has jobs been cut when the min wage went up ... I challenge you ... if you want to say stupid shit I can't stop ya ...cause its a free country ... but don't start saying shit that you know nothing about ... the raising of the min wage you know nothing about ...

aka You guys don't know jack squat, and we are always right by being leftist.............

LOL........Billy Bob.............We have something on you that you have no understanding of.............It's called COMMON SENSE...........You post your emotions and create policy based on emotion............Not facts and figures............

Anyone with a brain larger than a pea should understand that business will raise prices to compensate for overhead costs such as labor........Anyone with any common sense would understand that this will lead to making decisions on hiring more people because of the increased costs of doing so.......

Anyone with any common sense wouldn't say, I'm going to tax the S.......out of you you you 1%'s and then say create jobs for my state or city..........Which part of the brain damage are you afflicted with Billy Bob.....................

Hey eagle, you are free to tell your employer that you will work for ever how much he wants to pay you. If that is 5 bucks an hour, oh well.

Matter of fact, why don't ALL you republicans that hate the idea of raising the minimum wage, go to your employer (if you have one) and tell him/her this; say Boss, I know that an increase in minimum wage is gonna hurt you boss, so I and my fellow repubs on the job at your company, we all want to work for 5 dollars an hour.

Will you do that eagle? And if not, why? I know, you would be overpaid at 5 bucks. Right?

You are clueless to the debate......Making wild accusations of how we want everyone to work for less in this debate...............I have stated that increases in minimum wage has economic effects that people like you IGNORE. It is a double edged sword and it does damage on both sides of the equation. Arbitrary raises in the minimum will increase prices of goods and services across the board as these costs are added in as a cost of doing business.

The minimum wage should only appreciate with the CPI, which has been manipulated by the Feds by changing data that it uses to gauge these price indexes.........Too much increases based on emotion rather than using data are BS.

Oh yeah, my statement says I'll be a peasant and work for 5 bucks an hour BS...........You need to get back on your meds.............Reasonable adjustments may be necessary, but not based on your INCOME INEQUALITY BS.............That will cost jobs and raise prices................

The Dems have no leg to stand on here. Their policies have stagnated the economy and don't have jack squat to back up their claims that their policies are the answer. They spent Trillions with little effect. The last 3 years poverty rates are not decreasing as they should with true recovery. More are now on the dole as a result of their policies..............The best way to end poverty is to create jobs, not MASSIVE JOB KILLING legislation that the left ignores even when you smack them across the face with the facts..............They ignore the facts for their statist beliefs.

If we want to end this, we need to vote out all of those Dem losers to end their job killing BS.
By Steve H. Hanke
President Obama set the chattering classes abuzz after his unilateral announcement to raise the minimum wage for newly hired Federal contract workers. During his State of the Union address, he sang the praises for his action, saying that “It’s good for the economy; it’s good for America.”[1] Yet this conclusion doesn’t pass the economic smell test; just look at the data from Europe.
Okay, so don't confront the messenger – read the piece and then jump in. Read more @ Minimum Wage Laws Kill Jobs | Cato @ Liberty


People have made this claim since Nixon raised the minimum wage. And gee, it doesn't seem to have put a damper on our economy. Not in the least. Next.
Economic Recovery? We'll Take Reagan's, Thanks | NewsBusters

Total job growth during the first four years of the Obama recovery has been 4,657,000 or just 97,020 jobs per month. That's not even enough to hit the breakeven level of 150,000 jobs per month when population growth is taken into account. (video after break)

Now, contrast that with the Reagan recovery. That generated a total of 11.2 million new jobs or 233,333 per month, more than enough to put people back to work. Reagan's best job month garnered the very top ranking since WWII with 1,114,000 jobs added in September 1983. A single month with more than a million jobs added. So far Obama can only wish for such a total.

Tried and true recovery from Reagan after dealing Mr. Stagflation himself...............

Obama's recovery is BS.........

One sides plan worked.......Current admin is a failure.
Economic Recovery? We'll Take Reagan's, Thanks | NewsBusters

Total job growth during the first four years of the Obama recovery has been 4,657,000 or just 97,020 jobs per month. That's not even enough to hit the breakeven level of 150,000 jobs per month when population growth is taken into account. (video after break)

Now, contrast that with the Reagan recovery. That generated a total of 11.2 million new jobs or 233,333 per month, more than enough to put people back to work. Reagan's best job month garnered the very top ranking since WWII with 1,114,000 jobs added in September 1983. A single month with more than a million jobs added. So far Obama can only wish for such a total.

Tried and true recovery from Reagan after dealing Mr. Stagflation himself...............

Obama's recovery is BS.........

One sides plan worked.......Current admin is a failure.

This is how superstitions are created.

Economics is too complicated for many to understand so they attribute the difference between the Reagan administration and that of others based on ignorant perception.

Things get better when people put down superstition and start to learn how things actually work.
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