Minimum Wage poll

Ideally, what percentage of workers should be working for the minimum wage?

  • 0% - no minimum wage

  • 10%

  • 20%

  • 30%

  • 40%

  • 50%

  • 60%

  • 70%

  • 80%

  • 90%

  • 100% - everyone gets the same income.

Results are only viewable after voting.
I read that currently 2.7% of US workers are paid minimum wage. Elsewhere I read that 42% of US workers make $15/hr or less. So, if we raised minimum wage to $15/hr, we'd have 42% of US workers working for minimum wage. Which left me wonder what reformers see as the ideal percentage.

0% only for trolls; for others a Federal Minimum Wage based on a 20% wage based on their congress critters salary and 25% from their two senators.

If we do that, then we need to set a cap on federal employees that none can be paid a sum greater than minimum wage, including bonuses and retirement benefits.

A good Stasi agent like you would be happy with that, da Comrade?

Your last sentence is an example your brainwash was successful, in fact you got a deal since you only paid for what was a lite rinse.
I read that currently 2.7% of US workers are paid minimum wage. Elsewhere I read that 42% of US workers make $15/hr or less. So, if we raised minimum wage to $15/hr, we'd have 42% of US workers working for minimum wage. Which left me wonder what reformers see as the ideal percentage.

That percentage would drastically decrease from 42% back down to single digits.

What the Uninformed Voter doesn't understand is you can't increase wages on just one group of people. If you try to do that, it creates a domino effect.

The $8.00 an hour worker may be making $15.00 after a law is passed, but the $15.00 worker will be making $22.00 or more after it's passed.

It wouldn't help the poor and the new minimum wage would only be a livable wage for about a year or so until everybody else catches up. The only real change would be more investments in automation by companies, and more jobs leaving the US.

Right wingers SAY that jobs will be lost, but they aren't. Jobs increase when the minimum wages go up because there's so much pent up demand for goods and services.

Yes, prices will go up, but not as much as you're suggesting. It increases the cost of producing a burger by 10 cents to raise the burger flipper's wages by $1, so the increases in wages have a tremendous impact on the employees, and yes, wages all along the line will go up, because ALL OF THESE WORKERS NEED RAISES TOO.

The wages of all working people need to go up. Companies have managed increase every cost in their processes EXCEPT wages. Rents, property costs, equipment, insurance and materials have all gone up, and businesses survived. Wages COULD have gone up but the bosses didn't have to raise the wages so they didn't. It's time for some catch up for workers.

There is no "pent up" demand for goods and services. Where did you dream that up from? Goods and services have always been there and plenty of them. If they are not, people turn to the internet which is yet another threat to brick and mortar establishments.

Yes, raising minimum wage by one dollar will have little impact on pricing for places like McDonald's. That's because McDonald's sells 600 big macs a day, 2,000 french fries a day, 2,500 beverages a day, 800 breakfast sandwiches a day. However Earls Hardware store doesn't sell 400 hammers a day or 300 boxes of screws a day. Earl's Hardware will take a much harder hit than McDonald's.

The OP's scenario is $15.00 minimum wage. So think of how much higher prices will be. The reason people go to Walmart is because they can walk out of Walmart with a shopping cart of supplies for about a hundred bucks. That's in comparison to walking out of a store that sells American goods with only a half a cart for a hundred bucks.

People will buy less products because the prices would be much higher. I don't see that as a good thing. All you really did was increase the cost of living.
we have a demand side problem. solving simple poverty fixes that part of the equation, nothing more.

Ray believes in a "supply side" economy. Ray missed the class on "demand". Supply and demand are the opposite sides of the same coin. Republicans have trained their minions to pretend that "demand" doesn't exist, and "if you build it they will buy it". None of which is true.

I recently went through a two year process of post-retirement financial review and consolidation, the goal of which was to maximize my post-retirement income. But during this review period, my basic month expenses and my basic month income were an exact match. No wiggle room, no savings, no emergency fund. Over the two year period it took to complete the process, around the time my savings were exhausted, my laptop died. Then my one and only TV died. And finally my vaccuum cleaner went just as the cat started his spring shed. At the end of the two year process, my base income is now $75. a week less than I was making when I was working. And I was able to take a chunk of the capital and buy a new laptop, two TV's - a 32" smart small TV for the sewing room, and a 55" inch home theatre for the living room. I had my bicycle tuned up and tricked out. Bought a lot of peripherals for my new media, including an android box, ChromeCast, wireless printer, and a wireless keyboard and mouse. I got my sewing machines tuned up and I'm looking at buying a new embroidery machine. And I bought some new bedding. Since July, the boxes have flowed into my apartment. I purchaseed locally, where possible, but always on sale, for value.

Going forward, the increased income means that I can now go to the weekly luncheons with friends more than once a month, and to entertain in my home, offering friends a nice wine with dinner. And since I live in wine country, I'm can tout my favourite local winery, which is very good but a bit pricey. I can join my friend's bowling league - I couldn't afford the $80 a month with no wiggle room in the budget. So the local sporting goods shop, restaurants, bowling alley, and computer store, and of course, Canadian Tire store, have all benefited from the release of my "pent up demand", and my increased income going forward.

That is the law of supply and demand. That is why putting more money into the hands of millionaires isn't doing jack shit for the economy. There are millions of households all over the USA, households dependent on food stamps and Section 8, who, if they had an increase in income, would release all of that pent up demand, and the economy would grow organically.
But the pump that is income must be primed.
When you stated people had a "pent up demand" it's implied that they wanted products they couldn't buy because of availability. I still don't understand your story because first you said your expenses equaled your income, and then stated you went on a spending spree with some sort of capital that materialized in your story.

People often hold back on buying things they don't necessarily have to have. I'm doing it today. The computer I'm on now is going on eleven years old. My car going on ten years old with 105,000 miles. It's not all that unusual.
Hahaha...actually I have the means to do whatever the fuck I want to...I’ll be off to an all white nation at some point in the very near future....I’m looking forward to watching your filthy fucks burn this shithole to the fucking ground from afar.
Hey, by the way, where is this "all white nation" gonna be, in "the very near future"?

Norway...New Zealand...there’s a number of them...look it up.

Well, wtf are you waiting on? Get going already.

Nah, for now I’m having fun watching you filthy fucks and your dirty wetbacks fuck shit up...haha
You're miserable, and it's pretty obvious.

Yep, it’s a miserable life here on the sand of the pacific.
I read that currently 2.7% of US workers are paid minimum wage. Elsewhere I read that 42% of US workers make $15/hr or less. So, if we raised minimum wage to $15/hr, we'd have 42% of US workers working for minimum wage. Which left me wonder what reformers see as the ideal percentage.

That percentage would drastically decrease from 42% back down to single digits.

What the Uninformed Voter doesn't understand is you can't increase wages on just one group of people. If you try to do that, it creates a domino effect.

The $8.00 an hour worker may be making $15.00 after a law is passed, but the $15.00 worker will be making $22.00 or more after it's passed.

It wouldn't help the poor and the new minimum wage would only be a livable wage for about a year or so until everybody else catches up. The only real change would be more investments in automation by companies, and more jobs leaving the US.

^ that's sarcasm right?


No, it's reality.


I don't remember getting a $5 dollar raise the last time the national minimum wage was raised .

You smoking crack they might get 50 cents but $10 bucks more an hour?

You're nuts


You're right just because minimum wage goes doesn't mean everyone that is already making or above that amount will receive a raise. My wife hasn't every received a raise when minimum went up since she's always been a few dollar's higher. When I worked hourly many, many years ago I did not either. So that is just a fallacy.

Twenty five cents will not produce a domino effect. But the OP's scenario is making MW $15.00 an hour which is over 100% increase. If that ever happened, you would see and feel the domino effect very strongly. And yes, your wife would get that raise she wanted.
The $8.00 an hour worker may be making $15.00 after a law is passed, but the $15.00 worker will be making $22.00 or more after it's passed.

So, everyone would make more money! That's a good thing, right? ;)
So if everyone in the country was being paid fifty bucks an hour how long would it take for the US/world economy to totally collapse?

Why would it collapse? We'd all be making good money. FTW!
In any system, there will be people who are an excellent and natural fit and will flourish, while others will not. Capitalism is an example.

In a perfect capitalist world, there would be no need for a minimum wage. But this is certainly not a perfect world, nor is it close.

A strong safety net is good social insurance against electoral revolution. It isn't ideal, but it's worth the price in the long run.

Yes, but as I stated earlier, when the national minimum wage was enacted in 1936, it was set at 25 cents an hour. In today's wages, that's equal to about $4.50 an hour. So minimum wage has increased much more than the cost of living in comparison to when it was enacted.

The MW was only so that people were not forced to work for pennies an hour; industry taking advantage of very desperate people. That's not the case today.
The $8.00 an hour worker may be making $15.00 after a law is passed, but the $15.00 worker will be making $22.00 or more after it's passed.

So, everyone would make more money! That's a good thing, right? ;)
So if everyone in the country was being paid fifty bucks an hour how long would it take for the US/world economy to totally collapse?

That's what drove many of the jobs out of this country, except it wasn't minimum wage that did it, it was unions.
The $8.00 an hour worker may be making $15.00 after a law is passed, but the $15.00 worker will be making $22.00 or more after it's passed.

So, everyone would make more money! That's a good thing, right? ;)
So if everyone in the country was being paid fifty bucks an hour how long would it take for the US/world economy to totally collapse?

Why would it collapse? We'd all be making good money. FTW!

You fricken loons haven't thought this through, have you?
IDK, just doesn't sound good all around.....when everything just keeps going up, with no end in can't be good for the people or the country.

Except when it comes to tax cuts for the rich of course... that's always a good thing...


the 2018 tax cuts cut the tax rate for everyone that pays taxes, not just the rich. Stop lying about this.

Except that the rich received 80% of the tax cut, and the working and middle class got peanuts. So let's be realistic here.

Right, people who pay no tax (50% of the population) got no tax cut, its hard to cut below zero, and yes 5% of 100,000 is more than 5% of 1000, so yes a rich guy saved more AND PAID MORE.

Additionally, the business tax cut allowed businesses to raise wages and pay bonuses, which would not have happened without the tax cuts.

your "tax cuts for the rich" claim is BULLSHIT
That percentage would drastically decrease from 42% back down to single digits.

What the Uninformed Voter doesn't understand is you can't increase wages on just one group of people. If you try to do that, it creates a domino effect.

The $8.00 an hour worker may be making $15.00 after a law is passed, but the $15.00 worker will be making $22.00 or more after it's passed.

It wouldn't help the poor and the new minimum wage would only be a livable wage for about a year or so until everybody else catches up. The only real change would be more investments in automation by companies, and more jobs leaving the US.

Right wingers SAY that jobs will be lost, but they aren't. Jobs increase when the minimum wages go up because there's so much pent up demand for goods and services.

Yes, prices will go up, but not as much as you're suggesting. It increases the cost of producing a burger by 10 cents to raise the burger flipper's wages by $1, so the increases in wages have a tremendous impact on the employees, and yes, wages all along the line will go up, because ALL OF THESE WORKERS NEED RAISES TOO.

The wages of all working people need to go up. Companies have managed increase every cost in their processes EXCEPT wages. Rents, property costs, equipment, insurance and materials have all gone up, and businesses survived. Wages COULD have gone up but the bosses didn't have to raise the wages so they didn't. It's time for some catch up for workers.

There is no "pent up" demand for goods and services. Where did you dream that up from? Goods and services have always been there and plenty of them. If they are not, people turn to the internet which is yet another threat to brick and mortar establishments.

Yes, raising minimum wage by one dollar will have little impact on pricing for places like McDonald's. That's because McDonald's sells 600 big macs a day, 2,000 french fries a day, 2,500 beverages a day, 800 breakfast sandwiches a day. However Earls Hardware store doesn't sell 400 hammers a day or 300 boxes of screws a day. Earl's Hardware will take a much harder hit than McDonald's.

The OP's scenario is $15.00 minimum wage. So think of how much higher prices will be. The reason people go to Walmart is because they can walk out of Walmart with a shopping cart of supplies for about a hundred bucks. That's in comparison to walking out of a store that sells American goods with only a half a cart for a hundred bucks.

People will buy less products because the prices would be much higher. I don't see that as a good thing. All you really did was increase the cost of living.
we have a demand side problem. solving simple poverty fixes that part of the equation, nothing more.

Ray believes in a "supply side" economy. Ray missed the class on "demand". Supply and demand are the opposite sides of the same coin. Republicans have trained their minions to pretend that "demand" doesn't exist, and "if you build it they will buy it". None of which is true.

I recently went through a two year process of post-retirement financial review and consolidation, the goal of which was to maximize my post-retirement income. But during this review period, my basic month expenses and my basic month income were an exact match. No wiggle room, no savings, no emergency fund. Over the two year period it took to complete the process, around the time my savings were exhausted, my laptop died. Then my one and only TV died. And finally my vaccuum cleaner went just as the cat started his spring shed. At the end of the two year process, my base income is now $75. a week less than I was making when I was working. And I was able to take a chunk of the capital and buy a new laptop, two TV's - a 32" smart small TV for the sewing room, and a 55" inch home theatre for the living room. I had my bicycle tuned up and tricked out. Bought a lot of peripherals for my new media, including an android box, ChromeCast, wireless printer, and a wireless keyboard and mouse. I got my sewing machines tuned up and I'm looking at buying a new embroidery machine. And I bought some new bedding. Since July, the boxes have flowed into my apartment. I purchaseed locally, where possible, but always on sale, for value.

Going forward, the increased income means that I can now go to the weekly luncheons with friends more than once a month, and to entertain in my home, offering friends a nice wine with dinner. And since I live in wine country, I'm can tout my favourite local winery, which is very good but a bit pricey. I can join my friend's bowling league - I couldn't afford the $80 a month with no wiggle room in the budget. So the local sporting goods shop, restaurants, bowling alley, and computer store, and of course, Canadian Tire store, have all benefited from the release of my "pent up demand", and my increased income going forward.

That is the law of supply and demand. That is why putting more money into the hands of millionaires isn't doing jack shit for the economy. There are millions of households all over the USA, households dependent on food stamps and Section 8, who, if they had an increase in income, would release all of that pent up demand, and the economy would grow organically.
But the pump that is income must be primed.
When you stated people had a "pent up demand" it's implied that they wanted products they couldn't buy because of availability. I still don't understand your story because first you said your expenses equaled your income, and then stated you went on a spending spree with some sort of capital that materialized in your story.

People often hold back on buying things they don't necessarily have to have. I'm doing it today. The computer I'm on now is going on eleven years old. My car going on ten years old with 105,000 miles. It's not all that unusual.

My computer wasn’t old. It was dead. Would not turn on. Same with my TV. The TV was 10 years old. I don’t own a car.

The capital didn’t “materialize”, it was always there but tied up. I didn’t think I’d need it. My husband had a few years to go before he retires. Divorce changes everything. So after I retired I had to re-organize my finances to maximize income now, instead of 5 years from now.
Wages have been increasing under Trump. Let the free market set the wage.

Wages have been increasing only slightly and grudgingly.

Why are conservatives against middle class folks making more money?

Minimum wage increases put upward pressure on all wages.

Oh wait...that's why conservatives are against them
Right wingers SAY that jobs will be lost, but they aren't. Jobs increase when the minimum wages go up because there's so much pent up demand for goods and services.

Yes, prices will go up, but not as much as you're suggesting. It increases the cost of producing a burger by 10 cents to raise the burger flipper's wages by $1, so the increases in wages have a tremendous impact on the employees, and yes, wages all along the line will go up, because ALL OF THESE WORKERS NEED RAISES TOO.

The wages of all working people need to go up. Companies have managed increase every cost in their processes EXCEPT wages. Rents, property costs, equipment, insurance and materials have all gone up, and businesses survived. Wages COULD have gone up but the bosses didn't have to raise the wages so they didn't. It's time for some catch up for workers.

There is no "pent up" demand for goods and services. Where did you dream that up from? Goods and services have always been there and plenty of them. If they are not, people turn to the internet which is yet another threat to brick and mortar establishments.

Yes, raising minimum wage by one dollar will have little impact on pricing for places like McDonald's. That's because McDonald's sells 600 big macs a day, 2,000 french fries a day, 2,500 beverages a day, 800 breakfast sandwiches a day. However Earls Hardware store doesn't sell 400 hammers a day or 300 boxes of screws a day. Earl's Hardware will take a much harder hit than McDonald's.

The OP's scenario is $15.00 minimum wage. So think of how much higher prices will be. The reason people go to Walmart is because they can walk out of Walmart with a shopping cart of supplies for about a hundred bucks. That's in comparison to walking out of a store that sells American goods with only a half a cart for a hundred bucks.

People will buy less products because the prices would be much higher. I don't see that as a good thing. All you really did was increase the cost of living.
we have a demand side problem. solving simple poverty fixes that part of the equation, nothing more.

Ray believes in a "supply side" economy. Ray missed the class on "demand". Supply and demand are the opposite sides of the same coin. Republicans have trained their minions to pretend that "demand" doesn't exist, and "if you build it they will buy it". None of which is true.

I recently went through a two year process of post-retirement financial review and consolidation, the goal of which was to maximize my post-retirement income. But during this review period, my basic month expenses and my basic month income were an exact match. No wiggle room, no savings, no emergency fund. Over the two year period it took to complete the process, around the time my savings were exhausted, my laptop died. Then my one and only TV died. And finally my vaccuum cleaner went just as the cat started his spring shed. At the end of the two year process, my base income is now $75. a week less than I was making when I was working. And I was able to take a chunk of the capital and buy a new laptop, two TV's - a 32" smart small TV for the sewing room, and a 55" inch home theatre for the living room. I had my bicycle tuned up and tricked out. Bought a lot of peripherals for my new media, including an android box, ChromeCast, wireless printer, and a wireless keyboard and mouse. I got my sewing machines tuned up and I'm looking at buying a new embroidery machine. And I bought some new bedding. Since July, the boxes have flowed into my apartment. I purchaseed locally, where possible, but always on sale, for value.

Going forward, the increased income means that I can now go to the weekly luncheons with friends more than once a month, and to entertain in my home, offering friends a nice wine with dinner. And since I live in wine country, I'm can tout my favourite local winery, which is very good but a bit pricey. I can join my friend's bowling league - I couldn't afford the $80 a month with no wiggle room in the budget. So the local sporting goods shop, restaurants, bowling alley, and computer store, and of course, Canadian Tire store, have all benefited from the release of my "pent up demand", and my increased income going forward.

That is the law of supply and demand. That is why putting more money into the hands of millionaires isn't doing jack shit for the economy. There are millions of households all over the USA, households dependent on food stamps and Section 8, who, if they had an increase in income, would release all of that pent up demand, and the economy would grow organically.
But the pump that is income must be primed.
When you stated people had a "pent up demand" it's implied that they wanted products they couldn't buy because of availability. I still don't understand your story because first you said your expenses equaled your income, and then stated you went on a spending spree with some sort of capital that materialized in your story.

People often hold back on buying things they don't necessarily have to have. I'm doing it today. The computer I'm on now is going on eleven years old. My car going on ten years old with 105,000 miles. It's not all that unusual.

My computer wasn’t old. It was dead. Would not turn on. Same with my TV. The TV was 10 years old. I don’t own a car.

The capital didn’t “materialize”, it was always there but tied up. I didn’t think I’d need it. My husband had a few years to go before he retires. Divorce changes everything. So after I retired I had to re-organize my finances to maximize income now, instead of 5 years from now.

Yeah, no wonder you jumped on the socialism bandwagon.
Wages have been increasing under Trump. Let the free market set the wage.

Wages have been increasing only slightly and grudgingly.

Why are conservatives against middle class folks making more money?

Minimum wage increases put upward pressure on all wages.

Oh wait...that's why conservatives are against them

then why do you libs want to bring in millions of low wage illegals to keep the wages low and take jobs that you could have?

Yes, raising the minimum wage puts upward pressure on all wages, it also raises all prices for everything, so you gain nothing, just have more money flowing through your hands===========econ 101, try it.
There is no "pent up" demand for goods and services. Where did you dream that up from? Goods and services have always been there and plenty of them. If they are not, people turn to the internet which is yet another threat to brick and mortar establishments.

Yes, raising minimum wage by one dollar will have little impact on pricing for places like McDonald's. That's because McDonald's sells 600 big macs a day, 2,000 french fries a day, 2,500 beverages a day, 800 breakfast sandwiches a day. However Earls Hardware store doesn't sell 400 hammers a day or 300 boxes of screws a day. Earl's Hardware will take a much harder hit than McDonald's.

The OP's scenario is $15.00 minimum wage. So think of how much higher prices will be. The reason people go to Walmart is because they can walk out of Walmart with a shopping cart of supplies for about a hundred bucks. That's in comparison to walking out of a store that sells American goods with only a half a cart for a hundred bucks.

People will buy less products because the prices would be much higher. I don't see that as a good thing. All you really did was increase the cost of living.
we have a demand side problem. solving simple poverty fixes that part of the equation, nothing more.

Ray believes in a "supply side" economy. Ray missed the class on "demand". Supply and demand are the opposite sides of the same coin. Republicans have trained their minions to pretend that "demand" doesn't exist, and "if you build it they will buy it". None of which is true.

I recently went through a two year process of post-retirement financial review and consolidation, the goal of which was to maximize my post-retirement income. But during this review period, my basic month expenses and my basic month income were an exact match. No wiggle room, no savings, no emergency fund. Over the two year period it took to complete the process, around the time my savings were exhausted, my laptop died. Then my one and only TV died. And finally my vaccuum cleaner went just as the cat started his spring shed. At the end of the two year process, my base income is now $75. a week less than I was making when I was working. And I was able to take a chunk of the capital and buy a new laptop, two TV's - a 32" smart small TV for the sewing room, and a 55" inch home theatre for the living room. I had my bicycle tuned up and tricked out. Bought a lot of peripherals for my new media, including an android box, ChromeCast, wireless printer, and a wireless keyboard and mouse. I got my sewing machines tuned up and I'm looking at buying a new embroidery machine. And I bought some new bedding. Since July, the boxes have flowed into my apartment. I purchaseed locally, where possible, but always on sale, for value.

Going forward, the increased income means that I can now go to the weekly luncheons with friends more than once a month, and to entertain in my home, offering friends a nice wine with dinner. And since I live in wine country, I'm can tout my favourite local winery, which is very good but a bit pricey. I can join my friend's bowling league - I couldn't afford the $80 a month with no wiggle room in the budget. So the local sporting goods shop, restaurants, bowling alley, and computer store, and of course, Canadian Tire store, have all benefited from the release of my "pent up demand", and my increased income going forward.

That is the law of supply and demand. That is why putting more money into the hands of millionaires isn't doing jack shit for the economy. There are millions of households all over the USA, households dependent on food stamps and Section 8, who, if they had an increase in income, would release all of that pent up demand, and the economy would grow organically.
But the pump that is income must be primed.
When you stated people had a "pent up demand" it's implied that they wanted products they couldn't buy because of availability. I still don't understand your story because first you said your expenses equaled your income, and then stated you went on a spending spree with some sort of capital that materialized in your story.

People often hold back on buying things they don't necessarily have to have. I'm doing it today. The computer I'm on now is going on eleven years old. My car going on ten years old with 105,000 miles. It's not all that unusual.

My computer wasn’t old. It was dead. Would not turn on. Same with my TV. The TV was 10 years old. I don’t own a car.

The capital didn’t “materialize”, it was always there but tied up. I didn’t think I’d need it. My husband had a few years to go before he retires. Divorce changes everything. So after I retired I had to re-organize my finances to maximize income now, instead of 5 years from now.

Yeah, no wonder you jumped on the socialism bandwagon.

right, free shit for all, ask Venezuela.
Wages have been increasing under Trump. Let the free market set the wage.

Wages have been increasing only slightly and grudgingly.

Why are conservatives against middle class folks making more money?

Minimum wage increases put upward pressure on all wages.

Oh wait...that's why conservatives are against them

then why do you libs want to bring in millions of low wage illegals to keep the wages low and take jobs that you could have?

Yes, raising the minimum wage puts upward pressure on all wages, it also raises all prices for everything, so you gain nothing, just have more money flowing through your hands===========econ 101, try it.
This fails as a straw man fallacy, a ridiculous rightwing lie.

‘Libs’ want those who enter the country absent authorization to be deported when they fail to establish good cause to be granted asylum.

‘Libs’ welcome immigrants who are authorized to enter the country, or who meet the criteria to be granted asylum.

‘Libs’ follow and understand immigration law, the rule of law, and the right to due process.

‘Libs’ correctly understand that we are a Nation of immigrants and that immigrants and immigration are our greatest assets.

‘Libs’ do not fear change, diversity, and inclusion – as do most conservatives.
‘Libs’ want those who enter the country absent authorization to be deported when they fail to establish good cause to be granted asylum.

Which by that time they are long gone never to be seen again unless they get arrested for a crime.

‘Libs’ welcome immigrants who are authorized to enter the country, or who meet the criteria to be granted asylum.

No, libs want to pack the country with as many minorities as possible for political power. They could care less about their legal status.

‘Libs’ follow and understand immigration law, the rule of law, and the right to due process.

You mean like they understand immigration laws which is why they govern all sanctuary cities across the US?

‘Libs’ correctly understand that we are a Nation of immigrants and that immigrants and immigration are our greatest assets.

Then why don't the libs understand that the US is already the most generous country in the entire developed world with immigration? No other country creates a million new citizens out of foreigners every single year.

‘Libs’ do not fear change, diversity, and inclusion – as do most conservatives.

That's because it's all part of the takeover plan by the left. Let me tell you, if all these immigrants were renown for voting Republican, the Democrats would have had a 70 foot wall all across that southern border decades ago.
Wages have been increasing under Trump. Let the free market set the wage.

Wages have been increasing only slightly and grudgingly.

Why are conservatives against middle class folks making more money?

Minimum wage increases put upward pressure on all wages.

Oh wait...that's why conservatives are against them

That is correct. A huge minimum wage increase would bring all wages up. The unions did the same thing in the 60's through 80's. That's how we got priced out of the world market, and that's why tens of millions of jobs left the country for cheaper labor.

Some people never learned from that lesson. Now that unions are virtually a thing of the past, some want to continue the destruction only using minimum wage.
I have this fantasy that one day we have a MAXIMUM wage cap, and there can be exceptions, but they had better be damned good ones. (And, incidentally, bring back the gold standard.)

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