Ministry of Propaganda

If you like your doctor and healthcare plan you will be able to keep them period lie of the year it was about video epic propaganda. Democrats response to both accept without question.
We have a new department and head of the ministry of lies and propaganda....

Steve Bannon, how wonderful....

Who would have thunk it?

Briebart is considered news.... while real news is bashed by our President Elect as propaganda....

He's setting us up for a dictatorship, while his supporters just applaud.... and Republicans in power,'s disgusting.
Liberals had their Politikal commissars. Telling us what to think and what to say. We got tired of that. It just didn't work. Liberals still aren't getting that.
We have a new department and head of the ministry of lies and propaganda....

Steve Bannon, how wonderful....

Who would have thunk it?

Briebart is considered news.... while real news is bashed by our President Elect as propaganda....

He's setting us up for a dictatorship, while his supporters just applaud.... and Republicans in power,'s disgusting.

Destroying Obama's legacy and the liberal policies of the last 8 years is funny? I wonder if you will be laughing after Trump replaces 2-3 liberal SCOTUS justices with conservatives, see how you like a few decades of a conservative super majority SCOTUS laugh it up. lmao

you mean how he was going to get rid of Obamacare? Oh that's right he's keeping parts of it.How he was going to build a wall? Oh, now it's a fence in 'some places'. Yeah, he really got his sound bites down pat and you guys fell for it.

The justices won't affect me one iota.

There was always broad bipartisan support for a number of healthcare reforms, idiot. Ignorant hacks like this one ^^^ should really avoid voting. Securing the border via fence, wall, machine guns is still securing the border. Here have an eyeroll :rolleyes:
We have a new department and head of the ministry of lies and propaganda....

Steve Bannon, how wonderful....

Who would have thunk it?

Briebart is considered news.... while real news is bashed by our President Elect as propaganda....

He's setting us up for a dictatorship, while his supporters just applaud.... and Republicans in power,'s disgusting.



Dictators around the world will delight in Trump’s victory | Brian Klaas
We have a new department and head of the ministry of lies and propaganda....

Steve Bannon, how wonderful....

Who would have thunk it?

Briebart is considered news.... while real news is bashed by our President Elect as propaganda....

He's setting us up for a dictatorship, while his supporters just applaud.... and Republicans in power,'s disgusting.
Breitbart is not part of the federal government. This election unmasked the so called "real news" outlets as nothing more than the propaganda arms of the Democrat party.
We have a new department and head of the ministry of lies and propaganda....

Steve Bannon, how wonderful....

Who would have thunk it?

Briebart is considered news.... while real news is bashed by our President Elect as propaganda....

He's setting us up for a dictatorship, while his supporters just applaud.... and Republicans in power,'s disgusting.
Breitbart is not part of the federal government. This election unmasked the so called "real news" outlets as nothing more than the propaganda arms of the Democrat party.
The "real news outlets" were unmasked as a propaganda arm of the USG in the lead up to Bush's invasion of Iraq, when they helped sell the war to the American people. Now they are trying to sell us a confrontation with Russia.

All the partisan BS makes people stupid.
We have a new department and head of the ministry of lies and propaganda....

Steve Bannon, how wonderful....

Who would have thunk it?

Briebart is considered news.... while real news is bashed by our President Elect as propaganda....

He's setting us up for a dictatorship, while his supporters just applaud.... and Republicans in power,'s disgusting.
Breitbart is not part of the federal government. This election unmasked the so called "real news" outlets as nothing more than the propaganda arms of the Democrat party.
The "real news outlets" were unmasked as a propaganda arm of the USG in the lead up to Bush's invasion of Iraq, when they helped sell the war to the American people. Now they are trying to sell us a confrontation with Russia.

All the partisan BS makes people stupid.
Yes, I agree with you completely, there were people from both parties that supported Dubya, and that is all irrelevant now anyways.

But the important thing is that to get rid of the upcoming Trump regime, we need a strong bi-partisan coalition of Democrats and Republicans. Plus I actually like the idea of anti-Trump Republicans, they can be strong leaders and now is not a time to be weak, especially considering the threat of the Trump dictatorship.
See my sig - I haven't changed it since I signed up.

Americans' Trust in Mass Media Sinks to New Low


WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Americans' trust and confidence in the mass media "to report the news fully, accurately and fairly" has dropped to its lowest level in Gallup polling history, with 32% saying they have a great deal or fair amount of trust in the media. This is down eight percentage points from last year.

Gallup began asking this question in 1972, and on a yearly basis since 1997. Over the history of the entire trend, Americans' trust and confidence hit its highest point in 1976, at 72%, in the wake of widely lauded examples of investigative journalism regarding Vietnam and the Watergate scandal. After staying in the low to mid-50s through the late 1990s and into the early years of the new century, Americans' trust in the media has fallen slowly and steadily. It has consistently been below a majority level since 2007.

Older Americans are more likely than younger Americans to say they trust the media, but trust has declined among both age groups this year. Currently, 26% of those aged 18 to 49 (down from 36% last year) and 38% of those aged 50 and older (down from 45%) say they have a great deal or fair amount of trust in the media.
We have a new department and head of the ministry of lies and propaganda....

Steve Bannon, how wonderful....

Who would have thunk it?

Briebart is considered news.... while real news is bashed by our President Elect as propaganda....

He's setting us up for a dictatorship, while his supporters just applaud.... and Republicans in power,'s disgusting.
Breitbart is not part of the federal government. This election unmasked the so called "real news" outlets as nothing more than the propaganda arms of the Democrat party.
The "real news outlets" were unmasked as a propaganda arm of the USG in the lead up to Bush's invasion of Iraq, when they helped sell the war to the American people. Now they are trying to sell us a confrontation with Russia.

All the partisan BS makes people stupid.
Yes, I agree with you completely, there were people from both parties that supported Dubya, and that is all irrelevant now anyways.

But the important thing is that to get rid of the upcoming Trump regime, we need a strong bi-partisan coalition of Democrats and Republicans. Plus I actually like the idea of anti-Trump Republicans, they can be strong leaders and now is not a time to be weak, especially considering the threat of the Trump dictatorship.
Can we dispense with all the charged rhetoric for the time being? Can't people discuss things rationally, without all the emotion? You know that's how the media operates right, they play into your bias and emotion, that is why you are so easily manipulated.
We have a new department and head of the ministry of lies and propaganda....

Steve Bannon, how wonderful....

Who would have thunk it?

Briebart is considered news.... while real news is bashed by our President Elect as propaganda....

He's setting us up for a dictatorship, while his supporters just applaud.... and Republicans in power,'s disgusting.
Breitbart is not part of the federal government. This election unmasked the so called "real news" outlets as nothing more than the propaganda arms of the Democrat party.
The "real news outlets" were unmasked as a propaganda arm of the USG in the lead up to Bush's invasion of Iraq, when they helped sell the war to the American people. Now they are trying to sell us a confrontation with Russia.

All the partisan BS makes people stupid.
Yes, I agree with you completely, there were people from both parties that supported Dubya, and that is all irrelevant now anyways.

But the important thing is that to get rid of the upcoming Trump regime, we need a strong bi-partisan coalition of Democrats and Republicans. Plus I actually like the idea of anti-Trump Republicans, they can be strong leaders and now is not a time to be weak, especially considering the threat of the Trump dictatorship.
Can we dispense with all the charged rhetoric for the time being? Can't people discuss things rationally, without all the emotion? You know that's how the media operates right, they play into your bias and emotion, that is why you are so easily manipulated.
So if you see a clear danger, your first reaction is to ignore it, even if it has the potential to destroy everything?
We have a new department and head of the ministry of lies and propaganda....

Steve Bannon, how wonderful....

Who would have thunk it?

Briebart is considered news.... while real news is bashed by our President Elect as propaganda....

He's setting us up for a dictatorship, while his supporters just applaud.... and Republicans in power,'s disgusting.
Breitbart is not part of the federal government. This election unmasked the so called "real news" outlets as nothing more than the propaganda arms of the Democrat party.
The "real news outlets" were unmasked as a propaganda arm of the USG in the lead up to Bush's invasion of Iraq, when they helped sell the war to the American people. Now they are trying to sell us a confrontation with Russia.

All the partisan BS makes people stupid.
Yes, I agree with you completely, there were people from both parties that supported Dubya, and that is all irrelevant now anyways.

But the important thing is that to get rid of the upcoming Trump regime, we need a strong bi-partisan coalition of Democrats and Republicans. Plus I actually like the idea of anti-Trump Republicans, they can be strong leaders and now is not a time to be weak, especially considering the threat of the Trump dictatorship.
Can we dispense with all the charged rhetoric for the time being? Can't people discuss things rationally, without all the emotion? You know that's how the media operates right, they play into your bias and emotion, that is why you are so easily manipulated.
So if you see a clear danger, your first reaction is to ignore it, even if it has the potential to destroy everything?
It's called an election dude, you lost, get over it. If I see bad policies from the new administration your damn right I will be critical, but we haven't seen anything yet.
The rightwing propaganda machine is far more pervasive in the media than the so-called liberal media ever was and it's been that way now for decades.
We have a new department and head of the ministry of lies and propaganda....

Steve Bannon, how wonderful....

Who would have thunk it?

Briebart is considered news.... while real news is bashed by our President Elect as propaganda....

He's setting us up for a dictatorship, while his supporters just applaud.... and Republicans in power,'s disgusting.
Breitbart is not part of the federal government. This election unmasked the so called "real news" outlets as nothing more than the propaganda arms of the Democrat party.

We have a new department and head of the ministry of lies and propaganda....

Steve Bannon, how wonderful....

Who would have thunk it?

Briebart is considered news.... while real news is bashed by our President Elect as propaganda....

He's setting us up for a dictatorship, while his supporters just applaud.... and Republicans in power,'s disgusting.
Breitbart is not part of the federal government. This election unmasked the so called "real news" outlets as nothing more than the propaganda arms of the Democrat party.
Trump Enterprises will also not be officially part of the federal government, but Ivanka, Eric and Donald Jr. will.
We have a new department and head of the ministry of lies and propaganda....

Steve Bannon, how wonderful....

Who would have thunk it?

Briebart is considered news.... while real news is bashed by our President Elect as propaganda....

He's setting us up for a dictatorship, while his supporters just applaud.... and Republicans in power,'s disgusting.
Compared to CNN & the NY Times, The NATL INQUIRER is a real news source now! :p

There was always broad bipartisan support for a number of healthcare reforms, idiot. Ignorant hacks like this one ^^^ should really avoid voting. Securing the border via fence, wall, machine guns is still securing the border. Here have an eyeroll :rolleyes:

It wasn't rhetoric. He even said so himself. He was gonna build a wall coast to coast and Mexico was going to pay for it. 'Was' being the operative word.
We have a new department and head of the ministry of lies and propaganda....

Steve Bannon, how wonderful....

Who would have thunk it?

Briebart is considered news.... while real news is bashed by our President Elect as propaganda....

He's setting us up for a dictatorship, while his supporters just applaud.... and Republicans in power,'s disgusting.
Breitbart is not part of the federal government. This election unmasked the so called "real news" outlets as nothing more than the propaganda arms of the Democrat party.
The "real news outlets" were unmasked as a propaganda arm of the USG in the lead up to Bush's invasion of Iraq, when they helped sell the war to the American people. Now they are trying to sell us a confrontation with Russia.

All the partisan BS makes people stupid.
Yes, I agree with you completely, there were people from both parties that supported Dubya, and that is all irrelevant now anyways.

But the important thing is that to get rid of the upcoming Trump regime, we need a strong bi-partisan coalition of Democrats and Republicans. Plus I actually like the idea of anti-Trump Republicans, they can be strong leaders and now is not a time to be weak, especially considering the threat of the Trump dictatorship.
You dreaming. 90% of Republicans support Trump, and they despise Democrats. We don't want our country flooded with illegal aliens or Muzzie savages.

no thanks.
The rightwing propaganda machine is far more pervasive in the media than the so-called liberal media ever was and it's been that way now for decades.
We have a new department and head of the ministry of lies and propaganda....

Steve Bannon, how wonderful....

Who would have thunk it?

Briebart is considered news.... while real news is bashed by our President Elect as propaganda....

He's setting us up for a dictatorship, while his supporters just applaud.... and Republicans in power,'s disgusting.
Breitbart is not part of the federal government. This election unmasked the so called "real news" outlets as nothing more than the propaganda arms of the Democrat party.

More proof of your profound idiocy. The MSM was caught colluding with the DNC. End of story.

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