Minnesota Democrats make move to remove IIhan Omar from congress

Her district which covers Minneapolistan and has the largest concentration of Somali's in the U.S.
She's likely to be in Congress for a long time.
Uh huh.....are Somalis white?


What is the source of your information?

A link would be nice, so we can prove you wrong more easily.
Minnesota's 5th congressional district - Wikipedia

Thank you for being honest for the first time I can recall.
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So you agree with her that we’re sending aid to Venezuela in the guise of starting a war. Only an anti American pos could make such a comment
John Bolton just recently said that our possible intervention into Venezuela will be us re-implementing the Monroe Doctrine....which is why Elliot Abrams was brought back, he knows all about starting wars in Central America....

How about you go educate yourself on what the Monroe Doctrine is before you open your trap...
Perhaps you should educate yourself about the Monroe Doctrine. It says that the US will prevent other foreign nations from interfering in the western hemisphere. It says nothing about the internal politics of any nation.
And we used that bullshit excuse to oversee a genocide in Nicaragua, just ask Elliot Abrams.....

We used that bullshit excuse to interfere in the internal politics of almost every country in Central America.....did you not know who the fuck Henry Kissinger is??
There was no genocide in Central America and the Monroe Doctrine did not create a basis for any intervention in the western hemisphere.
I wouldn't admit there was a genocide in Nicaragua either if I were you....

And yes, the Monroe Doctrine has done quite a bit to fuck up Central America...
In other words you don't care what the facts are. Typical Democrat.
What "smears" are you referring to?

Conservatives are only pointing out the gal's antisemitism.
Just like we pointed out Mr. Hitler's back in the day.

Hitler embraced it, so should Ms. Omar IMHO
Again.....Did Omar stand up before a Jewish PAC and tell them that they won't give HER money because they only want to give money to politicians that they can control?

Because that is exactly what your cult leader said and I don't recall any outrage....

Did she say that because of a person's particular religion, it is impossible for them to be loyal to the constitution? Because that is what Trump fluffer, Jeanine Pirro said..

What this is about is exactly what Omar said it was -- Neo-cons (Dems and Reps) trying to silence any discussion of Israeli policy towards Palestine, period...

If she wasn't on the House Committee on Foreign Affairs we wouldn't be hearing shit about her being removed from the country -- aside from the usual desires by Republicans that all muslims be removed from the country -- if they are not Saudis of course.

AIPAC doesn’t give any politicians money, retard
Why do you keep avoiding what Trump said?

I swear sycophants are a bunch of little non-principled cowards....

Well I take that back, the only principle you folks have is keeping Trump's penis down your throat....
Why do you keep avoiding the facts. AIPAC does not make any political donations or political endorsements. Omar lied about that. There was no genocide in Central America, Omar make that lie up so she could accuse a Jew of supporting genocide, a not too subtle swipe at the Holocaust.
Are you saying that it is impossible for a Jew to support genocide??

You trump lovers have trafficked in so much BS that it keeps blowing back in your face...Remember how you folks go on and on about how Soros was a Nazi collaborator who engaged in the genocide of his own people?

Now...you tell me....what happened in Nicaragua or better yet, tell me why you folks keep trying to rewrite the history of what happened there?

The simple facts are that there were bloody civil wars in Central America during the Cold War and the US provided some support to one side. This had nothing to do with the Monroe Doctrine, which has not standing as law or policy, but was only a warning to European nations that the US would allow no further colonization of the western hemisphere. There was no genocide.

The other relevant fact is you have shown yourself to be a passionate apologist of anti semitism.
I thought the option for removal of elected leaders was called an election.

I guess I missed something.
She represents her constituents, most of whom are Muslims.
If they don’t want someone with anti-Israel views they will vote her out
thats right....they voted her in,now they have to live with her....next time vote her out.....
That is the way it is supposed to work
except for some people apparently...
According to a new report out this morning from prominent Minnesota Democrats, Rep. Ilhan Omar’s (D-Minn.) time in Congress may soon be coming to an end..

Minnesota Democrats Make Move To REMOVE Ilhan Omar From Congress

Yes!! Hopefully this hold true all that is needed is to get rid of that other anti american c...t who said " mother fkr" your next lady we're coming to get you out of office next mother fkr.
Omar named the beast and provoked the expected howls of bipartisan outrage; what did she say that was inaccurate:

Ilhan Omar Exposes US Hegemonic Positioning and Takes on Both Political Parties

"'I reaffirm the problematic role of lobbyists in our politics, whether it be AIPAC, the NRA or the fossil fuel industry…It’s gone on too long and we must be willing to address it.' And 'I want to talk about political influence in this country that says it is O.K. to push for allegiance to a foreign country....'"

"In other words, whether knowingly or not Illhan Omar poked her head into this lion’s den, and it has had consequences that are likely beyond her imagining at the time she spoke out.

"Omar definitely touched a raw nerve by so defiantly challenging this bipartisan consensus to refrain from criticisms of Israel and its support system — particularly, when her comments seemed to be saying that it is impossible to reconcile such loyalty to a foreign country with the obligations of an elected American official to give priority to national interests."

Support for a racist, apartheid Israel today is no more in the national interest of this country than support for White South Africa was a generation ago.

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