Minnesota Dim stronghold turning to Trump


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

CNN didnā€™t like that one bit.

ā€œIn rural northern Minnesota, things are changing, the temperature, the leaves, the politicsā€ the segment starts out.

And then it goes on to outline how the economic upturn, tariffs on imported steed, and Rep Ilhan Omar are turning lifelong Dims to President Trump and the GOP.

ā€œI think theyā€™ve changed, I see conservative candidates seem to be more for the working person,ā€ says the wife of a miner in Minnesota. Another Minnesota resident tells CNN, ā€œThe Democrats have kinda shifted more to the left, and the Republicans are taking over as the party for jobs.ā€

In 2016, President Trump lost Minnesota by only 44,000 votes.

One female Minnesota resident says it best, ā€œI donā€™t think this is a lock-down state for the Democrats anymore.ā€

And the following comes from the author, not CNN:

Trumpā€™s pro-American policies are having a huge impact on the lives of the forgotten man and woman in America. While Democrats are promising to drain the bank accounts of American workerā€™s to pay for free education and free health care for everyone, including illegal immigrants, a massive new Green Deal scam, and reparations for Black Americans, President Trump is promising a better future for all Americans. It doesnā€™t take a rocket scientist to figure out who working Americans will choose in 2020.

Thatā€™s exactly why the Dims and their lackey media hacks are doing everything they can to smear the president at every turn.

More @ CNN GOES TO MNā€¦Gets Bad News: Voters Are Flipping To Trump In 2020ā€¦Economy, Jobs, Rep. Ilhan Omar Are Reasons [VIDEO]

Wall Street Billionaire: Market Assuming Trump Reelection @ Wall Street Billionaire: Market Assuming Trump Reelection
The hardcore Left has always had a dumb approach to "raising people up".

They divide people into Oppressed (minorities, women, etc.) and Oppressors (whites, men) and then go after the Oppressor. The Oppressed have standards and expectations lowered across the board for them, while the Oppressors hear "you didn't build that", "you didn't earn that", "white privilege" and "cultural appropriation".

Frustration with that is what got Trump elected, and it doesn't appear that the Left has learned from that. They're just waiting for demographics to do their job, and none of this will matter.

And as we continue to lower standards and expectations for the Oppressed, over time that's going to begin manifesting in bad ways. Actually, it already has.
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