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Minority kids are stupid

That's what I've heard, anyway.

Just got back from a program in the kindergarten class my older daughter teaches at a Charter school. A class in which they know cursive, can read books, and can do third grade math by the time the year is over. In kindergarten.

Anyway, they recited all the states and the state capitols, both as a group and individually; they answered questions on American history and geography; they recited the first part of the Gettysburg Address. And they did one mean bunny hop a couple of times in between.

This class is about 80% black or brown.

This class isn't about your skin color or how much money your parents have. It's about maintaining standards and expectations, giving kids pride in their own achievements, and holding them accountable for their actions.

I'll bet we all know this. Some just refuse to admit it.
It’s also about giving them well-funded programs with good teachers.

That aside, charter schools hand pick their students — a luxury regular public schools don’t have.
I am intrigued as to your reasoning. What skills do you believe are needed to make a living wage that are not taught in high school?
By "living wage" I am not talking about minimum wage jobs, Admiral. Although employers in our area are crying that the high school grads coming to them can't make change or read directions or have any concept of employability soft skills, like calling in if you can't show up, and not calling in twice a week, every week.
I teach college transitions and the math skills some of these kids have (or haven't) boggle even my mind--no concept of the meaning of a decimal point, how to figure the price of something that is 25% off, how to figure simple interest on a loan. Not even sure how to attack a word problem involving nothing but subtraction.

It is input from community employers and the admissions office at the local college, all screaming, that the kids aren't prepared. And I see it as we fill the potholes for kids who somehow got that diploma for apparently nothing but showing up and breathing.

My high school allowed me to skate by. I really paid for it in college. My first semester I got all C's and 1 C-. That's below a 2.0 so I was immediately on academic probation. I ended up quitting the wrestling team and the next semester I got a 3.8 GPA.

High school didn't prepare me to know how to study for 4-5 classes per semester. My nephews who go to a private school are already used to having lots of homework. College won't be a shock to them.

Some kids just don’t have the maturity, discipline, or intelligence to manage their time while completing a variety of important tasks. If a kid shows up at college stupid, weak and lazy, there’s no point in blaming high school for that individuals failure as a human being. Such people should stick to one thing and one thing only and probably live by and for themselves alone.

What about my brother? ....


Nobody asked - ever, and it is more than a little creepy the way you keep bringing him up as if chanting an incantation every time you need a substitute for anything of worth to say about yourself. Get some fucking self respect for crying out loud.
But what you said was wrong. You said Some kids just don’t have the maturity, discipline, or intelligence to manage their time while completing a variety of important tasks. If a kid shows up at college stupid, weak and lazy, there’s no point in blaming high school for that individuals failure as a human being

He had the maturity, discipline and intelligence to get a masters from MSU and become a captain of industry. After he taught himself how to study. His high school teachers, like you, sucked. I use him as an example because you suggested I was immature, undisciplined and unintelligent. He blows that theory out of the water.

If it were just me maybe you would have a point but when it happened to him too? He thought he was smart in high school. He got good grades. Then he went to MSU and didn't know what he was doing.

I don't care if you don't like me bringing him up. Here is another fact that says a lot. He pays $50K a year to send 2 boys to private school rather than send them to your classroom. That's what he thinks about you and your methods of teaching.
That's what I've heard, anyway.

Just got back from a program in the kindergarten class my older daughter teaches at a Charter school. A class in which they know cursive, can read books, and can do third grade math by the time the year is over. In kindergarten.

Anyway, they recited all the states and the state capitols, both as a group and individually; they answered questions on American history and geography; they recited the first part of the Gettysburg Address. And they did one mean bunny hop a couple of times in between.

This class is about 80% black or brown.

This class isn't about your skin color or how much money your parents have. It's about maintaining standards and expectations, giving kids pride in their own achievements, and holding them accountable for their actions.

I'll bet we all know this. Some just refuse to admit it.
It’s also about giving them well-funded programs with good teachers.

That aside, charter schools hand pick their students — a luxury regular public schools don’t have.
And the teachers make less. I'd say they make about what a teacher should make. Charter schools are showing public school teachers the future of education

Paid less: Traditional public school teachers' average salary was $53,400, whereas charter school teachers' average salary was $44,500.

I'd say $44K is fair considering they get summers off.
That aside, charter schools hand pick their students — a luxury regular public schools don’t have.

The people who started the school specifically placed it in a low-income area so poorer kids would have better opportunity. They have a waiting list and take whomever is next, no qualifications or other requirements. You're next in line, there's an opening in your grade, you're in. Period.

The kids are kicking ass because they're held to a higher standard. Skin color is absolutely irrelevant, as it should be.

Thanks for admitting what you think about the kids you teach every day. ....

You of course have no idea what it’s like to teach, and therefore no idea what you’re talking about no matter how hard you try to keep talking about it including the use of misrepresentations and flat out lies. What I think about the students I teach every day is that I have great admiration for how hard they try to overcome challenges that SOME people couldn’t even imagine. Some people who enjoy all the benefits necessary to send a rather mediocre student to college who then finds he nearly fails out because he can’t walk and chew gum at the same time. I’m talking about real challenges, not whiny little excuses by the pampered and the soft and weak. Real challenges like trying to do high-level academic work in a second or third language while adapting to a new life in a new culture. Real challenges like walking to and from school through some of the most dangerous neighborhoods in the country. Real challenges like avoiding the drug pushers waiting in the cafeteria or after school to threaten students and their families if they don’t get on board with the sales program. Real challenges like heavy drug abuse, Mental illness absenteeism and violence at home. Violence of the sort some people who think they’re bad asses couldn’t even imagine. Real challenges like being a teenager forced to live independently and fend for oneself including rent and groceries and working at least one full-time job while going to high school. Real challenges like homelessness. Real challenges like bullets whizzing through your kitchen in the middle of the night. Real challenges that mouthy sons of bitches on the Internet can’t fucking imagine. What I really think of the students I teach every day is that I admire them greatly; they have greater strength of character and more iron in their will than most people who ever post on this website. Circumstance and life choices will keep most of them from going to college, but not their children and not the children’s children, and they know this. They know this and even though they are still youngsters themselves they are making sacrifices in planning lives and generations in America through hard work and sacrifice while trying to get the best education they can. That is why I will not do them the disservice of wallowing in low expectations.
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So you agree with unk that first it's the parents fault, then it's the students fault and it's never the teachers fault? ....

I of course never said that. Once again you resort to dishonesty when you invariably lose the ability to defend yourself with reason.
..... He says he is doing the best possible job educating young minds. .....

I of course never said that. Once again you resort to dishonesty when you invariably lose the ability to defend yourself with reason.
Liberals are a minority.

There is only one race, the human race. Bigoted leftists have tried to divide people along ethnic and regional lines as well as physical features.

But yeah, liberals are stupid.

The southern strategy worked on racist white rednecks. It got racist whites to switch to the GOP. Fact.
That was one effective strategy. It also worked on bacteria that prefer to thrive in the mouths of some “races” over that of others. It even conned physiology, and medicine into the act. One hell of a strategy indeed.
Physiology and medicine?
Then you should be able to explain or provide a link to somewhere that can explain what you are talking about.
Some are discussed here if you are interested. There are many more, and they’re at your fingertips if your curiosity moves you to learn about it.
The southern strategy worked on racist white rednecks. It got racist whites to switch to the GOP. Fact.
That was one effective strategy. It also worked on bacteria that prefer to thrive in the mouths of some “races” over that of others. It even conned physiology, and medicine into the act. One hell of a strategy indeed.
Physiology and medicine?
Then you should be able to explain or provide a link to somewhere that can explain what you are talking about.
Some are discussed here if you are interested. There are many more, and they’re at your fingertips if your curiosity moves you to learn about it.

In other words, you didn't watch that video, nor have you read much about it, nor could you give an informed summary in your own words.
That’s amazing... kudos to your daughter for doing an excellent job grooming our youth!
Yes it is amazing finding a teacher actually teaching kids something they need instead of brainwashing them.

The only brainwashing that takes place is that people like you think that brainwashing is occurring in every school in the country and in every classroom.

This. It's a conservative talking point. I say this as a conservative.
Yes, it's the Republican war on education. If you don't like education because you don't get to preach creation science and you are threatened by science then you trash education.

The government is the enemy too. Forget the fact that it's our government. Ignore that the problem is rich people own our government. Never mind all that. Just say the government is the enemy. That's as much as Republicans can understand. Any more explanation goes over their heads.

Scientists are the enemy too. Not the corporate polluters.. It's the scientists who are lying.

And progressive liberals and unions who created the middle class are the enemy too not the corporations who sent their jobs overseas.

And illegals are the problem, not immigrants but employers.
No such thing as a war on education. That's just another libstain lie. Education has been going down the toilet for decades. Libstains are destroying it.
That's what I've heard, anyway.

Just got back from a program in the kindergarten class my older daughter teaches at a Charter school. A class in which they know cursive, can read books, and can do third grade math by the time the year is over. In kindergarten.

Anyway, they recited all the states and the state capitols, both as a group and individually; they answered questions on American history and geography; they recited the first part of the Gettysburg Address. And they did one mean bunny hop a couple of times in between.

This class is about 80% black or brown.

This class isn't about your skin color or how much money your parents have. It's about maintaining standards and expectations, giving kids pride in their own achievements, and holding them accountable for their actions.

I'll bet we all know this. Some just refuse to admit it.
Teachers are grossly underpaid.
They are paid to much for the lousy job they do.

How the hell would you know? When was the last time you sat through a teacher's workday? Notice I said "workday" and not "school day"!

Also notice I said "sat", which is something teacher's rarely get to do during the workday.
It's pretty obvious isn't it? My two grand kids recently graduated high school and they know nothing about civil rights, who any local politicians are, voting, or history of how we got here.Young people are not learning much of anything they need to know. Even when my kids were in school it was obvious from my observations. The teachers refused to discipline the trouble makers because of liberal scum created policies that lead to the creation of more Nicholas Cruz monsters.

If I taught high school I would not teach about local politicians either. For one thing, those folks often hold two-year terms; what's the point? For another, it's too politically fraught. This is a darned if you don't, darned if you do situation which is so commonplace when it comes to schools. DON'T TALK POLITICS but also WHY DOESN'T MY KID KNOW ALL POLITICIANS
But they should still be educated enough to know there are local politicians who control things. They should understand our form of government and be educated on history.
That was one effective strategy. It also worked on bacteria that prefer to thrive in the mouths of some “races” over that of others. It even conned physiology, and medicine into the act. One hell of a strategy indeed.
Physiology and medicine?
Then you should be able to explain or provide a link to somewhere that can explain what you are talking about.
Some are discussed here if you are interested. There are many more, and they’re at your fingertips if your curiosity moves you to learn about it.

In other words, you didn't watch that video, nor have you read much about it, nor could you give an informed summary in your own words.

We know you didn’t. Because it’s run time is longer than the window between my posting it; and your response. Your shipment of “FAIL” has arrived. Sign here please...
Liberals are a minority.

There is only one race, the human race. Bigoted leftists have tried to divide people along ethnic and regional lines as well as physical features.

But yeah, liberals are stupid.

Any other unsubstantiated baseless lies you’d like to spew, nutbar?

You just confirmed it again smackhead, go suck another dick.

Wrong. You public school teachers are not preparing your students for college.
Worse still... The still is the unforgivable crime of convincing all of these kids that they must go to college; when a majority of them flat out, aren’t college material. Which saddles the average enrollee with a debt that on average takes 20 years to pay off. If it weren’t for colleges selling worthless degrees; most of these kids would have no degree at all. And they’d be better off for it. They could pursue careers in profitable trades, and start making money where they might actually have a chance of success. Instead most teachers push kids into a mistake that can take decades to pay off. When they could have been improving their lives.
When’s the last time you heard of a kid flunking out of college? You don’t. No one turns down a paying customer...

I just showed you 30% flunk/drop out.

I'm so glad I got my college degree but it could have been done a better way. They should have a 2 year sales associates rather than make me go 4 years to a business school just to get out and be a salesperson. I didn't need all that.

They need to make better 2 year degrees too and have them be worth something to employers. So rather than make the kid try to get a 4 year degree, which is hard and a lot of work, they could just get a 2 year associates

but right now an associates is worthless pretty much in the business world. That's bullshit.

I can't argue with you too much. It's a racket that's for sure.

Most kids who want to go to college but drop out don't want to go into a trade. They don't know what they want to do. That's why they go to college. Not all but a lot. And that's why a lot drop out or get kicked out.

So that's another thing teachers are doing wrong. Their kids graduate and they don't even know what they want to do. Why does it take humans so long to mature?
Expecting teachers to decide for kids what they want to do with their lives? Is that asking a bit much? THINK about it.
School did not used to be solely for the purpose of getting a job. Now it is. This whole push for EVERYONE to go to college or trade school after high school is silly when you think about why that is. It is because high school doesn't prepare you to make a living wage and doesn't teach the skills necessary to get on in life. But instead of improving the K-12 curriculum and standards, they push two years of a trade school or four years of college that costs $$$$ instead. Makes no sense for most people.

I am intrigued as to your reasoning. What skills do you believe are needed to make a living wage that are not taught in high school?
By "living wage" I am not talking about minimum wage jobs, Admiral. Although employers in our area are crying that the high school grads coming to them can't make change or read directions or have any concept of employability soft skills, like calling in if you can't show up, and not calling in twice a week, every week.
I teach college transitions and the math skills some of these kids have (or haven't) boggle even my mind--no concept of the meaning of a decimal point, how to figure the price of something that is 25% off, how to figure simple interest on a loan. Not even sure how to attack a word problem involving nothing but subtraction.

It is input from community employers and the admissions office at the local college, all screaming, that the kids aren't prepared. And I see it as we fill the potholes for kids who somehow got that diploma for apparently nothing but showing up and breathing.

Let's go back to my comment about not being able to make chicken salad out of chicken shit. I had students who could do all of those things you mentioned, the first time I tested them. My final exams were simply questions selected from previous exams. I gave them study guides to show what was going to be on the test. My results were usually in excess of 60% failed. Those are the people you are trying to hire. They retain nothing for more than the time it takes to get past the test. The have a memory like a capacitor. You can charge a capacitor for months, but as soon as it discharges, there is nothing left!

Failing the final exam is never enough for them to keep from failing. My classes averaged a D on most days, and occasionally a C. You work with what you are given and no effort by the teachers will change it, because all my classes were the same as all of the other teachers teaching the same subject. Most of the time other teachers were trying to get their students to catch up to my students!
My grandkids have career fairs in their elementary school. K-5 meeting with colleges and military recruiters. Just far away from my days of school.

There are 8th graders writing programs for games and other cool stuff. Building bridges with popsicle sticks that can with can handle 150 lbs psi of pressure.

I don't think they are meeting with military recruiters, since recruiters are barred from talking to anyone that is not within 30 days of their 17th birthday or older.

A good recruiter would also not have time to waste on that fluff!

They have the military there, whether they are recruiters or not they are there.

That makes much more sense. An Army recruiter walking into an elementary school would be a major issue. When we find an applicant is underage, we disconnect the call or reply via email that we cannot help them until they are of the proper age.
That's what I've heard, anyway.

Just got back from a program in the kindergarten class my older daughter teaches at a Charter school. A class in which they know cursive, can read books, and can do third grade math by the time the year is over. In kindergarten.

Anyway, they recited all the states and the state capitols, both as a group and individually; they answered questions on American history and geography; they recited the first part of the Gettysburg Address. And they did one mean bunny hop a couple of times in between.

This class is about 80% black or brown.

This class isn't about your skin color or how much money your parents have. It's about maintaining standards and expectations, giving kids pride in their own achievements, and holding them accountable for their actions.

I'll bet we all know this. Some just refuse to admit it.

That's sad and awful. The kids are five and they're doing third grade math? They "know cursive"? They're forced to memorize information they can't even process, like state capitols and the Gettysburg address? At FIVE YEARS OLD. They're spewing trained material and that's it. They understand NONE of it.

This is the problem with charter schools. This stuff looks impressive if you have NO IDEA what kids should really be learning at that age, how they learn, what they retain or what. You will keep a few learners if you keep that up, but lose a WHOLE lot more. Because that's miserable for those kids.

Yeah.. That may be true, BUT -- they are learning the TOOLS of learning.. And to appreciate that feeling of accomplishment.. There are no losers here. There's a discipline to learning and it's never too young to expose children to that...

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