Miracle Drug Causes 75% Reduction in PTSD Symptoms

thank you.......but like what?....

I'll call it a 230 grain self-administered injection of copper & lead into the brain....

I understand that is not the path everyone would choose. In fact most would not. I just see a different way in the world.
why?.....she is doing much better now than she was back then......thats pretty extreme when there are other choices.....
thank you.......but like what?....

I'll call it a 230 grain self-administered injection of copper & lead into the brain....

I understand that is not the path everyone would choose. In fact most would not. I just see a different way in the world.
why?.....she is doing much better now than she was back then......thats pretty extreme when there are other choices.....
Apparently some would like to die before hitting a joint.
thank you.......but like what?....

I'll call it a 230 grain self-administered injection of copper & lead into the brain....

I understand that is not the path everyone would choose. In fact most would not. I just see a different way in the world.
why?.....she is doing much better now than she was back then......thats pretty extreme when there are other choices.....
Apparently some would like to die before hitting a joint.
hey well to each his own as they say....in my wifes case just losing the gran mal seizures and having to put up with the petit mals every now and then makes it worth it for her....
why?.....she is doing much better now than she was back then......thats pretty extreme when there are other choices.....

I have sworn that I will never be a burden on my family or the system. Nor will I survive only by ingesting buckets of chemicals. I'm almost at that limit already. Once I cross those lines there's no point to life as I see it.
and yet you put up nothing but your fucking opinion and im supposed to say...oh ok...

Actually, I had posted links quite a way back. I have not posted my "opinion." I have posted facts which would be easily known to anyone who has a meaningful education on the subject. You can continue posting fluff sites all you want. You continue to demonstrate a grade school DARE class level of knowledge or understanding of the beast that is addiction.

I will repeat it once more. A physical addiction is one where the body develops a need for the substance in question in order to function correctly. If you can't get that much through your head, then there is no need to carry on any further discussion with you.
Apparently some would like to die before hitting a joint.

It's not a matter of liking or disliking. It's a matter of choosing not to engage in what I consider inappropriate activities and not being a burden on my family or society.
thank you.......but like what?....

I'll call it a 230 grain self-administered injection of copper & lead into the brain....

I understand that is not the path everyone would choose. In fact most would not. I just see a different way in the world.
why?.....she is doing much better now than she was back then......thats pretty extreme when there are other choices.....
Apparently some would like to die before hitting a joint.
hey well to each his own as they say....in my wifes case just losing the gran mal seizures and having to put up with the petit mals every now and then makes it worth it for her....
I imagine that it would.

I know I would happily smoke a pound of pot before eating a bullet. Suicide makes no sense to me and neither does taking a perfectly natural treatment and trowing it out because it might make me feel funny for 20 minutes.

the 'altered state of mind' that so many fear is little more than laughing and eating excessively for a bit. The hatred of pot is sooooo overrated it is laughable.
the 'altered state of mind' that so many fear is little more than laughing and eating excessively for a bit. The hatred of pot is sooooo overrated it is laughable.

So you contend that you could make 100% correct moral and life-altering decisions in a split second whole on pot? If not then the product has no acceptable use in my mind.
the 'altered state of mind' that so many fear is little more than laughing and eating excessively for a bit. The hatred of pot is sooooo overrated it is laughable.

So you contend that you could make 100% correct moral and life-altering decisions in a split second whole on pot? If not then the product has no acceptable use in my mind.
the drugs they were giving my wife made it so she was lucky some days to even get out of bed...
and yet you put up nothing but your fucking opinion and im supposed to say...oh ok...

Actually, I had posted links quite a way back. I have not posted my "opinion." I have posted facts which would be easily known to anyone who has a meaningful education on the subject. You can continue posting fluff sites all you want. You continue to demonstrate a grade school DARE class level of knowledge or understanding of the beast that is addiction.

I will repeat it once more. A physical addiction is one where the body develops a need for the substance in question in order to function correctly. If you can't get that much through your head, then there is no need to carry on any further discussion with you.
you mean the duffy rehab one?......i read it....no cigarets were mentioned.....and my sites were...."fluff"?.....geezus....yea your right....talking to you is like talking to Katz.....
Guess Which Miracle Drug Causes 75% Reduction in PTSD Symptoms? (Hint: It's Federally Illegal)
By Phillip Smith


New clinical research suggests there is something that can help: Marijuana. Yep, you read that right. The Journal of Psychoactive Drugs this week published results from a New Mexico study that found patients reported an average 75% reduction in all three areas of PTSD symptoms while using marijuana.

Patients in the study all met the diagnostic criteria for PTSD and were symptomatic. When they used marijuana, they reported significant relief from PTSD symptoms, as well as a lack of harm or problems functioning because of marijuana use. The study used a standard PTSD evaluation tool to rate the frequency and intensity of symptoms.


My guess is; Conservatives will continue to tell our tortured veterans to GFY.


I'm curious who funded the study as Federal Funding for studying weed is non-existent. I didn't read the report, but it makes sense. 75% sounds about right.

Limited research also indicate that cannabinoids prevent cancer. Good for appetite loss for chemo patients. Good for asthma. Good for headaches and hangovers. Cures boredom. Good for pain. Good for nausea.
the drugs they were giving my wife made it so she was lucky some days to even get out of bed...

It's not my place to suggest what you/she should have done but for me...... that's the point where it's time to check out.... permanently.
Guess Which Miracle Drug Causes 75% Reduction in PTSD Symptoms? (Hint: It's Federally Illegal)
By Phillip Smith


New clinical research suggests there is something that can help: Marijuana. Yep, you read that right. The Journal of Psychoactive Drugs this week published results from a New Mexico study that found patients reported an average 75% reduction in all three areas of PTSD symptoms while using marijuana.

Patients in the study all met the diagnostic criteria for PTSD and were symptomatic. When they used marijuana, they reported significant relief from PTSD symptoms, as well as a lack of harm or problems functioning because of marijuana use. The study used a standard PTSD evaluation tool to rate the frequency and intensity of symptoms.


My guess is; Conservatives will continue to tell our tortured veterans to GFY.


I'm curious who funded the study as Federal Funding for studying weed is non-existent. I didn't read the report, but it makes sense. 75% sounds about right.

Limited research also indicate that cannabinoids prevent cancer. Good for appetite loss for chemo patients. Good for asthma. Good for headaches and hangovers. Cures boredom. Good for pain. Good for nausea.
Read the original paper.

It wasn't a study at all.
Guess Which Miracle Drug Causes 75% Reduction in PTSD Symptoms? (Hint: It's Federally Illegal)
By Phillip Smith


New clinical research suggests there is something that can help: Marijuana. Yep, you read that right. The Journal of Psychoactive Drugs this week published results from a New Mexico study that found patients reported an average 75% reduction in all three areas of PTSD symptoms while using marijuana.

Patients in the study all met the diagnostic criteria for PTSD and were symptomatic. When they used marijuana, they reported significant relief from PTSD symptoms, as well as a lack of harm or problems functioning because of marijuana use. The study used a standard PTSD evaluation tool to rate the frequency and intensity of symptoms.


My guess is; Conservatives will continue to tell our tortured veterans to GFY.

My guess is that you will continue to be ignorant.

I've alway thought that pot should be treated like alcohol.

However, you have to be dishonest in your opinion. You did not go looking for this article because you have any sympathy or high regard for the plight of the vet.

You want to get high.

the 'altered state of mind' that so many fear is little more than laughing and eating excessively for a bit. The hatred of pot is sooooo overrated it is laughable.

So you contend that you could make 100% correct moral and life-altering decisions in a split second whole on pot? If not then the product has no acceptable use in my mind.
You cant assure that while on nothing.
Guess Which Miracle Drug Causes 75% Reduction in PTSD Symptoms? (Hint: It's Federally Illegal)
By Phillip Smith


New clinical research suggests there is something that can help: Marijuana. Yep, you read that right. The Journal of Psychoactive Drugs this week published results from a New Mexico study that found patients reported an average 75% reduction in all three areas of PTSD symptoms while using marijuana.

Patients in the study all met the diagnostic criteria for PTSD and were symptomatic. When they used marijuana, they reported significant relief from PTSD symptoms, as well as a lack of harm or problems functioning because of marijuana use. The study used a standard PTSD evaluation tool to rate the frequency and intensity of symptoms.


My guess is; Conservatives will continue to tell our tortured veterans to GFY.


I'm curious who funded the study as Federal Funding for studying weed is non-existent. I didn't read the report, but it makes sense. 75% sounds about right.

Limited research also indicate that cannabinoids prevent cancer. Good for appetite loss for chemo patients. Good for asthma. Good for headaches and hangovers. Cures boredom. Good for pain. Good for nausea.
Read the original paper.

It wasn't a study at all.

The conclusion matches up with observable reality. You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows. I'd also acknowledge ( this paper apparently puts the figure at 25% ) that marijuana freaks some people out. For most of us, it lowers blood pressure and relieves stress. I also know that it can suppress nightmares, which can be a symptom of PTSD. That's not to say that there aren't side effects.

Marijuana as protection against cancer;
Cannabis and Cannabinoids PDQ - National Cancer Institute

"One study in mice and rats suggested that cannabinoids may have a protective effect against the development of certain types of tumors.[3] During this 2-year study, groups of mice and rats were given various doses of THC by gavage. A dose-related decrease in the incidence of hepatic adenoma tumors and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) was observed in the mice. Decreased incidences of benign tumors (polyps and adenomas) in other organs (mammary gland, uterus, pituitary, testis, and pancreas) were also noted in the rats. In another study, delta-9-THC, delta-8-THC, and cannabinol were found to inhibit the growth of Lewis lung adenocarcinoma cells in vitro and in vivo .[4] In addition, other tumors have been shown to be sensitive to cannabinoid-induced growth inhibition.[5-8]"
the drugs they were giving my wife made it so she was lucky some days to even get out of bed...

It's not my place to suggest what you/she should have done but for me...... that's the point where it's time to check out.... permanently.
she was only 23 years old at that time.....35 years later she is now doing much much better...what you are talking about is giving up.....there are always alternatives.....you just dont like the alternatives.....or are scared of the alternatives...
Guess Which Miracle Drug Causes 75% Reduction in PTSD Symptoms? (Hint: It's Federally Illegal)
By Phillip Smith


New clinical research suggests there is something that can help: Marijuana. Yep, you read that right. The Journal of Psychoactive Drugs this week published results from a New Mexico study that found patients reported an average 75% reduction in all three areas of PTSD symptoms while using marijuana.

Patients in the study all met the diagnostic criteria for PTSD and were symptomatic. When they used marijuana, they reported significant relief from PTSD symptoms, as well as a lack of harm or problems functioning because of marijuana use. The study used a standard PTSD evaluation tool to rate the frequency and intensity of symptoms.


My guess is; Conservatives will continue to tell our tortured veterans to GFY.

And, of course for some people, pot causes PTSD-like symptoms. But don't let that stop pot nazis from inflicting that pain into others.

Do you realize how much bigger government has to be to fight your war on drugs?
There's no war on drugs. There never was. China had a war on drugs. They went house to house and dragged users out. Then they were shot and the family billed for the bullet. That's a war.

You are a truly SPECIAL kind of evil.

Never breed, psycho.
I saw the thread title and I opened it with some hope that there would be significant and useful information in the OP. My wife has severe PTSD due to sexual assaults she endured over a period of about 12 months as a teenager.

Instead what I find is another round of "hippy hijinks" trying to pass marijuana off as a useful product. I won't waste my time discussing that topic. So far as I'm concerned, even as someone with epilepsy and glaucoma, I see no useful value in marijuana and never will.

HOWEVER, when one uses a thread title like this one, which is nothing like the content of the thread, it does piss me off. I was hoping to find information on a new medication that might help my wife make major improvements in her life and instead I get the same crap about a substance that is already illegal and should stay that way.

if you knew someone with epilepsy you may have a different opinion.....but a dumbass like you would probably think the anti-siezure meds are better even with their fucked side effects....

No, he would not. He would rather someone die in agony than use marijuana. He is absolutely pure, unadulterated evil on the level of Stalin.
my wife was a major epileptic with gran mal siezures.....they tried every drug out there....they all kept her so sedated she could hardly function.....they were ready to write her off as one of the uncontrolled Epileptics even talking exploratory brain surgery.....her Neurologist said he has been following stories about Pot and Epilepsy and has a few patients using it with positive results as well as other Neurologists at UCI......he said i cant get it for you but its an alternative to consider if i can get it...... pot did more for her than any drug out there.....no more gran mals only Petit mals a few times a month.....and she can function....screw those fucking life sapping drugs.....

Harry, I'm sorry to hear about your wife's condition.

On a personal note, I like to think that in her position I would have made a different choice than the two of you did; but that's a matter of personal choice.

Bullshit. You would rather she were bedridden, sedated into a stupor, lobotomized, or dead. We both know I'm right, so don't bother to deny it.

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