Miracle Drug Causes 75% Reduction in PTSD Symptoms

Guess Which Miracle Drug Causes 75% Reduction in PTSD Symptoms? (Hint: It's Federally Illegal)
By Phillip Smith


New clinical research suggests there is something that can help: Marijuana. Yep, you read that right. The Journal of Psychoactive Drugs this week published results from a New Mexico study that found patients reported an average 75% reduction in all three areas of PTSD symptoms while using marijuana.

Patients in the study all met the diagnostic criteria for PTSD and were symptomatic. When they used marijuana, they reported significant relief from PTSD symptoms, as well as a lack of harm or problems functioning because of marijuana use. The study used a standard PTSD evaluation tool to rate the frequency and intensity of symptoms.


My guess is; Conservatives will continue to tell our tortured veterans to GFY.

And, of course for some people, pot causes PTSD-like symptoms. But don't let that stop pot nazis from inflicting that pain into others.

Do you realize how much bigger government has to be to fight your war on drugs?
What war on drugs? I'm in favor of legalized drugs. But I'm staunchly opposed to those who inflict their drugs onto others.
It's not very surprising as marijuana helps so many things. Now, if the Right will get off their butts and make it happen.
Guess Which Miracle Drug Causes 75% Reduction in PTSD Symptoms? (Hint: It's Federally Illegal)
By Phillip Smith


New clinical research suggests there is something that can help: Marijuana. Yep, you read that right. The Journal of Psychoactive Drugs this week published results from a New Mexico study that found patients reported an average 75% reduction in all three areas of PTSD symptoms while using marijuana.

Patients in the study all met the diagnostic criteria for PTSD and were symptomatic. When they used marijuana, they reported significant relief from PTSD symptoms, as well as a lack of harm or problems functioning because of marijuana use. The study used a standard PTSD evaluation tool to rate the frequency and intensity of symptoms.


My guess is; Conservatives will continue to tell our tortured veterans to GFY.

And, of course for some people, pot causes PTSD-like symptoms. But don't let that stop pot nazis from inflicting that pain into others.

Do you realize how much bigger government has to be to fight your war on drugs?
There's no war on drugs. There never was. China had a war on drugs. They went house to house and dragged users out. Then they were shot and the family billed for the bullet. That's a war.
Guess Which Miracle Drug Causes 75% Reduction in PTSD Symptoms? (Hint: It's Federally Illegal)
By Phillip Smith


New clinical research suggests there is something that can help: Marijuana. Yep, you read that right. The Journal of Psychoactive Drugs this week published results from a New Mexico study that found patients reported an average 75% reduction in all three areas of PTSD symptoms while using marijuana.

Patients in the study all met the diagnostic criteria for PTSD and were symptomatic. When they used marijuana, they reported significant relief from PTSD symptoms, as well as a lack of harm or problems functioning because of marijuana use. The study used a standard PTSD evaluation tool to rate the frequency and intensity of symptoms.


My guess is; Conservatives will continue to tell our tortured veterans to GFY.

And, of course for some people, pot causes PTSD-like symptoms. But don't let that stop pot nazis from inflicting that pain into others.

Do you realize how much bigger government has to be to fight your war on drugs?
There's no war on drugs. There never was. China had a war on drugs. They went house to house and dragged users out. Then they were shot and the family billed for the bullet. That's a war.
The term was popularized by the media shortly after a press conference given on June 18, 1971, by United StatesPresidentRichard Nixon—the day after publication of a special message from President Nixon to the Congress on Drug Abuse Prevention and Control—during which he declared drug abuse "public enemy number one". That message to the Congress included text about devoting more federal resources to the "prevention of new addicts, and the rehabilitation of those who are addicted", but that part did not received the same public attention as the term "war on drugs".[7][8][9] The Drug Policy Allianceestimates that the United States spends $51 billion annually on the War on Drugs.[10]
War on Drugs - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

All that money wasted, like pissing on a forest fire.
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So.....stressed out people smoke pot and get mellow. You needed a study to tell you this?

Good, you agree with the study - what do you think the conservatives/Republicans will do with this study? Will Republicans/conservatives demand more studies be done or-----or will they get off their lazy legislative asses and legalize marijuana? Will conservatives/Republicans continue to allow our veterans to suffer or...?
More study would actually be the only prudent course there is. Interesting that you categorize that as a negative.

To many people want to demand that pot is some sort of wonder drug and it is not and never will be. Legalizing pot is does not fully address this BTW, many PSTD victims are still on active duty and guess what the military's policy is on MJ? It certainly is not to allow it to be taken and that is not going to change for some time. We were reminded of that over and over and over again when Washington finally did legalize pot. There are a host of perfectly legal substances that we are not allowed to take either. Spice was the last big no-no back when it was first released.

I dont really trust the findings of this 'study' all that much without a deeper understanding of the methodology used in it. PTSD is a rather sticky situation with me as I have 2 friends with it - one is outright lying so that he can escape going down range again. The other legitimately has PTSD.

Should we legalize pot? Yes, we should. Not because some study claiming it fixes whatever ailment that they want to drug away this week though - it should be legal because the government has no right to tell me what I can and cannot do with my own body to INCLUDE ingesting whatever I want. As far as I am concerned the arguments for pot begin and end there. If I think it helps with my PTSD then I can take it all I want because it is my right to. I don't need someone to tell me why the government should make it legal, I demand that the government provide a solid reason to deny me my freedom. To date, there has not been a single reasonable reason furnished because there really isn't one.
Jesus seven pages of stupid. The issue isn't whether pot is addictive. It is about how doctors are clueless and can't cure shit. All they do is just push whatever band aid they come across.
Jesus seven pages of stupid. The issue isn't whether pot is addictive. It is about how doctors are clueless and can't cure shit. All they do is just push whatever band aid they come across.
As long as that band-aid is expensive - yes.

Freedom, OTOH, is rather cheap. Let people find what is best and they will.
So you don't even care about helping vets with PTSD. You just won't to mask their problem.
if it helps a percentage of them,then its helping.....why be against that?...[/QUOTE]

I'm not against pot being illegal but it is a pretty lazy approach to helping someone. Its akin to stuffing perpetual welfare in someones face without offering a solution.[/QUOTE]

Well, if it works, what's the problem? Why is booze legal, but not pot?
Lol wow. Someone is obviously projecting. I'm sorry marijuana made you lazy and you failed every aspect of your life. Nothing is going to change that I'm afraid.

Billy, quite being a giant dick and more people will actually take the time to talk to you.
Well, if it works, what's the problem? Why is booze legal, but not pot?
That is the usual fallback for the legalization crowd but it does not belong here. Booze is not an effective treatment for, well, anything at all. I believe the point made against the OP is that medicating a stress away is NOT a 'solution' but rather a method of ignoring the actual problem.

The question to ask here is not weather or not the particular soldiers symptoms abated while high - I think that is a given - but does it actually remove the symptoms after the drug is ceased. I highly doubt that to be the case and if it is not then what dies it matter? You cannot ignore your PTSD by getting high every day - that is NOT what I would call a solution.

The study makes mo mention of weather or not the effects were long term at all. I wouldn't even call it a study anyway as they failed to bother to include a control group. That is grossly unscientific research and I wonder as to why such a 'study' would have been published at all. Even the abstract notes that such a control group is needed to draw a real conclusion.
There is also this little gem buried in the selection process:
Because this was a highly select group of pre-screened patients who had already found that cannabis reduced their PTSD symptoms and who sought entry to the NM Medical Cannabis Program to avoid criminal penalties for cannabis possession, reports of significant symptom reduction could be expected.

Yes, this 'study' is a complete farce. I cannot believe that they even published such garbage.
I saw the thread title and I opened it with some hope that there would be significant and useful information in the OP. My wife has severe PTSD due to sexual assaults she endured over a period of about 12 months as a teenager.

Instead what I find is another round of "hippy hijinks" trying to pass marijuana off as a useful product. I won't waste my time discussing that topic. So far as I'm concerned, even as someone with epilepsy and glaucoma, I see no useful value in marijuana and never will.

HOWEVER, when one uses a thread title like this one, which is nothing like the content of the thread, it does piss me off. I was hoping to find information on a new medication that might help my wife make major improvements in her life and instead I get the same crap about a substance that is already illegal and should stay that way.

Here you go. True withdrawal symptoms can kill you. This is delirium tremens, or alcohol withdrawal:

The main symptoms of delirium tremens are nightmares, agitation, global confusion, disorientation, visual and [7] auditory hallucinations, tactile hallucinations fever, high blood pressure, heavy sweating, and other signs of autonomic hyperactivity (fast heart rate and high blood pressure). These symptoms may appear suddenly but can develop 2–3 days after stopping drinking heavily with its highest intensity on the fourth or fifth day.[8] Also, these "symptoms are characteristically worse at night".[9] In general, DT is considered the most severe manifestation of alcohol withdrawal and occurs 3–10 days following the last drink.[7] Other common symptoms include intense perceptual disturbance such as visions of insects, snakes, or rats. These may be hallucinations, or illusions related to the environment, e.g., patterns on the wallpaper or in the peripheral vision that the patient falsely perceives as a resemblance to the morphology of an insect, and are also associated with tactile hallucinations such as sensations of something crawling on the subject — a phenomenon known as formication. Delirium tremens usually includes extremely intense feelings of "impending doom". Severe anxiety and feelings of imminent death are common DT symptoms.

DT can sometimes be associated with severe, uncontrollable tremors of the extremities and secondary symptoms such as anxiety, panic attacks and paranoia. Confusion is often noticeable to onlookers as those with DT will have trouble forming simple sentences or making basic logical calculations. In many cases, people who rarely speak out of turn will have an increased tendency for gaffes even though they are sober.

DT should be distinguished from alcoholic hallucinosis, the latter of which occurs in approximately 20% of hospitalized alcoholics and does not carry a significant mortality. In contrast, DT occurs in 5–10% of alcoholics and carries up to 15% mortality with treatment and up to 35% mortality without treatment.[2] DT is characterized by the presence of altered sensorium; that is, a complete hallucination without any recognition of the real world. DT has extreme autonomic hyperactivity (high pulse, blood pressure, and rate of breathing), and 35-60% of patients have a fever. Some patients experience seizures.
DT's are bad news. I wouldn't agree with anyone comparing it to pot, but that isn't to say a psychological addiction isn't a real issue either.

I worked in a VA hospital while in college and the top floor was the druggies/loonies. The guy in the worst shape had DTs and was the only one that died while I was there. But there are drugs that can help that a lot now, maybe then too but it was government care, the treatment was double portions of dinner, which he seldom ate.
here are the withdrawal symptoms.....the bolded are physical....from WebMd....

What Are the Symptoms of Nicotine Withdrawal?
In active tobacco users, a lack of nicotine produces a wide range of withdrawal symptoms, including any or all of the following:

  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Constipation or diarrhea
  • Falling heart rate and blood pressure
  • Fatigue, drowsiness, and insomnia
  • Irritability
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Increased hunger and caloric intake
  • Increased desire for the taste of sweets
  • Tobacco cravings
The Symptoms of Nicotine Withdrawal

1 - Headache, fatigue, drowsiness, and nausea have not been shown to be withdrawal symptoms of nicotine. In fact, headaches have been affirmatively ruled out as a symptom of nicotine withdrawal.

2 - Falling hear rate and blood pressure is not a withdrawal symptom. Ingesting nicotine causes these vital signs to elevate. They return to normal approximately 15 minutes after smoking. A return to normal vital signs is not a withdrawal symptom.

3 - As nicotine suppresses appetite cessation results in a resumption of normal appetite. Resumption of normal appetite is not a withdrawal symptom. Increased caloric intake, secondary to a resumption of normal appetite, is not a withdrawal symptom.

4 - Even if any of the above in point 1 could be shown to be withdrawal symptoms, or if the non symptoms were regarded as symptoms, this would not suffice to demonstrate a physical addiction.

A physical addiction is a dependency where the body needs the substance in order to perform normal functions. The simple fact that physical symptoms or sensations are experienced after using a drug, or after ceasing usage does not mean that a physical addiction exists. If it did, then the groggy feeling some people experience when waking up in the morning after taking Benadryl would have to be considered a withdrawal for a physical addiction.

Withdrawal symptoms for physical addictions are things like the seizures, the shakes, delirium, and hallucinations of alcohol withdrawal. Note that some of these are not themselves physical symptoms. But they are caused by the body's development of dependency on alcohol for proper daily functioning.
yea i will believe you over the medical sites.....
no Katz is the one who does that....Billy is asking questions that many people believe to be true....


You are a fucking idiot. "Not true. It's a myth that marijuana isn't physically addictive" is not a question, it's a statement. And it's a false statement at that. I don't know who is more of an idiot....Billy for saying stupid shit, or you for thinking that stupid shit statements are questions, or that people "believe to be true" a question.
maybe you should stick to swimming....Katz is saying stupid ignorant shit that is not backed up and billy is saying things that many people believe because some institutions have said the same thing....but you have a problem with billy.....no wonder many here consider you a dipshit......here let me give you one of these....

It's not often someone comes along who is less than a mouth breather, but when it happens it's a sight to behold. Just not in a good way. Your infrequent breathing has reduced your intellectual function to the level of a persistent vegetative state.
Billy is saying a bunch of stupid bullshit which is factually untrue. It does not matter how many people believe his questions are somehow true. It is impossible for a question to be true, thus anyone who believes his statements are questions, or that questions have a truth value, is also an idiot.

Furthermore, it does not matter if tipsy is a fucking idiot as well. That does not make Billy any less of an idiot, nor does it make his bullshit magically true.
i put up medical sites backing what i posted up.....i notice you did not put up anything backing you up.....could not find anything?....lets see your links....
I saw the thread title and I opened it with some hope that there would be significant and useful information in the OP. My wife has severe PTSD due to sexual assaults she endured over a period of about 12 months as a teenager.

Instead what I find is another round of "hippy hijinks" trying to pass marijuana off as a useful product. I won't waste my time discussing that topic. So far as I'm concerned, even as someone with epilepsy and glaucoma, I see no useful value in marijuana and never will.

HOWEVER, when one uses a thread title like this one, which is nothing like the content of the thread, it does piss me off. I was hoping to find information on a new medication that might help my wife make major improvements in her life and instead I get the same crap about a substance that is already illegal and should stay that way.

if you knew someone with epilepsy you may have a different opinion.....but a dumbass like you would probably think the anti-siezure meds are better even with their fucked side effects....
no Katz is the one who does that....Billy is asking questions that many people believe to be true....


You are a fucking idiot. "Not true. It's a myth that marijuana isn't physically addictive" is not a question, it's a statement. And it's a false statement at that. I don't know who is more of an idiot....Billy for saying stupid shit, or you for thinking that stupid shit statements are questions, or that people "believe to be true" a question.
maybe you should stick to swimming....Katz is saying stupid ignorant shit that is not backed up and billy is saying things that many people believe because some institutions have said the same thing....but you have a problem with billy.....no wonder many here consider you a dipshit......here let me give you one of these....

It's not often someone comes along who is less than a mouth breather, but when it happens it's a sight to behold. Just not in a good way. Your infrequent breathing has reduced your intellectual function to the level of a persistent vegetative state.
Billy is saying a bunch of stupid bullshit which is factually untrue. It does not matter how many people believe his questions are somehow true. It is impossible for a question to be true, thus anyone who believes his statements are questions, or that questions have a truth value, is also an idiot.

Furthermore, it does not matter if tipsy is a fucking idiot as well. That does not make Billy any less of an idiot, nor does it make his bullshit magically true.
i put up medical sites backing what i posted up.....i notice you did not put up anything backing you up.....could not find anything?....lets see your links....

I'll see if I can dig up the studies. But here's an FWI, medical "sites" like webMD aren't exactly the most reliable sources for things like this. They're like going to a general practitioner to receive brain surgery. Ultimately, all you are doing by posting webMD is conceding that you don't actually know what you're talking about, and are just guessing and taking someone else's very vague word for it.
here are the withdrawal symptoms.....the bolded are physical....from WebMd....

What Are the Symptoms of Nicotine Withdrawal?
In active tobacco users, a lack of nicotine produces a wide range of withdrawal symptoms, including any or all of the following:

  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Constipation or diarrhea
  • Falling heart rate and blood pressure
  • Fatigue, drowsiness, and insomnia
  • Irritability
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Increased hunger and caloric intake
  • Increased desire for the taste of sweets
  • Tobacco cravings
The Symptoms of Nicotine Withdrawal

1 - Headache, fatigue, drowsiness, and nausea have not been shown to be withdrawal symptoms of nicotine. In fact, headaches have been affirmatively ruled out as a symptom of nicotine withdrawal.

2 - Falling hear rate and blood pressure is not a withdrawal symptom. Ingesting nicotine causes these vital signs to elevate. They return to normal approximately 15 minutes after smoking. A return to normal vital signs is not a withdrawal symptom.

3 - As nicotine suppresses appetite cessation results in a resumption of normal appetite. Resumption of normal appetite is not a withdrawal symptom. Increased caloric intake, secondary to a resumption of normal appetite, is not a withdrawal symptom.

4 - Even if any of the above in point 1 could be shown to be withdrawal symptoms, or if the non symptoms were regarded as symptoms, this would not suffice to demonstrate a physical addiction.

A physical addiction is a dependency where the body needs the substance in order to perform normal functions. The simple fact that physical symptoms or sensations are experienced after using a drug, or after ceasing usage does not mean that a physical addiction exists. If it did, then the groggy feeling some people experience when waking up in the morning after taking Benadryl would have to be considered a withdrawal for a physical addiction.

Withdrawal symptoms for physical addictions are things like the seizures, the shakes, delirium, and hallucinations of alcohol withdrawal. Note that some of these are not themselves physical symptoms. But they are caused by the body's development of dependency on alcohol for proper daily functioning.
yea i will believe you over the medical sites.....

Translation: You've been pwned and you're now in retreat.

Honestly, you don't need to take my word for it. Go talk to some medical professionals who specialize in addiction treatment, and learn a thing or two.

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